Translations 6
English (en-US) |
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Ms. Sadistic Detective |
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Kuroi Maya is a female detective who has no sense of loyalty to her organisation, completely ignores rules and loves to see troubled looks on people's faces. She became a detective so that she can torment bad people all she wants. However, she has the ability to get to criminals faster than anyone else because of her keen perceptiveness. Good-natured, earnest but careless Daikanyama Shusuke, is a police officer who works at a police box. At home, he is caught between his strong-minded mother and sister, and gets pushed around every day. But he makes the acquaintance of Maya at a crime scene. Shusuke is unlucky to find himself partnered with her to solve all sorts of cases together. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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抖S刑警 |
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川崎青空警察署刑事一课的巡査部长黑井玛雅(多部未华子饰)以单凭喜欢就可以敲诈坏人为理由而踏上刑警道路,人称“史上最强抖S刑警”。她办案手段极其干练,但特立独行且专横跋扈的办案风格虽然对嫌疑人有着极大的震慑,却也难免遭到同侪的腹诽和指摘。巡警代官山修介(大仓忠义饰)因意外事件被玛雅看中并被选为其搭档,从此掉入“苦海”,为了搜查被安排各种令人觉得羞耻的Cosplay。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
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抖S刑警 |
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黒井マヤ(多部未華子)的癖好是看到別人困擾的表情,於是當上了可以對壞人毒舌拷問的虐待狂刑警,卻擁有敏銳的觀察力。代官山修介(大倉忠義)常因潛入搜查被迫做角色扮演,弱氣的代官山也常被黒井好好地照顧…… |
French (fr-FR) |
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doS Deka |
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Overview |
DoS Deka est une détective sadique du nom de Kuroi Maya. Elle résous des affaires à coup de fouet tout en prenant un malin plaisir à torturer son rookie de coéquipier, Daikanyama Shusuke. Ce n'est toutefois pas une série érotique mais bien une comédie. |
Japanese (ja-JP) |
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ドS刑事 |
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七尾与史の人気シリーズを、多部未華子と大倉忠義の顔合わせで実写化した日本テレビ系ドラマ。相手の情報を調べ尽くし、徹底的に追い詰めるのを得意とする“ドS刑事”が、さまざまな事件を解決していく姿を描く。 |
Korean (ko-KR) |
Name |
도S형사 |
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