Episodes 24


The Crash: Part 1

May 9, 198525m

Introducing sensible Steve, 15, and tearaway Tamara Henderson, 13, two city kids who live with their mother Alice in Melbourne. A hard up family who find more financial problems when Tam crashes into a fruit stall while racing her brother home on her roller skates, he is on a bus. Alice considers selling up and moving to Haven Bay to stay with her brother Mike who is the local policeman. Meanwhile a ruthless business man Ashley Wheeler also from Haven Bay offers to buy Henderson Point from them, but as it is sentimental to her Alice refuses, but does agree to meet up with him. Also introducing the Haven Bay kids Cowboy,Char,Brains and Ted who's father is also in a battle with Ashley Wheeler over the Mill closure. On her way to meet Ashley Wheeler Alice saves a little boy from being run over by pushing him out of the way, unfortunately she doesn't get herself out of the way and is killed by a truck.

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The Crash: Part 2

May 11, 198525m

Mike travels to Melbourne to break the news of their mother's death to Tam and Steve, devastated the kids attend their mothers funeral then are reluctantly packed up to live in Haven Bay with Uncle Mike, until their father can be found. Ashley Wheeler who at first was furious for being stood up now believes the land will be passed on to Mike and vows to look after him, in a bid to get him to sell him ""Henderson Point"". Labelled ""Copper's Kids"" by local bully Ted Morgan, Tam and Steve receive a frosty reception and find it difficult to make any friends in Haven Bay. Deciding to visit the ""Point"" there mother has left them they see someone disappear into the trees, surprised they follow but the person has gone. Later the local kids come to hang out at the ""Point"" and argue with Tam and Steve, then Ted arrives furious that his Dad has been sacked, he starts a fight with the Steve and they both fall over the cliff.

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Trouble at the Mill: Part 1

May 16, 198525m

Hanging on for sheer life, Ted and Steve are helped by Cowboy while Char, Tam and Brains cling onto him. Afterwards Steve and Cowboy call a truce but Ted isn't so easy. Mike has another shock for the kids, he's enrolled them in school, the first day gets off to a great start when Ted and Steve have a fight before registration,and Tam finds her favorite spot on the net ball team taken by the popular Regina Powell. Head teacher Mr Barton decides to make Ted and Steve work together on a science project, eventually Steve makes Ted see they are stuck with each other whether they like it or not, he ends up getting an invite to Teds for tea and gets involved in Johnny Morgan and Bill Chisholm's latest protest against Ashley Wheeler, they have holed up at the Mill and are threatening to destroy it unless Wheeler gives then their jobs back. When Steve agrees to help get food to them despite Mike, Ted finally agrees to be friends.

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Trouble at the Mill: Part 2

May 18, 198525m

Mission Impossible for Ted and Steve as they try to get food to Bill and Johnny, while Rutt Jones, Wheeler's right hand man stays on guard with a loaded shotgun. When Rutt is talking to the sergeant Ted and Steve take the opportunity to sneak onto the roof, but Ted slips and almost falls into a tank of toxic waste, forcing his father to give up his protest and landing Steve in hot water with Mike. Tam breaks down in class while reading a poem similar to her life, but gains an unexpected friend in Regina, who gives her a decent spot on the netball team. Wheeler tries to get Steve to sell ""Henderson's Point"" against Mike's wishes and Tam doesn't want to sell either. Regina tells Tam that living in the pub means she never gets to go anywhere, Tam feeling homesick suggests they run away to Melbourne, so the excited pair board the bus and leave Haven Bay.

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Bright Lights and Broken Dreams: Part 1

May 23, 198525m

Mike and Regina's father search frantically for Tam and Regina, they have made it to Melbourne and are having a great time dreaming of staying in fancy hotels and playing video games all night. Problems start when Regina's purse is stolen with both her's and Tam's money in, knowing they can't tell the police because they'd be sent straight home they are forced to spend the night in a bus station, in desperation they turn to Tam's best friend Claire, but she isn't interested and has new friends now. The local kids question Steve about Tam and Regina running away, wishing they had gone with them to the exciting city. When a local city kid Terry offers to help Tam and Regina, Tam is suspicious of his motives, but Regina talks her into accepting lunch, he introduces them to his friend Stan who tells them they could be models and invites them to a party with rock stars, Tam is unsure but Regina is desperate to go.

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Bright Lights and Broken Dreams: Part 2

May 25, 198525m

Andy and Steve become friends, Andy begs Steve not to sell "Henderson's Point" and in return he will show him the secret of the land. When Regina fails to return a terrified Tam heads to the police station to find there is officers already out looking for her and Regina including Uncle Mike. Andy takes Steve to a hidden cave and shows him some aboriginal prints of historical value, Steve wants to investigate further. Regina is being held captive by Terry and Stan and when she starts to get nervous Stan starts filling a syringe ready to drug her. Tam is reunited with a very angry Mike at the police station, from her statement they know exactly who has Regina and set out to look for them, they reluctantly let Tam go to because she has seen the car. Tam spots the car down a side road and the police raid the house in time to save Regina, Tam is left in the car and when Stan rushes into the road she hits him with the car door.

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Nature's Way: Part 1

May 30, 198525m

While up at the "Point" Char, Ted, Cowboy, Tam and Brains spot Steve and Andy in the sea. Andy tells Steve he can't take both their weight in the water and he must tread water himself. Cowboy and Ted swim out to Steve and Andy, while Char radio's through to her Dad's boat, Mike is with Char's dad also searching. When Cowboy saves Steve, Tam develops a crush on him. Mike has a go at Steve and Steve tells him he didn't want to live with him any way. Wheeler makes new plans to get hold of "Henderson's Point" by enlisting the help of his spoilt daughter Glynis, he promises to buy her a horse if she can romance Mike Henderson into getting the kids to sell the "Point" Char asks Cowboy to teach Tam how to ride a horse, Tam is thrilled. Steve is given a job from Cowboy's dad. Glynis puts her plan into action by asking Mike to the dance. Rain forest protesters rent Cowboys land infuriating Ted.

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Nature's Way: Part 2

June 1, 198525m

When Ted is hit by a tomato by one of the protesters he enlists Brains' help to get revenge on the rain forest protesters by pulling down their tents. Cowboy takes Tam for a ride, where she daydreams about them riding off together. Steve is interviewed on TV at the protest. Tam and Cowboy find out about Glynis's horse and that she has to do something to earn it. Tam is suspicious of Glynis when she denies knowing about the horse and tells Steve. Steve enlists the others to help set Glynis Wheeler up at the dance. While Cowboy keeps mike busy, Steve spills a drink on Glynis and when she goes to clean up, the other kids lock her in the toilet and question her. Wheeler arrives at the dance and announces the closure of the Mill, the rain forest protesters are thrilled, but Ted isn't. Glynis escapes the toilet and lands in a pile of mud, she storms back into the dance telling her father he can get his precious "Henderson's Point" some other way.

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Passing Muster: Part 1

June 6, 198525m

Mr. Barton helps Steve look into the agricultural prints, Steve pretends he has litter duty so Ted and the others don't know and Mr Barton is impressed when he see's Steve picking up rubbish when he doesn't need to. A drover winding up Cowboy falls and breaks his leg, this leads to Cowboy being offered a job. Mike offers to help find Tam and Steve's dad and brings a print out home of thousands of Walter Mullins from the station. Char is upset that Cowboy has left, but he is not having an easy time of it when he finds he will be riding a motorbike instead of his horse. Rutt Jones spy's on Steve and steals his letter to the museum from the post office. Steve tells Tam about the cave, when she becomes suspicious of him and threatens to ask him questions at the dinner table in front of Mike. Mike finally asks Pat to dinner. Tam bumps into a drunk and is shocked to find it is Cowboy with the other drovers.

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Passing Muster: Part 2

June 8, 198525m

Tam has taken Cowboy's hat to get fixed, and wears it herself. Steve meets a man up at the "Point" called Mr Aston, he claims to be from the museum, Steve takes him to the cave where he waits five seconds before rushing out with claustrophobia, taking a sample first, he tells Steve the markings are fake. Cowboy throws away his porridge that another drover has made causing another fight. Later when Tam visits, Cowboy finds porridge in his boots and has another run in with the bully causing Cowboy to get fired in front of Tam. Steve helps to save Mr Clarke's cows from going over a cliff when Rutt Jones cuts the fence, but when the Clarke's dog spooks the cows it is Cowboy who save's the day, giving him back his self respect. Char is over joyed Cowboy is back as is Tam who give's him back his hat.

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Out of the Blue: Part 1

June 13, 198525m

Steve goes to Mike about Mr Aston and Wheeler's latest scam, Mike believes they have a case but Mr Ashton calls on Ashley Wheeler for help and they both manage to wriggle out of it, as it is just Steve's word against theirs. Money has been going missing from the school and Mike wants Tam and Steve to spy on their friends. Mr Morris plans a school excursion to the city, but Ted refuses to go, Steve realizes it's because he doesn't have the money, but when the deadline arrives Ted pays his money the same as everyone else and Steve is suspicious, as is Mr Morris and Mr Barton. Cowboy has entered a Rodeo and tells Tam there are girl events too, so when he trains her for the flag race Char gets jealous. Brains is keeping secrets from the gang, he has some how managed to buy himself a brand new bike. Andy turns up at the school to visit Steve the same time the excursion money is stolen. Mike turns up at the Kernows to question Andy who has disappeared.

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Out of the Blue: Part 2

June 15, 198525m

Mr Morris gives Ted a job at his home. Char gives Tam a friendly warning that Cowboy is hers. Brains crashes into Glynis Wheeler's car on his new bike, she drags him into the police station wanting him charged, Mike however is only interested in where Brains got his bike from and how he paid for it. Brains claims he saves all his money and numbers each bill so he knows how much he has, he also paid for the excursion with the numbered money. When Ted later pays for a drink with a numbered note Brains accuses him of being the thief, Ted is furious and claims he got the money in wages from Mr Morris. Mr Barton questions Ted as to how he paid for the excursion, Ted storms off. Steve helps Mr Barton set a trap to catch the thief, announcing he has savings to take to the bank going in Mr Barton's safe. The money is stolen and a search is on for the person with blue hands, as a blue dye was in the tin.

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All That Glitters: Part 1

June 20, 198525m

Mr Morris's replacement issues a project on the history of Haven Bay, as all the girls have a crush on him, the race is on to turn in the best project so Tam decides to show Regina the cave. Steve meets up with Sylvia Wheeler again, but she gets angry when he give's her some home truths about her father. Sylvia later turns up at the house to apologize and they agree to leave her father out of it. The other girls in their class realize Tam and Regina have a project lined up and offer to pay to be a part of it. Steve introduces Sylvia to the other kids, while riding her back home on his bike they are going fast down a hill and Steve's breaks fail, they crash over a barrier and Steve has injured his leg, Sylvia insists on taking him to her house to tend to the wound. More people want to be in on Tam and Regina's project and they find themselves making a bit of money.

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All That Glitters: Part 2

June 22, 198525m

Steve tells Tam what he saw on Wheeler's computer and she wants to tell Mike, but Steve needs proof first. Tam and Regina spend the project money. Steve invites the gang to Sylvia's party but Ted doesn't want to go because she is a Wheeler. Steve asks Cowboy for help in how to date girls, so Cowboy sets up a double date in Pat's shop and tells him to copy what he does with Char. Tam and Regina take the others up to the cave, but Andy frightens them off by making ghost noises. Despite watching Cowboy and Char, Steve can't bring himself to make a move on Sylvia. Tam and Regina's friends want their money back or they are going to tell the teacher what they did. As Glynis arrives to pick Sylvia up she and Steve finally kiss. Tam and Regina are the only one's without a project now and are kept after school. At Sylvia's party Wheeler tries once again to buy "Henderson's Point" and explodes at Steve when he turns him down.

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Open Night: Part 1

June 27, 198525m

Sylvia tells Steve she had nothing to do with a set up, but then Wheeler appears claiming he is stalking her. Nerdy Trevor Cathcart is locked in the equipment shed and teased when his over bearing grandmother won't leave him alone. Tam and Regina argue over who has to make the delivery to the Catchcarts for Pat, Tam loses. Tam is really impressed when she hears Trevor's piano playing and it reminds her of the music her mother used to listen to, but Trevor's grandmother chases her away because he has to practice for a recital. Sylvia sneaks over to see Steve and they make friends, but then when discussing her father they fall out again. Tam gets locked in the store cupboard with Trevor and he goes mad, she tries to calm him down, he is afraid of the dark. Steve helps Barry get a Japanese business man out of a ditch, then finds out he is on his way to see Mr Wheeler.

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Open Night: Part 2

June 29, 198525m

Tam tries to befriend Trevor getting some stick herself in the process. Sylvia finds out Steve was at the Wheeler's when Ashley show's her his shoe, she takes it back to Steve and admits he was right. Steve and Sylvia take her dog Janey for a walk and lose her, while looking Sylvia almost falls down a large hole, Steve save's her but they can both hear Janey down there. Tam takes Trevor to meet the others and they give him a hard time, he is about to leave when Steve comes rushing in about the dog and they all go to help. Trevor and Tam stay by the hole as the others go off to get equipment, Trevor suddenly decides to go down and get the dog despite his fears, the ladder is broken near the bottom and he falls, but he still manages to save the dog and finds another way out, as Janey runs back round Tam begins climbing down the ladder to see if Trevor is alright and the others arrive back and think Tam rescued the dog, despite Tam's protests and Trevor is left alone again.

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Heads You Lose: Part 1

July 4, 198525m

Wheeler tries to have Steve arrested, until Sylvia say's she invited him over, so instead Wheeler sends her to boarding school. Tam feels bad because she was supposed to be looking out for Steve but got too excited for Trevor. Char discovers her father's financial problems are worse than she thought when he hasn't bought any buscuits, she decides to leave school and get a job, she gets one in the local hair dressing salon. Trevor has celebrity status at school now, but he tells Tam he still want's to play classical music and go to the Conservatorium. Glynis Wheeler calls into the salon to make an appointment and drops $100 on the floor with out noticing, Char waits for her to leave then picks it up. Brains tells Steve he saw Sylvia at the station and she is leaving on the next train, Steve leaves his class and rushes after her, leaving Ted and Brains to cover for him.

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Heads You Lose: Part 2

July 6, 198525m

Glynis drags Char down to the police station wanting her charged and she also threatens to sue her, Wheeler arrives and backs Glynis up. Char is sacked from the salon and the Kernow's face financial ruin. Mike and Pat get closer and he proposes to her, but she needs time to think about it. Steve finds Char sobbing up at the "Point" and tries to help, but she only wants Cowboy. Government buyers are also interested in owning "Henderson's Point" and Wheeler is terrified they will succeed. Wheeler asks Steve about the government proposal and Steve enjoys winding him up, saying her is very tempted by their offer. Rutt Jones tries to take the Kernow's boat when Mr Kernow is late with his payments, Char rushes to get Mike but instead bumps into Steve who has an idea how to help them. Wheeler agrees to dropping the law suit and giving the Kernow's more time to pay if Steve promises not to sell "Henderson's Point" to the government.

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Working for Wheeler: Part 1

July 11, 198525m

A stunned Tam and steve finally meet their father Wal Mullins, Mike and Pat leave them to get to know each other. Pat agrees to marry Mike and although he is happy, he doesn't like Wal being back. Wal gives Steve a new watch and Tam some riding boots, Mike offers to put him up for the night. Ted hurls a brick through the Wheeler's window because he is having them evicted. Tam and Steve discuss their dad, Tam likes him but Steve isn't so sure. Mr Barton is asked to talk to Ted after he is arrested, but Ted stubbornly decides to leave school and get a job, Barton Tells Ted if he walks out the door there is no going back, Ted smirks and leaves. Wheeler has plans to open a golf course and Cowboy decides to go for a job, only the protesters are there so he decides against it, Ted gets through and is about to sign when he sees his father is also a protester. Wheeler arrives and takes great pleasure in offering Ted a job knowing how much it will hurt his father.

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Crew 2

Directed by: Paul Moloney

Written by: Roger Moulton

Guest Stars 13 Full Cast & Crew

  1. Annie Jones


  2. Peter Whitford

    Ashley Wheeler

  3. Michael Aitkens

    Walter 'Wal' Mullens

  4. Ron Challinor

    Rutt Jones

  5. Jane Hall

    Regina Powell

  6. Antoinette Byron

    Pat Edwards

  7. John Larking

    Sgt. George Budd

  8. Conor McDermottroe

    Barry Osborne

  9. Neil Melville


  10. Nick Waters

    Johnny Morgan

  11. Ben Mendelsohn

    Ted Morgan

  12. Terry Gill

    Mr. Clarke

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Working for Wheeler: Part 2

July 13, 198525m

Wal gives Tam and Steve presents for Ted as he is leaving and Steve is gutted. The gang throw a surprise party for Ted which is a flop because he can't stay. Steve is furious with Wheeler as his best friend is forced to leave Haven Bay for good, they all give Ted presents which Tam puts in a bag for Ted to open later, then say a tearful goodbye. Sylvia comes back but Steve finds it difficult to be around her after what her father has done. Wal invites Sylvia for tea and comments on how they don't have very much in common. Steve spends the whole of the dinner mouthing off about Wheeler and Sylvia tells him despite everything she still loves her father, they agree to just be friends and Sylvia gives him back the necklace he gave her. Steve talks things over with Wal instead of Mike and it upsets Mike. Wal goes on a mystery drive and avoids Mike and the kids claiming he didn't see them, mike is suspicious.

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As the Worm Turns: Part 1

July 18, 198525m

The search is on for Tam when her horse returns without her, Wheeler is determined to find her as he knows how they can repay him, but it is Cowboy who finds her and she is brought home. Back at home Tam has a go at Wal for being at Wheelers, he say's he met with Wheeler but told him it was the kids land and it was up to them, he wasn't going to interfere, Tam is still not sure. Mike also has a go at Wal and warns him not to hurt Tam and Steve, Wal reminds him he is their father and Mike is only their uncle. Wheeler's deadline gets closer and he admits to Rutt that without ""Henderson's Point"" he faces financial ruin. Rutt hides in the cave and over hears Andy and Steve discussing getting somebody from the museum to look at the markings. Cowboy campaign's to save the Haven Bay Show against his fathers wishes, they argue and he leaves home, moving in with Mike.

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As the Worm Turns: Part 2

July 20, 198525m

Steve receives the letter from the museum and is disappointed that the markings are fake, he tells Andy who says nobody had been near the cave because he was there all the time. Steve phones the museum where Mrs Phelps abruptly hangs up on him for wasting her time. Tam goes to see Cowboys dad to reason with him, only he says Cowboy has to stand on his own two feet. Mike and Wal continue to fight in front of Steve and Tam and Steve blows up at Mike. Char gets Cowboy a job on fishing on her dad's boat, only he makes a fool out of himself and gets sea sick. Wheeler threatens Wal when he tries to pull out of ripping off Tam and Steve. Mike and Pat finally announce their engagement to everyone and Tam and Steve are thrilled. Steve goes to the museum to confront Mrs Phelps and when she realizes he is the real Steve Henderson, they work out what Rutt did, Steve and Mike think they have finally got Wheeler.

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The Show Must Go On: Part 1

July 25, 198525m

Cowboy start's work at the bank and Char realizes things are never going to be the same again. Brains is told that it is time he found some friends his own age now that the gang was finished, he is heartbroken. Cowboy's work mates take him for a drink to celebrate his first day and he misses the bus, making him late for the Haven bay Show meeting, he bumps into someone and on apologizing realizes it's Wal, Wal makes a hasty exit. In order to get people to sign up support for the Haven Bay Show Brains gives always Cowboy's kisses, Char is furious. Cowboy tells Steve that he has seen Wal and he hasn't left town like they thought. Steve finds Wal who tells him he only agreed to Wheeler paying for his flight and he isn't working for Wheeler. Char charges into the bank and publicly dumps Cowboy or Colin as he is now called, when he pulls out of the parade.

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The Show Must Go On: Part 2

Season Finale
July 27, 198525m

Tam and Steve decide their only option is to sell "Henderson's Point" as they know how much trouble the town is in, but then Mrs Phelps arrives from the museum and tells them the markings are authentic and over 2000 years old. Mrs Phelps suggests selling to the government, as they would preserve the land and not destroy it. Tam and Steve discuss selling to the government with Wal who agrees to look into it for them. Wheeler arrives to finalize the details, Tam tells him that they won't sell to him, he goes mad and Mike throws him out. Mike and George are called away to a car smash on the other side of town. Char and Cowboy have a heart to heart and agree to just remain friends. While Mike is away at the car smash and Wal in the city sorting out the government offer, Wheeler comes back and threatens to blow up the cave unless Tam and Steve sign "Henderson's Point" over to him by ten o clock, when Tam tries to contact Mike.

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