Episodes 250



March 23, 200020m

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March 24, 200020m

As C.J. helps feed little Eric, Becky asks him about his thoughts on Rick and Amber getting back together. C.J. says that it will never happen, but Becky has other ideas. Rick helps Kimberly into the dress he bought her, before heading off to the Cafe Russe. Amber is horrified when she sees that she is going to have to bus their table. Brooke and Thorne make small talk as they work, but Thorne abruptly leaves when they start reminiscing about Venice. Brooke later opens the box left from Venice and finds a wedding gown from Thorne inside. Trying it on, Thorne returns and tells her to take it off. Giovanni goes to enter, but Megan stops him telling him that Brooke didn't want to be disturbed. Brooke tells Thorne that she can't have the wedding, but asks for a dance instead.

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March 27, 200020m

Kimberly and Rick are shocked when they see Amber setting their table. Kimberly wants to leave but Rick convinces her to stay. Kimberly flaunts her relationship with Rick in front of Amber until she ends up crying. Becky and C.J. look through her photos of Paris. As Becky reads some poetry, C.J. confesses his love to Becky. Megan tells Giovanni how deep Brooke's feelings for Thorne are, and how she hopes that they can work it out before it's too late. As Thorne and Brooke dance, he goes in to kiss her but is interrupted when his pager goes off. Brooke later apologises as Thorne offers to leave Forrester Creations to make things easier. Worried about Macy, Thorne tells Brooke to forget what just happened between them.

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March 28, 200020m

At the Cafe Russe, Kimberly tells Amber to leave them alone as she fusses around their table. Rick apologises to Kimberly, but she complains to the manager that Amber is harassing them. Amber gets fired, but Rick intervenes to stop her losing her job. Ridge and Morgan arrive at their hotel in Paris. Morgan is upset to see that they will be sharing a suite. Brooke finds Taylor in Ridge's office at Forrester Creations. Taylor explains that she wants to get hold of Ridge. Brooke tries to make Taylor jealous by playing on her insecurities about Morgan. When Taylor calls Ridge in Paris and Morgan answers the phone, Taylor learns that they are sharing a room. Morgan later catches Ridge in the shower.

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March 29, 200020m

Becky tells C.J. how surprised she is that their relationship is going so well, both agree that they thought it would be complicated. C.J. later goes to Spectra Fashions where Sally and Clarke jump on him for spending time with Becky. C.J. tells them not to judge her, and informs his parents that Becky is coming to dinner the following night. Amber tells Becky that Rick saved her from being fired, but how cold he still remained towards her. Brooke visits Stephanie at home and questions her about Morgan and Ridge's past. Stephanie insists it was just a fling but Brooke isn't convinced. At Forrester International, Suzanne sets Ridge and Morgan up in their office. Ridge later jokes with Morgan about how she dumped him and ran off. Morgan flips out and tells him never to mention that again.

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March 30, 200020m

Becky tells Amber that she had some tests done for some stomach aches that she has been having and adds that she has been feeling tired lately. Becky later tells Amber about how happy she is with C.J., and she questions Amber about her feelings for Rick. C.J. sees Rick at Insomnia and they discuss Kimberly and Becky. Becky calls C.J. and asks him to get Rick to visit the baby tonight to get him alone with Amber. C.J. arrives home and finds Sally and Clarke are not interested in having dinner with Becky. He orders them to be civil to her and to take the chance to know her. As Amber babysits little Eric, Rick arrives and the two realise that they have been set up. At Forrester International, Ridge questions Morgan about why she left him, against her objections. Ridge massages Morgan's neck when she seems stressed, but she later rushes out. Ridge finds Morgan packing her things in the hotel room and he damands to know what is going on.

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March 31, 200020m

In Paris, Ridge refuses to let Morgan leave until she admits the truth to him. Morgan tells Ridge that she has always loved him, and that she only left him because she was pregnant. Morgan confesses that she had an abortion. At Sally's penthouse, Sally tells Becky that she wants what's best for C.J. and her baby doesn't fit into that picture. Becky explains that she too wants C.J. to be a success, she loves him, and she won't stand in the way of that. Sally admires Becky's guts to stand up to her. Rick and Amber grow closer as they play with little Eric. Amber thanks him for saving her job, and Rick can't keep his eyes off Amber as she walks around in scantily clad. Later Amber receives a call from a Dr. Fetter, who Becky had previously seen that day. Believing Amber to be Becky, he advises her to come to hospital right away as he informs her that her test results showed signs of cancer cells.

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April 3, 200020m

In the hotel room in Paris, Ridge vents his anger at Morgan for destroying a child he didn't even know exsisted. Morgan tells him that she wanted the baby, but Stephanie took control and forced her to have an abortion. Ridge later calls Stephanie and yells that he'll never talk to her again. After dinner, Becky opens up to Clarke and Sally about how she grew up. Sally asks about little Eric's father, but Becky assures them he'll never be in the picture. Clarke and Sally warm to Becky as they welcome her into their family. Amber goes to the hospital posing as Becky and Dr. Russell, the oncologist, tells her that she has cancer of the pancreas and must have a biopsy. Later, as C.J. takes Becky home, Amber sits in the darkness and sobs.

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April 4, 200020m

At Spectra Fashions, Sally calls C.J. to her office to tell him that she made a mistake in not trusting Becky. Sally wishes her son happiness as C.J. says that he wants to be with Becky for the rest of his life. Amber tries to tell Becky that she might have cancer, but holds back when Becky gushes with happiness about C.J. Amber only tells Becky that the doctor called and wants to do more tests, so Becky agrees to go. Macy goes to Brooke and tells her that she wants to put things behind them. Asking to be friends, Macy invites Brooke to a barbecue at Thorne's beach house. Brooke later cries to Thorne that Macy has no idea about how close herself and Thorne were.

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April 5, 200020m

Rick finds Kimberly in the studio at Forrester Creations. Rick tries to make love to Kimberly but she stops him again. Macy arrives and invites Rick and Kimberly to the barbecue at Thorne's beach house. Megan sences that Brooke is upset, so she takes three male models to Brooke's office to show off the lastest line of male underwear from the Brooke's Bedroom line. Rick drops in and Brooke asks him about how things are going with Becky. Rick tells her that Becky is a great mother and the baby is happy. Amber and little Eric go with Becky to the hospital. Becky nervously has the nurse do the tests. Later, Amber again pretends to be Becky as Dr. Russell calls. He tells her he needs to see her right away.

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April 6, 200020m

At Spectra Fashions, C.J. shows Sally some diamond earrings that he has bought for Becky. Clarke brings in a tuxedo for C.J. as he informs Sally that he's taking Becky to the Cafe Russe. Becky returns home from work early because she is exhausted. Becky answers a call from C.J. and tells him she can't go to the Cafe Russe, but a dress arrives for her and she is thrilled to go. C.J. picks Becky up for their date, as Amber prepares to go visit Dr. Russell. Thorne and Macy prepare for the barbecue at his beach house. They make love before Sally and Clarke arrive. Macy learns that C.J. is out with Becky, and Sally comments that she is happy both her children are in love. Becky and C.J. arrive at the Cafe Russe, while Amber awaits Becky's test results in the doctors office.

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April 7, 200020m

Rick and Kimberly arrive at Thorne's beach house barbecue. Eric attends alone as Stephanie is visiting a friend. Sally and Eric both state how happy they are that Thorne and Macy are together. Thorne later asks Sally if she has heard from Adam, but she informs him that she doesn't intend to. Rick and Kimberly go to the bedroom but are interupted again when Eric comes in to take a telephone call from Ridge. Macy goes to use the phone in the kitchen and hears Eric and Ridge on the other line. She is shocked when she hears Ridge and Eric discussing their plan from Venice. At the Cafe Russe, Becky marvels that she is there. Becky is even more blown away when a plate arrives with the diamond earrings on it that C.J. bought her. At the hospital, Amber, posing as Becky, is informed that Becky has a stage four cancer of the pancreas. Dr. Russell tells her that they can ease the pain but there is no chance of a recovery. Amber is distraught when the doctor gives Becky six months to live.

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April 10, 200020m

Dr. Russell gives Amber a perscription and advises her to make arrangements for the baby. C.J. and Becky enjoy their meal at the Cafe Russe as they declare their love for one another. Amber later arrives and Becky is concerned when she sees Amber crying. Brooke arrives home and tells Katie that Macy invited her to a barbecue. Brooke says that any hope she had of reuniting with Thorne has died. Meanwhile at the barbecue, Macy is stunned with what she hears and Eric, Sally and Clarke soon leave when they notice her strange behavior. Rick helps Thorne clean up after the party, while Macy takes Kimberly aside and informs her of what she heard. Kimberly is amazed when Macy says that Thorne only married her because of what Eric and Ridge did.

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April 11, 200020m

As Rick tells Thorne about his sexual frustration with Kimberly, Macy is inside going out of her mind rehashing Eric and Ridge's conversation. Kimberly advises Macy to calm down, but she is unable to control her fears that Thorne would rather be with Brooke. In Paris, Ridge questions Morgan on what happened to her after her abortion. She tells him that Stephanie sent her away, and ever since she has suffered from depression and she almost had a nervous breakdown. Stephanie is at home with Eric as she tells him of her concerns about Morgan. Eric thinks Stephanie is making an issue out of nothing, but Stephanie insists that Morgan is cunning and after Ridge. Stephanie later calls Ridge, but Morgan takes the call. Stephanie warns Morgan not to return to Los Angeles, but Morgan informs Stephanie that she is going to make her pay.

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April 12, 200020m

As Morgan and Ridge board their return flight to L.A., Ridge shows Morgan photographs of Thomas, and the twins. Morgan tells Ridge that she hopes she has the same family life one day. Taylor visits Stephanie at her home and Stephanie begins warning Taylor that Morgan is a threat to her marriage, although Taylor won't hear of it. Amber makes Becky a smoothie and secretly blends up her medication into it. Later, Megan senses something is wrong when Becky winces in pain, dropping files everywhere. Amber goes to Stephanie seeking help. Stephanie refuses to talk to Amber, so Amber is forced to tell Stephanie that Becky has cancer.

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April 13, 200020m

Ridge returns home to Taylor and the kids with gifts. Ridge tells Taylor how much he missed her before they head over to Forrester Creations. Brooke attempts to drill information from Morgan about her time with Ridge in Paris. Brooke later tries the same thing with Ridge. Morgan sees Taylor in Ridge's office with the kids and thinks about the family she could have had with Ridge. Becky works with Thorne in his office when she experiences some stomach pain and Thorne notices. Amber informs Stephanie that Becky is dying and Stephanie insists that Becky has to be told. Amber makes Stephanie see that she is trying to spare Becky the pain as this is the first time in her life that she is happy. Stephanie holds Amber as she sobs.

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April 14, 200020m

Brooke questions Ridge about his involvement with Morgan. Ridge tells Brooke to butt out, but she doesn't let up. Taylor stops by Morgan's office and Morgan confesses to Taylor that she is jealous of her family. Morgan says that her life is empty and she wants a baby. Taylor promises to help her. Thorne questions Becky about her stomach pains but she changes the subject. Stephanie believes Becky should be told about her condition but Amber refuses to kill Becky's dream of a happy life. Amber pleads with Stephanie to keep the truth to herself and help make Becky's final months worthwhile. Becky comes by with some samples for Eric and is surprised to see Amber and Stephanie talking.

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April 17, 200020m

Taylor suggests Morgan find a husband to have children with, but Morgan insists that she just wants a baby and not a man. Taylor suggests they look into artificial insemination. Becky thinks Stephanie and Amber making up is reason to celebrate but Stephanie suggests Becky go home and rest. Amber thanks Stephanie for not telling Becky about her cancer and Stephanie promises to help Amber make Becky's final months happy. Macy prepares a special dinner for Thorne. He tells her that he has to go to the office but promises to be home in time for the meal. Kimberly drops by and Macy tells her to forget their last conversation, telling Kimberly that she won't allow Brooke to become an issue. Thorne later calls Macy and tells her that he is going to be late home. Macy learns that he is working with Brooke.

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April 18, 200020m

Morgan tells Ridge about her decision to have a baby. Ridge tries to talk her out of it, but Morgan says that having a baby will finally end the nightmare of her abortion. Giovanni stops by Brooke's office and worries about her working with Thorne. Brooke tells him that she respects Thorne's marriage to Macy, although it isn't easy for her. Macy sits alone waiting for Thorne as Kimberly calls. Kimberly offers to come over and be with Macy, but Macy assures her that she is fine. When Thorne arrives home he finds Macy in bed. As Brooke calls to thank Thorne for staying late to finish their work, Macy tries to contain her tears of pain and dissapointment.

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April 19, 200020m

Macy brings Thorne lunch to his office but he is too busy with work to talk to her. Macy suggests they go out for dinner but then Thorne gets called away. Macy finds Brooke and begins questioning her about her feelings for Thorne, but Brooke refuses to discuss it. Macy later finds the boxed wedding dress from Venice and is confused when Thorne takes it away. Eric sends Becky home early when she begins experiencing some pain. Stephanie stops by to visit Amber and they begin planning a birthday party for little Eric's first birthday. Becky arrives home and is thrilled at what they are doing. Becky is happy that the Forrester family still love her son.

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April 20, 200020m

Becky drops by Spectra Fashions to meet C.J. before little Eric's birthday party. Sally is suspicious when Becky tells her the Forrester's are throwing it and that Amber will be there. Amber visits Kimberly in her college dorm to invite her to the party. Kimberly refuses to talk to Amber and tries to throw her out. Rick arrives and tells Amber that he and Kimberly will be attending. Eric finds the house ready for the party and is sure there is more going on than he knows when Stephanie tells him that Amber and Brooke will be coming. Thorne arrives but tells Stephanie that he couldn't get hold of Macy. Rick and Kimberly arrive, followed by Amber and finally C.J. and Becky with little Eric. As everyone gathers Eric's suspicions grow when he sees how close Stephanie and Amber are.

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April 21, 200020m

Darla learns about the birthday party and shares in Sally's suspicions, but Clarke tells them that they are being silly. As the party begins, Stephanie has to get Amber to compose herself as she starts to break down. Brooke arrives and refuses to be in the same room with Amber but Stephanie convinces her to stay. Eric then demands to know what is going on and so Stephanie has to tell him about Becky's cancer. Eric agrees to keep quiet about it and help Becky enjoy her final months. Thorne and Brooke talk, while Kimberly tries to listen in on their conversation. C.J. apologises to Stephanie for the harsh words he said to her in the past, but Stephanie assure him it's all forgiven. Everybody sings happy birthday to little Eric as Stephanie, Eric and Amber all exchange knowing glances.

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April 24, 200020m

As the party continues, Eric lets Amber know that he knows about Becky's cancer. Eric hopes that what Amber is doing is the right thing. C.J. notices Eric hug Amber and questions her about it, but Amber insists that nothing is going on. Brooke and Thorne also become suspicious of what's really going on when Brooke sees Stephanie talking with Amber. Thorne attempts to call Macy but receives no response. As he leaves to find her, he forgets to take his phone. Macy calls Thorne back but Brooke finds Thorne's phone and answers, leaving Macy even more worried about Thorne and Brooke's involvement. As everybody leaves the party, Amber thanks Eric and Stephanie for all they've done, while C.J. looks on. Macy is at an AA meeting and wonders why Thorne hasn't arrived to be with her to support Roberta. Thorne later arrives but everyone is gone, meanwhile Macy sits at home and finds alcohol in the cupboard.

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April 25, 200020m

Taylor tells Ridge that Morgan left her a note with just an address on where to meet. Ridge thinks it's good that Morgan has Taylor to talk to. Following the address, Taylor finds herself at a fertility clinic. Taylor tries to convince Morgan to wait a while for a baby, but Morgan insists she needs a baby now as she leads Taylor in to see Dr. Palmer with her. Stephanie stops by Ridge's office to ask why he didn't attend little Eric's birthday party. Ridge tells her that he doesn't want to be around her. Ridge comes down on Stephanie for Morgan's abortion, but Stephanie tells him that she has no regrets, saying that she would do it again. Thorne apologises to Macy for missing her AA meeting. Macy questions Thorne about where he was and why Brooke was there, then adds that he spends too much time with Brooke. Later, Macy drives herself crazy with worry about Brooke and opens a bottle of wine, but manages to avoid temptation.

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April 26, 200020m

Sally takes Clarke to the Cafe Russe and informs him that Becky will be joining them. Becky tells Sally about the birthday party and how Amber was welcomed. Once alone, Sally tells Clarke that she is going to find out what's going on, as Amber overhears and freaks out. Dr. Palmer tells Morgan about the artificial insemination procedure, but once she sees the room and memories of the abortion fill her mind, Morgan quickly runs out. Ridge lays into Stephanie when she refuses to take any responsibilty for Morgan's pain. Ridge also lets it slip that Morgan is living in the beach house, Stephanie isn't impressed. Taylor later comes by to see Ridge and tells him how Morgan freaked out at the fertility clinic. Morgan arrives home and finds Stephanie there. Stephanie tells Morgan to pack her things and get out.

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April 27, 200020m

At the Cafe Russe, Sally and Clarke continue to question Becky about why Stephanie forgave Amber, but Becky insists that there is no hidden agenda. Sally grabs Amber on the way out and warns her that she will find out what's going on. C.J. stops by Eric's office to ask if Becky can have the day off work so he can take her to Santa Barbara. Eric agrees then calls Amber telling her he needs to see her right away. Ridge and Taylor spend some quality time together with the kids before going to bed to make love. Stephanie refuses to allow Morgan to turn Ridge against her. Morgan insists she is having a baby for her own sanity and brags that Ridge and Taylor will be involved. Stephanie questions how Morgan intends on getting pregnant, but Morgan throws her out.

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April 28, 200020m

Kimberly finds Macy at the Insomnia and is worried at how shaken she is. Macy says that she feels like she is going crazy and admits that she nearly had a drink. Macy realises that she has to talk to Ridge. At Forrester Creations, Brooke lays into Ridge when he comments on how she is moving on with her life. Brooke tells Ridge that she wants him to feel guilty for destroying her happiness. Ridge is surprised when Macy later drops in demanding answers about what happened in Venice. In his office, Eric tells Amber about C.J.'s plan to take Becky to Santa Barbara. Eric feels C.J. needs to know about Becky's cancer incase something happens while they are away. Becky is thrilled when C.J. tells her about their trip. Amber goes to Spectra Fashions looking for C.J., but only finds Darla and an office full of roses for Becky. C.J. comes in and Amber tells him she has something important to say.

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May 1, 200020m

Brooke looks through photographs of her and Thorne from Venice. Thorne finds her crying and Brooke admits that things aren't any easier for her. Ridge refuses to discuss Venice but Macy demands answers. Ridge explains his plan to suduce Brooke and have Thorne see so their relationship would be over. Macy is in shock when she realises that Thorne proposed to her right after seeing Ridge with Brooke. Amber attempts to tell C.J. about Becky's cancer, but once Darla tells Sally that Amber is in the building, Sally barges right in. C.J. and Becky head out down the highway to Santa Barbara, both excited about their trip. Meanwhile, Sally throws questions at Amber demanding answers on what's going on. Amber confesses it's about Becky, which leads Sally to think she is hiding a secret. Sally threatens to call Becky, so Amber blurts out that Becky is dying of cancer.

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May 2, 200020m

In his office, Ridge tires to make Macy see that Thorne loves her, but Macy is unsure. She believes that Thorne would have married Brooke had Eric and Ridge not intervened. Becky and C.J. arrive in Santa Barbara and Becky is blown away at how beautiful their room is. C.J. tells Becky how much he loves her as they begin making plans together. At Spectra Fashions, Amber fills Sally in on Becky's fate. Explaining the whole stroy, Sally is in horror and what she learns, but understands why Stephanie forgave her. Sally insists that Becky has to be told but Amber pleads with Sally to just allow Becky and C.J. one day of pure happiness before crashing her life. C.J. calls and Sally makes him promise to show Becky a good time. Sally and Amber hug as Sally promises to do things Amber's way.

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May 3, 200020m

Sally informs Clarke about Becky's cancer and Clarke believes that C.J. needs to be told right away. In Santa Barbara, C.J. prepares a romantic candle-lit meal for Becky on their balcony. They later go for a walk and stumble upon a wishing well, where they both wish to be in love forever. Ridge goes over to the beach house to fix a pipe for Morgan. Ridge tells her that he heard about her freaking out at the clinic. Morgan says she couldn't stop the memories of the abortion. Ridge promises Morgan that Stephanie won't cause anymore problems for her again after Morgan informs him that Stephanie came by. As Ridge comforts Morgan, Taylor comes by and finds them in each others arms.

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May 4, 200020m

Taylor questions Ridge and Morgan about whats going on. Morgan leaves the room as Ridge tells Taylor about Morgan's abortion. Taylor is shocked when she learns the truth but begins worrying about why Morgan really came back to town. Kimberly sits with Macy at the Insomnia as Macy tells Kimberly the information she learned from Ridge about what happened in Venice. Kimberly tries to reassure Macy, but to no avail. In the Forrester Creations gym, Thorne enters the steamroom and finds Brooke there too. Thorne goes to leave but ends up flirting with Brooke. He pulls away when she gets close and rushes out. Thorne bumps into Kimberly outside, but quickly excuses himself. Kimberly sees Brooke leave the steamroom moments later. Kimberly confronts Thorne.

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May 5, 200020m

Morgan is happy when Taylor says that she knows about the abortion and understands why she wants to have another baby. Taylor and Ridge promise to help her any way they can. Rick visits Brooke in her office and questions her as to why she's upset. Brooke admits her and Thorne's involvement and why he is married to Macy. Rick is shocked but hopes Brooke can move on, however Brooke says she feels Thorne's marriage to Macy will soon be over. Macy tells Sally about what happened in Venice. Sally tells Macy that Thorne loves her, and to fight Brooke. Kimberly accuses Thorne of having an affair with Brooke and informs him that Macy knows about what happened in Venice. Macy arrives and wonders why Kimberly and Thorne are fighting.

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May 8, 200020m

Sally pays a visit to Stephanie at the mansion and tells her that she knows about Becky's cancer. Sally and Stephanie both agree that C.J. needs to be told now. Thorne tries to apologise to Macy for making her insecure, but Kimberly constantly butts in. Macy asks Kimberly to leave and Macy tells Thorne that for the sake of their marriage he must forget Brooke for good. Brooke assures Rick that Thorne will end his marriage to Macy soon. Rick supports Brooke and prays that she will get her wish. Kimberly later comes storming into Brooke's office shouting abuse. Kimberly warns Brooke to stay away from Thorne.

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May 9, 200020m

Kimberly yells at Brooke to keep her distance from Thorne and Macy. Brooke reminds Kimberly that she is her boss, but Kimberly dares Brooke to throw her out. Kimberly storms out after saying her final word. Thorne tries to talk to Macy but she continues to talk on about how Brooke is a threat and needs to stay away from them. Macy tells Thorne that she needs him and wouldn't know what to do without him in her life. Thorne later goes to Brooke and tells her about how delicate Macy is right now. Brooke insists that Macy must be told the seriousness of their feelings for one another, but Thorne remains confused. In Santa Barbara, Becky and C.J. enjoy more time together as they declare their love, but C.J. grows worried when he sees Becky in pain. Sally and Stephanie drop by to see Amber and tell her that they believe Becky and C.J. need to be told of the cancer tonight. C.J. later calls Amber and tells her that they are coming home because Becky is unwell.

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May 10, 200020m

Brooke tells Thorne that he's living a lie, should end his marriage to Macy. Thorne tells her he feels responsible for Macy, Brooke tells him that she should be Eric and Ridge's responsibility after what they did. Kimberly grabs Macy, tells her about Thorne and Brooke in the steamroom. Macy tries make excuses for Thorne. Macy barges into Brooke's office, demands that she stay out of her marriage. Brooke loses it, tells Macy that Thorne is only staying married to her because she is weak. Clarke goes to Eric, they discuss Becky and C.J. Eric supports Clarke as he worries how Becky's cancer will affect C.J. In Santa Barbara, Becky's pain gets worse, C.J. says that they should get home right away. Becky makes a final wish in the well before leaving; that she and C.J. be happy forever. Amber tells Sally and Stephanie that she is having second thoughts about telling Becky the truth, they insist that she must be told. Amber prepares herself as there's a knock at the door.

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May 11, 200020m

Kimberly visits Rick and they begin arguing when discussing Thorne, Macy and Brooke. Kimberly bad mouths Brooke but Rick stands by his mother. Kimberly informs Rick that she will be standing by her sister and storms out. Macy lays into Brooke and accuses her of being a slut and a bad mother. Brooke throws insults back telling Macy that Thorne is married to her out of pity. Macy is furious and warns Brooke one last time to stay away from her husband. Becky cringes in pain on the drive home and C.J. insists she see a doctor but Becky refuses. Amber is surprised when the knock at the door is Eric. Eric says he came to offer his support to Becky when she learns of her cancer. C.J. later arrives alone, explaining that Becky went to the store, and he wonders why everybody is in the apartment.

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May 12, 200020m

Clarke finds Darla in Sally's office and breaks the news to her of Becky's cancer. Darla sobs as she wonders how something so terrible could happen to someone so young. Becky stops by a church on her way home and and gives prayers of thanks for her son and for C.J. C.J. questions everybody as to why they are at the apartment. Amber tells the story of how Becky had some tests carried out. With Sally and Stephanie's help, Amber breaks the news to C.J. that Becky has cancer. C.J. refuses to believe it, but Sally informs him that Becky only has months to live. As C.J. breaks down in tears, he tells them all to leave so he can tell Becky alone. Becky later arrives and C.J. holds her close.

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May 15, 200020m

In Ridge's office, Taylor and Ridge discuss Morgan. Taylor fears that Morgan is trying to recreate the past and she asks Ridge what he would have done had he known Morgan was pregnant. Morgan listens in at the door as Ridge says that he would have married Morgan. Morgan comes in and thanks them both for helping and supporting her. Amber, Sally, Stephanie and Eric gather at the Forrester estate as they wonder how C.J. will be able to tell Becky that she is dying. Meanwhile, CJ makes Becky one of Amber's smoothies and applies the medication. Becky suffers from some pain as C.J. comforts her. C.J. tells Becky of his plans for their future as he gets down on one knee and asks Becky to marry him.

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May 16, 200020m

Taylor and Ridge meet Morgan at a clinic where she shows them a portfolio of the donor she has chosen for her insemination. Taylor and Ridge ask Morgan if she is sure she wants to go through with the procedure and she assures them that she is. Amber, Stephanie and Eric all worry how Becky will handle knowing she is dying. Sally has to stop them from going over to the apartment by telling them to allow CJ and Becky one last moment alone together. Becky is unsure on what to make of C.J.'s proposal. Becky suggests that they wait a while, but C.J. tells her that they shouldn't waste a moment. Becky accepts as C.J. professes his love to her. Eric, Stephanie, Sally, Amber and Little Eric arrive later and Becky wonders why everybody is so glum.

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May 17, 200020m

Stephanie, Eric, Sally and Amber are all shocked when Becky's tells them that she and C.J. are getting married. Sally takes C.J. aside and wonders what he is up to. C.J. tells Sally that he wants give Becky a wedding and show her how much he loves her. Sally insists Becky needs to know of her condition but C.J. thinks it isn't time. Amber and Stephanie join them and Amber sides with C.J., while Sally and Stephanie are unsure about continuing to hide Becky's fate from her. C.J. promises that he will tell her after they are married. With Ridge and Taylor at her side, Morgan confidently asks the doctor to start her insemination procedure. Suddenly Morgan freaks out when she sees the tools to be used and darts from the room.

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May 18, 200020m

Taylor visits Stephanie in her office and Taylor informs her that she knows about Morgan's abortion. Stephanie begins warning Taylor away from Morgan but she refuses to listen to it. Taylor stops by the beach house to see Morgan who apologises for running out of the clinic. Taylor understands Morgan's pain and promises to be there for her. Becky fusses around worrying about the preparation for the wedding but Amber sends her back to bed. C.J. arrives and Amber tells him that she is going to give Becky the wedding dress she wore when marrying Rick, that previously belonged to Stephanie. Amber later presents it to Becky. Clarke is surprised to learn that CJ didn't tell Becky the truth. Sally informs him that C.J. proposed to Becky and Clarke calls C.J. to the office. Clarke tells CJ that he won't be marrying Becky.

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May 19, 200020m

Morgan tells Taylor that she has decided against artificial insemination. Taylor is glad and suggests Morgan look for a man. Morgan says she doesn't want a husband, just a baby and she asks Taylor if Ridge can be the father of her child. CJ tries to explain to Clarke that he's marrying Becky because he loves her, but Clarke believes C.J. only proposed because Becky is dying. Sally supports C.J., but he ends up storming out when Clarke refuses support. Becky tries on the wedding gown as Amber sobs. C.J. later comes by and tells Becky that Clarke is against their plans to marry. C.J. gives Becky an eternity ring and says that their love will last forever.

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May 22, 200020m

Taylor is shocked that Morgan wants Ridge to be the father of her child. Morgan says she doesn't want to steal Ridge, she only wants his baby and then she would leave town. Morgan begs Taylor to think about it. Macy wakes Thorne up with a kiss. She tells him that she wants to start a family and tries to make love to Thorne but he leaves saying he has a meeting at work. Kimberly comes by later and Macy tells her that she is feeling unwanted and believes Thorne wants out of their marriage. Kimberly grows concerned when Macy finds Vodka in the cupboard and stares at the bottle. Rick talks with Brooke about Thorne. Rick thinks Thorne needs to leave Macy if he isn't in love with her, instead of leaving Brooke hanging in limbo denying his feelings. Thorne later bumps into Rick who demands Thorne admit his love for Brooke.

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May 23, 200020m

Becky drops by Spectra Fashions to speak to Clarke about her wedding. Becky tells Clarke that she is prepared to wait if he is against the wedding, but Clarke gives his blessing when he sees how much it means to Becky. Rick begins arguing with Thorne. Rick accuses Thorne of being a coward by staying with Macy, Thorne flips out as Brooke enters. Brooke gets Rick to leave and Thorne finally admits that he loves Brooke. They kiss as he promises he will end his marriage to Macy. Kimberly desperately tries to keep Macy from taking a drink. Kimberly reassures Macy that Thorne loves her, and the alcohol will only make things worse. Kimberly manages to take the bottle and leaves with it. Going to Sally, Kimberly tells her that Macy is being tempted by alcohol again. Meanwhile, Macy finds herself in a store and buys another bottle of Vodka.

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May 24, 200020m

Kimberly explains to Sally why Macy is insecure, including everything that happened in Venice. Sally is angry that Brooke is still causing Macy misery and she decides to sort the problem herself. Thorne and Brooke declare their love for one another in between kisses. Thorne tells Brooke they have to be together and he promises to end his marriage to Macy right away. Macy sits at home holding a Vodka bottle as she thinks about Brooke. Thorne later arrives home and finds an empty glass in the sink, meanwhile Macy stumbles into Brooke's office wearing dark sunglasses.

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May 25, 200020m

A drunk Macy rubs her marriage to Thorne in Brooke's face, but Brooke informs Macy that Thorne is planning to end their marriage. As Thorne sits at home worried about Macy, Sally arrives to have words. Sally tells Thorne that he must reassure Macy to keep her from drinking, but Thorne feels Macy shouldn't be depending on him to stay sober. Thorne rushes out when Brooke calls him over to her office immediately. Macy attempts to down some more Vodka when Brooke steals it from her. Macy flips out and stumbles around as Thorne arrives and sees Macy hammered. Amber makes Becky another smoothie as C.J. arrives. Becky tells C.J. that Clarke gave his blessing. C.J. is thrilled and suggests Becky tell her parents about the wedding. Tilly and Joe tell Becky that they will come to L.A. but only to stop her making a mistake by getting married.

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May 26, 200020m

Eric and Stephanie talk at Forrester Creations about Becky. Stephanie wonders if Becky's parents have been told and insists that they should have been told right away. Tilly and Joe arrive to see Becky and Tilly questions Becky as to why she is rushing into marriage. C.J. attempts to reach out to Joe, but Joe refuses to give his support to their wedding. Becky decides to leaves so that Joe and Tilly can spend some time with C.J. Joe notices Amber and C.J.'s shifty behavior and demands to be told the truth. Brooke and a drunk Macy trade insults while Thorne is stuck in the middle. Thorne attempts to usher Macy out the door, but Macy continues to blame Brooke for causing her to break six years of sobriety. Macy demands that Thorne tell Brooke to back off.

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May 29, 200020m

Macy refuses to leave Brooke's office as she continues to hurl insults. Brooke agrees with everything Macy says in order to get her out. Thorne takes Macy home and she pleads with him not to be angry with her. Thorne blames himself for Macy drinking and she goes to sleep it off. Thorne calls Brooke and tells her that he can't leave Macy right now. Brooke understands and tells him she loves him. Joe and Tilly demand answers from Amber and C.J. Amber slowly tells them about the cancer and how Becky doesn't know she is dying. Tilly and Joe are distraught and tell C.J. that their won't be a wedding, Joe demands that they gather Becky's things and take her home to Furnace Creek. Becky interupts with a phone call, and Tilly and Joe hear how happy she is at the thought of getting married. They give their blessing as Amber thanks them.

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May 30, 200020m

Morgan has coffee with Clarke at the Insomnia and tells him of her wishes to have Ridge father her baby. Clarke is shocked and tells her that Ridge and Taylor will never allow it. Taylor informs Ridge of Morgan's desire to have him be her child's father and asks his opinions. Morgan later arrives for their answer. Macy brags to Kimberly how she put Brooke in her place and tells her that she is past worrying about Brooke. Kimberly remains concerned but Macy says Thorne loves her, meanwhile Thorne is in the bedroom telling Brooke he loves her over the phone. Thorne later goes to Forrester Creations, takes Brooke in his arms and kisses her passionately.

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May 31, 200020m

Morgan presses Ridge and Taylor for an answer and Ridge breaks it to her that he won't father her baby. Morgan pleads that she only needs him as a donation, but he still refuses. Taylor apologises but stands by her husband's choice. Thorne tells Brooke that he loves her. He leaves with the promise that they will officially be together within a few weeks once Macy is stronger. Rick later comes by to see Brooke and is happy when she shares the news, although Rick wonders about what will happen to Macy. Sally spends the morning with Macy and discusses her taking a drink. Macy insists that it was just a slip, but Sally remains concerned. Macy feels Brooke is out of the picture but Sally isn't convinced. As Sally leaves she runs into Thorne and warns him that he had better not let Macy down.

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June 1, 200020m

Morgan continues to ask Ridge and Taylor to give her the child she needs, but they stand by their decision not to. Taylor's father calls and shocks her by saying he has had another heart attack. Taylor rushes upstairs as she informs Ridge and Morgan that she must go and be with Jack. Macy tells Thorne how she tried to be stronger and regrets taking a drink. Macy blames Brooke for her insecurities, but Thorne tries to take the blame himself. Thorne says that Macy shouldn't depend on him to stay sober, but she feels he is the only one she can count on. Rick confides in Brooke that he is happy for her and Thorne, but wonders how it will affect his relationship with Kimberly. Sally bursts into the office demanding to talk to Brooke alone. Sally warns Brooke to stay away from Thorne. She threatens to destroy her if she doesn't.

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June 2, 200020m

Morgan walks into Ridge's office in a skimpy dress and apologises for asking him to father her child. Ridge receives an e-mail from Taylor and is shocked by what he reads. C.J. meets with Eric at a chapel as Eric says he has a surprise for him. Becky soon arrives and is blown away when she sees the chapel beautifully decorated ready for her wedding. Becky and C.J. thank Eric for what he has done. Amber is at home alone when Tawny arrives. Amber isn't thrilled to see her, especially when Tawny starts threatening to tell Becky that she is dying, having heard the truth from Joe and Tilly. Amber manages to convince Tawny that Becky will be thankful for the final moments of her life, before throwing Tawny out the door.

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June 5, 200020m

Ridge tells Morgan that Taylor E-mailed him. He says that Taylor explained that nearly losing Jack made her realise what's important and she asks Ridge to give Morgan the child she wants. Ridge has trouble believing it, but Morgan thinks it's wonderful. Sally supports C.J. as he wakes up on his wedding day. Sally wishes things could be different, but CJ asks her to hold it together to make this the best day of Becky's life. Amber has to pretend to be Becky again when Dr. Russell calls about a new medication, but Amber hangs up on him as Becky wakes. Becky tries to be excited as she hides her pain through tired eyes. C.J. calls Becky and they tell one another how much they love the other. CJ starts to cry as Becky says she will be his wife for the rest of their lives.

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June 6, 200020m

Sally, Clarke and Darla tell Thorne and Macy about Becky's cancer. Macy realises why the wedding is being rushed and she wonders how they can celebrate a wedding when the bride is dying. Stephanie and Eric open their home to Joe, Tilly and Tawny as they arrive from Furnace Creek. Stephanie supports Tilly as she breaks down over Becky's condition. C.J. goes to Rick and tells him about the wedding. Rick tries to talk him out of it until C.J. tells him that Becky is dying. C.J. asks Rick to be his best man. Becky gushes with happiness at the thought of marrying C.J. and she asks Amber to be her maid of honor. Everybody gathers at the chapel as C.J. thanks them all for making the day possible. Amber waits in the bridesroom as Becky arrives. Amber is shocked when Becky says that she knows she is dying.

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June 7, 200020m

Ridge finds Brooke whilst looking for Eric at Forrester Creations. Brooke begins digging for information on why he isn't talking to Stephanie and why he is spending so much time with Morgan. Ridge goes to Morgan and she asks him if he will honor her and Taylor's wish. Becky explains to Amber that Dr. Russell called as she was leaving and told her about the cancer. Amber sobs, but Becky thanks her for making her life happy. Becky thinks she should call the wedding off, but Amber insists that she has to marry C.J. Tilly and Tawny hold Little Eric, alongside Eric and Stephanie, while Clarke, Darla, Thorne and Macy sit on the opposite side. As the ceremony begins, Amber joins Rick at the front of the chapel, followed by C.J. and Sally. Finally Joe walks Becky down the aisle to C.J. at the altar.

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June 8, 200020m

Ridge tells Morgan he is still unsure about her having his baby. Ridge receives a message from Taylor which seems to say for him to go ahead and make Morgan pregnant. Morgan tries to persuade Ridge to do it, but he feels he must talk to Taylor. The wedding ceremony begins as Stephanie says a prayer. Amber sings a song as Becky and C.J. light their candles. CJ says his vows to Becky and makes her realise how much everybody loves her. Becky halts the ceremony and stuns everybody by announcing that she can't marry C.J.

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June 9, 200020m

Ridge drops by the beach house as Morgan lights candles and looks gorgoeous in a stunning dress. Morgan continues to convince Ridge to father her child as she states Taylor is okay with it. Morgan begins pouring the wine as she flirts with Ridge. Becky announces to the stunned wedding guests that she knows that she is dying as Dr. Russell called her before she came to the chapel. Everyone apologises for hiding the truth but Becky thanks them all for trying to make her happy. C.J. manages to convince Becky that he loves her and he wants her to spend the remaining weeks of her life as his wife. Everyone joins in the ceremony as Becky and C.J. say their vows. As the congratulations are flowing, Becky collapses.

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June 12, 200020m

Becky wakes the next morning in the hospital with C.J. and Dr. Russell at her side. Amber, Sally, Macy, Tilly and Joe drop in and offer Becky all the support they have. C.J. and Becky later share their joy at being newlyweds. Brooke and Thorne play footsie under the table during a meeting and call it short to kiss passionately. Thorne promises Brooke again that he will leave Macy soon, but Brooke shows concern for Macy's addiction. Macy calls Thorne to see him, but after he tells her that he is busy, Macy takes some drink from a flask in her purse. Ridge drops by to see Morgan as she thanks for him for all he has done. Ridge wonders if Morgan is now pregnant and she says she hopes she is. Ridge goes home to see a returning Taylor and is shocked when she asks how Morgan's artificial insemination went.

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June 13, 200020m

Thorne seeks advice from Macy's A.A. counselor. Thorne informs him that he is leaving Macy for another woman and doesn't want her to be pushed over the edge. Thorne is advised to keep Brooke as far away from Macy as possible. Brooke is at Manniquins having lunch with Rick when Macy walks in and orders a drink at the bar. Macy begins yelling at Brooke when she sees her and brags that Thorne is her husband and again warns Brooke away from him. Clarke meets with Morgan at the Insomnia and she tells him she may be pregnant. She cryptically informs him that her inpregnation wasn't artificial. Ridge is horrified when he learns that Taylor leant Morgan her laptop and realises she faked Taylor's E-mail. Ridge goes to Morgan and confronts her over her manipulation.

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June 14, 200020m

Taylor stops by to see Stephanie at her home and Stephanie begins ragging on Morgan. Taylor informs Stephanie of Morgan's wish for Ridge to be the father of her child and Stephanie believes this proves her point that Morgan is trying to steal Ridge. Ridge demands Morgan admit to setting him up, but she sees it as something that had to be done to make things right. Ridge frets that he will lose Taylor and his children but Morgan suggests that Taylor never need know. At Manniquins, Brooke tries to offer Macy support as she knocks back another drink. Macy insists that she doesn't need help and orders Brooke to stay away as she hurries out of the bar. Macy'a A.A. counselor tells Thorne that he must be honest with Macy in order for her to get better. Thorne thinks it's cruel, but realises what he must do. Macy starts telling Thorne how she put Brooke in her place when Thorne stops her, explaining he has somethig important to tell her.

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June 15, 200020m

Stephanie warns Taylor to look out for her marriage but Taylor insists that Morgan isn't a threat. Stephanie can't understand why Taylor isn't taking Morgan more seriously. Ridge vents his anger to Morgan but she continues to say that it was right. Ridge says Taylor needs to know but Morgan tries to stop him ruining things. Taylor walks in and offers support to Morgan and hopes she is pregnant. As Ridge leaves he tells Morgan that he wants to be with her when she takes her pregnancy test. Brooke informs Rick that Thorne is ending his marriage to Macy but Rick feels it may be too much for her to handle while she is back on the drink. Thorne tells Macy that their marriage was a mistake. Macy tries to convince him otherwise but he says that he wants a divorce.

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June 16, 200020m

Macy begs Thorne not to give up on their marriage. Macy blames Brooke but Thorne insists it's nothing to do with her. Macy wonders if it's about her drinking, but Thorne explains he just doesn't love her the way he should. Kimberly, Clarke and Sally gather in her office at Spectra Fashions. Sally feels Thorne won't leave Macy but Clarke and Kimberly believe Brooke is a serious threat. Kimberly decides to go to Brooke herself, while Sally hopes and prays for Macy's marriage. Kimberly goes to Brooke and warns her to back off Thorne and Macy's marriage. Brooke says that Macy came between her and Thorne, not the other way around. Kimberly pleads that Brooke just give Macy some space and let her save her marriage.

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June 19, 200020m

C.J. takes Becky home from the hospital to an apartment filled with Amber, Rick, Stephanie, Joe, Tilly and Little Eric. They all wish her a welcome home as they share cake. Becky talks to her son about everyone in the family as she knows he will be well taken care of. When Macy realises that their is no saving her marriage, she asks Thorne to leave as she wants to be alone. Once alone she knocks back some more vodka. Kimberly is furious when Brooke refusues to take any responsibility for Macy going back on the bottle. Kimberly thinks Brooke is vile and warns her that once Macy is better that Brooke had better watch out. Thorne later arrives and tells Brooke that he asked Macy for a divorce. Kimberly drops in on Macy and finds her drinking. Macy says she has no reason to stop and informs Kimberly that Brooke hasn't yet won the war.

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June 20, 200020m

C.J. seeks support from Sally as he tells her Becky is getting worse and feels she is slipping away. Becky hints that Rick and Amber seemed closer at her welcome home party, but Amber doesn't want to think about it. Rick later comes by to spend time with the baby and Becky suggests the idea of him getting back with Amber but he doesn't believe it's possible. C.J. later drops by and tells her he is taking her out for dinner, while Amber offers to watch the baby. Taylor goes to Morgan to talk to her about her insemination procedure. Morgan thanks Taylor for allowing Ridge to help and offers her and Ridge to be godparents. Stephanie tells Ridge that Morgan is manipulative and she sences a change in his attitude towards Morgan. Stephanie suggests they have Brooke fire Morgan. Stephanie later goes to Morgan and begins ripping into her.

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June 21, 200020m

Rick comes by to see little Eric, whom Amber is looking after. They discuss Becky's after-death wishes for Little Eric. Rick mentions Becky's idea of him and Amber getting back together, but both agree that it isn't an option. Becky and C.J. have dinner at the Cafe Russe and Becky wonders if C.J. finds Amber attractive. C.J. understands Becky just wants two parents for her son, but he feels this isn't the right time to discuss it. Ridge can't keep his hands off Taylor and suggests they go on vacation. Taylor wonders what has Ridge so stressed but she puts it down to work. Stephanie questions Morgan about what she is up to, but Morgan feels Stephanie is only concerned because she knows Ridge has feelings for her. Ridge later drops in and realises Morgan is insane as she jokes about the situation. Ridge tells her that she had better not be pregnant.

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June 22, 200020m

Brooke finds Morgan working late in her office. Brooke is shocked when Morgan says that Ridge helped her get pregnant. Brooke presses for answers but Morgan remains secretive. Ridge arrives home to find Taylor waiting for him in the bedroom. She seduces him and they make love and Taylor tells him how safe she feels. Ridge later calls Morgan and orders her to meet him tonight. Becky and C.J. discuss when they first met and Becky tells him that after she has gone she wants him to move on with someone else. They have a dance, but Becky collapses. Rick asks Amber if any papers have been drawn up as to who will raise Little Eric but Amber says it isn't important as he is staying with her. Becky and C.J. bound in the door, Amber is frantic as C.J. and Rick carry Becky to the bedroom. C.J. admits he feels Becky is going to die.

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June 23, 200020m

Ridge marches over to the beach house and hands Morgan a pregnancy test. She uses it and while they wait they argue about how she manipulated him. Rick offers C.J. support before leaving and Amber tells C.J. he needs to be strong for Becky. C.J. feels it too soon for Becky to die. Becky sits in bed with Little Eric and tells him that she has to leave him. She promises that they will be together again some day. Amber promises Becky that she will take good care of the baby and tell him about his mother. C.J. sits by Becky's side and she asks him to talk about the wedding. They both say that their love will never end. As C.J. kisses Becky, she dies in his arms.

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June 26, 200020m

Thorne spends an evening with Brooke and tells her that he is going to have Macy admitted into rehab. Brooke wants Thorne to move in with her once he has. Kimberly tries to support Macy as she drinks and tells herself how she is a wreck and blames herself for Thorne leaving. Thorne later arrives home after Kimberly has left and Macy tries to touch him but he stops her. She suggests they go bed, but Thorne says he is sleeping on the sofa. Macy is upset as she grabs her vodka bottle. Ridge demands Morgan tell him the results of the pregnancy test and is relieved when it is negative. Ridge lays into Morgan about manipulating him and thanks that there is no baby. Ridge goes home to Taylor and kisses her before making love again.

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June 27, 200020m

Sally and Clarke talk about Becky's death and wish C.J. would come to them for support. Kimberly comes over and tells them that Macy is drinking and Thorne has asked for divorce. Thorne meets with Jonathan Young to obtain the divorce papers and is told he just needs Macy's signature. Macy pays Brooke a visit at her home and tells her that she can't have Thorne. Macy accuses Brooke of being a slut using sex as an excuse for love. Brooke controls herself as Macy insults her. Thorne later arrives and is shocked at Macy being there. Apologising to Brooke for Macy's behavior, he hands Macy divorce papers.

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June 28, 200020m

Ridge drops some work off in Morgan's office and she attempts to talk to him, but he refuses to listen. Clarke stops by Forrester Creations to find Thorne, but bumps into Taylor instead. He tells her that Thorne is leaving Macy for Brooke and asks for her help. Taylor says she can't get involved and Ridge orders Clarke to leave when he comes in. Clarke is furious at their lack of support and tells them that he hopes Brooke destroys them all, as Morgan listens in from outside. Macy is upset that Thorne would confront her with divorce in front of Brooke. Thorne asks her to sign the papers, but she refuses to let him ruin his life and she tears them up before rushing out of the house. Macy goes to Eric and tells him that Thorne is leaving her for Brooke. Eric shows up at Brooke's at tells Thorne that he won't marry Brooke.

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June 29, 200020m

Clarke comes by to see Morgan at the beach house and he tells her how he wishes to take the Forrester family down. Morgan tells him she is going to get her own revenge on Stephanie. Morgan trusts Clarke with a secret, and tells him that she slept with Ridge. Ridge makes love to Taylor and tells her he loves her, as his guilt obviously shows. Thorne and Brooke order Eric to leave them alone, but he lays on the guilt that their relationship will destroy Stephanie. Brooke tells him that she and Thorne will be together no matter what. Sally finds Macy drinking and Macy tells her that she is going to go up to Big Bear. Sally doesn't think it's wise, but Macy is decided. Thorne calls Jonathan and asks for more divorce papers, then Thorne later receives a call from Macy, asking him to meet her at the cabin.

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June 30, 200020m

Morgan explains to Clarke how she manipulated Ridge into her bed. Clarke can't believe Ridge fell for it and Morgan tells him that she had told Ridge that she wasn't pregnant, but now she isn't so sure. Morgan goes off to take another test. Taylor and Ridge prepare for a barbecue by the pool. Taylor suggests inviting Morgan, but Ridge refuses. Taylor wonders why he has turned against Morgan but he says it's personal. Up at Big Bear, Macy has prepared a dinner for herself and Thorne. Sally doesn't want to leave Macy alone, but Macy explains that she needs one last night alone with Thorne. Sally agrees to leave when Macy insists that she is fine. Thorne leaves for the cabin and asks Brooke to wait at home for Jonathan to bring the divorce papers over. When Thorne arrives at the cabin he is shocked to find Macy dressed up telling him that she has a surprise for him.

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July 3, 200020m

Ridge and Taylor sit around the pool with Thomas and the girls. Taylor wonders why Ridge is so sentimental lately, but he tells her it's because of Thorne and Macy's marriage breakdown. Morgan tells Clarke that she is pregnant with Ridge's child. Morgan is happy as can be, and Clarke revels in the news that will destroy Ridge's marriage to Taylor. Morgan makes him promise to keep the news a secret, saying she doesn't want to hurt their marriage. Jonathan brings Macy and Thorne's divorce papers over to Brooke, and she is happy that'll it'll all be over soon. Meanwhile up at the cabin, Macy tells Thorne that she will agree to the divorce. Macy says she loves him, and wishes him the best, even if that be with Brooke. Macy and Thorne sit down to one last dinner together.

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July 4, 200020m

Morgan brings a sketch over to Ridge, and Taylor asks her to stay to watch the fireworks. Ridge isn't impressed. Jonathan tries to convince Brooke to wait before giving the papers to Macy, but she is insistant on doing it right away. Macy and Thorne talk about old times as they share dinner at the cabin. They thank one another for all they have brought to each others lives. Thorne asks Macy to dance before taking his leave. Macy explains that she wishes to spend the night alone, and will head back to L.A. in the morning. Macy is later infuriated when Brooke shows up at the cabin with divorce papers for her to sign.

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July 5, 200020m

Amber and C.J. arrive home with the baby from Becky's funeral. They remember memories of Becky then decide to clear through some of her things. They find a videotape addressed to both of them, and see that it is of Becky when they put it into the VCR. Kimberly is with Sally at her penthouse and Sally worries about Macy being alone at the cabin when Thorne calls and informs her of this. Kimberly offers to drive up and check on her. Macy flips out at Brooke for bringing her divorce papers. Macy grabs them and burns them in the fireplace. Macy yells at Brooke and then takes back her decision to allow Thorne to be with Brooke. Brooke attempts to leave, but Macy throws her to the floor.

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July 6, 200020m

Amber and C.J. watch Becky's tape as she tells them that she wishes them to raise her son. Becky also suggests that she wants them both to be happy, hinting that they can find that happiness together. Clarke worries that Kimberly won't be able to handle Macy if she has been drinking, but Sally assures him that Macy is sober. Sally begins worrying as she sits and waits for news. Kimberly drives up the mountain and tries to call Macy but gets no answer, while Thorne sits in a diner and gets no answer when he tries to call Brooke. Macy wonders if Brooke is afraid as she lays on the floor. Macy hurls some more insults before grabbing Brooke's keys and jumping into her car. Brooke gets in as Macy speeds off. Brooke demands Macy stop the car as she picks up speed. Macy tells Brooke that she will never have Thorne as she swerves the car off the road.

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July 7, 200020m

Rick finds Bridget at home and she figures out that Brooke has a boyfriend. Rick avoids her questions, but Bridget demands to know who it is. Sally and Clarke both agree that Macy's marriage to Thorne will end soon, neither believing that Thorne and Macy can be happy together now Brooke is envolved. Macy wakes after the accident and finds that her legs are trapped, while Brooke lays unconscious and bleeding from her head. Thorne stumbles upon the accident and Macy instructs him to get Brooke out first. Kimberly later arrives on her way up the mountain and wonders where Macy is. The driver of the truck that Macy hit tries in vain to pull Macy from the wreckage as the tanker starts leaking gasoline. Thorne makes Kimberly stay with Brooke, while he goes to help the trucker rescue Macy, but the tanker and car ignite and explode in front of him.

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July 10, 200020m

C.J. and Amber spend time with Little Eric at the appartment. C.J. tells her that the baby makes him feel close to Becky. C.J. begins thinking about Macy, as if he has a feeling that she needs him. Sally and Clarke sit at her penthouse and look through a photo album. Clarke tries to reassure Sally that Macy will be fine as she begins beating herself up for leaving Macy at the cabin. Clarke says the best is yet to come as they remember memories of Macy. Kimberly screams out for Macy through the flames. Thorne rushes off in a desperate attempt to find her. The firefighters and paramedics arrive. Brooke is rushed off in an ambulance as Kimberly begins to sob. Kimberly breaks down when Thorne says he is unable to find Macy and the firefighters seem like they aren't going to find her alive.

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July 11, 200020m

Thorne and Kimberly seek answers from the firefighters. Kimberly breaks down as the fireman says that there were no survivors and that they have found partial remains. Thorne is in shock, but Kimberly stresses that she has to tell Sally. Amber takes the baby over to Brooke's house where Rick is hanging out with Bridget. Bridget is worried about where Brooke is. Brooke is conscious in hospital and calls Bridget and informs her of the accident. Thorne goes to Brooke at the hospital. Brooke finds herself in a serious state of shock when Thorne tells her that they couldn't find Macy. C.J. is furious when Sally and Clarke tell him that Thorne is leaving Macy for Brooke. They all agree that they need to support Macy. Everyone wonders what has happened when Kimberly falls through the door unable to speak.

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July 12, 200020m

Bridget flips out when Amber suggests that Brooke and Thorne are romantically involved. Rick tries to get her to calm down but Bridget storms out when Rick says that he doesn't see anything wrong with Brooke being with Thorne. Once alone Rick lets Amber know that Brooke and Thorne are in fact a couple. Brooke blames herself for Macy's death but Thorne tries to reassure her. Brooke wonders how Sally will cope with losing her daughter. C.J. orders Kimberly to tell them what is going on. Sally gently probes Kimberly for answers. Kimberly babbles that there was a car accident and that Macy is dead. Sally refuses to believe it and leaves for the cabin, but is stopped by two officers on the way out. Sally yells out in agony as they confirm that Macy is dead.

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July 13, 200020m

Eric, Stephanie, Ridge and Taylor gather at Forrester Creations all in shock over Macy's death. Stephanie wonders why she hasn't heard from Thorne and why Macy was with Brooke. Taylor takes Stephanie to rest in Ridge's office and Eric tells Ridge that Stephanie can't find out that Thorne is involved with Brooke at such a sensitive time. Megan later informs Eric that Stephanie has left the building. Thorne tells Brooke that he hasn't been invited to Macy's memorial but is going anyway. Stephanie barges in with comfort for Thorne and doesn't understand why she knew nothing of the memorial service. Sally, Clarke, Kimberly, C.J. and Darla gather for the service and Sally says she doesn't want any Forresters there. Sally sobs that she needs Macy. C.J. calls Thorne and warns him to stay away.

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July 14, 200020m

Thorne tells Stephanie that he is going to Macy's memorial alone, but Stephanie later jumps in her car and rides off too, calling Megan on the way. Brooke finds Eric and Ridge at Forrester Creations. They lay in to her about how her relationship with Thorne has only brought tragedy. Megan informs them that Stephanie is going to the memorial, which worries them all. Roberta comes to the memorial. Sally gives a speech and talks about how Macy was the joy of her life. C.J. follows with kind and loving words of his sister. Thorne and Stephanie arrive, Clarke has to hold C.J. back and Sally bits her tongue as Thorne talks about Macy. Sally flips when Thorne says that he loved Macy. Stephanie is shocked and Ridge and Eric enter the chapel and try to pull her away. Stephanie demands to know what is going on.

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July 17, 200020m

Rick tells Amber that C.J. must hate him right now. Amber tells him that he isn't happy with any of the Forresters. Amber also says that Brooke is going to have the fight of her life once Stephanie finds out. Taylor runs into Brooke and is horrified when Brooke tells her that Stephanie has gone to the memorial. Taylor worries about Stephanie's health. Sally begins telling Stephanie that Thorne was seeing another woman. Eric and Ridge try to get Sally to stop but she goes on and tells her that Macy is dead because of Brooke. Stephanie is confused, but becomes furious when she realises that Thorne is seeing Brooke. Stephanie hits him and calls him a fool. A huge argument breaks out as everyone airs their views. Stephanie suddenly falls to floor and is out cold.

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July 18, 200020m

Amber is working at the Café Russe and has to deal with a table of rowdy rockers. The women of the group give her a hard time but Amber bites back. One of the guys, Ash, likes Amber's style and Amber later finds him waiting for her after she has finished her shift. Dr. Cannon tells Ridge and Eric that Stephanie has had a small stroke and that she needs to relax. Ridge and Eric tell her to let them handle Brooke but once alone, Stephanie leaves the hospital. Sally, C.J. and Kimberly sit at her penthouse. Kimberly leaves as she says that she needs to be alone. C.J. later finds that Sally has also abruptly left. Brooke tells Thorne that she believes Macy crashed the car on purpose to kill them both. Thorne tells Brooke that he wants to get her out of town for a while. A storm brews as Megan brings in flight tickets. Alone in the office, the lights go out and Brooke finds herself face to face with a hooded figure bearing a trophy.

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July 19, 200020m

Ash flirts with Amber and apologises for the girls behavior at dinner. He gives Amber two tickets to his concert but she isn't interested. After they have a sarcastic debate, Amber warms to him and offers to give him a ride home. Darla helps C.J. with the baby. They discuss Macy and Darla is concerned when C.J. tells her that Sally took off. C.J. later finds Amber standing in the hall with Ash. Ash attempts to kiss her, but she walks away. C.J. wonders what is going on. Brooke fears for her life as the hooded figure smashes up her office. Brooke tries to apologise thinking that it is Sally, but the figure gets angrier, believing it then to be Stephanie, Brooke says that she loves Thorne. Brooke then realises that it is Kimberly. Kimberly accuses Brooke of killing Macy and then throws her through a window.

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July 20, 200020m

Amber is surprised when C.J. acts jealous over her being with Ash. They get into an argument where Amber tells him that her life is none of his business. C.J. goes to leave but they both admit that they need one another. Clarke stops by to see Morgan who tells him that she is almost two months pregnant now. Clarke offers to help her any way he can which seems to make Morgan happy. Thorne finds Brooke laying in the broken window and Kimberly standing over her. Brooke says that Kimberly is out of control, but she suddenly vanishes. Thorne tells Brooke to leave town now. Stephanie, Eric and Ridge go to Thorne's house and decide to wait for him when he is not there. Thorne arrives home and is surprised that they are there. Stephanie tells him that they have a problem that needs to be eliminated.

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July 21, 200020m

Amber and C.J. debate on living together. C.J. thinks that he is a mess and shouldn't be around the baby, but Amber says that they both need him. C.J. admits that losing Becky and Macy has nearly pushed him over the edge. C.J. surprises Amber by kissing her. Taylor stops by the beach house to see Morgan and questions her about Clarke. Taylor suspects that Morgan and Clarke are a couple, but Morgan insists they are just friends. Thorne doesn't want to listen as Stephanie starts insulting Brooke. Stephanie says that Brooke is responsible for Macy's death and she needs to be out of the family. Stephanie explains that she is protecting her family and that he must make a choice. If he chooses Brooke, he is no longer a Forrester.

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July 24, 200020m

C.J. and Amber both freak out a little after the kiss. They both make excuses for it and blame it on the stress. C.J. later goes to Spectra Fashions where Sally, Clarke, Darla and Kimberly are waiting with Connor Davis. Connor gives Macy's will to Sally in which she leaves Insomnia to C.J., her beach house to Kimberly, and her wardrobe and jewelry to Darla. Thorne is angry at Stephanie for making him choose. Brooke arrives to see him and thinks Stephanie is being cruel by putting Thorne in such a position. Thorne tells his family that he won't walk away from Brooke. Stephanie tells him that he is no longer welcome in their family and leaves with Ridge and Eric. Brooke apologises to Thorne but he insists that his future is with her. Kimberly moves into Macy's old house and watches Thorne and Brooke from the patio. Kimberly vows that Brooke will never have Thorne.

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July 25, 200020m

CJ isn't impressed when Ash stops by to see Amber. He invites Amber to see his band practise, but she turns him down. Ash decides to bring the party to Amber instead. Rick drops in later and CJ lays in to him about Brooke. Things get heated when Rick defends Brooke, so Amber has him leave. Stephanie warns Taylor and Ridge that Macy shouldn't have underestimated Brooke, the same way they underestimate Morgan. Taylor begins questioning Ridge when he suddenly agrees with Stephanie. Clarke suggests Morgan tell Ridge that she is pregnant, but she says she needs to keep it a secret. Stephanie notices them in close contact and barges in. Stephanie asks Clarke to leave the building as he isn't welcome there and then begins digging for answers from Morgan. Stephanie warns her not to cause any trouble and that she is on to her.

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July 26, 200020m

Taylor asks Morgan if she is ok, having overheard her run in with Stephanie. Morgan says she is worried that Taylor will turn on her and side with Stephanie. Taylor says there isn't anything Morgan can do to make her turn on her. Rick goes to Eric and tells him about CJ losing his temper. Eric asks if he feels the baby is in danger, Rick feels that he isn't but adds that he doesn't feel that apartment is the right enviroment to raise little Eric. CJ takes the baby into the bedroom to put him down when Ash, his girl Sam and another bandmember named Twister all barge into the apartment. CJ isn't happy as they all start drinking and making noise. Amber seems to be enjoying herself, while Sam is jealous of her talking with Ash. Twister begins getting a bit drunk and wanders into the baby's room.

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July 27, 200020m

Sally drops by to see Kimberly and wonders if it is wise for Kimberly to be living in Macy's old house and right next door to Thorne. Kimberly tells Sally that Macy wanted her there, and that the house was filled with happy times. Brooke and Thorne make the most of their evening alone at his house. Brooke informs him that she is taking a trip to Forrester International, so they make love out on the deck before she leaves. Kimberly spots them and is disgusted. Thorne later goes over when he sees the lights on and learns that Kimberly has moved in. Thorne comments that he hopes she will forgive him someday for everything that has happened. CJ finds Twister hanging over the baby and flips out. He tells Amber to get everyone to leave. Sam is busy getting drunk and then throwing abuse at Amber for being with Ash. CJ and Amber tell everyone to get out, but before she leaves Sam hides some pot in the apartment and calls the police.

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July 28, 200020m

Kimberly tells Thorne that she doesn't hate him, infact she doesn't even blame him as she knows that he did love Macy. Thorne tries to talk about Brooke but Kimberly snaps at him and begs him not to marry her. Rick tells Eric that he misses the baby and feels that CJ is going to try and keep him for seeing little Eric. Eric says that Amber won't allow it, but Rick doesn't want it to come to that. Amber and CJ manage to get everyone to leave and Sam has a smug grin on her face as she does so. Amber is shocked when an officer shows up at the apartment. CJ and Amber act innocent when he finds the drugs. CJ and Amber try to defend themselves as they are arrested and the baby is taken from them. Amber calls Rick and begs for his help.

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July 31, 200020m

Kimberly tells Thorne that she will never forgive Brooke and that he needs to stop defending her. Kimberly says that she needs a friend but doesn't want to hear about Brooke. Thorne later finds Brooke waiting for him at home, they make love again as Kimberly glares at them. Rick goes to Amber's apartment to collect the baby from the Child Protection Agent. Rick can't believe Amber would get herself into such a situation. Rick takes the baby back to the Forrester guesthouse for the night. Eric goes to bail CJ and Amber out fo jail. Amber apologises to Eric but he tells them how angry he is that they would allow a party around the baby. CJ and Amber arrive home and find Rick there who tells them that little Eric will be staying with him for the night. CJ isn't happy, but Amber says they have to do what is best for the child.

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August 1, 200020m

Rick tells Eric that he can't give the baby back to Amber and CJ to raise in their apartment. Rick suggests that Amber move back into the guest house and he will live at the main house with Eric and Stephanie. Amber and CJ both agree that they are dissapointed in the previous night, they clean the apartment for the baby's return. Rick arrives and puts across his suggestion of Amber moving back to the Forrester estate. CJ says no, but Amber is unsure. Clarke brings over a basket of baby stuff to Morgan. She is very pleased and shows him a crib that she has bought. Clarke tells her to be careful that nobody sees it. Taylor later drops in and sees the baby basket. Taylor wonders if Morgan is pregnant.

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August 2, 200020m

Morgan tells Taylor that the baby basket is for a friend. Taylor goes through to the bedroom as Morgan tries to stop her. Taylor is shocked when she finds Clarke in a towel. Taylor quickly leaves and Morgan thanks him for saving her back. Taylor pops back later and overhears Morgan telling Clarke that they need to keep her secret. CJ can't believe that Amber is considering Rick's idea to move back to Forrester estate. CJ and Rick argue over the baby but after talking with CJ alone, Amber declines Rick's idea. He warns them both that they had better not screw up again.

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August 3, 200020m

Darla helps Amber cook a special meal for CJ. Amber tells Darla that she wants to make up for everything that she has done lately, as well as cheer CJ up as he has been through a lot. CJ tells Sally about Rick's idea of moving Amber back to the guest house. Sally wonders if it wasn't such a bad idea. CJ is angry that Sally would suggest having the baby around the Forrester family, but Sally says that Amber and Rick raised the child for over a year and do have rights. CJ goes home to find Amber dressed up with dinner ready. Clarke goes with Morgan to the hospital to have an ultrasound. Morgan is thrilled when she hears the baby. Bill Spencer drops by to see Stephanie as he is in town and they catch up. Taylor later drops by and tells Stephanie that Clarke and Morgan are a couple. Stephanie suggests Morgan is up to something. Later, Stephanie lets herself into the beach house and has a snoop around while Morgan is out.

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August 4, 200020m

As Amber and CJ share dinner, she apologises for having the rockers in the house. CJ says he doesn't hold it against her and then removes his wedding ring. He says it is time to let Becky go and they dance. An officer later comes by and charges Amber with possession of drugs with the intent to sell. Morgan is on a high after seeing her baby on the screen. Clarke shares her joy, but reminds her that Stephanie can't find out that she is pregnant. Ridge and Taylor lay by the pool. Ridge suggests Taylor find another friend other than Morgan. Taylor can't shake the feeling that Morgan is hiding something. Stephanie finds the baby basket and then the crib. Stephanie rushes over to Morgan's doctor after finding an apointment book. Posing as Morgan's aunt, Stephanie learns that Morgan is pregnant.

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August 7, 200020m

Amber sobs as she realises she is going to have to go to court. CJ tells her not to worry and that they will prove her innocence. Amber begins thinking that she is a bad mother, but CJ kisses her again. Taylor asks Morgan why she is keeping secrets. Morgan says that she isn't but Taylor isn't buying it. Stephanie tells Ridge that Morgan is pregnant. He is in shock and tells Stephanie that he will handle things. Stephanie later informs Taylor of Morgan's pregnancy. Taylor suggests that Clarke is the father, but Stephanie still feels something else is going on. Ridge storms into Morgan's office and makes her confess that she is pregnant. Ridge demands to know if the baby she is carrying is his.

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August 8, 200020m

Thorne finds Kimberly cooped up at home. He tries to get her to come out and surf but she refuses. He invites her to dinner, but again she declines. Thorne suggests she do something to make herself feel better. Kimberly later gives Gladys a call and asks for a makeover. Taylor goes to Clarke to dig for information on Morgan's pregnancy. Clarke keeps quiet but tells Taylor that she will know everything soon enough. Ridge shakes Morgan and demands some answers. Morgan admits that she is pregnant with his child. Ridge is furious, but Morgan says nothing has to change she has everything she wants now. Ridge tells her it will destroy his family and Morgan is in shock when he suggests that she have an abortion.

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August 9, 200020m

Brooke calls Thorne and tells him that she is coming home from Paris. He asks her to stop by when she arrives back. Gladys drops by Kimberly's place ready to style her up. Kimberly suggests some highlights to lighten her hair. After the makeover, Kimberly goes next door to Thorne's to have dinner afterall. Morgan refuses to have an abortion. Morgan suggests telling Taylor the truth but Ridge flips out and demands Morgan get rid of the child. Morgan later tells Clarke that Ridge knows everything. Morgan fears that Stephanie will learn the truth. Taylor confides in Stephanie that something bizarre is going on with Morgan. Stephanie is determined to get to the bottom of it. Stephanie later finds Ridge in Morgan's office on the floor in a state of distress.

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August 10, 200020m

Thorne is impressed with Kimberly's new look. She tells Thorne that she is glad that he made her do this for herself. They have a barbecue and Thorne tells Kimberly that she is beautiful. Morgan tells Clarke that she is scared of what Stephanie will do. Clarke tells her to relax as she doesn't know the truth. Morgan feels it is only a matter of time. Stephanie pushes Ridge to open up to her. He explains how Morgan manipulated him, first with the E-mail and then the telephone message. Ridge tells Stephanie that the baby Morgan is carrying is his. Stephanie is angry and warns Ridge that he will lose his whole family over this. Stephanie tells Ridge that she will handle things.

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August 11, 200020m

Thorne and Kimberly sit out on the deck of his house. Thorne gives her a house warming present, a photograph of a lighthouse in Nantucket. Thorne goes to make some coffee as Brooke arrives. Kimberly glares at her. Ridge goes home to Taylor and she begins talking about Morgan. Taylor still talks of Clarke being the child's father, while Ridge finds it hard to hide his guilt. Stephanie calls Bill Spencer to ask for a favor. Bill meets with Stephanie and hands her some pills. Morgan freaks out and Clarke suggests Morgan get out of town for a while. Morgan agrees and packs her things but on her way out she bumps right into a waiting Stephanie.

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August 14, 200020m

Brooke wonders why Kimberly is still at Thorne's. Brooke attempts to talk to Kimberly, but Kimberly shoots her down, not prepared to discuss anything with Brooke. Brooke suggests Kimberly get some professional help, but she says that she has a very dear friend helping her through this. Ridge finds Bill at Forrester Creations. Bill lectures him on how Stephanie is still clearing up the mess that he causes. Ridge asks what Bill is doing and he informs Ridge that he gave Stephanie the pills that'll save his family. Stephanie tells Morgan that this child will destroy her family and tells Morgan to have an abortion. Morgan refuses and Stephanie realises that she has to try another approach. Reaching out to Morgan, Morgan is happy that Stephanie seems to be accepting things.

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August 15, 200020m

Amber brings the baby by to see Rick. They talk about her court case and Amber declines Rick's help of hiring Jonathan. Rick again brings up the suggestion of Amber moving in, she says how different things are between them now. Rick suddenly kisses Amber. Ridge demands that Bill tell him what the pills are for. Bill admits that they will cause a miscarriage. Ridge is furious that Bill would give Stephanie illegal drugs, but Bill feels Ridge should be thankful for Stephanie covering his butt again. Stephanie pretends to care for Morgan and asks for some tea and conversation. Morgan is happy to see that they can get along. While Morgan isn't looking, Stephanie opens a capsule and drops it's contents into Morgan's tea.

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August 16, 200020m

Amber breaks away from Rick's kiss and asks about Kimberly. Rick admits that Kimberly hasn't seen him and doesn't seem to want to either since Macy died. Rick mentions his marriage with Amber and tells her that he misses both her and the baby. Amber returns home where CJ has prepared pizza and movies. He kisses Amber. Stephanie ushers Morgan to drink her tea, but suddenly Ridge barges in. Ridge gives Stephanie a knowing glance and she tries to get him to leave. Ridge has second thoughts and has Stephanie leave which makes Morgan angry. Morgan says that Stephanie was finally accepting her, but Ridge informs Morgan that Stephanie was trying to kill her baby.

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August 17, 200020m

Rick catches Stephanie as she arrives back home. He asks her if she would mind him moving back into the main house, and Amber and the baby coming back to the guest house. Stephanie is surprised and wonders how CJ would deal with that, but agrees to think about it. CJ tells Amber that he cares for her and that his life with her and the baby means everything to him now. He kisses Amber again, later, Amber gets a call from Rick who asks her to think about moving back to the Forrester estate. Morgan is horrified that Stephanie tried to kill her baby. Ridge wonders if he made a mistake in stopping Stephanie. Morgan is fuming as Ridge tells her that he will only be looking out for his own family from now on. Morgan vows revenge on Stephanie.

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August 18, 200020m

Morgan flies into Stephanie's house as she is sipping her morning tea. Morgan tells Stephanie that she is going to make her pay. Stephanie tells Morgan that if she carries the baby to term she will go after the child in court. Morgan warns Stephanie to stay away from her, pulls out a jar with the tea inside and throws it in Stephanie's face. Bridget hears two guys at The Insomnia Cafe talking about Brooke and Thorne. Bridget is angry, especially after Kimberly confirms it. Bridget storms out as Kimberly is happy with herself. Brooke and Thorne lay in bed and make love. Brooke tells Thorne that she is going to tell Bridget about their relationship tonight. Thorne wonders if she will be ok, but Brooke believes that Bridget will be happy for them. Bridget later finds them together and is sickened.

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August 21, 200020m

CJ suggests that Amber get some help from Sally in regards to lawyers in court. Amber insists that she can handle it alone. Eric wonders about Amber's day in court. Rick calls her and learns that she is taking the baby, he suggests otherwise, but she hurries off the phone. CJ and Amber arrive at court and CJ insists that Amber needs a lawyer. Darla stops by to see Kimberly. Kimberly tells Darla that Bridget is the one person who can end Brooke and Thorne's relationship. Bridget blasts Brooke and Thorne for their relationship. Bridget thinks that they are both sick and is in shock when they tell her that they plan to marry. Bridget refuses to accept that her half-brother is dating her mother, and warns Brooke that either Thorne goes, or she will.

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August 22, 200020m

Bridget yells for Thorne to get out but he refuses, telling Bridget that he loves Brooke. Bridget tells Brooke that she has been through this time and time again with Ridge and she won't go through it again. Rick stops by to see Kimberly and they argue about Brooke and Thorne. Rick realises that things are over for him and Kimberly. Kimberly later stops by to see Thorne and learns that Bridget reacted badly to the news of his love for Brooke. Kimberly seems pleased and offers to be there for Thorne. The judge rips Amber to pieces in court. Amber tries to speak up for herself but he recommends that she get a lawyer if she plans to be heard. He puts the case on hold for two days. As Amber and CJ leave the court, a lawyer named Sherman Gale gives her his card and offers to help.

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August 23, 200020m

Taylor finds Ridge in his office and comments that he hasn't been sleeping well and that he seems to be working far too much. Stephanie walks in and after Taylor leaves she says that Ridge needs to tell Taylor the truth that Morgan is pregnant with his child. Amber has a meeting with Sherman, her lawyer. He asks for a check for $500 for his services. He advises Amber that she could go to jail for 5-10 years and she begs him to do something. Thorne suggests moving into Brooke's place to show Bridget that they are serious about one another. Brooke says that it would be best if he only stay there part time until Bridget warms to the idea. Kimberly meets with Bridget and is happy with Bridget's anger toward Brooke and Thorne. Kimberly suggests Bridget go to her father for help. Bridget later tells Eric that Brooke and Thorne have to be stopped.

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August 24, 200020m

Kimberly finds Thorne packing some things to take to Brooke's. Kimberly can't believe that Thorne is moving in with her. Thorne tells her that he will only be spending the occasional night for now. Kimberly isn't pleased. Bridget tells Eric how sick she feels at the thought of Brooke and Thorne being together. Bridget says that if Brooke chooses Thorne then she is moving out. Eric suggests that Bridget can live with him and Stephanie. Brooke tells Bridget that they need to talk, but she demands an answer on whether Brooke wants her daughter or Thorne. Stephanie advises Ridge to tell Taylor the truth now when he starts worrying about losing his family. Stephanie says he needs to do it before Morgan does. Morgan and Taylor have lunch. They discuss her baby and Taylor asks Morgan who the father is.

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August 25, 200020m

Brooke tries to make Bridget see reason, but Bridget demands that she chose. Brooke suggests that Bridget come home so that they can talk, but she has to promise Bridget that Thorne won't be there. Kimberly is thrilled when she learns that Bridget has stalled Brooke and Thorne's plans of moving in together. Thorne later comes over to Brooke's with flowers but she sends him away. Morgan tells Taylor that she can't reveal who her child's father is as he wants to keep it secret. Taylor is annoyed but still promises to be there for Morgan. Ridge wonders how Taylor will react to learning he slept with Morgan. Stephanie says that it won't be easy but it has to be done. Ridge arrives home and prepares to tell all.

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August 28, 200020m

Ridge finds his living room full of a camera crew and reporters. Taylor tells him that they have been selected for an interview with Fashion Today magazine. Taylor gushes with pride about her family and Ridge loses his bottle to tell her the truth. Stephanie storms into Morgan's office and warns her that she won't have Ridge. Morgan says that she doesn't want Ridge, only his baby. Stephanie tells her that Ridge is going to tell Taylor the truth. Morgan says that it will be Stephanie's fault if he loses his family. CJ asks Amber if her lawyer is getting anywhere with her case. He offers Sally's help again, but Amber turns him down. Sherman later calls Amber and tells her that he has some good news.

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August 29, 200020m

Amber is shocked when Sherman tells her that he can have her charges reduced if she pleas guilty. CJ tells her not to do it, but Amber is shaken and unsure as they have to be in court today. Stephanie learns that Ridge didn't tell Taylor anything. Stephanie says that if he isn't going to tell Taylor the truth now then he has to keep it secret forever. Ridge and Stephanie decide that they need to speak with Morgan. Clarke finds Morgan pacing in a nervous manner. Clarke takes pleasure in the thought of Ridge losing his marriage. Morgan calls Taylor and realises Ridge hasn't told her anything. Clarke leaves once Morgan is relaxed. Stephanie and Ridge later barge in and tell Morgan that they have a problem that needs to be resolved once and for all.

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August 30, 200020m

Amber takes the stand in court and goes with Sherman's advice to say she is guilty. CJ is worried but the plea bargain works when the judge gives her one years probation, 80 hours of community service and drug school. Eric and Rick watch from the back. Later, Eric tells Rick that Amber now has a criminal record and with that it could work in their favor with a custody case for little Eric. Stephanie and Ridge order Morgan to keep the father of her baby a secret. They all agree between the three of them that it stays their secret and it is to stay that way forever. Morgan later worries that Clarke knows the truth. Placing a call to him, she begs him to keep it a secret, to which he agrees, but he realises that he now has the power to destroy Ridge.

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August 31, 200020m

Brooke finds Thorne in her office and she apologises for sending him away. Thorne thinks that he should talk to Bridget, but Brooke asks him to let her handle her daughter. Bridget meets with Kimberly at The Insomnia Cafe. Kimberly tells Bridget not to move out of home as she can keep Thorne away as long as she is there. Bridget thanks Kimberly for her support. Kimberly later feels it's time for she herself to make a move on Thorne. Thorne walks into the cafe and Kimberly sets herself up on the stage and sings him a song to say thank you. Stephanie learns of Amber's court charges from Eric and Rick. Stephanie decides that the baby isn't safe living in that apartment. CJ and Amber talk about her drug charges and how it's all behind them now. Once alone, Eric, Rick and Stephanie show up. Stephanie tells Amber that she has made a big mistake.

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September 1, 200020m

Thorne is thankful to Kimberly for her song, but he doesn't get the message that she intended. Kimberly later drops by his place and thanks him for being there for her. She tells him that he means a lot to her and then confesses that she is in love with him. CJ visits Sally at work and she is surprised that he didn't ask for help with Amber's drug charges. Sally realises that CJ sees Amber as more than just a friend now. CJ tells Sally how Rick is trying to get Amber to move back to Forrester estate. Sally reminds him that Becky wanted he and Amber to raise the child. Stephanie makes Amber feel guilty about her drug charges. Eric and Stephanie push her to move back to the guest house. Amber refuses to leave CJ. Amber has to rush off to drug school but CJ is running late. Rick offers to take the baby. CJ later comes home and finds Stephanie there. He is angry when she tells him that the baby isn't coming back.

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September 4, 200020m

Thorne tells Kimberly that she is confused. She comments that she isn't, what she feels for him is love. He tells her that he loves Brooke and nothing can ever happen between him and Kimberly. Kimberly later watches Brooke and Thorne from her deck. She calls Bridget and orders her to come over right away. Eric pulls some strings with Jonathan to arrange for Amber to miss her drug school. Rick talks with Amber about old times and tells her that he misses the baby and her too. Amber feels her should stop, but he touches her hand. Stephanie and CJ argue about the baby. CJ says that baby belongs with him, but Stephanie tells him that Amber and little Eric will be living with her now. CJ yells at Stephanie for going against Becky's wishes, but she says that Becky wanted the baby to live in safe enviroment, and that's something that he can't provide.

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September 5, 200020m

Kimberly riles Bridget up more by telling her exactly what's going on between Brooke and Thorne. Brooke and Thorne get hot and heavy as she strips to her underwear. Bridget rushes over and barges into Thorne's house. She tells Brooke that she is ashamed of her and yells at them both. Brooke quickly ushers her home. Thorne is annoyed but Kimberly is more impressed than ever. CJ has enough of Stephanie's attitude and storms out to go get little Eric back. Rick continues to pull on Amber's heart strings as CJ bounds into the Forrester home. He begins yelling at Rick for bribing Amber back there. Amber is confused as to what's going on. Stephanie enters and a full blown argument erupts. CJ grabs the baby and goes to leave but the Forresters' warn him not to walk out the door.

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September 6, 200020m

Kimberly goes to Brooke and tells her that she wants to return to work at Forrester Creations. Kimberly suggests a home photo shoot with Thorne supervising. Brooke arranges things with Giovanni. Brooke calls Thorne and fills him in on the arrangement, he is a little reluctant, but later agrees. Eric, Stephanie and Rick come up with ways to lure Amber and the baby back to the house. Eric suggests legal advice, but Rick believes that he can handle it. CJ and Amber discuss his reaction to her being at the Forrester home. CJ gets angry when Amber believes that the Forresters' intensions are sincere. CJ storms out. Rick later comes by and asks Amber if she ever wonders what it could have been like for them and that it's not too late to try.

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September 7, 200020m

Rick asks Amber if what she feels for CJ is real. Rick suggests that CJ is vulnerable after Becky and Macy's death, and that Amber is alone since their marriage ended. He advises her to do some soul searching. CJ later returns and apologises to Amber. He confesses that he is afraid of losing her and admits that he loves her before giving her a kiss. Stephanie tells Brooke of Rick's plans to have Amber move back to guest house. Stephanie and Brooke get into it about her parenting skills. Kimberly takes full advantage of showing her sexier side during her photo shoot. She notices Thorne watching her and teases him. Thorne is annoyed when Brooke calls and cancels their dinner plans so that she can talk to Bridget. Kimberly then invites him to dinner herself.

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September 8, 200020m

Taylor ponders who the father of Morgan's baby could be, but Ridge tells her to drop it. Morgan enters upon hearing her name and tells Taylor that she doesn't know her baby's father. Morgan says that she was artificially inseminated when Taylor was out of town. Brooke tries to see if Bridget has warmed any more to the idea of Thorne moving in. Bridget accuses Brooke of not caring for her feelings at all and storms out. Kimberly and Thorne talk after her photo shoot. Kimberly again brings up her feelings for him but he says that he is far too old for her, as well as being in love with Brooke. Kimberly mentions that Brooke hasn't been around much. Bridget drops by Kimberly's and watches her with Thorne.

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September 11, 200020m

Amber is working at the Cafe Russe and sees Rick dining alone. He makes a play for Amber again but she feels it's just an act to get her and the baby back to the Forrester estate. Rick insists that he really does care for her again. Thorne calls Brooke and tells her that his patience is running thin, he makes her promise to go public with their relationship the following day. Brooke drops by to get some advice from Taylor. Taylor tells Brooke that Bridget needs her more than Thorne. Taylor suggests Brooke take Bridget out of town to show her how much her daughter means to her. Bridget confonts Kimberly and accuses her of wanting Thorne for herself. Kimberly admits that she loves Thorne. Bridget agrees to help Kimberly keep Brooke away. Brooke calls and asks Bridget to go to Hawaii with her. Kimberly thinks it's the perfect opportunity to grab Thorne.

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September 12, 200020m

Bridget asks Kimberly if a couple of days will be enough for her to get through to Thorne. Kimberly seems possitive. Brooke goes to Thorne and tells him that they can't go public just yet as she is going to Hawaii with Bridget. Thorne is angry and feels Brooke is letting Bridget call all the shots. CJ tells Sally about Eric, Rick and Stephanie taking the baby. Amber arrives home and CJ and Sally warn her not to underestimate the Forrester family. Amber still feels that they won't cause trouble but Sally believes otherwise. Eric and Stephanie have a meeting with Jonathan about going after custody of little Eric. Rick says that he doesn't want to take the child from Amber. Jonathan manages to pull some stings on the Forrester's behalf that states that Amber and the child must reside at the Forrester estate for the duration of her probation.

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September 13, 200020m

Rick is a bit unsure on if they should just go and take the baby away from the apartment. Eric says that Amber has no choice other than to move in now or else she will go to jail. Stephanie decides to go talk to Amber first. Amber is at work and CJ isn't impressed that Stephanie is there. CJ tries to throw her out but she gives him a lecture of the hazards of the apartment. When CJ refuses to cooperate, Stephanie orders him to give her the baby. Brooke and Bridget fly to Hawaii. On the flight, Brooke tells Bridget all the fun that they are going to have but Bridget gives her the cold shoulder. Kimberly begins working on Thorne. She tells him that Brooke is only letting him down after everything that he has sacrificed for her. Kimberly asks Thorne to let Brooke go and give his heart to her instead.

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September 14, 200020m

Thorne tries to push Kimberly away but she goes on to say how much he means to her. Kimberly feels Brooke isn't the right woman for him and that all she is bringing him is pain. Bridget and Brooke arrive in Hawaii. Brooke hopes that she and Bridget can get their relationship back on track. Brooke later calls Thorne and realises that he is feeling low, but she promises him things will all work out soon. Bridget calls Kimberly and tells her to do something as soon as possible. CJ and Stephanie bicker as Amber comes home. Amber is shocked by the court order Stephanie provides her with. Amber and CJ argue with Stephanie for trying to control their lives. Amber refuses to leave CJ, but Stephanie warns her that she had better be at the Forrester home by the end of the day or else she will send the police.

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September 15, 200020m

CJ has Connor look at Amber's court order. Connor informs Amber that she has to comply otherwise she will be violating her probation. Amber is upset and doesn't want to leave CJ. Eric, Stephanie and Rick await Amber and the baby's arrival. Amber eventually turns up with CJ and informs them that she will move in on the one condition that CJ can move in too. Bridget is happy to be spending time with Brooke, but grows tired when Brooke mentions Thorne. Thorne later calls Brooke to see if there has been any progress but Brooke cuts the call short. Brooke informs Bridget that she and Thorne are announcing their engagement upon her return to L.A. Bridget calls Kimberly and tells her to make her move now. Kimberly makes sure Thorne can see her across the deck and then undresses in plain view. Showering so he can see, Thorne goes over to her place.

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September 18, 200020m

Kimberly thinks Thorne is impressed by what he sees and she tries to seduce him over to the bed. He tells her that her infatuation with him needs to stop, he loves Brooke and wants Brooke. Kimberly sobs as he leaves. Sally tells Clarke about Stephanie's court order toward Amber. Sally informs him that Amber has a few tricks up her sleeve. Clarke fears that she is in for a fight. Everyone is shocked by Amber's idea of CJ moving into the guest house with her. Amber refuses to live there unless CJ can come too. Eric and Stephanie tell Rick that they have to make a compromise. CJ and Amber are about to leave when Stephanie gives in to her demands. Rick vows to get Amber and the baby back.

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September 19, 200020m

Stephanie, Eric and Ridge gather at Forrester Creations. Thorne arrives and asks them all to attend his wedding to Brooke. Ridge and Eric aren't impressed and Stephanie tells him not to marry Brooke. Thorne loses his temper when Stephanie begins blaming Brooke for Macy's death. Thorne storms out and tells them that he won't be returning to work at the company. Bridget flips out at Brooke when she again tries to get Bridget's blessing. Bridget tells Brooke that she wasted her time if she brought them to Hawaii to get her approval. Kimberly speaks with Taylor about Brooke and Thorne. Taylor guesses that Kimberly is in love with Thorne. Kimberly tells her that Thorne will soon realise that Brooke isn't the woman for him.

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September 20, 200020m

Forrester Creations is buzzing as preparations begin for Morgan's showing. Eric and Stephanie are not impressed that Thorne and Brooke plan to announce their engagement on stage. Ridge notices Kimberly is feeling depressed and Taylor informs him that Kimberly is in love with Thorne. Thorne runs into Rick and asks him to be his best man, to which he accepts. Bridget rushes to Kimberly and worries about Brooke and Thorne's announcement. Kimberly sees Brooke and Thorne kissing backstage. Morgan looks uncomfortable when the press takes photos of her with Taylor. Everyone notices Kimberly's strange behavior and Morgan asks Thorne to talk to her as the showing is about to start. As everyone gathers out front, Kimberly tells Thorne how much she loves him. She grabs him and kisses him as Bridget pulls the stage curtain away, revealing all to the audience.

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September 21, 200020m

CJ tells Sally about Amber's decision to have him live at the Forrester estate with her. Sally is surprised when CJ says that Stephanie agreed to it. Darla comes in an puts the TV on for Morgan's showing. They are all shocked when they see Kimberly kissing Thorne. The cameras go wild at the kiss. Brooke storms off and Stephanie, Eric and Ridge take great pride in what's happened. The press eat it up as Morgan's line begins, but she is dissapointed when nobody is taking notice. Thorne chases Brooke back to her office and she is fuming, she accuses him of having an affair with Kimberly but he insists that he isn't. Bridget and Kimberly are impressed by what has happened. Brooke tells Thorne that their wedding plans are off.

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September 22, 200020m

Stephanie and Ridge fire questions at Thorne about Kimberly. He tells them that she has an infatuation for him and that there is nothing going on. Thorne says that he still intends to marry Brooke. Bridget wonders if she has gone too far in ending her mother's relationship with Thorne and starts to feel guilty. Rick tells Amber how happy he is for Brooke that she finally has a man that she can count on. Bridget walks in and tells Rick about the kiss, Rick feels Brooke must be devastated. Brooke rushes over to Kimberly's and begins hurling insults. They get into it about who is best for Thorne. Kimberly tells her that she and Thorne are seeing one another. Brooke thinks she is delusional and warns Kimberly that she is one step ahead of her.

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September 25, 200020m

Rick rushes out to speak with Kimberly while Bridget is left with Amber. Amber tells Bridget that she doesn't seem surprised by Thorne and Kimberly's kiss. Bridget avoids Amber's questions but she can see right through her. Rick accuses Kimberly of going after Thorne to get back at Brooke. Kimberly snaps that it has nothing to do with Brooke and that she is in love with Thorne. Stephanie is beaming with happiness that things could be over between Brooke and Thorne. Eric isn't as happy as he feels the publicity is bad for the company. Stephanie later heads over to Kimberly's to find out what is really going on between her and Thorne. Thorne begs Brooke to listen to him. Brooke tells him that he should have told her about Kimberly's feelings for him. Brooke says she feels betrayed and leaves. Rick later comes by and punches Thorne out.

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September 26, 200020m

Stephanie asks Kimberly what she feels for Thorne and she admits that it's love. Stephanie is suspicious, but Kimberly tells her that what she has with Thorne would be perfect if Brooke was out of the picture. Brooke seeks Taylor's advice. Taylor says that although Kimberly loves Thorne, she doesn't feel that his feelings for Kimberly are the same. Brooke wonders how Rick and Bridget will feel and Taylor tells her that she must put her children first after what has happened. Thorne refuses to fight Rick and tells him things have gotten out of hand. Rick accuses Thorne of cheating on Brooke and warns him to stay out of Brooke's life. Rick begins fighting with Thorne again as Brooke returns home. She is horrified and Rick tells her that Thorne has to go. Bridget enters and sides with Rick. They tell their mother that the choice is her children or Thorne.

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September 27, 200020m

Taylor talks to Ridge about Brooke. Taylor believes Brooke's love for Thorne is sincere but that she will choose her children over her love. Sally, Clarke and CJ grill Kimberly about her kiss with Thorne. CJ calls Kimberly sick and Sally and Clarke tell Kimberly to stay away from him. Sally later feels she has to be the one to handle things. Rick and Bridget refuse to allow Thorne to hurt Brooke. They curse and insult Thorne to the point where Brooke asks them to leave. Kimberly meets with Bridget who informs her of the ultimatum she and Rick issued to Brooke. Brooke tells Thorne that Kimberly is no longer the issue, but her children instead. Brooke comments that she has hurt Rick and Bridget too many times before with her love life and she isn't prepared to do it again.

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September 28, 200020m

Kimberly stops by Stephanie's home to give her the latest developments. Kimberly says that Brooke is going to choose her children over Thorne. Stephanie isn't so sure as Brooke never does the right thing. CJ tells Sally that he hates living at the Forrester estate and this latest scandal with Kimberly is only going to make things worse. Rick talks with Amber about Brooke. Amber offers him comfort as he is upset and they grow closer. CJ returns and becomes jealous at seeing them together. Brooke tells Thorne that she can't marry him. Thorne begs Brooke to put all this behind them but she says that she has to think of her children. Thorne is desperate not to lose Brooke, but she tells him that it's over and asks him to leave.

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September 29, 200020m

CJ demands to know what is going on between Rick and Amber. Amber tells CJ that Rick needed a friend, but CJ comes down hard on him for the situation with Kimberly. Rick is angry when CJ says that he will be staying in the guest house with Amber, but Amber suggests that he does sleep in the main house with Eric and Stephanie. Bridget finds Brooke in tears and Brooke tells her that Thorne is gone and that their relationship is over. Rick walks in and they all share a hug as they tell Brooke that they couldn't see her get hurt again. Kimberly goes over to Thorne's in spite of the fact that he wants to be alone. Kimberly learns that Brooke chose her children over Thorne. Kimberly later laments that she and Thorne can be together now.

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October 2, 200020m

Ridge is angered when he finds Morgan in her office giving a press interview about her past love life with Ridge. Eric, Stephanie, Rick, Amber and CJ have breakfast. They all make polite conversation but everything that is said is met by sarcastic comments from CJ. CJ leaves the breakfast table and Rick goes after him. Rick tells him to show some respect towards Eric and Stephanie. Rick thinks that CJ is afraid of losing Amber and tells him that he should be. Stephanie talks with Amber and tells her to keep CJ under control as she won't put up with his attitude in her house. Amber tells Stephanie that she loves CJ. Stephanie isn't interested and simply tells Amber that CJ has to move out.

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October 3, 200020m

Amber agrees to talk to CJ about his attitude but refuses to ask him to leave. Amber begs Stephanie to give CJ another chance to which she reluctantly agrees. CJ tells Sally about breakfast with the Forrester family. CJ tells Sally that he loves Amber, she advises him to really be sure on what he wants before pursuing anything with her. CJ goes back to Amber at the guest house and she talks to him about his attitude. He apologises and confesses his love. CJ pulls out a ring and asks Amber to marry him. Bridget doesn't understand how Rick can be falling for Amber again and tells him so. Ridge lashes out at Morgan for playing games with the reporter. Morgan tells him to relax and he says that he wishes she'd have a miscarriage. Morgan is shocked by his cruel words. Later, Morgan falls off a chair whilst reaching for a book. Ridge sees her bleeding, but leaves her laying there.

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October 4, 200020m

Rick defends Amber when Bridget has nothing nice to say about her. Stephanie agrees with Rick's views and feels that maybe Amber and Rick can have something better and stronger than they did before. Amber is in shock and wonders why CJ is suddenly proposing marriage. He tells her that it is what he wants. When he sees that Amber is unsure he tells her to keep hold of the ring until she is. Rick later drops in on Amber when she is trying the ring on and he can't believe CJ asked her to marry him. Rick tells her that the idea is completely wrong. Ridge's guilt kicks in and he helps Morgan. She is rushed to hospital as she has severe stomach cramps. Morgan is terrified that she is going to lose her baby. Morgan has Ridge hold her hand as the doctor performs an ultrasound.

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October 5, 200020m

Morgan is told that she has a tear in her placenta, both mother and baby will be fine as long as she rests. Morgan and Ridge also learn that she is having a boy. Sally goes to Stephanie and they argue about CJ and Amber and then furthermore Kimberly and Thorne. Sally is sickened that Stephanie has no problem with it. Stephanie learns of Morgan being at the hospital and drops by to see her. Bridget and Brooke laugh and joke amongst themselves and Taylor comments that it's good to see them getting on well. Thorne tells Kimberly that Brooke is allowing her children to run her life. Kimberly says that Bridget needs her mother. Bridget later drops in on Kimberly and tells her that Thorne will stay away from Brooke as she wants nothing to do with him. Brooke arrives home and finds Thorne in her bedroom.

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October 6, 200020m

Taylor finds Ridge working late. He tells her of Morgan's accident and that she is having a boy. Taylor is surprised that Stephanie went to collect Morgan from the hospital. Stephanie accuses Morgan of tricking Ridge into being there for her. Morgan insists that he was there at the right time. Morgan says that the secret is still safe and she isn't after Ridge. Taylor pops in and congratulates Morgan on her baby boy. Bridget and Kimberly share an evening of movies but Bridget can't shift her guilt about hurting Brooke. Kimberly tells her that she did the right thing. Brooke asks Thorne to leave but he refuses and kisses her. Thorne tells her not to let her children run her life. Brooke tells him that for the first time in her life she is putting her children first and tells Thorne to go.

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October 9, 200020m

Brooke is devastated about sending Thorne away. She barges into Eric's office where he is working with Ridge and Stephanie. Brooke lashes out at all of them for destroying her life. Stephanie tells Brooke that she is glad that the relationship is over. Kimberly sees Thorne arrive home and he begins drinking. Bridget goes home so Kimberly can be with Thorne. Thorne swigs Tequilla straight from the bottle. He is in serious agony as he burns photos of Brooke. Filled with memories of everybody telling him that Brooke would destroy him, he realises that they were all correct. Thorne breaks down when he comes across a photograph of Macy. Drunk and distraught, Thorne falls to the floor and then sees Kimberly standing over him.

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October 10, 200020m

As the new boss of The Insomnia Cafe, CJ has a romantic meal arranged. He and Amber share good food and conversation as Rick and Bridget enter. Rick is jealous, but Bridget feels Rick is better off without Amber. Rick defends Bridget and asks her to set CJ's car alarm off so that he can speak with Amber alone. Rick traps Amber in the ladies and kisses her. Taylor calls to check on Brooke and Brooke tells her how Thorne was in her bedroom. Taylor reassures Brooke that she has done the right thing in putting her children first. Kimberly tries talking to Thorne, but realises he is intoxicated. Kimberly kisses Thorne and in his drunken state he responds. As Thorne fades in and out of consciousness, Kimberly takes him into the bedroom.

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October 11, 200020m

Thorne wakes up and finds Kimberly in his bedroom dressed in his shirt. He obviously doesn't remember a thing as Kimberly tells him that they slept together. Kimberly later meets with Bridget and tells her that she spent the night with Thorne but nothing sexual happened. Brooke tells Ridge and Taylor how much she loves Thorne and that she can't cope without him. Ridge tells her that she has made the right decision. Thorne calls and Brooke tells him to stop. Clarke and Sally discuss CJ's marriage proposal to Amber. Clarke thinks things are spinning out of control. Eric, Stephanie and Rick talk about CJ and Rick says that he won't allow CJ take the baby away from him. Breakfast is met by more bad attitude from CJ. Stephanie tells CJ that his marriage proposal to Amber was a desparate attempt of trying to hold onto her. CJ later calls Sally and asks for her help.

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October 12, 200020m

CJ tells Amber that he can't handle living at the Forrester estate anymore and tells her that they have to leave. Sally has a meeting with Connor. He tells her that the court order requires Amber to live at the Forrester estate, not the baby. Connor adds that CJ has the legal right to the child as stated in Becky's videotape. Sally informs CJ of this and he decides it's time to move the baby out. Rick tells Stephanie that moving Amber in was just about the baby at first, but now he has feelings for Amber again. Stephanie advises Rick to tell her how he feels. Amber is unsure on what to say when Rick confesses his feelings, Rick tells her that he wants a life with her again. CJ later calls Amber and tells her to pack as they are moving out.

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October 13, 200020m

Clarke brings Morgan a silver rattle as a baby present. She is pleased until he starts bad mouthing Ridge as if the temptation of sticking it to him is getting too much. Morgan reminds him that he has to keep his mouth shut. Clarke goes to Ridge and talks of Morgan's baby and how he will be the father figure once the child is born. Sally and Connor search for CJ's marriage certificate with the help of CJ and Amber. Connor tells them that the certificate, along with the videotape from Becky is all they need to file for custody today. Amber has a distant look as CJ tells her that Forrester family will be out of their lives. Stephanie and Rick spend time with the baby. Rick tells her that it's only a matter of time before they are all a family again.

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October 16, 200020m

Sally advises CJ to keep his mouth shut and allow her to talk to Stephanie and Rick. They arrive at the Forrester home as Rick and Stephanie notice that CJ has moved his things out. Sally tells them that CJ is moving back in with her. Stephanie and Rick are pleased until they try and take the baby. Darla and Amber chat at The Insomnia Cafe. Darla wonders why Amber isn't happy about leaving the Forrester estate. Darla questions Amber's feelings for CJ and asks her if she is still in love with Rick. Amber insists that once CJ moves out, she will be coming too. Ridge finds Clarke at Forrester Creations. Clarke drops hints that he knows that Ridge is the father of Morgan's baby. Ridge flips out and yells at Morgan for telling Clarke.

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October 17, 200020m

Clarke bumps into Taylor and stirs the pot by telling her that Ridge is pretty riled up after he spoke about Morgan's baby. Morgan denies that Clarke knows anything. She assures Ridge that the baby is their secret. Morgan calls Clarke to her office and blasts him for baiting Ridge. Morgan tells him that he had better not cross her again. Taylor speaks to Ridge about why he gets angry everytime Morgan's baby is mentioned. Darla continues to question Amber on her feelings for Rick. Amber decides that she must head over to Stephanie's. Sally and Stephanie go at it as Rick and CJ do the same. Everybody argues over where the baby is going to live. Amber walks in and is horrified. Connor and Jonathan come over with legal aide and Connor hands Stephanie the document giving CJ temporary custody of little Eric.

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October 18, 200020m

Kimberly drops in on Thorne at his office but he doesn't want to talk. Kimberly gets him to open up and he feels bad about taking her virginity and not even being able to remember. Kimberly then goes to Brooke who tells her to get her delusion of being with Thorne out of her head. Kimberly tells Brooke that she slept with Thorne. Jonathan confirms that CJ and Sally have the right to take the baby and live at her penthouse. Stephanie tells Amber that she won't hold her hostage and that she can go too. Sally and Stephanie get into a cat fight about the baby and CJ shoves in some sarcastic comments. Rick takes Amber aside and shows how hurt he is that she and the baby are leaving. He begs her not to go, but Sally, CJ, Amber and little Eric pack their things and leave.

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October 19, 200020m

Sally, Clarke, CJ, Darla and Connor crack open the champagne at their victory over the Forrester family. Amber stands off to the side with the baby and is sickened by them gloating. CJ later apologises to Amber, but she is angry that CJ can take pleasure in other people's pain. Amber tells him that they all love the baby and the situation isn't fair on anyone. Eric comforts Rick as he sobs that he has lost Amber and the baby. Brooke refuses to believe Kimberly's words but Kimberly tells her that she loves Thorne and showed him so in the bedroom. Brooke rushes to Thorne to demand some answers but he avoids the issue. Thorne admits to being drunk and then waking up with Kimberly at his side but he insists Kimberly means nothing to him. Brooke is crushed.

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October 20, 200020m

Brooke accuses Thorne of destroying what they had between them. Thorne insists that it was just drunken sex that he can't even remember. Brooke tells Thorne not to touch her and storms out. Kimberly has second thoughts about making Thorne believe that they slept together. Bridget tells Kimberly to keep the lie going or else Thorne will return to Brooke. Kimberly later finds Thorne feeling down and he beats himself up about taking advantage of Kimberly. Brooke is shocked that Bridget knows about Thorne and Kimberly's night together and warns Bridget to stay away from Kimberly. Rick visits Amber and the baby and asks her to consider a life with him. CJ comes home and throws Rick out. Rick meets with Jonathan. He asks Jonathan to help him in finding the baby's biological father and getting him to sign over his rights so Rick can take him back. CJ proposes to Amber again.

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October 23, 200020m

Brooke admits to Bridget that now Thorne and Kimberly have slept together that any future that could have been for herself and Thorne is over forever. Kimberly starts to tell Thorne the truth but he is filled with guilt about sleeping with her. He offers to stand by Kimberly and apologises. Bridget later comes by and is thrilled that Thorne seems to be getting closer to Kimberly. Kimberly believes it's only a matter of time before Thorne will love her. Rick tells Jonathan that finding the baby's real father is the only way for him to get parental rights. He hopes that it will also bring Amber back to him. Rick starts researching and gives Becky's father Joe a call. Amber asks CJ if he is sure he wants to marry her. Amber gets caught up in the moment at the idea of having a stable family again and accepts to be CJ's wife.

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October 24, 200020m

Rick is hurt that Amber has agreed to marry CJ. He asks her to remove the ring and replace it with her wedding ring, which he still has. Amber asks him not to do this, but he refuses to give up. Amber later goes to a church and asks for guidance. CJ tells Clarke, Sally and Darla that Amber accepted his proposal. Sally and Clarke give their blessing once they realise it is what CJ really wants. Amber returns home to a suprise engagement party. Darla notices that Amber's mind is elsewhere but she assures CJ that she is thrilled. Rick goes to Furnace Creek to visit Joe and Tilly. They talk about how they miss Becky and then Rick brings up the subject of little Eric's biological father. Joe gets angry and doesn't want to talk about him, but Rick says that he needs to know who he is.

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October 25, 200020m

Ridge apologises to Taylor for spending too much time at work. Catherine brings Thomas in to say goodnight and then Ridge and Taylor decide to make the most of the time alone. Clarke stops by to see Morgan, he gives her a massage and then proceeds to kiss her neck. He isn't pleased when she pulls away. Clarke tells her that she is obviously still in love with Ridge, which she denies. Darla questions Amber on whether she is sure that she wants to marry CJ. Amber assures her that her future lays with CJ and the baby and Rick will realise that. Joe refuses to give any information on the baby's father but later lets it slip that his name is Deacon. Joe warns Rick to stay away from Deacon as he seemed like a gangster and a con artist who got Becky pregnant and skipped town. When Joe is away, Tilly slips Rick a photograph of Becky and Deacon together.

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October 26, 200020m

Rick returns home and meets with a private investigator named Ted Jones. Rick hands him the photo of Deacon and asks him to track him down. Ridge and Taylor share a bubble bath and enjoy their moments together. They talk about all that they share and kiss. Clarke continues to try and make Morgan admit that she wants Ridge. Clarke storms out when Morgan refuses to give in to his advances. Morgan thinks about what Clarke said and dreams about a life with Ridge and their son. Morgan wonders if it is possible and calls Ridge. Taylor answers and so she hangs up. Morgan takes a photograph of herself with Ridge and Taylor. She rips Taylor from the photo and places it under her pillow as she bids Ridge goodnight.

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October 27, 200020m

Ridge comes home from work early and learns that Taylor is sick. Morgan drops by to meet with Taylor has they had previously arranged to go to a child birth class. Taylor has to cancel due to being sick and she asks Ridge to go in her place. Ridge is uncomfortable, but Taylor pleads with him to go. Ridge is further unnerved when people at the child birth class think that he and Morgan are a couple. Amber spends some time with Sally looking at gowns to wear for her wedding. She is blown away when Clarke and Darla come in with beautiful dress he has designed especially for her. Amber tries it on and everybody is thrilled at how perfect the wedding is going to be. Rick tells Bridget that CJ and Amber have planned to get married. Rick informs her of his plan to find Deacon. Ted Jones calls Rick and tells him that he has found Deacon, he runs a bar in L.A. called The Lair.

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October 30, 200020m

Morgan tries to get Ridge to loosen up during the birthing class. He tells her that he doesn't need to loosen up or learn anything as he won't be there when she gives birth. Morgan helps tidy at the end of the class. She takes Ridge aside to talk and they both learn that they have been locked in the closet. Bridget tells Stephanie that Amber is planning on marrying CJ. Stephanie feels that Amber is only marrying him for the baby and given the chance she would be with Rick. Rick goes to The Lair and asks a waitress named Carmen about Deacon. Carmen tells Rick that he is her boyfriend of over two years. Deacon tells Rick that he doesn't want him poking his nose in and bringing back faces from the past. Angry, Rick leaves and drops the photo of Deacon and Becky on the way out which Deacon finds. Rick meets with Bridget and tells her that his plan won't work because Deacon is a loser. Unknown to Rick, Deacon has followed him.

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October 31, 200020m

Trapped in the cupboard, Morgan tells Ridge to face up to the fact that she is having his child and asks him to stop with his mood swings. Ridge isn't happy telling lies to Taylor and Morgan isn't happy that her son will grow up without a father. Stephanie visits Amber and asks her to put the wedding on hold. Stephanie advises her to be honest about her true feelings before it is too late. At The Insomnia Cafe, Bridget tells Rick that he'll have to find another way to stop the wedding just as CJ walks in with the baby. Rick goes to leave and spots Deacon at a table. Deacon digs for information from Rick and learns that Becky is dead. Amber informs CJ of Stephanie's visit and CJ yells at Rick for his interference. Deacon overhears the argument and learns that the baby is Becky's.

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November 1, 200020m

Taylor wonders where Ridge and Morgan are as they are running late returning home. Clarke thinks Ridge is up to something when he calls Taylor and she informs him that Ridge and Morgan still haven't come home. Morgan asks Ridge not to hold his bitter feelings for her against their child as the baby is innocent. After they are released, Morgan asks Taylor and Ridge to be godparents. Taylor is thrilled, but Ridge isn't amused. Rick tries to deny that Deacon is the father of little Eric but Deacon doesn't buy it. Rick has to admit the truth but Deacon says that he wants nothing to do with the baby. Amber and CJ make wedding plans and notice Rick and Deacon arguing. Rick tells Deacon he wants him to sign over his parental rights and disappear and Rick offers him $10,000 to do so.

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November 2, 200020m

Sally goes to Stephanie and warns her to stop sticking her nose into CJ and Amber's business. Stephanie comments that the marriage is doomed and Sally orders Stephanie to stay away. CJ fires ideas about the wedding at Amber. He notices that she is distracted by Rick and Deacon's conversation. Deacon laughs at Rick's offer and doesn't believe that he has to cash until Rick mentions that his last name is Forrester. Deacon is intrigued and wonders why there is so much hype surrounding the baby. Rick protests but Deacon joins Amber and CJ. CJ gives Deacon attitude as he talks to little Eric and asks him to get lost. Deacon goes back to Rick and says they have a deal to sign over the rights, but he wants $100,000.

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November 3, 200020m

Deacon thinks back to the night that he slept with Becky. He remembers how he sweet talked her into bed. He thinks to himself how that one night is going to make him rich. Stephanie visits Amber and learns that the wedding has been moved up to the following day. Stephanie tells Amber that she will regret marrying CJ. Amber wants Stephanie to leave but Stephanie continues on that she is making a mistake. Rick tells Bridget about his deal with Deacon. She is shocked that Deacon demanded so much money. Rick asks Jonathan to draw up the papers. Stephanie returns home and learns of the plan, she gives her support and tells Jonathan to hurry. Rick later calls Amber and begs her not to marry CJ. He promises her that they will soon be together and she will be his wife instead.

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November 6, 200020m

Deacon is getting hot and heavy with Carmen when Rick calls. Deacon sends her off as he asks Rick if he has the cash. Rick informs him that the papers are being drawn up. Deacon advises him to hurry. Stephanie and Rick press Jonathan to be quick with the adoption papers. Rick visits Amber and asks her to hold off her plans with CJ as he will soon have the opportunity to be a family with her again. Jonathan later calls Rick and apologises as there may be a delay on the paperwork. Amber arrives at the chapel for her wedding rehersal with CJ. CJ wants little Eric as his best man, while Amber asks Darla to be her maid of honor. Clarke and Sally are so happy as CJ gushes will happiness about his love for Amber. Darla notices that Amber's mind is elsewhere.

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November 7, 200020m

CJ barges into the guest house and warns Rick to stay away from his wedding today. CJ tells Rick that Amber and little Eric are his family now. Rick calls Amber and begs her not to marry CJ. He asks her to admit that she still loves him, which she does, but she adds that her future is with CJ and the baby. Rick calls Jonathan and informs him that he'll wait for the paperwork at Deacon's. Jonathan tells Rick not to give Deacon the cash till the papers are signed. Deacon isn't happy when Rick arrives and they have to wait. Stephanie informs Eric of Rick's plan. Eric isn't happy that they are paying for a baby. Stephanie realises that she must get Amber alone to stall her. Darla notices that Amber is shaken and flustered. Sally says that it's just nerves and whisks her off to get into her wedding gown. Amber cries as she kisses a photograph of Rick and bids him goodbye.

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November 8, 200020m

Stephanie and Eric sneak into the bride's room to speak with Amber. Stephanie begs Amber to just hold off on marrying CJ until she hears from Rick. Amber is confused on what he has planned. Darla, Sally and Clarke are furious that Stephanie and Eric are hounding Amber and throw them out. Clarke and Connor help CJ get ready has Amber begins walking down the ailse. Stephanie feels helpless and calls Rick to tell him to hurry as he's almost too late. Rick gets on to Jonathan who informs Rick that papers aren't ready. Rick asks Deacon to help him stop the wedding but Deacon refuses to help until he gets his money. Rick reluctantly writes Deacon a check for $100,000 and they race over to the chapel. CJ says his vows to Amber and she returns hers. Rick bursts into the church and yells to stop the wedding.

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November 9, 200020m

Bridget visits Brooke at her office and tells her that Rick is in love with Amber. Brooke doesn't believe it and is concerned when Bridget hints that Rick is going to stop Amber's wedding to CJ. Thorne later drops in and Brooke acts cold towards him. She brings up his night of sex with Kimberly and throws it in his face. CJ is furious that the wedding has been haulted and Clarke tries to throw Rick out of the chapel. Rick says that Amber is only marrying CJ for the sake of the baby, which only angers CJ more. Sally threatens to call the police as Eric and Stephanie stand by Rick. Deacon enters and introduces himself. Amber flies at him for everything that he did to Becky. CJ rages at Rick for bringing Deacon into their lives as Deacon says that he has come to collect his son.

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November 10, 200020m

Brooke apologises to Thorne for lashing out at him about Kimberly. Thorne asks Brooke if there is a way for them to move past what has happened. Thorne finds Kimberly in his office wearing only lingerie. She attempts to seduce Thorne but gets nowhere. Kimberly is later confronted by Brooke and Kimberly manipulates Brooke into thinking that she has a date with Thorne. Amber storms out of the church with the baby, refusing to let Deacon take him. Rick follows and informs her that Deacon is signing custody over to him. Sally and Stephanie rip each other to pieces as CJ wonders why Deacon would suddenly want his child. Things get out of hand and Sally warns Deacon not to mess with her family. Stephanie and Eric plan to meet Deacon later for him to sign the papers. CJ attacks Rick before leaving with Amber and the baby.

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November 13, 200020m

Sally and CJ ask Connor what their options are where the baby is concerned. Conner tells them that Deacon holds all the cards. Sally decides that she must talk to Deacon, so she heads out to find him with CJ. Rick, Stephanie and Eric gather at the Forrester home as Jonathan comes by. Rick isn't happy when Jonathan still hasn't had the papers drawn up. Eric and Stephanie are worried about what Deacon is capable of, yet more worried about Sally finding out that they are buying the baby. Rick goes to Amber and she is angry at the risk he has taken. Rick promises her that they can now be together again, he wants their family back again. Deacon tells Carmen about the baby and it occurs to him that he has the money, yet nobody has the baby. He realises that they are willing to pay some serious money in order to have his son. Sally and CJ arrive to get some answers from Deacon. Sally realises that he has been offered money, so she offers to pay him more.

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November 14, 200020m

Stephanie tells Taylor that Rick is close to getting custody of the baby. Taylor airs her concerns that Deacon already has the cash. Amber is shocked when she realises that Rick has paid Deacon to get custody. Rick tells Amber that he wants her as his wife and he would do anything to have that back again. Amber is torn and tells him that she can't hurt CJ. Rick hears from Jonathan, whom has the papers ready. Rick calls Stephanie to accompany him meeting with Deacon. Sally gets Deacon to confess that Rick has paid him $100,000. Sally jumps in and offers him $200,000. Deacon laughs at how much control her has on their wallets. Rick, Stephanie and Jonathan arrive with the papers and order Deacon to sign. Deacon demands an offer of $200,000 from them. Rick is angry, but Stephanie pulls out her check book.

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November 15, 200020m

Taylor visits Amber to offer support. Taylor advises Amber to put her thoughts for the baby aside and think of CJ and Rick. Taylor tells Amber that she needs to make a decision. Amber worries about Deacon, but Taylor assures her that once he signs the papers he will be out of her life. Deacon hands the check for $200,000 back to Stephanie and refuses to sign the papers. Rick flips out and Stephanie warns Deacon not to mess with her. Stephanie sees Sally and CJ lurking in the back and realises Sally is competing against her. CJ and Rick get into it, as do Sally and Stephanie. Deacon tells them all to get out and heads upstairs with Carmen, saying he'll talk to them the following day. Rick calls Amber and informs her that Deacon has custody. Amber is horrified. Carmen asks Deacon what he is going to do. Deacon yells at her that it's none of her business as he gets off on the power he has over everybody.

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November 16, 200020m

Sally decides that she needs to concentrate on the new Spectra Fashions line to take her mind of the family problems. Sally presents her new ad compaign to Darla, which involves a huge python. Sally jokes how Clarke doesn't like snakes. Ridge admits to Stephanie that he is worried about Clarke. Stephanie realises that Clarke is close to Morgan and may learn the truth about her baby. Clarke meets with Morgan and she tells him that Ridge is warming to the idea of being a father to his child. Clarke thinks Ridge is just trying to keep Morgan sweet and adds that the truth should come out. Morgan orders him to silence. Stephanie later barges in and tells Morgan that they need to talk. Meanwhile, Clarke goes to Ridge and yells at him for hurting Morgan. Clarke tells Ridge that he knows that he is the father of Morgan's baby.

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November 17, 200020m

Stephanie tells Morgan to keep her mouth shut about her baby. Morgan tells Stephanie that Clarke doesn't know anything. Stephanie adds that she had better keep it that way if she knows what is good for her. Morgan wonders what Clarke is up to. Clarke taunts Ridge that he has the power to destroy him. Clarke reveals that he knows the entire truth. Ridge is livid and punches Clarke out when he threatens to tell Taylor. Ridge barges into Morgan's office and blasts her for betraying him. Amber panics that Deacon is going to take the baby. Rick tells her to calm down and that Deacon is only trying to get more money from them. Amber can't handle the pressure and heads over to Deacon. Amber tries pleading with Deacon, but it falls on deaf ears. Amber tells Deacon that she can offer him something that Rick and CJ can't.

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November 20, 200020m

Stephanie finds Taylor and the kids having pictures taken in the Forrester Creations studio. Giovanni snaps away while Megan looks on and comments on how lucky Ridge is. Stephanie grows concerned by those words. Morgan admits that she told Clarke the truth as she needed someone. Ridge tells her that Clarke threatened his family. Morgan says that she can handle keeping Clarke quiet, but Ridge flips out and tells Morgan to stay away from him. He adds that he wants nothing to do with her or the child. Sally and Darla present Patsy Python to Clarke. He freaks out, but Sally tells him that she is going to make them lots of money. Their meeting is interupted by a furious Morgan, who kicks them all out and glares at Clarke. CJ and Rick argue about Amber, blaming one another for the problems with Deacon. Meanwhile, Amber tries to appeal to Deacon but gets nowhere. Deacon tells her that he can work out a deal with her right now as he kisses her neck.

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November 21, 200020m

Bridget drops by to see Rick, notices how on edge he is when he can't get a hold of Amber. Rick guesses that she is with Deacon, heads over to The Lair. Amber pushes Deacon away, he warns her that he has control of the baby, advises her to give in to him. Amber begins to cry as Deacon kisses her. Rick arrives, grabs Amber, they leave as Deacon laughs. Taylor hopes her family photograph will cheer Ridge up as she mentions to Stephanie that he has been stressed lately. Ridge later tells Stephanie that Clarke knows that Morgan is carrying his child. Sally and Darla speak to John, the snake trainer. He tells them it's best to keep the python caged in the office overnight, until the shoot the following day. Morgan yells at Clarke for ruining the relationship that she was building with Ridge, she warns him that he will pay. Later, Clarke thinks to himself that Morgan will get over her anger toward him. Meanwhile, the python has been released and slithers across the office floor.

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November 22, 200020m

Deacon sits in his apartment above The Lair and laughs at how he worked Amber. Carmen comes in, angry that Deacon had Amber in the apartment. Deacon tells her that it's part of his plan. Deacon says that he will give the baby to Rick, for a price tag of $1,000,000. Amber tells Rick that Deacon offered to give her the baby if she slept with him. Rick asks Jonathan for some help. Jonathan tells Rick that if they could get Deacon recorded on tape, talking about selling the baby, he could go to jail and they could get custody. Stephanie advises Ridge to tell Taylor the truth before Clarke does. Ridge arrives home but doesn't get the chance to talk to Taylor as she shows him the family photograph and fusses with the children. Clarke takes a nap in his office, when he awakes he is being suffocated by the python wrapped around him.

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November 23, 200020m

Clarke finds it hard to breath as he attempts to break free from the snake. Clarke cries out for help as the python squeezes him. Clarke stops breathing as John, the snake keeper, comes by. He gives Clarke mouth to mouth. Stephanie calls Ridge offering support for after he tells Taylor. Ridge prepares to tell Taylor as she tries to make love. Catherine interupts and tells them that Clarke has been crushed by a snake and may be dead. Deacon kisses Carmen and tells her that they are going to be rich as he heads off to the Forrester home. Jonathan informs Eric and Stephanie of his plan to incriminate Deacon on tape. They are unsure but Rick and Amber feel that it's the only way. Jonathan hides out in the study with the recording equipment as Rick wears a wire. Deacon comes over and they all try to coax him into saying exactly what they need to hear.

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November 24, 200020m

Jonathan instructs Rick, using a hidden earpiece, on what to say to Deacon. Eric, Stephanie & Amber ask him questions to incriminate him. When they have their evidence, Rick has Deacon sign the custody over to him. Deacon is about to leave when he notices Rick's earpiece. Taylor calls the hospital, learns that Clarke was attacked by a snake, almost died. Taylor is suspicious of why Ridge is so concerned about Clarke. Sally & CJ discuss the situation with the baby when Darla flies through the door, tells them that Clarke is in the hospital. They all rush to The University Hospital, enquire about Clarke's condition with a Dr. Paxson. She tells them that Clarke has broken ribs, a collapsed lung, is paralyzed. CJ begs an unconsious Clarke to wake up. Morgan later comes in when Clarke is alone. Clarke wakes up with her looking over him. Morgan tells him that she didn't want to kill him, only scare him. Clarke, unable to talk, is horrified that Morgan was the one who let the snake lose.

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November 27, 200020m

Deacon is angered when he realises that the Forrester family has tried to set him up. Deacon starts tearing the place up as Stephanie and Eric yell at him to stop. Deacon finds Jonathan in the study and demands he hand over the tape. Jonathan acts dumb until Deacon threatens to beat him. Deacon tears the custody document up and tells them the baby is no longer for sale. Ridge decides that he must see how Clarke is doing and heads to the hospital, which leaves Taylor even more confused. Sally comforts CJ as he is torn up about Clarke. Ridge arrives and sees Morgan in Clarke's room. Ridge notices how scared Clarke looks as Morgan glares over him. Ridge later questions Morgan and she is offended when he suggests that she is behind Clarke's snake attack. Ridge apologises and Morgan mentions how Clarke being unable to talk has infact helped their situation.

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November 28, 200020m

Amber is emotional at the thought of losing the baby. Rick assures her that Deacon doesn't want the baby and is just trying to scare them. Rick says that he refuses to allow Deacon to take the child. Stephanie can't believe what they have caused Deacon to do. Eric suggests sending Jonathan over to Deacon, but Stephanie says that Deacon no longer trusts them. Stephanie can't bear to see Rick beating himself up over what has happened. Rick blames himself and Stephanie decides that she must do something. Amber tells Eric that she has to pack her bags and leave town with the baby so Deacon can't find them. Eric manages to calm her down and promises that he'll sort things out. Carmen is happy with the thought of being rich when Deacon returns, but she finds him in a foul mood. Deacon tells her about the set up and warns that the Forrester family will pay. Deacon flies into a rage when Stephanie walks into The Lair.

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November 29, 200020m

Sally visits Clarke at the hospital with CJ, Amber and Kimberly. Sally is happy that Clarke is awake and when he gives them a sign that he can hear them. Sally is concerned when Clarke looks scared of Morgan's presence. Morgan manages to get Clarke alone and warns him not to tell his family that she let the snake lose. Morgan threatens him if he does. Amber tells CJ about the plan of incriminating Deacon and how it back-fired. CJ is furious that Rick could have blown everything. Rick talks with Brooke and she advises him to stay away from Deacon. Stephanie stands up to Deacon and refuses to be intimidated. Stephanie tells Deacon exactly what she thinks of him in order to get him to open up. He flies into a rage and Stephanie realises that he has a lot of deep hidden issues and has had a battered life. Stephanie pulls him into an embrace as he tries to struggle free, but ends up giving in as he cries.

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November 30, 200020m

Amber cradles the baby as Darla drops by to see her. Darla thinks that the Forrester family made a huge mistake in messing with Deacon. Amber hopes that Stephanie can get through to him. Deacon pulls away from Stephanie as she digs about his parent's treatment of him. Stephanie asks Deacon to give his son the life that he himself never had. Taylor talks with Brooke about how bizarre Clarke's accident was, when suddenly Taylor is called to the hospital as Clarke has been giving signs that he needs to see her. Morgan hears the nurse call Taylor on Clarke's behalf. Morgan slips into his room and warns him about telling Taylor. Morgan threatens to cut off his oxygen supply. Taylor later arrives, but can't understand what Clarke is trying to tell her.

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December 1, 200020m

Eric and Brooke discuss Morgan's designs. Eric isn't happy that Morgan is hardly in the office anymore. Brooke makes excuses that she is pregnant, but Eric wonders if she can really cope. Stephanie marches over to to Morgan and accuses her of trying to kill Clarke, but Morgan denies any involvement. Stephanie tells Morgan that Taylor will know the truth and as long as Taylor is alive, Morgan will never have Ridge. Stephanie tells Ridge that she believes that Morgan set the snake on Clarke. Ridge doesn't believe it, but Stephanie warns him that Taylor needs protecting from Morgan. Taylor tries to make sence of Clarke's mumbles to no avail. Clarke works himself up into a frenzy trying to tell Taylor as Morgan arrives and creeps up behind Taylor holding a scarf, as if preparing to strangle her.

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December 4, 200020m

Ridge tells Stephanie that she is overreacting with her opinions of Morgan, Stephanie seriously believes that Morgan tried to kill Clarke and that Taylor is in danger. Eric walks in, confused when Stephanie marches out, declaring that she has to protect Taylor from Morgan. Taylor is shocked when she finds Morgan standing behind her. Clarke is terrified, Morgan manages to convince Taylor that Clarke is confused, has been accusing everyone of trying to kill him. Taylor is a bit unconvinced, but leaves. Morgan flips out at Clarke, warns him one last time to keep his mouth shut. Morgan switches off his oxygen to scare him further. Eric, Thorne, Brooke & Kimberly have a meeting with Giovanni. Kimberly begins having ideas when Giovanni suggests another photoshoot by the beach with Thorne supervising. Thorne later tells Brooke that he needs her. Brooke sobs and gives in to a kiss, but sends him away. Alone in the studio, a flashlight suddenly falls on Brooke, knocking her unconscious.

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December 5, 200020m

Kimberly tells Bridget about the planned photoshoot on the beach. Kimberly is stunned when Bridget thinks that Kimberly should stop her schemes. Kimberly is worried that Bridget is going to blow everything. Thorne finds Brooke laying unconscious on the floor. Megan walks in and notices another flashlight about to fall on Brooke. Thorne saves Brooke's life and tells her that he loves her as she comes to. CJ and Sally learn of Deacon's demand of $1,000,000 for the baby. They both decide the Forrester family needs to be stopped and head over. Amber sits with the baby and admits to Rick that she loves him. Amber thinks she became too dependant on CJ, but he isn't her future. They kiss as Eric and Stephanie arrive. Sally and CJ barge in and CJ rips into Rick. Deacon grabs Carmen and tells her that they are going to Beverly Hills. They walk into Stephanie's home as everyone bickers about the baby and the payment. Deacon informs them he has made up his mind about who keeps the baby.

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December 6, 200020m

Kimberly asks Giovanni over and seeks his help. Kimberly asks Giovanni to help her get Thorne alone on the photoshoot so that she can make her final attempt at getting him for herself. Bridget checks in on Brooke to make sure she is okay after her accident. Bridget notices how much Thorne cares for Brooke. Bridget listens in at the door after she leaves and hears how hurt Thorne and Brooke are over the fact that they are apart. Bridget later goes to Kimberly and tells her that she will no longer stand in the way of her mother being with Thorne. Deacon jumps around Stephanie's living room pretending they are having a bidding war. Everyone is sickened by his antics, but Deacon loves every moment as he insults them all. Deacon tells them that he wants more than just money.

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December 7, 200020m

Thorne visits Brooke and they begin discussing their relationship. Brooke and Thorne both agree that they have to move on. Thorne assures Brooke that if he has to move on, then it won't be with Kimberly. Kimberly feels desperate to keep Bridget from ruining her plans. Bridget says that she feels too guitly to carry on hurting her mother. Bridget tries to make Kimberly see that Thorne doesn't love her and that she will never have him. Kimberly realises that she has to come clean. CJ and Rick bid against one another for who is best to raise the baby. Deacon gets tired of their cash offers and tells them that he is keeping his son. They all feel that he is bluffing, but he hands them a court order giving himself full custody. Carmen goes to take the baby, but Amber warns her not to touch him.

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December 8, 200020m

Bridget finds Brooke crying and asks her if it's about Thorne. Bridget apologises for being selfish and tells her that she will no longer stand in the way of Brooke and Thorne's love for one another. Kimberly calls Thorne over and tells him that she is ready to let him go. Kimberly admits that they never slept together, she lied in an attempt to keep him from Brooke. Thorne is shocked, but it soon turns to happiness when Brooke arrives. Amber and Carmen begin fighting as Deacon breaks it up. Sally and Stephanie warn Carmen to keep away from the baby, but Deacon tells them that they are powerless against his custody documents, which Connor confirms. Amber takes Deacon to the study and stands up to him. Amber admits that she is trash just like him, then adds that his son should be given the life that they never had.

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December 11, 200020m

Thorne and Brooke can't quite believe that Bridget is giving them her blessing. Bridget apologises for all that she has done as Brooke and Thorne leave. Thorne tells Brooke that he never slept with Kimberly, they kiss and promise to never be apart again. Bridget comforts Kimberly, but Kimberly admits that she has been living in a fantasy for too long. Amber attempts to appeal to Deacon's good side but he doesn't give in. Amber finds it hard to understand why he is turning down money to have a baby that he never even wanted. Carmen grows tired of waiting and calls the police. Deacon is happy when they arrive, showing them the court order, the officer tells Deacon he is free to take the baby. Amber screams out, begging to have her baby, as Carmen leaves with little Eric in her arms.

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December 12, 200020m

Brooke and Thorne wake up with one another, filled with a happy glow of being reunited. Brooke takes Thorne onto the balcony asking him to remember the moment, at which point she proposes to him. Stephanie meets with Ridge and tells him that he must tell Taylor the truth before Morgan becomes a danger to his wife. Ridge wonders how Taylor could ever forgive him. Sally and the snake handler are pleased when Clarke is able to talk again. Morgan bursts in as he is about to tell all. Clarke asks them all to go, but Morgan returns and warns him never to cross her again if he wants to live. Morgan returns home and finds Stephanie there. Stephanie threatens to have Morgan jailed for attempted murder. She also informs Morgan that Ridge is telling Taylor the truth. Taylor worries when she finds Ridge looking serious, Ridge confesses that he slept with Morgan.

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December 13, 200020m

Amber panics that she has lost little Eric. Rick assures her that they will get the baby back. Rick thinks Deacon will soon realize that raising a baby isn't easy and will give him back. Amber worries that she also has another problem with CJ, she needs to tell him that she wants to be with Rick. Morgan is furious with Stephanie, but Stephanie says that Taylor needs to know the truth. Stephanie feels that Ridge and Taylor's marriage will survive and Morgan will be out of their lives forever. Taylor is horrfied and yells at Ridge to leave as he tries to explain himself. Ridge tells her how Morgan manipulated him, but Taylor doesn't want to hear it, she screams at him to get out. Ridge decides he must be totally honest and tells Taylor he is the father of Morgan's baby.

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December 14, 200020m

Thorne and Brooke kiss in his office as Rick comes in. He is surprised until she informs him of Bridget's blessing and Kimberly's lie. Rick also gives his support. Amber and Rick reveal their news of getting back together. Rick suggests a double wedding to a shocked Brooke. Eric notices that Stephanie has a lot on her mind. Stephanie confesses the whole story about Morgan and Ridge. Eric is devastated and knows that Taylor will need their support. Taylor blasts Ridge for lying to her for so many months. She accuses Ridge of being no better than Morgan and wonders if he will be a father to the child. Ridge insists that he was tricked and that he loves Taylor but she screams at him to get out of the house. He won't leave so she throws him out. Taylor cries uncontrollably on the floor as Morgan shows up.

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December 15, 200020m

Amber begins freaking out that they haven't heard from Deacon. Rick assures her that he will call soon enough. Carmen moans at Deacon about leaving her to mother the baby. Deacon tells her that he doesn't want little Eric, he just needs to make a point. Carmen isn't impressed. Amber calls and hears the baby crying. Deacon hangs up on her. Amber marches over and when Deacon still refuses to let her see the baby, she breaks down his door with a fire ax. Eric tells Ridge that he is sickened by the situation with Morgan. Stephanie is more concerned about Taylor and wonders how she is coping. Morgan tries apologising to Taylor, but Taylor orders her away. Morgan insists that she doesn't want Ridge and attempts to rationalize her actions by bringing up the abortion. Taylor realizes that Morgan is out of her mind as Morgan chases Taylor upstairs and grabs her. Taylor pulls herself free, causing Morgan to lose her balance and topple over the balcony to the floor below.

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December 18, 200020m

Carmen and Amber get into it. Deacon finds it amusing as Carmen pushes Amber around. They hurl insults and Deacon sends Carmen out. Deacon allows Amber to see the baby and she tries again to appeal to his better side. Taylor is scared seeing Morgan on the floor bleeding, she calls for an ambulance and heads to the hospital too. Dr. Paxson informs Morgan that she is in labor. Taylor learns that Morgan's torn placenta has ruptured and the baby is in trouble. Ridge returns home and sees the blood. He notices Morgan's purse and heads to the hospital. Morgan is rushed off to the operating room as Ridge shows up and learns from Taylor what has happened. He attempts to hold her, but she pushes him away. Later, Ridge and Taylor go in to see Morgan and learn that the baby has been born.

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December 19, 200020m

Amber informs Rick of her visit with Deacon. Amber feels Carmen is a threat to little Eric's safety, but Rick advises Amber to let Eric and Jonathan handle things. Amber feels it's time that CJ learned of her new found romance with Rick. Meanwhile, CJ closes The Insomnia Cafe and has Darla help him prepare a romantic meal for himself and Amber. She later arrives and is concerned by all the trouble he has gone through for her. Stephanie visits Clarke and digs for information about the snake attack. Clarke remains silent but says that Morgan has to be kept away from Taylor. A groggy Morgan comes to but doesn't remember how she got to the hospital. Morgan suddenly remembers and accuses Taylor of pushing her over the balcony. Morgan wonders where her baby is.

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December 20, 200020m

Amber tries to talk to CJ but he whisks her away with champagne and romance. CJ gets edgy when she mentions Rick. Amber admits that she cares for CJ, but loves Rick. CJ thinks Rick is manipulating Amber, but she says that her future is with Rick. CJ feels rejected as Amber returns her engagement ring and leaves. Darla visits Rick and asks him to back away from Amber and allow her to be happy with CJ. Rick informs her that Amber is leaving CJ, but she refuses to believe it. Amber later returns home and makes love to Rick. Morgan begins chanting about how she, Ridge and Taylor need to make some choices now her son has been born. Taylor thinks Morgan is crazy as she talks about them all being a family. Morgan is concerned when she still hasn't seen her baby and Dr. Paxson comes in alone.

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December 21, 200020m

Brooke and Thorne begin thinking about their wedding. Thorne thinks that they will be getting married alone as none of his family will attend. Brooke and Thorne go to Eric, but he doesn't want to talk to them. Thorne invites him to the wedding and Brooke hopes he will come. Megan learns of Morgan's accident and tells Stephanie, whom rushes off to the hospital. Morgan becomes hysterical when Dr. Paxson breaks the news that her baby died during the fall. Morgan is uncontrollable and accuses Taylor of killing her baby. Morgan lashes out so Dr. Paxson has to sedate her. Stephanie arrives and learns what has happened from Ridge. Taylor is furious that Stephanie knew the truth about the baby and never told her. Stephanie sends Ridge and Taylor home, then heads in to see Morgan.

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December 22, 200020m

Thorne and Brooke try to reason with Eric for him to attend their wedding. Eric feels their relationship has caused too much pain. Brooke informs him that Rick and Bridget have given their support. Eric is stunned but finally decides that if his children can handle it then so can he. Ridge and Taylor arrive home and he begs her to forgive him. Taylor says that he cheated and lied and doesn't know if she can ever forgive him. Taylor demands to be alone and asks him to go. Thomas, and the girls come in with Catherine and he Ridge tells them that he has to go on a business trip. Taylor sobs as Ridge does the same. Stephanie brings Morgan home to the beach house and shows genuine concern for her loss, but Morgan lashes out that she doesn't want Stephanie's fake sympathy. Morgan flips out at Stephanie and she realizes that Morgan is clearly unstable. Morgan throws her out and smashes the windows. Morgan rocks on the floor holding her ultrasound photograph.

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December 25, 200020m

Amber and Rick spend time together, both happy to be back together. They decide that they need to see little Eric and head over to see Deacon. Meanwhile at The Lair, Deacon props little Eric up on the bar and lights a cigarette. Rick and Amber are disgusted when they walk in and see him smoking around the baby. Deacon threatens to have a restraining order issued against them and then has Rick thrown out. Amber takes the baby upstairs to Deacon's apartment. Ridge wanders around the pool by the Forrester home and thinks back to when his kids were born. He is shocked when he sees a ghostly figure of his dead wife Caroline standing before him. Caroline tells Ridge to hold on, she adds that he and Taylor will make it through. Taylor sits with Thomas, knowing that he misses Ridge. Ridge calls and asks Taylor not to walk away from their marriage, telling her that he loves her and needs her.

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December 26, 200020m

Rick tells Stephanie how Deacon had him thrown out of The Lair, yet Amber stayed behind to be with the baby. Rick is concerned about Amber being with Deacon. Amber is angry with Deacon when she notices that he has been drinking. She refuses to allow him to take care of the baby in such a way and tries to take him, but Deacon won't allow it. Amber decides that she'll sleep over, which annoys Rick. Taylor is surprised when Jack arrives. Taylor seeks comfort from her father and Jack tries to make Taylor see that Ridge was manipulated just as much as she was. Taylor wonders if she will ever be able to trust Ridge again. Eric advises Ridge to give Taylor some time before pushing her to make any decisions. Ridge later walks the beach and finds Taylor doing the same. He holds her and begs for their marriage not to end.

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December 27, 200020m

Amber pretends to be asleep when Deacon comes into the bedroom. He knows that she is awake and tells her that they could be a good team. He adds that Carmen means nothing to him as he touches Amber's leg. Amber is stunned by Deacon's words. Carmen is angry that Amber is sleeping there, Deacon yells at her that it's none of her business what he does. Clarke stops by to see Morgan. Clarke tells her that he won't tell anyone about her letting the snake out, but advises her to leave town. Clarke says that her games are up. Taylor tells Ridge that she isn't ready to talk, but he can't walk away. Ridge says how much he needs her and the kids, adding that they are his life. Ridge suggests that they move forward, becoming stronger than ever. Ridge asks Taylor to go to St. Thomas to renew their vows and she gives in with a kiss.

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December 28, 200020m

Stephanie is furious that Eric is attending Brooke and Thorne's wedding. Eric tells her that they have to respect Thorne's choices but she refuses to be part of it. Stephanie wonders if Ridge managed to get through to Taylor and Eric suggests that they go over to see. Ridge and Taylor wake up together and Ridge promises her that he'll never lie to her again. Jack sits with the kids and is thrilled that Ridge and Taylor have decided to work things out. Eric and Stephanie show up and are so happy seeing Ridge and Taylor together. Brooke and Thorne plan their wedding. Brooke wants it at her home and has invited her whole family. Brooke thinks they should start trying to win over his family now. Thorne and Brooke try putting their case across to Ridge, Taylor and Stephanie.

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December 29, 200020m

Amber tells Deacon that she wants to take little Eric to Brooke and Thorne's wedding. Deacon flirts with Amber but she pushes him away. Amber calls Rick and tells him to bring the money to Deacon. Rick meets with Jonathan and they head over to Deacon's with guardianship papers and $1,000,000 in cash. Deacon is angered that they are pressuring him and throws them out, along with Amber too. Brooke tries to reach out to Stephanie, but she refuses to accept her relationship with Thorne. Stephanie mentions how Brooke has been with all the men in the room. Brooke is hurt so Thorne tries to reason with his mother, but she confirms that she won't be at their wedding. Thorne asks Ridge to be his best man, but Ridge turns him down. Eric and Taylor look sorry as a hurt Brooke and Thorne leave.

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January 1, 200120m

Brooke sits and thinks about her wedding and all she and Thorne have been through. Thorne arrives and Brooke is saddened by Ridge and Stephanie's refusal to come to the wedding. Thorne calls Eric and asks him to speak to Stephanie again. Rick and Bridget come in and promise Thorne and Brooke that their marriage is going to be perfect, with or without Ridge and Stephanie. Brooke's brother Storm arrives, followed by sisters Donna and Katie and then Grandma Logan. Their parents Stephen and Beth fly in from Paris too. Brooke asks Bridget to be her maid of honor and notices how upset Brooke is about Ridge and Stephanie. Eric tries to convince Stephanie to go to the wedding for her son's sake, but she refuses. Stephanie says she will never forgive Brooke for stealing Eric. Stephanie declares that Brooke will never be a Forrester.

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January 2, 200120m

Brooke & Thorne's wedding day arrives. Brooke calls Stephanie, begs her to attend, Stephanie hangs up. Bridget shows up to see Stephanie. Stephanie refuses to go, Bridget adds that if Brooke had never married Eric, she & Rick would never have been born. Bridget is hurt that Stephanie won't budge, although Bridget's words affect Stephanie. Ridge declines to go to the wedding, Taylor lays on the guilt that Thorne has always supported Ridge. Rick & Amber chat with the family about their own wedding. Thorne checks in on Brooke, they're upset that Ridge & Stephanie won't come. Thorne is later surprised to see Kimberly arrive, she needs closure, asks him to accept her friendship. Stephen & Beth support Brooke, tell her to focus on the joy of her wedding, rather than Stephanie. Brooke is saddened further when Bridget tells of her meeting with Stephanie. Thorne dresses, is surprised to find Ridge there accepting being best man. Brooke is shocked when Stephanie shows up in her bedroom.

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January 3, 200120m

Eric and Beth talk about old times and Beth admits that she is angry Stephanie won't come to the wedding. Rick and Amber joke that their wedding will be next, assuring one another that little Eric will be at theirs. Donna and Katie gather with Grandma and Beth, all noting how much Brooke wants Stephanie to attend. Rick approaches Kimberly and makes his peace with her, but notices the sadness in her eyes. Megan takes photographs of Rick, Bridget, Thomas and the twins, mentionig to Taylor the next generation of the Forrester family. Ridge apologises to Thorne for trying to control his life and offers his full support to his brother. Stephanie tells Brooke that she will never forgive her for the pain she has caused, but says that she will attend the ceremony for the sake of the family. Everyone is stunned when Ridge enters and takes his place with Thorne, while Stephanie walks Brooke down the aisle.

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January 4, 200120m

Sally is disgusted when she sees Brooke and Thorne's wedding announcement in the newspaper and states that it's an insult to Macy's memory. Sally is confused when she learns that Stephanie is attending. Darla and Clarke suggest if Stephanie can accept it, Sally can too. As the wedding begins, Stephen makes a speech about everlasting love between Brooke and Thorne. Beth is stunned when Stephanie offers to light a unity candle with her, putting their fued to rest. Brooke and Thorne exchange their vows and pledge their lives to one another as Kimberly fights her tears. Brooke and Thorne are pronounced husband and wife and Brooke tells of how the two families have come together. The Forrester's and the Logan's as one, all due to one man: Thorne.

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January 5, 200120m

Thorne and Brooke wake up on their first morning as husband and wife. They discuss how their wedding brought everyone together. Stephanie visits Ridge and the children and they both tell one another how surprised they were to see each other at the wedding. Stephanie admits she suddenly felt guitly for putting the children through her fued with Brooke for so many years. Ridge tells Stephanie that he, Taylor and the kids will soon be leaving for St. Thomas. Thorne later drops in and thanks them for coming to the ceremony. Brooke finds Morgan hanging around Ridge's office. Brooke sympathises for Morgan's loss and tells her that Ridge and Taylor are going to St. Thomas and she and Thorne are going on thier honeymoon so Morgan won't be disturbed at work. Taylor is angry to see Morgan and orders Brooke to fire her. Brooke remains professional, stating that Forrester Creations needs her.

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January 8, 200120m

Carmen is annoyed at playing babysitter to little Eric and wonders why Deacon isn't taking the money. Carmen accuses Deacon of being attracted to Amber. Rick airs his concerns about Amber spending time at Deacon's place. Amber assures him that she can handle Deacon. Deacon watches as Amber plays with the baby. Deacon tells her he will give her the baby and take the money if she will kiss him. Amber laughs it off, but he grabs and places a kiss on her as Carmen sees all. Morgan blasts Taylor for trying to have her fired. Taylor advises Morgan to leave as there is nothing left for her in Los Angeles. Taylor suggests Morgan have some professional help. Taylor meets with Ridge and the kids on the jet to fly to St. Thomas. Morgan sits alone in the dark commenting how she has nothing, while Taylor has it all.

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January 9, 200120m

Ridge and Taylor agree that their children have held them together as they watch Thomas and the twins have a play fashion show that Catherine has arranged. They all arrive in St. Thomas and look forward to having a good time. Rick tells Bridget that he fears Deacon is after Amber rather than money now. Bridget advises Rick not to start throwing accusations as it could blow up on him. Deacon asks Amber for another kiss in order to get the baby, then laughs at her for falling for it. Amber is furious when Deacon suggests that she enjoyed it. Amber cries and Deacon actually feels sorry. Carmen knocks back some shots and becomes more angry thinking about Amber and Deacon kissing. Carmen later heads upstairs and takes the baby from his crib.

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January 10, 200120m

Eric and Stephanie discuss Ridge and Taylor in his office. Stephanie is glad that they managed to make it through Morgan's manipulation. Morgan overhears and walks in. Eric fires her, but she states that only Brooke can hire and fire. Eric tells her to get out, or he'll have her thrown out. In St. Thomas, Ridge and Taylor watch the kids sleep, knowing how precious they are. Ridge sends Taylor on another treasure hunt like he did many years before when proposing, upon finding a diamond ring, Ridge proposes again. Amber thinks Deacon has taken the baby but is worried when she learns that he hasn't. They both conclude that Carmen has him and Glenn, the bartender, tells them that Carmen was drunk. Deacon tells Amber that Carmen usually goes to the roof to chill out. They are scared when they head up there and find Carmen on the edge of the roof with the baby.

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January 11, 200120m

Morgan refuses to leave Forrester Creations. Eric tells her that she can no longer work with Ridge but Morgan sobs that her job is all she has left. Stephanie thinks Morgan has lost it and has security throw her out. Morgan vows that Stephanie will pay. Rick continues to worry about Amber being with Deacon. Bridget questions Carmen's character and Rick admits that she is unstable. Rick blames himself for the whole situation. Carmen accuses Deacon and Amber of having an affair. Amber tries to explain the kiss but Carmen is a mess. She hangs the baby over the roof, blaming him for ruining her life. Deacon screams at Carmen not to hurt his son. Deacon apologises to Carmen and says that he needs her, promising to get rid of Amber. Carmen hands him the baby and he rushes him downstairs. Amber threatens to kill Carmen.

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January 12, 200120m

Kimberly sits alone at the beach house and remembers Macy. Sally drops in and is concerned that Kimberly has shut herself off. Kimberly admits that she is alone and miserable but insists that she needs to be alone to work through her grief. Sally makes Kimberly promise to keep in touch. Kimberly is later shocked by a surprise visitor. Rick talks with Stephanie about Deacon. Stephanie believes that Deacon is motivated by power. Rick says that he thinks Deacon is after Amber. Stephanie wonders how Carmen would react to that. Deacon yells at Glenn the bartender for allowing Carmen to drink too much. Glenn is worried that Deacon left Carmen and Amber alone together. Amber tries to leave the rooftop but Carmen grabs her and a scuffle starts between them. Deacon rushes upstairs just as Carmen loses her footing and falls from the roof.

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January 15, 200120m

Clarke notices that Sally's mind is elsewhere as they work at the office. Sally admits that she is worried about Kimberly. Clarke feels the only two people that could help Kimberly are either Macy or her father, so he believes that their isn't much hope. Kimberly is stunned to see her father at the door. Adam tells Kimberly that he has been keeping an eye on her as she says that she needs him. Adam confesses that it's too dangerous for him to stay in Los Angeles and asks Kimberly to go away with him. As they leave, he informs her that he has a big surprise waiting for her. Deacon pushes Amber aside as he rushes down to the street where Carmen's body lays. Paramedics arrive but Carmen is already dead. An officer questions a shaken Amber and learns of her previous arrest for drug possesion. When Deacon fails to back up her story, Amber is arrested in connection with Carmen's fall.

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January 16, 200120m

Thorne and Brooke arrive back in Los Angeles after their honeymoon and Brooke is unsure when Thorne decides they visit his parents. Stephanie tells Eric that she isn't ready to socialise with Brooke when he informs her that Brooke and Thorne are coming over. Eric takes Thorne aside and informs him of Stephanie's concerns but Brooke takes Stephanie aside and thanks her for all she has done. Brooke hopes that Stephanie will one day enbrace her into the family fully. Amber is being dragged away as Deacon steps in and explains a story of how Carmen fought with Amber in the apartment and then being depressed, she jumped off the roof. Amber is let go but they are warned of the consequences if they are lying. Amber thanks Deacon, but he says that he did it for the baby as he needs a mother. Deacon sobs and admits that he did love Carmen.

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January 17, 200120m

Thorne is surprised when Eric informs him that he fired Morgan. Brooke is angry as she promised Morgan that she could stay. Eric tells her that family comes before business and Morgan needs to be far away from their family. In St. Thomas, Ridge and Taylor talk about renewing their vows. Ridge promises to love Taylor and never hurt her again. They dress all in white and head to a secluded part of the island and prepare for the ceremony. Morgan is furious when she returns to the beach house and finds Stephanie packing her things. Stephanie tells Morgan that she is moving her out and hands her a ticket for a flight to New York. Morgan is livid but heads to the airport and boards the plane when Stephanie reminds her that Ridge and Taylor are in St. Thomas renewing their vows.

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January 18, 200120m

Ridge and Taylor exchange vows and pledge their past, present and future to one another. They later head back to their hotel room with the intention of having an evening of passion, but are interrupted by Catherine and the kids. They all end up sharing pizza and watching videos together. Amber tells Deacon that it isn't good for little Eric to stay at the apartment, but is shocked when Deacon allows her to take him for the night. Rick is busy venting his frustration to Bridget when Amber returns home with the baby. Deacon is later stunned when his step-father Daryl shows up. Daryl tells Deacon that he owes him for putting food in his mouth when he was a kid. Deacon allows Daryl to sleep there, but states that it's only for the one night.

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January 19, 200120m

Deacon isn't impressed when Daryl trashes his apartment and then lays around all day smoking and drinking beer. Daryl insults Deacon's mother and then discovers a photograph of little Eric. Daryl begins asking Deacon for money, to which he refuses. Daryl beats Deacon, steals his wallet and flees. Amber and Rick spend time with the baby. Amber feels that Deacon is softening and will allow them to keep the baby soon. Rick doesn't believe so. Ridge and Taylor tell the kids about a trip to an island that they are going to take. They are dissapointed when they are informed of the news that their boat to the island is having engine trouble. The resort worker tells them of a friend that can take them over so that they don't have to cancel their reservations. They all board the little fishing boat instead for the voyage.

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January 22, 200120m

Rick stops by to see Brooke and tells her that Amber has taken the baby back to Deacon's. Rick tells of his hopes that he and Amber will have the baby back with them soon. Brooke warns him not to get his hopes up. Amber is horrified to find Deacon's apartment a total mess and Deacon cut and beaten. Deacon admits that his step-father beat him and it made him realize that he needs to be a real father to his own son. Amber is upset and angry. Sally digs from information when Clarke clams up at the mention of Morgan's name. Sally informs Clarke that Morgan left town. Ridge and Taylor enjoy the ride as they sail across the ocean. Catherine takes the twins to bed as Thomas remains with them. Ridge and Taylor head out on deck and are concerned when a strong wind begins to blow in and the boat begins to rock.

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January 23, 200120m

Amber calls Rick and informs him that Deacon wants to be a good father to his son after the run in with his step-father Daryl. Amber is concerned when Deacon returns from a meeting with a lawyer. Handing her a document he tells her that under this agreement the baby lives with him for four months, during which Amber lives with him too so he can bond with the baby, then he will give her full custody. She flat out refuses, so Deacon snaps that he'll keep the baby for life. Brooke and Thorne gush with happiness about their new married life together. In the Carribean, Taylor and Ridge are scared as the boat suddenly tips. Taylor screams out to Thomas and holds him tight. As things calm, Catherine rushes on deck and confirms that Phoebe is safe. They are all horrified when they realize that Steffy is missing.

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January 24, 200120m

Amber informs Rick and Eric of Deacon's plans. Eric has Jonathan go over the document that states if Amber live with Deacon for four months, upon payment of $1,000,000, Amber gets full custody. Rick feels Deacon is up to something, but Amber insists that Deacon just wants the chance to bond with his son. A waitress at The Lair named Alexandra is shocked to see Deacon cleaning his apartment and throwing out his alcohol and cigarettes. Deacon tells her that he needs to be a responsible father. Alex is stunned and questions if it has more to do with impressing Amber. Rick and Amber show up and sign the papers on the condition that Rick can see the baby too. Ridge has to hold a shaken Taylor as she screams at the coast guard to find Steffy. Promising that they will find her daughter, he later returns with the news that they have found something.

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January 25, 200120m

Brooke is stunned when she finds Morgan waiting in her office. Morgan explains how she has taken control of life, thus returning to Los Angeles. Brooke reminds Morgan that she was fired, but Morgan threatens Brooke with a law suit for cutting her contract short and informs Brooke that she will return to work the following day. Eric learns that Steffy is missing and tells Stephanie. She is devastated and wants to head to St. Thomas, but Eric advises her that they need to stay and prepare for the worst. Taylor becomes hysterical when the coast guard brings in Steffy's life jacking, torn to shreds. They learns that it was the result of a shark attack. Taylor orders them to keep searching for her daughter, but he claims that the chances of Steffy being alive are very slim.

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January 26, 200120m

Brooke and Thorne are called to Eric and Stephanie's house. They wonder what has happened and are horrified when they are told about Steffy's shark attack. They all head over to Ridge and Taylor's where Catherine informs them of what happened. Taylor refuses to leave her bedroom and sobs in the dark. Brooke offers comfort to Ridge as he tries to make sence of the fact that his daughter is dead. Stephanie goes to Taylor and supports her as she breaks down in her arms. Morgan is shown a house by a realtor. Morgan insists that it has to be quiet and wonders why there are helicopters flying above. Morgan learns that the house is just across the canyon from Ridge and Taylor's and the helicopters are covering the news. Morgan buys the house flat out. Later whilst watching the TV, Morgan hears the story of Steffy's shark attack and is pleased by the news.

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January 29, 200120m

Sally reads about Steffy's death and CJ finds it hard to believe. Darla says that everything happens for a reason, but Sally snaps that it isn't the case. Reminded of Macy, Sally feels there was no reason for her death. Ridge and Taylor gather at a chapel for Steffy's memorial. Jack arrives and comforts his daughter whom obsessively checks on Thomas and Phoebe. Taylor sobs as Phoebe asks Catherine where Steffy is. Morgan sneaks in, hiding her face by a black veil and sits at the back as Jack says a few words. Stephanie reads a prayer and Ridge talks of all that he wanted for Steffy. Morgan quickly leaves when her pager goes off and arriving home, she gets a visitor from the captain of the fishing boat that Ridge and Taylor used in the Caribbean.

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January 30, 200120m

Amber returns to Deacon's place after the memorial service and lashes out at him for no reason. Amber snaps that he needs to child-proof the apartment. Deacon returns and sets up devices on cupboards and windows. Amber is impressed when he is able to throw away his cigarettes and smut magazines. Taylor sobs in her bedroom as Ridge tries to get her to eat. Taylor refuses and beats herself up for not being a better mother. Ridge attempts to make Taylor go to bed but she is unable to sleep, she holds Phoebe as if never to let go. Morgan asks the captain if he has what she needs. He brings Steffy in as Morgan hands him some cash. He tells of how he drugged Steffy and smuggled her back to Los Angeles. He attempts to seduce Morgan but he realizes that she is a lunatic when she threatens to kill him. Morgan tells Steffy that she is her mother now.

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January 31, 200120m

Rick stops by to see Brooke to discuss his issues about Amber and Deacon but Brooke only thinks Rick should wait to get married. Rick is angry with this and thought Brooke had moved on from her hatred for Amber. Brooke later asks Bridget's opinion, who states that while she isn't Amber's biggest fan, she does make Rick happy. Amber prepares little Eric for a visit with Rick. Deacon begins insulting Rick, which only angers Amber. He begins hinting that he is a better man for her, but she shoots him down. Offended, he leaves as Rick comes over. Rick and Amber spend time alone with the baby, Amber and Rick are busy laughing and insulting Deacon when he opens the apartment door and overhears all they are saying.

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February 1, 200120m

Deacon heads into The Insomnia Cafe where he finds Stephanie drinking coffee alone. Stephanie thinks Deacon is in love with Amber and using the baby to get to her. Deacon denies it, but asks Stephanie to think about the fact that Rick and Amber are not right for one another. Ridge tries to get Taylor to open up to him but she snaps that she needs Steffy. Ridge feels Taylor is blaming him, to which she doesn't deny. Taylor feels that they should never have gone to St. Thomas. Taylor leaves, insisting that she needs to be alone. Morgan reads Steffy a storybook and convinces Steffy that she can become the girl in the story. Morgan dyes Steffy's hair red and tells her that her new name is Stacey. Steffy calls for her mom, but Morgan again tells Steffy that she is her mother now.

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February 2, 200120m

Bridget is angered when Deacon bumps into her at The Insomnia Cafe and spills coffee all over her. Having never met him before, Bridget is attracted to him and asks him to buy her a coffee. Neither of them introduce themselves but flirt as they share conversation. Morgan hires a spanish speaking nanny to take care of Steffy while she heads to the office. Morgan warns her not to take "Stacey" out of the house. Norita, the nanny, is concerned when she baths Steffy and red hair dye comes out on her hands. Brooke tries to comfort Ridge as he tells her how Taylor is blaming him for Steffy's death. Brooke insists that Taylor feels guilty herself and needs Ridge more than ever. Morgan comes by and Ridge blasts her for being there. Ridge blames Morgan for the reason he went to St. Thomas in the first place. Stephanie stops by to see Taylor, but she isn't interested in comfort. Stephanie fears for Taylor's sanity when she begins insisting that Steffy is still alive.

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February 5, 200120m

Stephanie storms in on Ridge and Brooke working, angry that he isn't at home with Taylor. Ridge explains that Taylor won't allow him to get close. Brooke informs Stephanie that Morgan is back. Stephanie does some digging in Morgan's office and finds Morgan's address on some paperwork to do with her new house. Morgan flips out at Norita for bathing Steffy. Stephanie shows up, so Morgan orders Norita to hide upstairs with Steffy. Stephanie demands to know what Morgan is up to. Taylor seeks advice from an old colleague named Sydney, whom insists that Taylor get away for a while to think. Deacon tries to make Amber see that Rick isn't right for her. Amber tells Deacon that he has no chance of charming her and is going to marry Rick as soon as possible. Charlie, a college friend of Rick's, tells him that he is too young settle down with Amber. Two other friends, Amanda and Jennifer come by. Amanda flirts with Rick. Amber isn't impressed when she returns home.

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February 6, 200120m

Rick, Charlie, Amanda and Jennifer study hard. Amber embarrasses herself by trying to say things which she has no idea about. Amber begins to wonder if she really does belong in Rick's world. Ridge returns home to Taylor, but she remains cold toward him and tells him how her friend Sydney advised her to get out of town for a while. Taylor is livid when Ridge informs her that Morgan is back. Stephanie orders Morgan to sell the house, leave Forrester Creations and get out of town. Morgan refuses and has to make excuses when a noise is heard upstairs. Stephanie feels something is going on, but Morgan throws her out. Morgan later hugs Steffy and promises that everything will be alright for them soon.

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February 7, 200120m

Morgan has some drinks with Megan at Manniquins. Megan is glad to see that she is happier these days. A geeky guy recognises Morgan from when he counseled her after her abortion. Megan laughs at his attempts to flirt, but Morgan takes his business card and agrees to catch up with Dr. Tim Reid. The waitress at The Lair, Alexandra, mentions that Deacon has changed since Amber and the baby have come into his life. She realizes that he has a big thing for Amber. Bridget talks to her friends at Manniquins about when she met Deacon, although she doesn't know his name. Stephanie and Eric have dinner with Brooke and Thorne. Brooke hopes it will be a milestone for herself and Stephanie. They take a photograph and Brooke kisses Stephanie on the cheek.

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February 8, 200120m

Bridget giggles with her friend Betsy as Deacon enters Manniquins. Betsy realizes that Bridget is seriously attracted to him. Deacon comes over and flirts with Bridget. Eric, Stephanie, Thorne and Brooke share dinner. Brooke and Stephanie manage to get on well until Stephanie begins urging Brooke to fire Morgan. Brooke refuses out of fear of a law suit. Morgan tries to get Steffy to bed but she cries for Ridge and Taylor. Morgan is furious when she finds the nanny hanging around. Norita becomes suspicious and Morgan blasts her for being nosy. Morgan fires her and threatens her family if she ever opens her mouth. Norita runs from the house. Ridge finds Taylor sitting in the darkness. He suggests they remove some of Steffy's things from the house, but she snaps that Steffy will be coming home soon. Ridge is concerned for his wife.

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February 9, 200120m

Steffy continues to cry that she needs her mom. Morgan calls Megan to inform her that she is sick and can not come to work. Tim drops by to see Morgan and sees Steffy. Morgan tells him that she is her daughter, makes excuses and forces him out of the door. Stephanie worries for Taylor whom tells Stephanie that her children are scared of her. Taylor says that she needs to get away. Stephanie later tells Eric that Taylor is leaving and feels it will only make things worse. Ridge speaks with Sydney, Taylor's friend, she tells Ridge that he needs to stop being strong for Taylor and allow himself to grieve with her. Ridge later attempts to reach out to Taylor, but she pulls away from him and insists that Steffy is alive.

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February 12, 200120m

Ridge wakes to find Taylor packing her bags. Ridge tries to get her to stop but she says she isn't sane enough to stay. Stephanie shows up as Catherine brings Phoebe and Thomas in. Taylor asks them to understand that she needs time alone. Saying goodbye to the children, she leaves. Stephanie assures Ridge that Taylor needs her children and will be back soon. Stephanie mentions Morgan being back in town, but Ridge snaps at her. Morgan has trouble feeding Steffy as she cries for Taylor. Tim drops in and Morgan pretends that she is losing it. Tim promises to help her and Morgan guesses Tim will come in handy. Later, Morgan is horrified when she finds Taylor at her door. Taylor blasts Morgan for ruining her life. Taylor goes to leave, but hears Steffy call out for her from upstairs.

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February 13, 200120m

Brooke notices that Bridget is happy about something and learns that Bridget has met a guy that she likes. Bridget admits that she doesn't yet know his name, but hopes to see him again. Eric is concerned that Taylor has left but Stephanie starts to understand her reason for doing so. Stephanie feels that Morgan should be fired from the company and heads to see Brooke. Brooke reminds Stephanie of why she can't fire Morgan. Brooke tells Stephanie that she is tired of Stephanie always blaming her for everything and suggests they see a therapist to deal with their relationship. Morgan tries to convince Taylor that she is hearing things. Morgan attempts to throw Taylor out but she refuses to leave. Taylor hears Steffy again and Morgan screams at Taylor as she heads up the stairs and finds Steffy.

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February 14, 200120m

Stephanie tells Eric about Brooke's suggestion that they see a psychiatrist. Stephanie is stunned when Eric feels it's a good idea. Stephanie says she isn't ready to even attempt to be friends with Brooke, but Eric asks her to do it for the family. Brooke meets with Dr. Nunez and he wonders where Stephanie is. Brooke hopes Stephanie will show up as she talks about how much Stephanie's respect means to her. Dr. Nunez is about to leave as Stephanie makes her presence. Thorne tries to reassure Ridge that Taylor will return as Ridge beats himself up for Steffy's death. Taylor grabs Steffy and attempts to leave but Morgan knocks her out with a statue. Tim calls and notices the fear in Morgan's voice as she quickly hangs up. Morgan drags Taylor's body into the basement. Taylor comes to, grabs Morgan's leg, pulls her to the floor and the two women struggle.

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February 15, 200120m

Sally sees Ridge sitting alone at The Insomnia Cafe. Sally gives him a bit of insight into what Taylor is really feeling. She knows how she felt when Macy died, but tries to make Ridge see that he and Taylor will move forward. Morgan and Taylor fight and Taylor is knocked unconscious again. When she comes to, Morgan has tied her up and locked her in a fallout shelter. Taylor begs Morgan to untie her, but Morgan warns her not to try anything. Morgan has trouble getting Steffy to eat. Tim drops in which frustrates Morgan, especially when he heads to the basement. Morgan forces him out of the house as Taylor bangs on the basement door, screaming to be released. Dr. Nunez listens as Brooke says she wants to put all the past bitterness with Stephanie behind them. Dr. Nunez suggests Stephanie and Brooke go to Big Bear and spend time together to work on their friendship. Stephanie is sarcastic and doesn't want to be at the cabin with Brooke.

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February 16, 200120m

Deacon laughs at Amber as she reads up on stocks and shares in the newspaper. Deacon makes Amber admit that she would rather be playing pool with him than learning stock reports. Rick calls Amber and tells her that they need to talk. Sally goes to Eric with her sympathy over Steffy's death. Sally wishes to talk to Stephanie, but is shocked when Eric tells her that she is spending her birthday at the cabin with Brooke. Stephanie and Brooke gather fire wood while Stephanie hits her with sarcastic jibes. They have pizza delivered, which Stephanie hates the flavor of, and then Stephanie moans that Brooke is messy and has left her with the dirty dishes. Stephanie states that it's the worst birthday of her life. Meanwhile, Brooke works in the bedroom on a special gift for Stephanie.

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February 19, 200120m

Amber prepares herself for going to meet with Rick. Deacon laughs at the way Amber has dressed and wonders why she is so nervous. Amber heads out with the baby and Deacon feels that things aren't going to work out with Rick and Amber. Rick tells Eric that he has made the tennis team. Eric begins questioning Rick on if it is really the right time for him to marry Amber again. Rick and Amber meet at The Insomnia Cafe and Rick tells her that she isn't going to like what he has to say. Stephanie and Brooke bicker at the cabin over the nightgown Brooke is wearing. Stephanie feels this idea of bonding between them isn't going to work. An upset Brooke packs her things to leave as Stephanie finds a birthday gift from Brooke. Stephanie is filled with emotion as she finds that it's a photo album devoted to Stephanie's life. Stephanie cries and hugs Brooke.

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February 20, 200120m

Rick tells Amber that he has made the tennis team and has to go away for a few days to take part in a tournament. Amber is stunned that he's concerned about tennis and not their relationship. Rick worries when Amber begins doubting his love for her. Charlie, Amanda and Jennifer walk in and Rick hides the truth from the girls about who Amber and the baby are. Amber is saddened when they whisk Rick away to the airport. Eric and Ridge work on some designs. Thorne pops in and Ridge admits that he hasn't heard from Taylor. Ridge worries that it's out of character for Taylor to not even call the kids. Morgan ties Taylor up again as she begs to be released. Morgan threatens to gag her if she doesn't keep quiet. Morgan panics as she needs help and calls Tim over. Morgan tells him how she was pregnant and was pushed over a balcony by Taylor. Tim is sucked into her story and feels sorry for her.

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February 21, 200120m

Tim hears banging coming from Morgan's basement. She covers herself and then threatens Taylor into being quiet. Morgan returns to Tim and continues her story into making him vulnerable toward her. Morgan seduces him to seal the deal. Meanwhile, Taylor manages to cut the ropes binding her hands together. Thorne notices that Bridget has changed her image. Thorne mentions to her that it must be due to a guy. Brooke returns home and gushes with happiness about her breakthrough with Stephanie. Thorne is thrilled that Brooke and Stephanie are getting along. Brooke later mentions Rick and how she thinks he deserves better than getting involved with Amber again. Thorne is surprised, but agrees that Rick is too young to be tied to a wife and child. Brooke is determind to get Amber out of the picture.

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February 22, 200120m

Rick calls Brooke and informs her that the tennis tournament is going well, although he keeps worrying about Amber and Deacon. Brooke tells Thorne that Rick should be enjoying his life instead of filling it with pressures about Amber. Morgan is grossed out that she had to sleep with Tim, but is happy when he says that he would do anything for her. Morgan brings Taylor breakfast and Taylor tries to escape. Morgan gets the better of her and locks her back in the basement. Morgan heads off to work leaving Tim with Steffy. Stephanie is worried about Ridge when he throws himself into his work to hide away from his problems. Morgan arrives and he acts cold toward Morgan. Morgan freaks out when Tim calls and wonders what the noises are in her basement.

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February 23, 200120m

Bridget looks for a dress at Forrester Creations to wear on a night out. Stephanie drops in looking for Brooke as she would like her help in planning Rick and Amber's wedding. Thorne and Bridget tell her that Brooke is against the wedding. Stephanie hopes that Brooke stay out of it. Deacon guesses that Amber is worried about Rick as they shoot pool at The Lair. Brooke walks in and meets Deacon before ordering Amber to call off the wedding. Brooke tells Amber that Rick should be enjoying his life and only plans to marry her because of the baby. Deacon orders Brooke out when she insults Amber. Charlie, Jennifer and Amanda try to get Rick to go out but he declines. Charlie is annoyed when Rick sulks off. Brooke calls and gets Charlie, they discuss Amber and she realises Charlie could be a great help to her plans.

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February 26, 200120m

Amber informs Stephanie of Brooke's visit and her orders to call off the wedding. Stephanie feels Brooke is just concerned for Rick and assures Amber not to let it bother her. Charlie tries to convince Rick to enjoy himself with the girls, but he'd rather be alone. Thorne and Brooke travel to San Francisco to see Rick in the tennis finals. Brooke secretly meets with Charlie and hands him a camera. Brooke wants Charlie to get Rick in a compromising position with Amanda. Thorne doesn't think that Brooke interfering in Rick's life is a good idea. Rick, Jennifer, Charlie and Amanda prepare for the final as Brooke and Thorne come in. Rick is thrilled to see them and is glad for their support. Charlie urges Amanda to go after Rick, while Brooke tells Thorne that Amber is on her way out of Rick's life for good.

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February 27, 200120m

Amber goes to the Cafe Russe thinking she has been invited by Rick but finds Deacon waiting for her. He tells her that he just wanted to do something nice for her to cheer her up. Eric is dining alone across from them and is furious that Amber is having dinner with Deacon and he calls Brooke, she urges him to tell Rick. Thorne wonders if coming between Rick and Amber is really the right thing to do, Brooke reminds Charlie to be on the lookout with his camera. Rick tries to call Amber but gets no response. Eric calls Rick and informs him that Amber and Deacon are at the Cafe Russe. Rick is very upset, but gets roped into playing spin the bottle with Charlie, Amanda and Jennifer. Charlie gets Amanda and Rick into a situation where they have to kiss, as he waits with his camera in hand.

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February 28, 200120m

Brooke informs Thorne of her plan to have Charlie catch Rick and Amanda in a compromising position. Thorne isn't pleased and compares Brooke to Stephanie. Brooke snaps that Rick is far too young to have a wife. Amber is stunned when Deacon hints that he loves her. Amber makes it clear that her future is with Rick. Deacon wonders why Rick and Amber haven't yet married, to which Amber blames Deacon. Amber calls Rick but Charlie tells her that Rick is busy. Charlie and Jennifer egg Rick and Amanda into kissing when they fail their task whilst playing spin the bottle. Rick later confesses to Amanda that he is worried about Amber having dinner with Deacon. They drink beer as Amanda doubts Rick's relationship with Amber and kisses him on the cheek. As she continues, Rick finally gives in as Charlie secretly takes photographs.

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March 1, 200120m

Tim is concerned that Steffy isn't eating and the banging continues from the basement. Morgan realises that she has to tell Tim. He promises to stand by her as she confesses the whole truth and shows him that Taylor is locked in the fallout shelter of the basement. Amber prepares a banner to wish Rick a good welcome home. Deacon isn't impressed that Amber is taking the baby to the airport, but she is excited to be seeing Rick. Everyone boards the plane to return to Los Angeles. Brooke is thrilled that Charlie caught Rick and Amanda kissing. Rick apologises to Amanda for kissing her, blaming it on the alcohol, but promises to stay friends. Amber waits at the airport as Rick returns. Rick and Amber head off with the baby as Brooke tells Thorne that these are Amber's final moments with Rick.

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March 2, 200120m

Tim is stunned as Taylor screams to be released like a caged animal. Tim tells Morgan to let Taylor go, but Morgan insists that she can't or she'll go to jail. Tim refuses to have anything to do with it, but Morgan fakes some tears and acts vulnerable, stating that she loves Tim and needs his help. Brooke and Thorne tell Eric how happy Rick was being with his friends and away from Amber. Eric is surprised when Brooke shows him the photos of Rick and Amanda. Amber and Rick go back to Deacon's with the baby, but he heads off when Amanda invites him to a party. Deacon plays on Amber's insecurities, telling her that she is no longer important to Rick. Brooke later barges in and bickers with Amber about her relationship with Rick. Brooke hands Amber the photographs.

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March 5, 200120m

Rick arrives at the party for the tennis awards. Jennifer and Amanda are handed trophy's. Amanda presents Rick with his award and a kiss. Rick later takes Amanda aside and crushes her hopes when he tells her that he loves Amber. Amber acts confident that Rick loves her but Brooke urges her to look at the photographs. Amber is angry at what she sees, but Brooke states that it's proof of what Rick really wants. Brooke thinks Amber should now take herself out of Rick's life forever. Ridge tells Stephanie that he is growing scared as Taylor still hasn't been in contact with him or the kids. Morgan makes herself look gorgeous before heading out, leaving Tim to look after Steffy. Morgan heads over to see Ridge to do some late night work with him. Meanwhile, Tim is uncomfortable keeping Taylor locked in the basement. He takes Steffy down and allows Taylor to see her.

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March 6, 200120m

Amber decides that she has to talk to Rick, but Brooke orders her to admit that it's over. Brooke tells Amber to allow Rick to live his life and thinks that she should move on. Deacon tells Brooke to butt out when she begins insulting Amber. Brooke storms out, declaring that Amber had better stay away from Rick. Rick meets with Stephanie and informs her that Brooke being against his wedding plans is getting him down. Rick states that Amber and the baby make him happy and Stephanie believes that once Brooke sees it, then she'll come around. Morgan fantasizes about kissing Ridge as they work on some designs, Catherine interupts with Phoebe so Morgan heads home. Tim allows Steffy into the locked room where Taylor is being kept. Taylor attempts to convince Tim to release her, but Morgan cathes him.

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March 7, 200120m

Morgan yells at Tim to put Taylor back in the fallout shelter, while Taylor tries to convince him to let her go. Morgan manages to scare Tim into locked Taylor up again. Morgan blasts Tim for letting Taylor out. Tim suggests they treat Taylor a little better and bring her upstairs, he shows her his idea of chaining Taylor to the fireplace. Rick enquires with Bridget about her mystery man, but she informs him that they don't even know each other's names. Bridget tells Rick that she feels Amber isn't good enough for him. Brooke informs Eric that Amber has the photos, Eric believes that they may work it out. Brooke wants to stop that happening, but Eric tells her that they have to leave it up to Rick now. Amber sobs that Rick doesn't want her. Deacon comforts Amber as she feels she has lost everything. Amber and Deacon share a kiss as Rick arrives and sees them.

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