Day and Night (2017)
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Translations 8
English (en-US) |
Name |
Day and Night |
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Overview |
Twin brothers Guan Hongfeng and Guan Hongyu find themselves caught up in a brutal massacre that destroyed their family. As they face off against a shadowy criminal organization, they join forces with others to uncover the truth behind the 213 massacre. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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白夜追凶 |
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Overview |
一场灭门惨案,让原本逍遥浪荡的关宏宇成了在逃的通缉嫌犯。身为刑侦支队队长的双胞胎哥哥关宏峰,誓要查出真相,但出于亲属回避的原则,警队禁止关宏峰参与灭门案的调查工作。关宏峰义愤辞职。调任了代支队长的周巡处于破案压力,也为了追寻关宏宇的下落,设计让离职的关宏峰以“编外顾问”的身份继续参与各大重案要案的调查。而警队所有人都被隐瞒了。由于罹患“黑暗恐惧症”,白天和黑夜出现在警队的“顾问关宏峰”,其实是由孪生兄弟二人白夜分饰,性格迥异的兄弟两人在警队中马脚不断,背负着随时被周巡及各路人马发现的危险,一路侦破了各种大案要案,目的只是想伺机调阅灭门案的案卷查出真相,以还清白。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
白夜追凶 |
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Overview |
此劇講述的是一場滅門慘案,孿生弟弟關宏宇被誣陷為犯罪嫌疑人,長豐支隊刑偵隊長關宏峰為洗脫弟弟關宏宇的殺人罪名,一路破獲多起案件的故事。 |
French (fr-FR) |
Name |
Day and Night |
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Overview |
Afin d'enquêter sur une horrible tuerie, un détective effrayé par l'obscurité échange chaque nuit sa place avec son frère jumeau en cavale. |
Korean (ko-KR) |
Name |
백야추흉 : 낮과 밤의 진실 |
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쌍둥이 형제가 있다. 형은 유능한 전직 경찰, 동생은 유력한 살인 용의자. 형은 동생의 누명을 벗기고자 동생이 범인이라는 일가족 사건에 뛰어든다. 그리고 그렇게 시작된 수사는 낮과 밤의 얼굴을 달리하는데. 아주 은밀하고 치밀하게. |
Portuguese (pt-BR) |
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Overview |
Ele é um detetive, mas tem pavor do escuro. Para investigar uma série de assassinatos brutais, todas as noites ele troca de lugar com seu irmão gêmeo foragido. |
Spanish; Castilian (es-MX) |
Name |
Día y noche |
Taglines |
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Overview |
Un detective con fobia a la oscuridad cambia lugares en las noches con su gemelo fugitivo para investigar una serie de terribles asesinatos. |
Spanish; Castilian (es-ES) |
Name |
Día y Noche |
Taglines |
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Overview |
Un detective participa en la investigación de un brutal asesinato en masa en el que el principal sospechoso es nada menos que su hermano gemelo. |