Safe Guards (2006)
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Translations 5
English (en-US) |
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Safe Guards |
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The story revolves around the Wui Yau Safeguard Agency, which is the most prominent safeguard and escort agency in Hangzhou. However, the agency was discovered to be close to bankruptcy, due to financial mismanagement. Together with his four sons, the patriarch of the family, Sheung Ching-Tong (Samuel Kwok) must, along with other allies and confidantes, rebuild the agency and save it from near certain death. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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铁血保镖 |
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在尚正堂(郭峰 饰)的苦心经营之下,会有镖局名扬四海,获得了杭州第一镖局的美名,然而,当他想要进军官场为此设宴请客之时,却发现账房亏空严重,几乎没有现金流转。正堂找到了三儿子尚智(马浚伟 饰),嘱咐他一定要将众人赊欠镖局的账款全部讨回。 正堂年事已高,不得不考虑到传位之事,无奈大儿子尚忠不学无术游手好闲,是愚笨莽撞之人不可信赖,而二儿子尚孝(黄贤智 饰)又犯下了与他人妻子通奸的打错威信全无,只有同他并没有血缘关系的养子尚智值得托付,而正堂的这一决定在镖局内掀起了轩然大波。之后,正堂去世,尚智在镖局中的地位变得岌岌可危。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
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鐵血保鏢 |
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Chinese (zh-HK) |
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鐵血保鏢 |
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Dutch; Flemish (nl-NL) |
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Het verhaal draait om de Wui Yau Safeguard Agency, het meest prominente beveiligings- en escortbureau in Hangzhou. Er werd echter ontdekt dat het bureau op de rand van een faillissement stond vanwege financieel wanbeheer. Samen met zijn vier zonen moet de patriarch van de familie, Sheung Ching-Tong (Samuel Kwok), samen met andere bondgenoten en vertrouwelingen het bureau weer opbouwen en redden van een bijna wisse dood. |