Item: Columbo
Language: en-US
Type of Problem: Incorrect_content
Extra Details: The Columbo TV series is returning the wrong trailer youtube key. It is giving the following Youtube key: QvpgNiU018s which is for the movie, The Color Purple not Columbo as you can see below. You should update it to: 8ZOHmz3bfAI which is the official trailer on the Columbo page. We've had 55 years of Columbo!
{ "id": 873, "results": [ { "iso_639_1": "en", "iso_3166_1": "US", "name": "Official Trailer", "key": "QvpgNiU018s", "site": "YouTube", "size": 360, "type": "Trailer", "official": true, "published_at": "2014-07-08T22:59:44.000Z", "id": "6261dae4992fe6005061b6b5" } ] }
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Reply by Shei
on October 3, 2023 at 1:24 PM
If you're getting a trailer for a movie, that means you're using the wrong endpoint. You need to use the TV videos endpoint, not the movie videos one.