Episodes 27


Episode 1

June 24, 200246m

By the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the beauty and kind hearted of FOU has been widely spread all over the region. FOU has successfully obtained the support and cherish from public, whilst she is also the fiance of YUEN ZHOU, who rules a province in Hopei.

One day, FOU encounters the General of CAO CAO named HA HOU YUEN. Luckily, she deceives as the cousin of CAO’s concubine, PAN and gets rid of danger with her wisdom. FOU meets a young lady named KWOK HUANG, who is forced to marry TUNG TEE HOU as concubine. FOU feels pity for HUANG, so she uses her intelligence and rescues HUANG also.

CAO CAO has three sons, PEI, CHEUNG and ZHI. The attributes and characters of them are different but all of them are talented. YUEN presents the gift of FOU to CAO and PAN; meanwhile, it recalls the memory of CAO on the beauty of FOU and her curing method to headache……

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Episode 2

June 25, 200246m

PEI wins the battle but just when he waves his sword towards FOU, her beauty stuns him. Meanwhile, CAO also arrives and halts the execution. CAO arranges FOU and her family to accommodate at the house of SI HUNG FU and treats them as prestige guests. The next day, ZHI and HUANG come back with their exhausted bodies. When FOU sees HUANG, she bursts into tears with comfort and release; yet, ZHI finds that FOU is a compassionate and charming lady. He asks FOU to meet him at that night. At night, FOU is accompanied with her maid, YAU SIN and wait for ZHI at the garden with an anxious heart. Suddenly, there is a lightship drifting along the pool and carries with poems on its screen. ZHI shows up and names the poems according to the beauty of FOU. FOU is surprised with grace.

PAN has a cousin named TSUI, who is shrew and reckless; however, she gains the favour of PAN. One night, PEI has a strange dream……

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Episode 3

June 26, 200245m

The pose of PEI has caused the misunderstanding of ZHI and CAO. In fact, he is trying to kill the snake behind FOU and has no intention to harm her. However, CAO is angry with PEI and orders to protect FOU and her family against any harm. The misunderstanding between ZHI and PEI is solved and their relationship makes up again. One day, PEI goes to picnic with his soul mate, YUEN YUEN; however, the arrogant of YUEN annoys PEI very much. Meanwhile, ZHI and FOU arrive also. The generous and elegant gesture of FOU acts as a contrast to YUEN and PEI is attracted to FOU immediately.

TSUI breaks the jade pendant of HUANG purposely, which is the legacy of her mother. HUANG bears the ill will at heart. CAO has a headache, so he uses the curing method that FOU taught him. During the medical treatment, he begins to recall the memory of FOU eventually. His obsession on FOU lays the slaughter of PAN later……

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Episode 4

June 27, 200245m

Due to jealousy and hatred, PAN beats FOU and HUANG severely. Her act arises the attention of Madam YUE, who is also the concubine of CAO. Though YUE saves FOU and HUANG, HUANG is seriously injured due to her protection on FOU. FOU feels grateful and asks HUANG to be her sworn sister. Apart, CAO and his sons are honoured and rewarded by the King because the King is actually frightened by the power of CAO.

Despite the torture, FOU goes to the temple at the mountaintop to pray for PAN. She meets ZHI on her way and they carry on the trip together. They spend a night at the hilltop and have an overnight conversation pleasantly. Dawn comes; ZHI helps FOU to strike the bell in the temple. After hearing the bell rang in the temple, TSUI tends to take the credit from PAN. However, her plan fails with the proof from ZHI. PEI and others blame TSUI then. She feels embarrass and hates FOU even more……

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Episode 5

June 28, 200245m

FOU holds the pearl hairpin that PEI gave her. She recalls everything on PEI and realises his motion finally. But FOU comes into a dilemma when she has to choose between PEI and ZHI. She finds both of them are true and passionately in love with her. Besides, FOU’s brother, YEN is delayed to deliver a military document due to his laziness. He requests FOU to help him in front of CAO but is rejected by FOU firmly.

CAO rebukes YUE for her arrangement and he regrets for threatening and offences FOU. During breakfast, PEI intends to toast with CAO but is rejected. CAO gives out a military order instead; he orders to impose military punishment on his soldiers whoever commits crime when drunk. Nevertheless, PEI also warns TSUI not to do harm on FOU. His order threats TSUI with anger.

The uncertainty distances the relationship between FOU and ZHI. FOU avoids seeing ZHI because of the love of PEI. Hence, ZHI shares his sadness with HUANG……

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Episode 6

July 1, 200246m

PEI meets TSUI; he further gives warning to TSUI not to harm FOU. His care on FOU thus arises the attention and anger of TSUI, she also realises that PEI is in love with FOU. TSUI cannot wait to report her discovery to PAN. PAN is furious to hear the news. She pretends ill and forbidden PEI and ZHI to see FOU. It is not surprised that the two brothers aware the intention of PAN, yet, they use cleverness to shrug off the restriction of PAN.

Mother of FOU has carelessly causing a old servant of CAO to delinquent. FOU feels guilty, therefore, ZHI thinks out a plan which forbidden the old servant to be punished by CAO. Yet, the intelligence and kind hearted of ZHI is known and recognised by CAO and PEI.

A refugee robs FOU and HUANG. HUANG fights against the robber and gets hurt. Fortunately, CHEUNG passes by and drives the robber away. Knowing that FOU has an accident, PEI, ZHI and CAO rush to visit her and impress FOU……

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Episode 7

July 2, 200246m

PAN appoints her housekeeper, SHIN BEI, to search a beautiful woman to replace the position of FOU and wins the heart of CAO again. FOU finds the hatred lying between her and PAN has grown deeper than ever, she worries about the tough future of her own. CHEUNG dates HUANG for seeing a fighting game; he insists that HUANG has a bold character, which is perfect to be his wife. However, HUANG finds difficult to agree with his statement. FOU discovers that TSUI has bought the legacy of her father, a jade paper ingot. Although FOU offers a fortune, TSUI refuses to trade with her. HUANG believes that TSUI is too arrogant and seeks for the assistance of ZHI.

TSUI takes the chance to ask ZHI writes her a poem and makes fun on YUE. On the contrast, ZHI does not carry out his mission smoothly. The maid of YUE injures her backbone because ZHI and is unable to walk then……

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Episode 8

July 3, 200246m

FOU finds PEI is more mature and responsible; notwithstanding, HUANG often speaks good words for PEI. And yet, these compliments give FOU a very good impression on PEI. On the other hand, HUANG encourages ZHI not to find FOU at this moment until she calms her temper; meanwhile, HUANG uses FOU as excuse and visits ZHI frequently.

CHEUNG dates HUANG for arrows shooting. HUANG has no interest on CHEUNG; therefore, she seeks for the assistance from FOU. FOU teaches HUANG to polish herself and dress up formally to attend the appointment; meanwhile, HUANG has to behave arrogantly in order to drive CHEUNG off.

FOU, her mother and her brother’s wife named SUEN CHONG YUK are accused for cursing PAN with spell. PAN requests to extort their confession but CAO is in a dilemma and puts them in jail temporarily. CAO and his sons know that it is just a conspiracy of PAN in order to get rid of FOU……

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Episode 9

July 4, 200246m

Once again, the intelligence plays well to help FOU declines the love of CAO. She successfully identifies the situations and convinces CAO to concentrate on strengthen of military power and withdraw from the love issue at the moment. Yet, CAO respects her far sight and promises to take care of her throughout his life. FOU is released and happy then.

Many soldiers and residents are injured, when PEI tries hard to get the recognition from CAO and forces them to speed up the construction work at city-wall. The effort of PEI is unlikely to get the favourite of CAO but criticism instead. CAO claims that PEI cannot obtain the hearts from soldiers and has hesitation to let PEI inherit the thrown. PEI ends up in despair.

PAN pays handsomely to buy a beautiful girl named LAU SIG SIG, to initiate her plan. SIG is not just pretty but she can also sing well; yet, CAO is obsessed to her eventually……

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Episode 10

July 5, 200245m

HUANG performs incredibly sensational in the dancing in order to impress every audience. Especially, she wants to overtake the applause on FOU and be the centre of the night. But HUANG is not the only performer. When FOU and SIG play the musical instrument and dance together, their performance captures the highest applause from the ambassador. In fact, the natural beauty of FOU embraces by the ambassador and other audiences eventually and yet, hurts HUANG most.

HUANG is not alone because PEI also suffers a lost, when he realises the recognition of ZHI is so high especially with the compliments from the ambassador and CAO. Nevertheless, he feels more jealous and bitterness, when he discovers the intimacy between FOU and ZHI. He determines to strike back and defeat ZHI one day.

One day, SIG pours the congee on FOU and hurts her hand carelessly……

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Episode 11

July 8, 200246m

The generous tactic of FOU helps PEI to restore the trust from soldiers and strengthen his military power. CAO notices that FOU is the most appropriate person to be the future queen. In order to acquire talents to reinforce his empire, CAO organises a competition. He appoints ZHI to take up an important role; whilst, PEI is not appointed to any important position. Then PEI meets a juggler, NG CHI, by chance. CHI introduces PEI to a talent named SI MA YI, who absents for the competition. YI analysts the military situation between PEI and ZHI accurately and agrees to assist PEI to inherit the thrown from CAO. ZHI doubts. YEN is redundant but FOU is glad that YEN can finally learn a lesson this time.

CAO insists FOU will be the future queen, he asks her to choose between PEI and ZHI. FOU is in dilemma and great pressure. Meanwhile, CAO diminishes the power of PEI intentionally for testing his patient……

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Episode 12

July 9, 200246m

TSUI is punished by CAO and has to clean up the garden; nevertheless, the amusement from YUE makes her feel angrier. Meanwhile, SIG explains to PAN that the punishment will benefit PAN for being involved in the fault of TSUI. PAN doubts. On the other hand, FOU has prepared a feast to thank SIG for her assistance. SIG also plays the music as entertainment. They soon become good friends.

YI pretends fool in front of CAO, who makes PEI very embarrass. Besides, YEN fails to complete the task that ZHI gives him. Due to jealousy, he is reluctant to assist ZHI in obtaining achievements; hence, he refuses to purchase any cotton wool for ZHI. PEI notices that YI does not want to show off his talent but pretended fool last time. In respect of his intelligent, PEI decides to hire him as consultant. With the guidance of YI, PEI regains the trust from CAO eventually.

YUK forbids her daughter, TING, to see CHEUNG; therefore, TING runs away……

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Episode 13

July 10, 200246m

ZHI wins an ancient piano and gives to FOU as present. Though HUANG likes it, FOU does not aware and gives it to SIG instead. But when SIG tries to play this ancient piano, she hurts the face by a broken string. FOU notices that it is done by HUANG; hence, she requests her to copy the poetry and introspection. HUANG is angry.

YI asks PEI to encourage CAO for the execution of the protesters; yet, CAO is pleased to have the support from PEI, which secures his power. He also finds that PEI shares the same perceptive with him, so he takes PEI for his trip to Capital Hui. On the other hand, ZHAO and his tutor, SHUN, realises the ambitious of CAO; they evaluate the profit and loss to ZHI at once. In regard to the safety of residents, ZHI decides to compete for the thrown.

The execution is very successful. CAO and PEI get rid of YUNG, his family and subordinates, hundred of deaths occur in the execution……

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Episode 14

July 11, 200246m

ZHAO and SHUN advise ZHI prevents conflict with CAO, otherwise it will jeopardise their plan. Meanwhile, FOU and SIG arrive; they share their views together and drink happily overnight. CHEUNG and YUK get along closely but YUK still has hesitation in disclosing the relationship to her family.

ZHI designs the bamboo armour to replace the metal plating. His new invention enables soldiers to have more flexibility during the battle; nevertheless, it impresses CAO and has brought another recognition for ZHI. Apart, HUANG teaches KUEN to pretend suffering from a headache and cheats the maid of SIG to let her stay and listen to SIG’s singing practice. FOU is ill after the gathering. She is allergy and red spots appear all over her face. PEI is angry and scares the disease may damage her beauty; whilst, ZHI concerns more about the health of FOU and suggests to cure her illness first……

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Episode 15

July 12, 200246m

HUANG is jealous to CHEUNG and YUK, she tends to ruins their relationship by telling YUE. Therefore, YUE amuses PAN and provokes her to reckon with FOU. The love affair of CHEUNG and YUK comes to surface at last. CHEUNG insists to marry YUK and makes CAO very angry. FOU bets with CAO on the courage and love between CHEUNG and YUK. She wins at the end and CAO permits their marriage unwillingly. Besides, FOU makes up her mind to break up with PEI. PEI has no alternative but to accept. The asthma of SIG resists her to perform; furthermore, CAO arranges KUEN and other singers to sing the songs of SIG. SIG is stunned. Despite loses the favour of CAO; SIG is poison and drives out from palace. Knowing the tragic happens to SIG, FOU visits her. But she arrives too late because SIG cut her wrist and committed suicide already. She ends her life desperately and dies with the embrace of FOU……

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Episode 16

July 15, 200246m

HUANG pleads for the forgiveness of FOU and swears to rectify. She softens the heart of FOU and mends the relationship in spite of the splints that cultivate in her heart. The tower for the bronze vessel is built. ZHI uses the tower as theme and writes a poem for it; nevertheless, he captures the attention of CAO and overwhelms the spirit of PEI successfully.

TANG inspires that ZHI would be the successor of CAO and tends to arrange TSUI to be his wife. ZHI has the support from the residents at province Hopei and success in propose marrying FOU as his wife. ZHI does not aware to the plan of TANG and asks him to be his intermediary and proposes the marriage to CAO.

With the strategy from YI, PEI swings out his way to success. PEI knows that CAO is going to pass the military seal to ZHI on the next day. Therefore, he pretends to repair the relationship with ZHI; meanwhile, drunk him and makes ZHI absent for the appointment with CAO……

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Episode 17

July 16, 200246m

PAN strongly opposes either of her sons to marry FOU, but CAO refuses to take her advice. FOU attends the appointment with CAO; meanwhile, CAO explains that he will not pass his thrown to ZHI, so FOU must marry PEI and be the future queen. Notwithstanding, CAO uses the life of ZHI to threats FOU to obey him. FOU has no other alternatives but obey his command.

In order to avoiding seeing ZHI, FOU accommodates at the bamboo cottage temporarily. However, HUANG betrays her and informs ZHI for her residence. Gradually, ZHI finds FOU at the cottage. Though FOU treats him coldly, their love cannot wipe away so easy. When ZHI tends to cut his throat recklessly, FOU halts him at once. They hug each other and cry painfully.

FOU and ZHI elope together; they accompany with servant, FAI and maid, SIM and begin their wandering lives. PEI is outrage to learn the news; whilst YI thinks that it is a good opportunity to get rid of ZHI……

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Episode 18

July 17, 200246m

PEI intends to kill ZHI at once. Fortunately, PAN and CHEUNG arrive and stop him. They return to the palace and ZHI is imprisoning by CAO immediately. PAN appreciates the assistance of FOU for sending SIM to deliver the message to her, so that she can rescue ZHI on time; furthermore, prevent his sons for bloodshed. PAN repairs the relationship with FOU since then.

HUANG wants to tie around PEI but PEI warns her to be content. So HUANG initiates another plan. Both ZHAO and SHUN believe the strategies of PEI are not from his own. Therefore, they follow PEI to find the real strategist. Their action is disclosed by YI, thus YI decides to get rid of ZHAO as soon as possible.

YI traps ZHAO to pronounce his suspicious to CAO. He accuses PEI for forming a private troop. Owing to the lack of evidence, CAO rebukes ZHAO severely. Nevertheless, CAO arises his wariness on ZHAO instead. PAN is ill because of her worry on ZHI……

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Episode 19

July 18, 200246m

FOU blames PEI for stimulating ZHI and rigid the situation. The fight between them seems to be unavoidable and it is hard to find a breakthrough now. In the arena, ZHI sends out his arrow on horseback and his arrow shoots into PEI’s arrow; yet, it also represents the determination of ZHI. Moreover, ZHAO is glad to see ZHI recovers from despair.

The robbers disturb troops of CAO. Because of different opinions, ZHI and PEI cannot reach a compromise on their tactics. CAO feels dilemma and annoy. Therefore, CAO separates ZHI and PEI from their subordinates in order to test their flexibility; meanwhile, find out their consultants.

The impatient character betrays ZHAO and CAO disclose his identity by trick. Since CAO worries the intelligence of ZHAO may shaken his empire, he sentences him to die without a reason. CAO owes an explanation to ZHI and FOU; hence, he avoids confronting with them……

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Episode 20

July 19, 200246m

FOU and PEI get along well after the wedding; but the relationship is not the same for ZHI and TSUI. HUANG follows FOU and PEI to Capital Hui. They meet a friend of PEI, gentleman CHOI, who is obsessed to HUANG in the first sight. Therefore, PEI tries to be the matchmaker enthusiastically and upset HUANG.

PEI strongly opposes the proposal of the king for reducing the military allowance. FOU recognises his rebellious and feels worry. PEI and FOU respect each other and develop their relationship well. HUANG feels bitter and wanders in the street. She saves a young girl, who begs in the street; furthermore, she brings her home and names her SON YAU.

HUANG teaches YAU well and wants to transform her to a lady. She believes that she can do better than FOU in all aspects. HUANG pretends pregnant with PEI’s baby and discloses the secret to FOU intentionally……

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Episode 21

July 22, 200246m

HUANG blames FOU for making her miscarriage. Until she notices that PEI and PAN are so concerned about FOU, she changes her tone at once and comfort FOU instead. Coincidentally, TSUI is pregnant also. However, ZHI neglects her feelings and asks PAN to send FOU the precious calming medicine. Obviously, TSUI is jealous and scolds ZHI for his light-hearted.

CAO and FOU are playing chess. Suddenly, there is an emergency occurs across miles. CAO allows FOU to side chair for discussing the military issue. Hence, PEI is anxious to inquiry the military information from FOU afterwards. But due to confidentiality, FOU refuses to disclose any details. On the contrast, HUANG voluntarily reports the move of CAO to PEI, including the books that CAO is reading; yet, PEI assumes the direction of CAO accurately.

SHUN introduces his pupil, TING YEE, to ZHI in order to assist ZHI in restoring the Hon Dynasty……

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Episode 22

July 23, 200246m

FOU is in serious condition after the accident. Fortunately, under the doctor prescription, FOU gives birth to her child successfully and both of them are stable. PEI feels guilty and guarantees to love FOU forever. Meanwhile, HUANG also apologises to PEI but PEI scolds her severely instead. Though HUANG promises to rectify, she is thinking of revenge on FOU at heart.

HUANG notices that FOU is still sleeping on the pillow, which is a present from ZHI. Therefore, another trick comes up in her mind immediately. She tries to please FOU, so FOU still trust her well. SHUN introduces YEE to PEI, whilst YEE pretends fool in order to get close to PEI. He is then arranged to work as the subordinate of PEI and spies on him.

FOU meets ZHI in the garden again. They share views on nourishing of their children and support each other to be good parents. On the other hand, CAO loses his battle at province Chit Pic and returns home……

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Episode 23

July 24, 200246m

FOU breaks up the relationship with HUANG and warns her seriously. Meanwhile, the doctor diagnoses that HUANG is unable to give birth again. HUANG recognises TSUI delivers a lot of precious gifts to TANG in order to let TANG bribe the imperial officials and path the way for ZHI. She comes up with another plan.

PEI neglects the advice from FOU and appoints CHIH ZI as soldier. Therefore, ZHI and CHEUNG report it to CAO immediately. But CAO has a different opinion and decides to strength his army once again with the support from CHEUNG and ZHI. PEI finds FOU betrays him and quarrel with FOU angrily. Nevertheless, HUANG suggests PEI to yield for FOU because arguments with FOU will offence CAO indirectly. With vex from HUANG, PEI begins to hate FOU.

YI notices that the identity of ZI is disclosed; therefore, he kills ZI and ZHI loses the trace. Due to the carelessness of TSUI, her son, MUI, is fallen into the pond……

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Episode 24

July 25, 200245m

The arrival of ZHI is too late. TSUI dies with the embrace of ZHI. At the same time, TANG and his family are executed. ZHI is outrage and reckons the account with CAO. He blames CAO for his cruelty in reinforcing his empire. Then ZHI leaves with anger and disappointment; whilst, CAO spits blood and sick.

CAO explains to PEI that the execution of TSUI and TANG is to path the way for him to become king later. But CAO reiterates PEI to respect and take care CHEUNG and ZHI after he success the thrown. PEI promises CAO with excitement. ZHI moans painfully and is unable to write the prayer for TSUI. FOU feels his sorrow and helps him. Notwithstanding the loss, ZHI feels guilty for his negligence on TSUI and it is too late to be mended. FOU encourages ZHI to rise up MUI in return of the love that TSUI has given.

Later, ZHI and CHEUNG are appointed to guard their troops far away……

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Episode 25

July 26, 200245m

FOU finds evidence that showing SHUN is murdered by the strategist of PEI. CAO takes her advice into serious consideration and believes the suspect is YI. CAO orders YIN to search for YI immediately. Meanwhile, HUANG delivers the message to PEI, so PEI hides YI in a secret place and escape from the search of CAO eventually.

CAO is sick because he is disappointed that PEI does not kill YI. In fact, FOU also finds the ambitious of YI is a threat; therefore, she argues with PEI again. HUANG is excited to learn their quarrels and is happy to know that their relationship has gone bad. ZHI and CHEUNG receive an urgent message from CAO and ask them to return home as soon as possible. YEE predicts that CAO would like to change his testimony, so all of them hack back at once.

CAO is seriously sick and forbids all interviews except FOU. He passes the imperial decree to FOU for changing the successor to ZHI……

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Episode 26

July 29, 200245m

PAN is ill, while ZHI and CHEUNG have to depart again. FOU reiterates them to take good care. Just when ZHI and others leaves the palace, YI shows up. FOU is stunned and realises that she has been cheated. The relationship between FOU and PEI breaks. FOU also finds out the reason for YEN’s betrayal, she feels delinquent for her incapability to protect her family. YEN decides to leave the place and gives his last regards to FOU.

Few years later, PEI succeeds in usurping Hon Dynasty. FOU advises PEI to execute YI as precaution, otherwise YI will overthrow him one day; but PEI neglects her. HUANG tries hard to please PEI because she is eager to be the queen. But PEI considers the popularity of FOU; he turns down the request of HUANG strictly. Hence, HUANG bargains with FOU for the position. In respect of her son, YUE, FOU insists to be the queen, so that YUE can inherit the thrown in the future. HUANG is irate……

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Episode 27

Season Finale
July 30, 200246m

PAN is making the shroud for CHEUNG, while PEI visits her. It is a painful triumph to PAN for the death of her son. Yet, PEI promises PAN not to kill ZHI. ZHI farewell with PAN and leaves the country again. He reiterates FOU to take care and set off for his journey.

The bad news comes. A children song about the indecent relationship between FOU and ZHI becomes very popular suddenly and it is widely spread all over the country. PEI is outrage. In fact, it is the conspiracy of HUANG and YI. They interpret the smile of FOU is a seducing sign from FOU to ZHI and pollute the theme of the poetry. Afterwards, YI persuades PEI to sentence FOU to death.

Because of the jealousy, PEI becomes recklessly mad and orders to poison FOU. FOU recapitulates YUE to be a good king in the future and then she drinks the poison……

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