Episode 7 (2007)
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Translations 5
English (en-US) |
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Episode 7 |
Overview |
Fa wanders on the street and comes across weird people who make her suffer. She blames her pain on Shui and Sun and is determined to take revenge on them. Lei finds a gold necklace in George’s home and keeps it for herself. When George’s mother fails to find her missing necklace, she accuses the maid for stealing it. The maid is upset and resigns. Yau is unemployed for months. She decides to go to work in George’s home as his maid. Shui and Sun go to earn some money as stunt men. Fa follows them and beat them up during the shooting. Shui and Sun take their revenge on Fa after work. They pour water on Fa in front of all the people. Fa loses her supernatural power when she is wet. Mei misses Fa and goes out to look for her. She is shocked to find Fa fallen sick and sleeping on the street. She brings Fa home to take care of her. Mei becomes ill herself after nursing Fa throughout the night. 。 |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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第 7 集 |
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治母金凤四处找寻金炼不果,指是家中马姐偷取,原来莉在佐治家发现金炼后据为己有,马姐百词莫辩,大怒下辞去工作。花在街上流连,遇上奇人异事,令她深受痛苦,更认为全都是因为水和辰累及,决意向二人报仇。刚失业的西未能寻到工作,决定到治家当马姐。薇挂念花,四出找寻,赫然发现花倒卧在街头,遂带她返家医治,但通宵照顾花后却换来自己病倒。水和辰继续当临记过活,花跟二人一起当临记,竟借拍戏机会狂打两人。水和辰放工后向花报仇,令她全身湿透当众出丑,而遇水后的花顿时失去法力。 |
Chinese (zh-HK) |
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第 7 集 |
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治母金鳳四處找尋金鍊不果,指是家中馬姐偷取,原來莉在佐治家發現金鍊後據為己有,馬姐百詞莫辯,大怒下辭去工作。花在街上流連,遇上奇人異事,令她深受痛苦,更認為全都是因為水和辰累及,決意向二人報仇。剛失業的西未能尋到工作,決定到治家當馬姐。薇掛念花,四出找尋,赫然發現花倒臥在街頭,遂帶她返家醫治,但通宵照顧花後卻換來自己病倒。水和辰繼續當臨記過活,花跟二人一起當臨記,竟借拍戲機會狂打兩人。水和辰放工後向花報仇,令她全身濕透當眾出醜,而遇水後的花頓時失去法力。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
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第 7 集 |
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治母金鳳四處找尋金鍊不果,指是家中馬姐偷取,原來莉在佐治家發現金鍊後據為己有,馬姐百詞莫辯,大怒下辭去工作。花在街上流連,遇上奇人異事,令她深受痛苦,更認為全都是因為水和辰累及,決意向二人報仇。剛失業的西未能尋到工作,決定到治家當馬姐。薇掛念花,四出找尋,赫然發現花倒臥在街頭,遂帶她返家醫治,但通宵照顧花後卻換來自己病倒。水和辰繼續當臨記過活,花跟二人一起當臨記,竟借拍戲機會狂打兩人。水和辰放工後向花報仇,令她全身濕透當眾出醜,而遇水後的花頓時失去法力。 |
Vietnamese (vi-VN) |
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Episode 7 |
Overview |