Episodes 100


My Name is Lizzie Bennet

April 9, 20125m

Just introducing myself as part of a class project. We're in grad school together. Charlotte's the mastermind behind the camera, she wanted me to talk about my life, which, yeah, sounds tremendously exciting right? But we'll do our best to be at least moderately entertaining. Also, in the future, I will try to get Charlotte out from behind her pipe.

So in this first video, you meet me, my friend Charlotte Lu, and my sister Lydia (accidentally). And I introduce you to a parody of my mom as well, who, hopefully, you will never meet.

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Introducing my sisters...I have two. Lydia, who...is Lydia. And Jane, who works her butt off for her family and never thinks of herself. Also, you may have noticed she's gorgeous.

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My Parents: Opposingly Supportive

April 16, 20125m

So that was an amazing first week! I am shocked that so many people find my life even a tiny bit interesting. So Episode 3!!! Inspired by Reggie on Facebook, I made this video about my parents so you can get to know them a little more. - But actually showing them? Well that would require me telling them that I'm doing this... so that's going to be a "no". Or at least a "not yet".

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Bing Lee and his 500 Teenage Prostitutes

April 19, 20125m

The thought of Bing Lee dominates my mother's life. It's all she talks about. So through everything my crazily lovable mother, the 2.5 WPF club, and my out of control baby sister, you lovely people get to learn all about Bing Lee.

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After the Wedding: The Real Bing Lee

April 22, 20125m

So...this weekend was interesting. The wedding was lovely, barring some extremely unfortunate events that I will not get into right now. But Bing and Jane did, like, I mean, really hit it off, so Mom is unsurprisingly a 50 gallon barrel of pleased. Today though, I just wanted to grill Jane on the evening's events.

Also, I have to admit that Bing is actually really nice. And Jane didn't even make me write that.

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Snobby Mr. Douchey

April 25, 20125m

You were all quite specific that you wanted me to talk more about meeting Mr. Darcy, so today, I give you half the story. Boring, stuffy, and rude, I really don't get how Bing and him are friends. Regardless, watch Lydia and I reenact the events of the Gibson wedding for you.

And then, next week, I'll give you the scoop on the rest of the evening.

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The Most Awkward Dance Ever

April 30, 20125m

After this I'm done talking about the Gibson Wedding. I really didn't want to talk about this, but it's been bugging me. Like really bugging me. Like can't study and all my projects suck bugging me. So here it is, the Most awkward dance ever with Darcy. - oh and I miss Charlotte, she should be back this week.

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Charlotte's Back!

May 2, 20125m

Yay Charlotte is back. I hope she never leaves again. Watch as she and I catch up. Also she apparently told something to my mother that didn't exactly thrill me, but hey it's Charlotte and I love her.

Sorry this video is a little shorter but we do have the special Q&A video this Saturday! Watch out for that!

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Single and Happyish

May 7, 20125m

As my mother has been pushing for the day that her three single daughters are "properly" wed, I'd like to point out in this video that it's perfectly okay (and usually better) that you wait and find the right person.

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Cats and Chinchillas

May 10, 20125m

So I got some pictures of some cats playing with Chinchillas. I was going to spend today talking about adorableness and not Bing, but then Jane showed up and, well...

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The Charming Mr. Lee

May 14, 20125m

Despite the double barreled presences of both Lydia and My Mother, dinner at Bing Lee's wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Probably because that Bing is 1. actually pretty cool and 2. very much into my sister.

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Jane Chimes In

May 17, 20125m

In this video my dearest sister Jane gives her opinions on some of the people I've "talked" about on in video diaries. Our parents, Bing Lee, and even William Darcy. Watch and enjoy, I know I did.

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Bing! It's time for dinner

May 21, 20125m

Mr. Bing Lee and Caroline are coming over for dinner and I try "live video blogging" the evening. Things start out great at first but it goes a little nutty when Mom starts freaking out and Lydia tries to take over everything.

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I Really Suck at Video Games

May 24, 20125m

I made this video the morning after the last video. I have a some fun at Lydia's expense and well, she has some fun with me. We're sisters, what do you expect?

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Lizzie Bennet is in Denial

May 28, 20125m

Charlotte Lu here, while Lizzie spent the weekend slaving away in the campus library, I recruited Jane to give a slightly different perspective to the events last week.

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Happiness in the Pursuit of Life

May 31, 20125m

So I appreciate Charlotte filling in but wow, talk about creative leaps! - Oh Charlotte, always dramatizing. Anyway, I'm back and so is Charlotte. In this video we have a discussion of life and stuff. Enjoy.

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Swimming with Scissors

June 5, 20125m

So it's the last few weeks of the semester and here comes swim week, or as I like to call it "Lydia goes crazy". And if you think that was fun, just wait til you see the aftermath video.

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25 Douchebags and a Gentleman

June 7, 20125m

So after going with Lydia to Carter's the night before and making sure she didn't get into "too much trouble", I discovered a pleasant surprise.

In this video, watch Jane and I talk about douchebags and gentlemen.

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The Green Bean Gelatin Plan

June 11, 20125m

So it turns out my mom had a plan for all those green beans in cranberry sauce. Not just a plan to turn something that sounds disgusting into something truly disgusting, but a plan to use it to push Bing and Jane together. I how you really enjoy watching this video because I really didn't enjoy a certain part of it.

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Enjoy the Adorbs

June 14, 20125m

So Charlotte and I are slammed with finals and well there's Lydia and she had some things to say...

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The Semester is Over

June 18, 20125m

I'm back and so is Charlotte! Our semester is over and though we started this as a school project we are keeping the video diaries going!

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The Unavoidable Invitation

June 21, 20125m

So Bing Lee's throwing a party and invited everyone, which sounds like a great time for anyone not named Lizzie Bennet. I do my best to try to avoid it but it's hard to resist someone like Jane.

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One Sister Behind

June 25, 20125m

It's the day after the crazy party at Bing Lee's and Jane didn't come home with us. Watch Charlotte and I discuss the party and the future of Jane and Bing before Lydia comes in and does something shocking.

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Jane's Back and Mom isn't happy

June 28, 20125m

Jane's back and Mom isn't happy. She's up to something, I can feel it. Anyway, Charlotte and I discuss going to Vidcon and Lydia barges in with a surprise!

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Vidcon Interruption

July 2, 20125m

So we went to Vidcon! Here's the first video we shot. It was supposed to be really quick but I ran into my old 'acquaintance' Ricky Collins.

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Mom's Convoluted Plan

July 5, 20125m

I knew Mom was up to something. Leave it up to her to come up with a plan to drastically change our lives even while we're still having fun at Vidcon.

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Welcome to Netherfield

July 9, 20125m

So this is new, first video at Netherfield, new room, new house, and new people. Watch as Jane and I try, and immediately fail, at keeping the video diaries underwraps.

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Meeting Bing Lee

July 12, 20125m

So I asked Jane to record a message to Charlotte as part of documenting our stay here at Netherfield and guess who popped up in. Bing Lee himself! Those two really are adorable.

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Ethics of Seeing Bing

July 16, 20125m

So in this video I struggle with the ethics of putting Bing in these videos under "grey" pretenses. Luckily Caroline was there to help me out with this.

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Ticking Clock

July 19, 20125m

I'm hoping to go home today. Watch as Caroline and I go through some fun game show antics before I get the news.

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Convertible Carpool

July 23, 20125m

So I figured out what William Darcy is good for. Also see what happens when Bing Lee plans a wine tasting event while trying to cram us all into one car.

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Turn About The Room

July 26, 20125m

Watch as Caroline and I discuss how Darcy's pompousness hits a new level of doucheyness.

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Nope! He Doesn't Like Me

July 30, 20125m

The always sweet Jane returns and we talk about Darcy and his supposed attempts at being nice and genuine.

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Lizzie Come Home

August 2, 20125m

So we've been here a month. I'm sure we're wearing out our welcome and we just need to go home.

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Home Sweet Home

August 6, 20125m

Watch as Charlotte, Jane, Lydia, and I are all back together!

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Mr. Collins Returns

August 9, 20125m

We knew it was coming and here he is. "Mr." Ricky Collins is back.

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Lydia vs Mr. Collins

August 13, 20125m

What do you do when Lydia and Mr. Ricky Collins keep bugging you for stuff? Let them bug each other.

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Tale of Two Gents

August 16, 20125m

Exciting news! George Wickham's been texting. His witty conversations leads Jane and I to compare his virtual conversations to Ricky Collins' actual ones.

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The Insistent Proposal

August 20, 20125m

So Mr. Ricky Collins finally revealed what he was in town for.

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Proposal Fallout

August 23, 20125m

So my mom wasn't too thrilled with me rejecting Ricky Collins' partnership proposal.

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Your Pitch Needs Work

August 27, 20125m

Charlotte and Collins have a chat.

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Friends Forever

August 31, 20125m

Up all night editing this one. Just watch it.

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Missing Charlotte

September 3, 20125m

First post-Charlotte video. I'm still getting a hang of this editing thing. Really thankful for my super supportive sisters, though.

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Darcy Wickham Drama

September 6, 20125m

Shot this a few days ago after going to Carter's. It was too good to not do a video about the Darcy/Wickham incident. I will find out the truth!

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Wickham Story Time

September 10, 20125m

I did it, I found the truth about Darcy via the handsome and charming George Wickham.

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Birthday Party Battle Plan

September 13, 20125m

It's Bing Lee's birthday party this weekend and everyone is invited. So George, Jane and I are drawing up a plan!

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It's All About Communicating

September 17, 20125m

Bing Lee's birthday party was this weekend and there's been a lot of weirdness going on.

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September 20, 20125m

Jane wanted me to post this whole video.

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Not Paranoid

September 24, 20125m

Everyone seems to be leaving, first Charlotte and now Jane. What's going on around here?

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Moving On

September 27, 20125m

Lydia says I need cheering up.

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Together Again

October 1, 20125m

I meet up with Charlotte again at her fancy new offices.

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Better Living

October 4, 20125m

Trying to figure out how I'm gonna deal with this school thing. I think Charlotte may have given me the answer.

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Royal Dining

October 8, 20125m

Ricky Collins prepares me for dinner with Catherine De Bourgh.

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Annie Kins

October 11, 20125m

Summary of my recent dinner with Catherine De Bourgh. It was... interesting.

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Robot Surprise

October 15, 20125m

While Charlotte is away I take some time to play around in the office.

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A New Buddy

October 18, 20125m

Everyone meet Fitz. Another odd example of Darcy being surrounded by pleasant people.

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Weirded Out

October 22, 20125m

Another weekend at the office. I had an unexpected visitor and it weirded everyone out.

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Care Packages

October 25, 20125m

Fitz comes by again and helps me send Jane a care package.

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Staff Spirit

October 29, 20125m

After hearing about what Darcy, Halloween Staff Spirit with Collins and Collins is the last thing I want to do.

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Are you Kidding Me!

November 1, 20125m

I wasn't sure about showing you, but here it is.

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Yeah I Know

November 5, 20125m

Charlotte catches up and Darcy comes back.

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Letter Analysis

November 8, 20125m

I try to update you on everything else in my life and Charlotte won't have it.

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Unexpected Returns

November 12, 20125m

Caroline is in town.

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C vs C

November 15, 20125m

Caroline, Charlotte, and I face off.

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Turkey Days

November 19, 20125m

Mr. Collins is back and wants to keep us over Thanksgiving break.

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Giving Thanks

November 22, 20125m

Charlotte and I head home for Thanksgiving!

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Back Home Again

November 26, 20125m

It's good to be home with everyone.

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November 29, 20125m

Charlotte gets me to reveal some things.

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Summer Friends

December 3, 20125m

Lydia takes over for episode 69!

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New Jane

December 6, 20125m

Jane and I talk about her new and changed life.

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Mr. Bennet's Christmas Train Extravaganza

December 10, 20125m

My dad begins his train extravaganza. Lydia plans a party.

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Party Time

December 13, 20125m

So it was Lydia's birthday and someone stops by.

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2 + 1

December 17, 20125m

I give Lydia her birthday present. It doesn't go quite as planned.

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How to Hold a Grudge

December 20, 20125m

Lydia and I... well fine.

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Merry Christmas

December 24, 20125m

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Wishing Something Universal

December 27, 20125m

One more video before the new year and then off to my next company shadowing.

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Tour Leader

January 7, 20135m

Welcome to my first day at Pemberley Digital and it is interesting.

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The Lizzie Trap

January 10, 20135m

I try to head to dinner, Gigi stops me.

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The Unavoidable Mr. Lee

January 14, 20135m

Well look who dropped into the Pemberley offices.

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Hyper-Mediation in New Media

January 17, 20135m

Darcy and I have a chat.

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January 21, 20135m

Gigi comes by and I get to confront Bing.

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Checks and Balances

January 24, 20135m

Gigi comes by for a serious discussion.

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Corporate Interview

January 28, 20135m

I interview Darcy.

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January 31, 20135m

Just no.

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February 4, 20135m

What did you do, Lydia?

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Sisterly Support

February 7, 20135m

Jane comes home.

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An Understanding

February 11, 20135m

Sometimes, you need to listen.

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February 14, 20135m

We will be.

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February 18, 20135m

A little insomnia.

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Something Lighter... Please

February 21, 20135m

Just what we needed around here. Sorta.

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How About That

February 25, 20135m

Yay for Jane!

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Goodbye Jane

February 28, 20135m

Saying bye to Jane.

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Look who's back

March 4, 20135m

Charlotte comes to visit.

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March 7, 20135m

Lydia gives me some key info.

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End of the Line

March 11, 20135m

So this was a surprise.

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Talking to Myself

March 14, 20135m

I reflect on things.

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Special Delivery

March 18, 20135m

Look who stops by.

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March 21, 20135m

Okay yeah.

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Future Talk

March 25, 20135m

The talk.

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The End

Season Finale
March 28, 20135m

Thank you.

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