Noel Price — Producer

Episodes 24

Future Shock

January 5, 199224m

Alana is 14 years old and living in the year 3000. Her guardian, Tulista is the first person to time travel. Silverthorne wants power and since he doesn't have it in the current time he decides to go back.

After a struggle both Alana and Silverthorne end up on a course back in time to 1990.

In 1990, Jenny has a fairly rough life of her own just dealing with each day.

The capsule lands and Alana escapes just before it goes into a ditch taking Silverthorne with it and she runs for her life.

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A Primitive And Dangerous Time

January 12, 199224m

Waking up in the new time zone Alana is confused and tries to return to the capsule only to be stopped by a security guard.

Without realising what she is doing she picks up some fruit off a stores display without paying for it. The store owner goes after her but gets away.

Alana meets and confides in Jenny about where she is from. Jenny doesn't fully believe her but goes along with the story and follows Alana to where the time capsule was last only to find a bulldozer on the very spot!

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January 19, 199224m

An officer takes Jenny home after Alana once again takes off. She tries to tell her mother about Alana, but she doesn't believe her about Alana being a time-traveller.

Sneaking out later that night Jenny and Alana re-group and Jenny takes Alana home with her to safety. But it's not easy for Alana to take like a normal teenager.

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Sweetness And Fright

January 26, 199224m

Irene makes Alana enrol in school causing a new set of problems for both girls to deal with.

After eating an eclair for the first time and then Jenny's she makes herself sick in science class.

Meanwhile Petey has been into Alana's things and taken off with her transducer.

While Jenny is busy telling Petey that Alana is a timetraveller, Alana is pulled into a car by Silverthorne.

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Don't Tell Mum

February 2, 199224m

Chasing the limo on her bike Jenny finally reaches Alana when the car stops and the two escape together from Silverthorne.

Back home and things are no better as Mr Rooney (the science teacher) is asking questions about Alana.

Later on the next day and Alana and Jenny have good news. The capsule isn't buried. They know this because Alana earlier took a piece of paper from Silverthorn, so she can still home...

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Computer Games

February 9, 199224m

Once again in Mr Rooney's class the girls draw a little attention as they hack into the police database with the help of PJ to find out who the car is registered to.

They find out the information and discover that it is Silverthorne. The girls are almost caught as they snoop around but escape and go home.

Home to where Mr Rooney is staying for tea.

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February 16, 199224m

The girls stake-out Silverthorne but on the first day Jenny loses him. It's Petey who comes up with a new idea while they are putting junk into their shed.

So the plan is set and this time when Silverthorne drives off, attached to the back of his car is a dripping can of paint.

Through a series of events Alana finds the time capsule hidden in Silverthorne's house. She asks it to send her home, but she's stuck there for another 13 days.

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February 23, 199224m

Petey manages to create a distraction allowing the girls to once again escape from Silverthorn.

Back home, Jenny's mother Irene is getting set to go out guessed it...Mr James Rooney. While the girls go about telling Irene about the capsule, James turns up and she decides to tell him to truth about Alana.

James has the idea to do a news story on the show 'Newsprobe'. Annoyed at the interview Alana does Silverthorn breaks in and steals the transducer.

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Truth And Lies

March 2, 199224m

The news story back fires when Alana goes to do a second interview and the transducer doesn't work.

Now the welfare turns up to investigate having found no record of Alana, and they take custody of her.

Silverthorn has no success with the transducer and sends one of his men to find Alana. He does and with a few fake certificates gets custody of Alana.

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March 9, 199224m

Alana manages to heal Silverthorn's brain tumour and he promises to send her home. Only instead he creates a force field around the capsule so Alana can't get to it, making it impossible for her to get home.

Meanwhile, James, Irene and Jenny set about trying to work out how they can rescue Alana and get her home safely.

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Captain Zero Strikes Again

March 16, 199224m

Jenny keeps replaying the message Alana left for her on PJ.

Both Irene and Jenny get James to take the day off teaching in order to help them find and rescue Alana. They manage to rescue her and get the time capsule.

But Silverthorn vows he'll get it back.

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Last Stand At Kelly Deli

Season Finale
March 23, 199224m

Finally Alana can go home. The capsule is in the garage and everyone is saying their goodbyes. And then Silverthorn turns up and Irene tries to stall him as best as possible.

After a struggle and explosion Jenny is injured and Alana must take her and Silverthorn back to 3000 in order for her to be healed.

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The Time Gate

August 4, 199224m

Alana and Nick find Silverthorn in his hide out testing the new TimeGate. It works, so they decide to go to the area where Silverthorns mansion was in 1990. Silverthorn goes back to 1990 and tells is mate Eddy that they are going in to the water business, shipping water from 1990 to 2500, because water is more precious than gold in 2500. When Silverthorn gets back to 2500, the Globecops are there waiting for him, he gets captured and they take him with the TimeGate back to Globcorp.

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A Time Without Vegemite

July 13, 199324m

Jenny is in the year 3000 and has recovered from her injuries fully. Silverthorn meanwhile is claiming he doesn't remember a thing which happened.

But things go wrong when Silverthorn gets Alana and Lorean's transducers. He of course, was faking amnesia all along.

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The End Of Everything

July 20, 199324m

Silverthorn locks them all up and takes PJ off of Alana.

Jenny meets a guy named Nick who is curious to know all about the 1990's, Silverthorn goes after them and Nick helps Jenny to get away.

They finally get the capsule back and return Jenny home, only when Lorean and Alana return back to 3000 nothing is the same, something has gone terribly wrong.

They then return back to Silverthorn's time. He after all must have something to do with all this...

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The Other Alana

July 27, 199324m

They arrive just before their other selves do and they hide the capsule after Lorean locks the hatch to her palm print.. They follow Their other selves into Silverthorns hide out and after they are captured, they brake their other selves free. Globecops come and find the Alana and Lorean, happy that they sent themselves free, they try to convince the Globecops that all the weapons in the hide out are Silverthorns. They check for ID on their arms and rip PJ off Alana's arm and through it to the ground. They take them away to Globecorp for modification. Lorean gets modded, but Alana escapes and goes back to Nicks. She tries to open the capsule but it won't open because it was locked to Loreans palm print. Nick teams up with Alana and they go and look for Silverthorn. Silverthorn's weapons are all gone in his hide out but they find PJ and tries to get it to play back the holodisk he stole from the year 3000. After a brief argument, PJ plays it back. Silverthorn and his gang loot a Globeco

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Sucked Into The Future

August 11, 199324m

Silverthorn lies to the Manager of Earth Globecorp, Draco, that it's a water Synthesiser and he'll give Draco a 100 litres of water three times a week to keep him happy and quiet about it. Silverthorn is back in business and is using his hide out (which is a warehouse in 1990) to ship water to his time. Petey, Jenny's little brother, sees Silverthorn and follows him into the ware house. He goes home and tries to tell everyone that Silverthorns back. No one believes him, but Jenny follows him back to the ware house anyway. They see Silverthorn there and hide in the swimming pool near the TimeGate. Jenny finds PJ on the side of the pool and puts it on her wrist. Has they start to transport water through the TimeGate via a big inlet pipe, Petey and Jenny get sucked through and end up in 2500. Jenny escapes from the water tank in 2500, but Petey is left in there. Jenny meets up with Alana and Nick just before they are about to pull the building down on the TimeGate, but they don't because

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The Grandmother Of Invention

August 18, 199324m

When going back to Nicks place they see the Modded Lorean and they follower her to a waste disposal site. Alana dresses up as a Moddy and tries to free Lorean but instead she goes back to Globecorp with her to try and free both Lorean and Petey at the same time. Jenny cuts her leg on the fence and has to go to Nicks grandmother, Mauve, to get it treated. Alana finds Petey in the Globecorp building, but he has told Draco that he came from 1990 and came through Silverthorns TimeGate. Draco has gone off to make a new deal with Silverthorn. Jenny finds out that Nicks Grandmother was the one who invented the first transducer, and she helped make it work for her. They go back to Nick's and wait for Alana.

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Escape From Globecorp

August 25, 199324m

Petey and Alana send a Drone to Nick's place and tell Jenny that they need her help to get out of Globcorp. Jenny gets the very first Transducer and races off to the Globecorp tunnel with Nick. Draco arrives back and discovers the plan that Alana and Petey are going to escape. Draco tricks Petey into coming with him for a moment and slightly Modds Pety and gives him a watch. He is to press the stud on it when they find the Time Capsule. Alana and Petey then escape to the tunnels under Globcorp and Jenny breaks them out with the transducer.

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A Chase Through Time

September 1, 199324m

They go back to Mauve's place and Alana tries to bring Lorean out of the Moddy trance but is unsuccessful. They leave Lorean there and go to Silverthorns via the capsule. Petey presses the stud but stays at the capsule, pretending to hurt his ankle. The rest go to Silverthorn's and find that Draco has gone back to 1990 with Silverthorn already to steal some Nuclear warheads. Alana, Jenny and Nick get through the TimeGate without being seen and find Silverthorn tied up in a chair. He was double crossed by Draco. They accidentally set a bomb off and they use PJ to disarm it but it doesn't work and Alana finds the transducers and levitates the bomb out side the building just as it explodes. Silverthorn teams up with them so he can get Draco back. They leave in a van, going to an American war ship which has the Nukes onboard. They forget about PJ lying under the table where Alana dropped it. They are stopped by the cops, and they split up, Alana and Silverthorn go to get Draco at the warsh

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Showdown at 'Eddie's Pools'

September 8, 199324m

Nick and Jenny go back to the warehouse and try to stop Draco there. They build a barricade around the TimeGate and Jenny finds PJ. The Barricade doesn't work and Jenny gets captured and Nick runs through the TimeGate just as it's closing. Silverthorn and Alana are stranded in 1990. Jenny is taken back to Globecorp but Nick escapes and uses Loreans palm print open the capsule. Petey is still there and the Globecops jump out, but Nick gets into the capsule and goes back to stop Draco again in 1990. But not before the capsule gets hit by three laser shots. The capsule arrives on a tip in 1990 and Nick runs off to stop Draco. He finally gets to the ware house again but he is to late, and finds Alana and Silverthorn standing there with their mouths open.

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In The Nik Of Time

September 15, 199324m

Nick explains he took the capsule back to 1990. They go to pick it up at the tip, but the police have impounded it. They go to Jenny's house and tell Jenny's mum, Irene, what happened to Jenny and Pety and James Rooney, Irene's Boyfriend and Jenny's science teacher, uses his licence to get the capsule back off the police. They want to get inside the Globecorp building so they can stop Draco setting off the bombs. They find out that the Globecorp building does exist in 1990 and it's under the name 'Global and Interstellar Research', it is an earlier version of Globecorp.

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The Great Disaster Begins

September 22, 199324m

They take the capsule up to the top floor, pretending to be film makers and Alana, Nick and Silverthorn (who now has a water pistol as weapon) take the capsule back to 2500, but he power cells are damaged from the laser fire and it's fast running out of power. They make it to 2500 and are found with the capsule and are captured again. Draco is happy that he now has the time capsule as well. Jenny uses PJ to shut the power down to the building and threatens Draco that he'll be arrested by the mythical 'Time Police'. But it doesn't work and she's captured as well. Silverthorn threatens Draco with his water pistol and Draco thinks it's real, so asks Silverthorn to join him again and help him rule the world. Draco plains to destroy the 'Peace Platforms', satellites in space that let the people on the moon (All the Globecorp bigshots) control Globecorp, with the two nuclear weapons he stole from 1990. Alana realises that if the peace platforms are destroyed, it will kill the entire world be

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Kings Of The Dinosaurs

Season Finale
September 29, 199324m

Alana doesn't know what to do, PJ can't interface with the Rockets navigation system from Earth. They decide to sent PJ up on a Drone (so they can talk to PJ while it's up there) into space using Alana and her Transducer. Alana gets tired very quickly and decides that she can't push PJ that far into space. Jenny suggests a mind link, this is where two transducers are linked together via the blue beam and thus, had the power together to create a strong levitation field. They manage to mind link successfully and send PJ off into space at a fantastic speed. They make contact with the Rocket and PJ interfaces with the onboard computer and just before it hits the peace platform, changes the navigation course. Alana and Jenny put their transducers back on to get PJ down but, it says it's frozen to the space ships surface and the Nuclear warhead has activated and it can't be shut down. The trigger has seven seconds until detonation, PJ's last words are ""Explosive reaction beginning, I've plea

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