Translations 10
English (en-US) |
Name |
The True Identity of Me, I'll be a Monkey's Uncle! |
Overview |
Using Gokudo (in the pop star persona of Gon-Gon) as bait, the gang manages to infiltrate the secret monkey encampment ruled by Gokuu (or, as is currently the case, Niari - who has been unable to escape the watchful eye of Gokuu's gorilla-esque, shrewish wife). After a close call, Niari is rescued and things are beginning to look up for our heroes. (Niari even takes the opportunity to magically alter his body from monkey to man-form.) Unfortunately, there's been an imposter lurking in the ranks, and it soon becomes apparent that what they had taken for Gokuu is in fact Sanzo the Monk in a copy of Gokudo's body (the real one sequestered away at some undisclosed location). He's been watching the lot of them ever since they unintentionally brought destruction down upon Inaho (in episode 13), and has lured them all to this place to serve his own dastardly ends. A battle naturally ensues, but the gang is outclassed by Sanzo's trickery... not to mention a magical 'damage redirection' spell. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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我的惊人真面目 |
Overview |
因为必须将所有人的灵魂跟身体都找齐,才有机会恢复原状,所以哥古德等人一直努力地寻找王子的下落。哥古德借着露贝特的肉身为饵,终于找到化身为妖猴悟空的王子,然而却遭遇悟空的老婆母妖猴的阻拦,着实狠狠地打了一架。此时,原本附身在哥古德身体里的猴子突然像变了个人似的,竟然自称名为「三藏法师」……? 为了寻找宝玉而来到伊纳荷的哥古德等一行人,经过一番努力终于从皇子手中取回了宝玉;谁知道哥古德贪心的本性又旧态复萌,硬是不肯将宝玉交给龙神,而印度拉神更是不愿放过夺取宝玉的机会,所以三方展开了一场激烈的大混战,正当大家彼此争得你死我活之际,这颗珍贵的宝玉竟然被哥古德一不小心给打破了…… 这场国王大赛在三组人马激烈的角逐之后,最后得到胜利的居然不是人,而是一只神秘的独角兽。更令人想不到的是,这只独角兽的真面目竟然是魔界王子尼亚利,他不但是封印住女神的罪魁祸首,而且他还想将帕尔米特王国占为己有。为了阻止尼亚利的阴谋并救出被他所俘虏的公主,哥古德一行人来到了魔界王子的基地… 国王与魔王订下契约,为了得到更大的权力,甚至不惜杀掉自己的小孩,而哥古德与塞奇就是那个传说中已死去的王子的化身,多亏老太婆的魔法才得以重新复活。不过他们后来发现,国王原来早就已经死去,现在的国王根本就是魔王假冒的;而且更令人惊讶的是,魔王竟然是这个老太婆的丈夫,这到底是怎么回事? |
Dutch; Flemish (nl-NL) |
Name |
Aflevering 18 |
Overview |
French (fr-FR) |
Name |
Ma véritable identité, je serai l'oncle d'un singe ! |
Overview |
German (de-DE) |
Name |
Episode 18 |
Overview |
Japanese (ja-JP) |
Name |
第18話 オレ猿のまったくとんでもない正体は?のこと |
Overview |
Korean (ko-KR) |
Name |
내 원숭이 몸의 도무지 말도 안되는 정체는? |
Overview |
대스타가 된 고쿠도(루베트의 몸)를 미끼로 요괴 원숭이들의 무리에 잠입한 일행. 여기에서 원숭이들의 대장 고쿠를 만나는데 그의 정체는 다름아닌 니아리였다! 그럼 원숭이가 된 고쿠도의 원래 몸에는 대체 누가...? |
Portuguese (pt-BR) |
Name |
Episódio 18 |
Overview |
Russian (ru-RU) |
Name |
Эпизод 18 |
Overview |
Spanish; Castilian (es-ES) |
Name |
Episodio 18 |
Overview |