Translations 4
English (en-US) |
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Kake kara Hajimaru Sayonara no Koi |
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Nao, who is expressionless and strict at work, is known as the "ice-iron woman". One day, Nao’s senior colleagues make a bet on whether they can make her fall in love and enlist their junior Satomura. Nao overhears their plans, but decides to play along… because she’s been in love with Satomura for years! |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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始于赌约的告别之恋 |
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讲述因面无表情而被称为“冰铁之女”的公司职员吉永奈央和优柔寡断的帅哥同期的里村紘一的爱情喜剧。有一天,奈央看到了前辈职员们和里村打赌自己能不能被他攻略的场面。奈央暗恋里村多年。虽说是赌博,但不想错过这个好机会的奈央,接受了里村的告白,想享受轻松的恋人关系,但是...... |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
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從賭注開始的告別之戀 |
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因面無表情而被稱為冰鐵女的公司職員吉永奈央和優柔寡斷的帥哥同期的里村紘一的愛情喜劇。 有一天,奈央看到了前輩社員和里村在打賭能追到奈央。長年單戀里村的奈央,為了在離職前留下美好回憶,不想錯過這個好機會,假裝沒看到賭約,接受里村的告白,想要享受暫時的戀人關係……。 |
Japanese (ja-JP) |
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賭けからはじまるサヨナラの恋 |
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大人気“じれキュン”ラブコメディ山崎紘菜主演で実写ドラマ化! |