TheMovieDB here shows only Part I of Series 4. It looks like the two episodes in Part II may have been added and deleted.
Can we add these back in? Is there a legitimate reason they are not listed?
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Reply by Marr 🇳🇱
on November 5, 2017 at 12:02 PM
They're here.
As for the how and why, I think you should ask Steve. As he seems to have split them, but I think because of the years apart... but I'm confused, as iTV lists the ones you mention as series 5 xDDD
Also, we don't blindly copy IMDb/Wikpedia.~
In the future, please use the "REPORT" functionallity, instead of creating a discussion in "Content Rreports". The former automatically links to the entry, and asks you to fill out information, and is just on the whole a lot easier to deal with