Translations 4
English (en-US) |
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Bizarre Foods America |
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Overview |
Bizarre Foods America is an American television series, and a spin-off of Bizarre Foods, this time focusing on the United States rather than international travel. Andrew Zimmern travels to various cities throughout the country and samples local cuisines and ways of life. The format is similar to Bizarre Foods. The show premiered Monday January 23, 2012 at 9:00 ET on Travel Channel. Much like the popular Bizarre Foods, Andrew heads to some of the most unique food hubs in the country. Once there he meets with locals and local chefs to gain a better understanding of American cuisine and to see how America has developed its reputation as a melting pot of cultures and foods and what sort of unusual foods people in America might have in their own cities and not realize. |
German (de-DE) |
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Der Alles-Esser - So schmeckt Amerika |
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New Orleans ist immer eine Reise wert, denn dort gibt es mehr zu entdecken als das French Quarter oder den Garden District. Auch das Umland mit seinen Sümpfen hat kulinarisch einiges zu bieten. Die Stadt am Mississippi ist ein Schmelztiegel der Kulturen und ein Mekka für alle Fans exotischer Gaumenfreuden. Abseits der touristischen Trampelpfade stellt der Allesesser seine eisernen Geschmacksnerven auf die Probe. Gefüllter Schweinemagen, geronnenes Blut mit Innereien und kross gebratener Alligator: Andrew Zimmern bekommt im Bundesstaat Louisiana abwechslungsreiche Kost serviert. |
Italian (it-IT) |
Name |
Orrori da gustare America |
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Overview |
Andrew Zimmern, chef, scrittore ed esploratore culinario, va alla ricerca di cibi strani e meravigliosi che possono essere gustati proprio negli Stati Uniti. Che si tratti di assaggiare roditori al forno a Baltimora, testicoli di maialino fritti in una fattoria in Iowa o uova di pesce fermentate con i Nativi Americani , l'impavido Andrew è pronto a mettere alla prova il suo palato senza mai lasciare la sua terra! |
Portuguese (pt-PT) |
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O chef Andrew Zimmern descobre os estranhos e maravilhosos segredos culinários da América, que incluem rato almiscarado assado, testículos de porco e ovas de peixe fermentadas. |