Translations 4
English (en-US) |
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Prime Minister Liu Luo Guo |
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Shandong talent Liu Yong (played by Li Baotian) is knowledgeable, as he was born to be hunchback, so he is called Liu Luoguo. This year, it coincided with the triennial examination of the imperial court, Liu Luoguo went to Beijing to catch up with the exam, and near the capital, he played a game of chess with a young son. Liu Luoguo's wisdom and appearance left a deep impression on the other party, this beautiful son turned out to be the current emperor Qianlong (played by Zhang Guoli). |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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宰相刘罗锅 |
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山东才子刘墉(李保田 饰)虽然才高八斗,但却天生是一个罗锅,故人称刘罗锅。这年偏逢朝廷三年一次的大考,刘罗锅上京赶考,在京城附近,他与一位翩翩公子下了一盘棋。刘罗锅的睿智和外貌给对方留下了深刻的印象,这位翩翩公子原来就是当今的皇上乾隆(张国立 饰)。赶考期间,京城里的六王爷举行比棋招亲,刘墉凭着出众的棋艺一举夺魁,随后更是在大考中一举夺魁,深得乾隆赏识。和君主完婚后,刘罗锅被派往江宁任知府。正当刘罗锅一帆风顺时,正直不阿的他和当时的大贪官和绅(王刚 饰)结下了冤仇,两人由此展开了一场场斗志斗勇、引人发笑的斗法。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
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宰相刘罗锅 |
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講述乾隆年間山東人、綽號「劉羅鍋」的劉墉進京趕考遭遇不公,因替考生鳴不平與朝廷寵臣和珅結下樑子。在比棋招親中,劉墉戰勝各方棋手被招為六王爺的女婿,並相約考中狀元就成婚。揭破黑幕後,劉墉果然高中狀元並派往江寧任知府。他與格格成親,還成為了朝廷命官。和珅念念不忘要置劉墉於死地,利用一切可以利用的機會對劉墉百般刁難。自此,劉墉在朝廷、在民間,對公事、對私事,憑著一口鐵齒銅牙多次智鬥和珅,也多次得罪皇帝被貶。最後和珅被扳倒並且賜死,劉墉告老還鄉。 |
Vietnamese (vi-VN) |
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Tế tướng Lưu Gù |
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Tế tướng Lưu Gù là một bộ phim của điện ảnh Trung Quốc kể về Lưu Dung, một vị quan yêu nước thương dân, trung thành với nhà vua. Nhưng vì ở lưng có một chỗ bị gù nên được gọi là Lưu Gù. Bộ phim lấy bối cảnh thời nhà Thanh. |