Awaiting Kirin (2020)
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Translations 4
English (en-US) |
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Awaiting Kirin |
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Overview |
After the Onin War, the world is plunged into chaos. Amid this situation, heroes of the warring states begin to emerge in an attempt to unify the country and rule in these turbulent times. In the mid-1540s, there is a young wandering samurai in Mino which is strategically located between the East and West. His name is Akechi Mitsuhide. At this time, there is plenty of internal strife within the Toki clan which rules Mino. Surrounded by the Oda of Owari, the Imagawa of Suruga and the Asakura of Echizen, Mino has constantly faced the risk of invasion. Mitsuhide is pulled into battle and destroys the enemy. His bravery as well as stratagem catches the attention of Saito Toshimasa, the chief retainer of the Toki clan, and he is singled out. This man who is also known as Saito Dosan will go on to takeover the Toki and make Mino his own. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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麒麟来了 |
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这是NHK的第59部大河剧。讲述日本战国时期武将明智光秀从美浓走出,逐步成长为麒麟,最后成为杀死自己主君织田信长的故事。 |
Japanese (ja-JP) |
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麒麟がくる |
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下克上の代名詞・美濃の斎藤道三を主君として勇猛果敢に戦場をかけぬけ、その教えを胸に、やがて織田信長の盟友となり、多くの群雄と天下をめぐって争う智将・明智光秀の謎めいた前半生に光を当て、戦国の英傑たちの運命の行く末を描いた。作:池端俊策。音楽:ジョン・グラム。語り:市川海老蔵。出演:長谷川博己、門脇麦、木村文乃、川口春奈、石川さゆり、染谷将太、高橋克典、吉田鋼太郎、堺正章、本木雅弘ほか。 |
Korean (ko-KR) |
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기린이 온다 |
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전국시대 최대의 미스터리인 '혼노지의 변'을 일으킨 '아케치 미츠히데'의 숨겨진 전반생을 그린 대하 드라마 |