Episodes 26


Episode 1

November 2, 20232h 17m

The day that Naz has been waiting and dreaming about since her childhood has come; Mete will return from abroad to get married. Both families are in great panic. Except for one person; Incila. Incila is Naz's right hand and her punching bag in life. These two grew up without even knowing how to breathe without each other. The worst part is that these two have grown the same love in their hearts. Even though she tries to be happy for Naz, the news of the wedding stabs Incila's heart like a dagger. But the test that life has prepared for this trio is harder than Incila thought. She will soon realize that this pain she feels is nothing yet.

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Episode 2

November 9, 20232h 4m

İncila, who is experiencing the most special moments of her life with the man whose love she has carried in her heart since childhood, is trapped between her unrealizable dreams and bitter realities. İncila runs away from Mete in every corner of the house to prevent him from finding out who she is while trying to prevent Naz from finding out about these events. Mete, who is engaged to Naz and on the road to marriage, is under the influence of the strong and deep bond he feels for this mysterious girl who suddenly appears and disappears. These feelings increase the question marks in his mind about Naz even more. Although facing Mete again in the shadow of excitement and fear while burning with his love strengthens the bond between İncila and Mete, İncila realizes that she must put an end to this game. When she decides to confront Mete for the last time, they don't realize that the fuse of a bomb that could ruin everything has been lit.

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Episode 3

November 16, 20231h 50m

İncila, who is on the verge of being caught by Naz while she is with Mete, narrowly escapes an encounter that could ruin everything. While the problems and insecurities between their families create a new crisis for Naz and Mete, Naz, who thinks that she cannot get the support she needs from the man she loves, opens the door to a bigger crisis by breaking off the engagement. While Mete becomes more and more attached to this mysterious girl who suddenly appeared before him, İncila, experiences the pain and despair of knowing the impossibility of this love, although she cannot yet explain the reason to Mete. While the love between Mete and İncila, who share a special day and night while big storms are brewing in their lives, flares up even more, they are on the verge of being caught by family members. Mete, who is preparing to explain a critical decision regarding their relationship to Naz, is faced with a hidden truth that will disrupt all his plans.

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Episode 4

November 23, 20232h 5m

As he is about to tell Naz about his decision to break up with her, İncila's appearance comes as a big shock to Mete. All his plans come to a dead end when he learns who İncila really is, and Mete explodes in anger because he thinks he has been deceived. Feeling very disappointed, Mete makes a decision that surprises everyone and tells Naz that he wants to marry her next week. While this decision puts Naz on cloud nine, it hurts İncila, who has to watch all these developments silently beside her. Gülten, who is not willing to let her son marry Naz, sets a condition for Mete that surprises everyone. While a mix-up at the henna night brings the two, who are both in love and angry with each other, together by surprise, İncila, who can no longer tolerate Mete's accusatory behavior, takes a dangerous step that could expose this secret relationship.

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Episode 5

November 30, 20232h 13m

Naz is shocked to see İncila's slap Mete, while the two are in a difficult situation and try to give the best explanation to Naz and the household. This latest development puts all the spotlight on İncila, while Naz's all-powerful backing of her only adds to İncila's feelings of guilt. As İncila and Mete get into a bigger and bigger impasse, Filiz, who wants to keep her daughter away from İncila, takes action with Müberra for a plan to solve the problem. İncila, who learns about this plan from her aunt, does not realize that she is trusting the wrong person as she struggles to get out of the predicament she is stuck in. As the wedding day becomes complicated for everyone with Filiz's sudden move, Mete confronts İncila after learning that she is planning an escape plan. While İncila tries to stand up to Mete despite all her accusations, Mete will be the one who has to make a difficult decision this time.

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Episode 6

December 7, 20231h 57m

Thinking that she cannot betray Naz and that their reunion is impossible, İncila rejects Mete's proposal, even if it hurts. While Mete is disappointed by this answer, he thinks about giving up one last time but realizes that there is no going back, and he and Naz tie the knot. While this development further increases the obstacles between İncila and Mete, Mete, who does not want İncila to leave, experiences the anger and helplessness of not being able to convince her. On the other hand, although Naz is very happy to marry Mete, the events at the wedding cause her to return to her mother's house after a night full of tension. While this development further strains the ties between the two families, Naz is shocked to meet the overwhelming authority of Count Ziya. İncila decides to leave Naz's life and the life of the man she grew up with and the man she loves forever, and as she is about to embark on a journey, she does not realize that Mete will not give up on her easily.

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Episode 7

December 14, 20231h 50m

Mete, who doesn't want to lose İncila, prevents İncila from leaving, citing Naz's devotion to her. Thinking that this is the only way she can get out of all the deadends she is trapped in, İncila is trapped in a big trap again by Mete's unexpected move and suddenly finds herself engaged to Kadir. Count Ziya, who feels that his authority is ignored, sternly reminds Mete whose grandson he is and announces the strict rules he wants the household to follow. İncila, who incurs Naz's wrath for leaving her alone, is forced to tell Naz and Mete the truth about her engagement. As the news stuns them both, they learn that Filiz had something to do with it. As Mete and Naz take action to prevent this forced marriage, Mete realizes that he has hit a hard rock as he risks a confrontation with Kadir in order not to lose İncila, while İncila's final decision makes everything even more difficult.

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Episode 8

December 21, 20232h 18m

Wanting to end the growing tension, İncila says that she wants to marry Kadir, which is a shocking development for Mete and Naz. Naz, who thinks that İncila did not take this decision freely, tries to convince her, and there is a big confrontation between İncila and Naz for the first time. Mete, who does not want to accept that İncila will marry Kadir, continues to look for a way out, while Count Ziya, who gets the news of Kadir's raid, takes the situation in his own way. Although Mete is pleased to have the support of his grandfather, the attitude of Count Ziya, who confronts Kadir, is not at all what Mete had hoped for. İncila, who wants to get out of Mete and Naz's life as much as possible, does not know how to act in the face of Kadir's blind devotion to her. While Mete makes a move to put a stone in Kadir's business despite his grandfather, a surprise name that appears in front of Ziya causes him to make a decision that will turn all the balances upside down.

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Episode 9

December 28, 20232h 16m

Count Ziya's offer surprises everyone. Count Ziya, who needs someone he can trust, aims to teach his grandson Mete a lesson while drawing Kadir to his side with this move. Naz, who is looking for a definite solution to stay with İncila, confronts Ziya and tells him how much İncila means to him. Kadir and İncila, who come to dinner at Count Ziya's invitation, have a stressful evening, but the atmosphere becomes tense with the arrival of an unexpected guest. Unable to break Naz, İncila goes to pick Mete up from the bar. While this development creates an opportunity for the two to share their feelings, it puts İncila in a difficult situation in front of Kadir. Naz's new plan to prevent İncila's marriage to Kadir is about to start a process that will change all the balances.

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Episode 10

January 4, 20242h 4m

While Ozan, who steps in after Naz persuades her for marriage, explains the situation to Count Ziya, a tender but bittersweet conversation takes place between Mete and İncila, who are cornered. Taking action, Ziya goes to Atıf's house, and the confused families are in a hurry to make the right decision. Naz, trying to convince İncila, says that their marriage with Ozan will be just a formality. İncila, who is upset about the pain she will cause Kadir and wants to build a new life away from Mete, is unhappy that she cannot make important decisions about her life. While Füsun, who wants to prevent a possible marriage with Ozan, tackles a subject that will be very difficult for İncila, she is unaware that important facts about her are being discussed behind closed doors. While Mete and Naz want to close the issue of Kadir completely, Count Ziya, who learns an important fact about İncila, makes a move that will surprise everyone.

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Episode 11

January 11, 20242h 22m

Kadir's reappearance on the stage with Mr. Ziya's decision shatters Naz's dreams of marrying İncila to Ozan. This decision throws the atmosphere into chaos again and pits Atıf and Ziya against each other, causing the swords of anger to be drawn once again. İncila, who wants to take steps to make her own decisions, breaks off her engagement with Kadir. Müberra is disappointed to learn that İncila's marriage to Ozan is over, and İncila finds herself on the street. Accusing İncila of being ungrateful, Naz increases the dose of pressure on her, while Mete, who is disturbed by this bullying behavior, confronts Naz to put an end to the course of events. Filiz is shocked to learn the big truth about İncila. Not wanting to lose İncila, Naz makes a deal with Kadir. Mete and İncila, who want to leave behind the deadlock and chaos they are stuck in, are preparing to set sail for a new life when Naz delivers unexpected news.

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Episode 12

January 18, 20242h 28m

Mete, who has decided to leave everything behind and start a new life with İncila, is shocked by the news of Naz's pregnancy. Naz, who feels that Mete is not happy enough with this news, is disappointed, while İncila is once again deeply saddened by being disappointed when she is one step away from meeting the man she loves. On the one hand, Mete is bitter about letting İncila down, but on the other hand, he does not want to put Naz through what his father put his mother through in the past. Naz, who wants to announce the news of the pregnancy to everyone, brings the two families together for a surprise dinner. Filiz takes action to distance İncila from both the family and Naz. While this pits her against her daughter, Naz faces a big truth that she finds hard to believe. No matter how hard she tries, İncila is trapped in the roles that life has assigned her, and she is left alone with a great danger approaching unseen.

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Episode 13

January 25, 20242h 28m

Incila, who suddenly finds herself in a danger she cannot understand, faces the threat of her secret relationship with Mete being revealed. Naz, who has a hard time believing the truth she has learned about İncila, has mixed feelings about this development that could change the color of everything. Meanwhile, Atıf's marriage proposal to Belgin stuns those who learn about it and foreshadows a major conflict between the families. Mete, who does not want to be a father like his father, pushes all the limits to get rid of the threat on İncila while trying to make his relationship with Naz work. Trying to understand İncila's distress, Mete comes face to face with a familiar stranger who has caused her great pain.

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Episode 14

February 1, 20242h 3m

Seeing İncila and his father side by side, Mete is astonished and tries to understand the situation. Mete, who feels great anger at his father for the great pain he caused him and his mother in the past, becomes enraged when he learns that Cemil is blackmailing İncila. While İncila, whom she accuses of stealing Naz's necklace, is declared a scapegoat by the people in the house, the revelation that she asked for a loan from everyone causes the arrows to turn completely on her. While Mete goes after his father and has a big confrontation with him, it is good for him to feel the support of İncila. Mete, who is exposed to his grandfather's anger along with Naz, begins to suspect that his father's words about Count Ziya may be true. Cemil, who is in big trouble, asks İncila for help that could put him in a lot of trouble.

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Episode 15

February 8, 20242h 20m

İncila, who wants to help Cemil, gets involved in a dangerous task, and Gülten seeing Cemil makes things even more difficult. Uncomfortable with his grandfather's attitude, Mete stands up to Kont Ziya, risking everything. Naz, whose secret plans regarding İncila are exposed by Ozan, finds herself in a difficult situation against Atıf. Learning that Cemil is hiding at home, Mete experiences the pain and anger of growing up without a father while being forced to help Cemil. Naz, who wants to restore balance within the family, makes a move to force Kont Ziya into collaboration. However, Ziya has another plan that will surprise everyone.

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Episode 16

February 15, 20242h 35m

İncila is shocked to learn the big truth that has been kept from her and is very angry at everyone for the pain they have caused her over the years. Atıf, who learns the truth about İncila, shows great resentment towards Ziya for causing his granddaughter to live as a servant in his house. While Ziya feels great guilt over the situation, İncila feels the need to be alone. Although Mete tries to find a way to talk to her, İncila's biggest support comes from Kadir. Naz is on the verge of making a critical decision about the baby. Mete, on the other hand, struggles with the discomfort of not being able to express his true feelings on the matter. Worried about the changing dynamics at home and falling out of favor, Naz wants İncila to remain as she has known her for years, while İncila signals that nothing will be the same anymore.

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Episode 17

February 22, 20242h 16m

While İncila's request stuns everyone, Naz, afraid of losing her power in the house, refuses to accept this request, and a big conflict erupts between them. While Mete tries to calm them down, İncila accuses him of not understanding and ignoring her suffering. İncila, whose main goal is to claim her own life, cannot suppress her anger at those who hide this great truth from her. Atıf, who thinks that İncila has been very upset for years, makes his granddaughter feel his support. Mete and İncila are saddened to realize that their love has become even more impossible with the latest developments. Osman, who learns that İncila is not his granddaughter, takes action to punish those he deems guilty, while Mete and İncila are left alone in great danger.

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Episode 18

February 29, 20242h 16m

While everyone is shocked when Mete is shot while trying to protect Incila, Naz, who holds Incila responsible for this incident, vomits anger at her. While the anxious wait continues in the hospital corridors, seeing Gülten and Cemil there surprises everyone. Kadir confronts Naz with some truths about himself that he insistently avoids seeing. Naz, who is disturbed by the acquaintance of Cemil and İncila, begins to suspect that there may be something between Mete and Incila, even though she does not like to think of such a thing, and begins to search for evidence. Atif, who had a big argument with Filiz, shocks everyone with the gesture he decides to make to Incila. While Kadir witnesses a heartbreaking moment, he decides to share what he saw with Naz. But very critical moments have begun for Naz and her baby.

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Episode 19

March 7, 20241h 53m

While Naz experiences great pain after losing her baby, this development upsets the entire household. Claiming that Naz does not take care of herself, Filiz blames her daughter and Mete for losing her grandchild. Incila tries to be with Naz. Naz, who blames Mete for leaving her alone in difficult times and not being enough support, gets the support she needs from Kadir. Even though Ziya doesn't like it at all, Mete and Cemil come together as father and son for the first time. A surprise is prepared to boost Naz's morale, but when she learns that Atif gave the mansion to Incila, Naz has a huge nervous breakdown because she feels ignored. Even though Mete tries to calm him down, a word that comes out of Naz's mouth shocks everyone.

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Episode 20

March 14, 20242h 19m

While Naz's statement that she wants a divorce suddenly blows cold winds, İncila throws the document she signed for the house into the fire. Naz, whose anger does not calm down, tells Mete that they have never been a good couple and continues to insist on divorce. Suspecting that there is something going on between Mete and İncila, Kadir brings up this issue to Mete, but he hears things that surprise him. Feeling bad when Naz asks for help with the divorce, İncila avoids giving her the help she wants. Filiz, who does not like her daughter's separation from Mete, tries every way to change her decision, but she is not prepared for the shocking truth she will learn about Izzet. While Mete and Naz are taking a big step towards divorce despite all their families' insistence, the biggest obstacle between them has been removed and now a difficult decision awaits İncila and Mete.

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Episode 21

March 21, 20242h 14m

Mete and İncila decide to fight for the good days ahead, even at the cost of turning those around them against them. Count Ziya, who learns what Tansu has been through, is furious with his daughter and punishes her in his own way. When Filiz learns that İzzet cheated on her with Tansu, she decides to get a divorce immediately while trying to hide the betrayal from her daughter. Despite all the pain, Mete comes face to face with his father to see him off. Naz, who is on her way to Sapanca, crosses paths with Kadir once again when she experiences an unexpected misfortune. Mete and İncila, who are excited and dreaming of the good days to come, want to spend a quiet day together, but something unplanned happens. Naz, who finds the attention and support she needs in Kadir, realizes that her feelings for him have changed direction, while Mete and İncila, who are uncomfortable with this closeness, react to the situation. Naz voices a truth that no one is ready to hear.

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Episode 22

March 28, 20242h 11m

Naz's announcement that they are divorced shakes Filiz, but her announcement of the news on her own enrages Mete. Mete and Naz, who become the center of all the reactions to this development that fall like a bomb on the agenda of the families, are forced to renounce the financial opportunities provided to them. Mete and İncila are preparing to take steps that will excite them for the future. Naz, who decides to stand on her own feet, faces the fact that real life is not as easy as she thought, while Kadir, who wants to help her, finds a way to help her. As the closeness between Kadir and Naz grows stronger and stronger, this situation starts to attract everyone's attention. Count Ziya learns that something is going on between Mete and İncila and decides to take care of the situation. As Mete and İncila strive for the day when they will be reunited, they are unaware that there are many more plans for them.

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Episode 23

April 4, 20242h 15m

İncila is shocked when she learns about the plan made without her knowledge, and Naz is furious when she hears this news. Count Ziya tells Mete that he is aware of the affair with İncila and emphasizes the impossibility of this relationship. Kadir tries hard to make Naz, who is angry with him for what happened at work, forgive him. This development improves Naz's morale again. İncila, tired of the burdens she carries inside, is disturbed by Mete's attitude towards this issue. Kadir confronts Mete to tell him some truths, while İncila encourages Kadir about his feelings and the steps he will take. Naz, who overhears a very important conversation and has a big confrontation with Mete, makes an unexpected move to help Mete claim his love.

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Episode 24

April 18, 20242h 29m

It is a great surprise when Mete tells everyone that he loves İncila. While Mete, who no longer wants to hide the truth, does not regret this step, İncila does not find it right for him to express this truth in such a public place. Naz, who believes in love and affection, accepts the feelings between Mete and İncila but feels deceived because they hid the truth from the very beginning. The biggest support for her comes from Kadir. Mete and İncila strive to mend their family relations, which have been damaged by the emergence of the truth. Naz and Kadir take big and exciting steps in their relationship. Count Ziya, who realizes some facts about life better, comes face to face with Atif. A great enemy seeking revenge unexpectedly appears before Count Ziya.

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Episode 25

April 25, 20242h 3m

Ziya, who is the target of the bullet by stepping in front of Atıf, walks on the thin line between life and death, while the news of the shooting falls like a bomb on the whole family. While the anxious wait continues, Filiz makes a sacrifice for Ziya. Naz and Kadir take a big step in their relationship by deciding to share their love for each other with the elders of the family. Filiz and Yüksel, who do not look favorably on their children's relationship, decide to cooperate for the same purpose even though they dislike each other. Mete, determined to take revenge on those who shot his grandfather, sends a message of revenge to Akın with the help of Kadir. While Kadir and Naz announce their important decision with great excitement in the presence of everyone, an unexpected surprise awaits them.

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Episode 26

Season Finale
May 2, 2024

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