Wedge of Atonement (2008)
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Translations 9
English (en-US) |
Name |
Wedge of Atonement |
Overview |
Merely a flashback episode the culprit for the Ayanagi City disaster when Ayane confronted Ryo and his parents before she summoned her persona. Shin and Ryo had earlier summoned their personas in their youth when Ayane's persona killed them, which caused Shin to suppress his memories of the disaster. The whale feathers were then dispersed throughout the city when Shin's Persona killed Ayane's. Back in the present time, Kanaru had been buried alongside the other civilians who were killed 10 years ago. |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
第 24 集 |
Overview |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
Name |
赎罪之楔 |
Overview |
French (fr-FR) |
Name |
Épisode 24 |
Overview |
German (de-DE) |
Name |
Episode 24 |
Overview |
Italian (it-IT) |
Name |
Episodio 24 |
Overview |
Japanese (ja-JP) |
Name |
贖罪の楔 |
Overview |
十年前のその日。昨日までと変わらぬ日常が明日も続くことを誰もが信じていた冬の午後、 綾凪市沿岸部を中心に突如起こった同時多発事故、そして原因不明の地震を含む多重災害。多くの人々が一瞬にして無気力症状態へと陥り、都市機能が麻痺したその瞬間、その爆心地と呼べる場所――鉛色の富山湾を望む海岸に、小松原彩音、そして両親とともに神郷諒がいた。そのとき、彼の腕の中に抱かれていたのは――。 |
Korean (ko-KR) |
Name |
에피소드 24 |
Overview |
Thai (th-TH) |
Name |
Episode 24 |
Overview |