Declaration of War (2008)
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Translations 16
English (en-US) |
Name |
Declaration of War |
Overview |
Byakuran calls Irie and tells him that Mukuro has been defeated and that he was found to be transmitting data, possibly to the Vongola Tenth. Byakuran tells Irie that he is the most important person in that base and must escape if they invade the base. Irie for some hidden reason, can't leave. Irie calls all the Milliefore Japan members in the base and tells them he shall be leading the base now. The members are outraged and prepare to attack Irie until a swordsman by the name of Genkishi tells them anyone who opposes master Irie will be killed. Irie becomes the boss of the base. Afterwards the Vongola have received the data transmitted by Mukuro. In it was the picture of the white box Tsuna saw in his dreams. Training is resumed and Reborn gives Yamamoto a box about the sword emperor. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
Name |
第 98 集 宣言 |
Overview |
通讯线路恢复之后,总算与白兰取得联系了。相对于毫无紧张感笑咪咪吃着软糖的白兰,状况却是非常紧急。米尔菲欧雷日本分部基地的情报,居然被泄漏到彭哥列那里了。听到这个消息的入江,取出玛雷戒指宣布“我决定直接参与作战”——并且与至今不太可靠的态度不同,展现出冷酷的表情。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
宣言 |
Overview |
Dutch; Flemish (nl-NL) |
Name |
Aflevering 98 |
Overview |
French (fr-FR) |
Name |
Annonce |
Overview |
Après avoir reçu des informations du QG italien des Millefiore, Irie Shoichi se prépare à être attaqué par les Vongola et prend ainsi des mesures. Pendant ce temps, ces derniers ont reçu de la part de Mukuro les plans de la base de la branche japonaise des Millefiore, la base Merone. |
German (de-DE) |
Name |
Kriegserklärung |
Overview |
Byakuran und Irie Shōichi kriegen Wind davon, dass die Vongola einen Angriff planen. Bei Tsuna und den anderen ist währenddessen immer noch Training großgeschrieben, doch Gokudera harmoniert nicht so recht mit seiner Box-Waffe. |
Hebrew (he-IL) |
Name |
פרק 98 |
Overview |
Italian (it-IT) |
Name |
Dichiarazione |
Overview |
Vento di cambiamenti nella base dei Millefiore. Byakuran avvisa Irie di una possibile invasione dei Vongola ma il ragazzo non vuole abbandonare la base e ne prende il controllo. |
Japanese (ja-JP) |
Name |
宣言 |
Overview |
回線が復活し、やっと連絡が繋がった白蘭。心配していた入江は、いつものように飄々としている彼に半ば呆れつつ状況を訊く。ニコニコとマシュマロを頬張る緊張感のない白蘭の態度とは裏腹に、状況はかなり切迫していた。ボンゴレにミルフィオーレ日本支部のアジトの情報が漏れたのだ。それを聞かされた入江はマーレリングを取り出し「僕が直接やりますよ」——今までの頼りない態度とは一変して冷徹な表情を見せた...。 |
Korean (ko-KR) |
Name |
선언 |
Overview |
Polish (pl-PL) |
Name |
Odcinek 98 |
Overview |
Portuguese (pt-BR) |
Name |
Declaração |
Overview |
Russian (ru-RU) |
Name |
Эпизод 98 |
Overview |
Spanish; Castilian (es-ES) |
Name |
Declaración |
Overview |
Irie se logra comunicar con Byacuran este le dice que probablemente los Vongola ataquen su base. Los Vongola se enteran de que Rokudo se infiltro en Milfiore y logro mandar los planos de las instalaciones antes de que fuera descubierto. Tsuna les informa acerca del sueño que tuvo. Milfiore se prepara para la invasión de los Vongola. Yamamoto pasa al siguiente nivel de entrenamiento. Reborn revela un poco de su pasado. |
Spanish; Castilian (es-MX) |
Name |
Episodio 98 |
Overview |
Thai (th-TH) |
Name |
คำประกาศ |
Overview |