Stand by him. Stand by her. (2023)
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Translations 26
English (en-US) |
Name |
Stand by him. Stand by her. |
Overview |
Adonis and Doroka find themselves on the planet's surface once again. Still reeling from the carnage on the moon, they encounter some wasteland vagrants who take them in. However, there may be more to these vagrants than expected. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
Name |
支持他。支持她。 |
Overview |
阿德尼斯与多罗卡从月面回到了地面。多罗卡无法接受阿德尼斯为了复仇不择手段的做法,为了斩断这种负面连锁,她不断试着规劝阿德尼斯。就在双方一直无法找到共识之时,一个神秘集团正逐渐接近他们。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
Stand by him. Stand by her. |
Overview |
阿德尼斯與多羅卡從月面回到了地面。多羅卡無法接受阿德尼斯為了復仇不擇手段的做法,為了斬斷這種負面連鎖,她不斷試著規勸阿德尼斯。就在雙方一直無法找到共識之時,一個神秘集團正逐漸接近他們。 |
Chinese (zh-HK) |
Name |
Stand by him. Stand by her. |
Overview |
阿德尼斯與多羅卡從月面回到了地面。多羅卡無法接受阿德尼斯為了復仇不擇手段的做法,為了斬斷這種負面連鎖,她不斷試著規勸阿德尼斯。就在雙方一直無法找到共識之時,一個神秘集團正逐漸接近他們。 |
Czech (cs-CZ) |
Name |
7. epizoda |
Overview |
Danish (da-DK) |
Name |
Afsnit 7 |
Overview |
Dutch; Flemish (nl-NL) |
Name |
Aflevering 7 |
Overview |
Finnish (fi-FI) |
Name |
Jakso 7 |
Overview |
French (fr-FR) |
Name |
Stand by him. Stand by her. |
Overview |
Adonis et Doroka sont de retour sur terre. À bout, la jeune femme tente encore de convaincre Adonis d'abandonner sa quête de vengeance. Mais alors qu'ils se croyaient seuls au beau milieu du désert, un groupe de motards les surprend. |
German (de-DE) |
Name |
Stand by him. Stand by her. |
Overview |
Adonis und Doroka fliehen vom Mond und müssen auf ihrer Flucht erneut die Menschen von Lydia hinters Licht führen. Dabei stranden sie in der Abfallebene, in der eine Biker-Gang voller Verseuchter das Sagen hat. |
Hungarian (hu-HU) |
Name |
7. epizód |
Overview |
Icelandic (is-IS) |
Name |
Episode 7 |
Overview |
Italian (it-IT) |
Name |
Episodio 7 |
Overview |
Japanese (ja-JP) |
Name |
Stand by him. Stand by her. |
Overview |
月面から地表へと降り立ったアドニスとドロカ。復讐のためなら自身を含めあらゆる犠牲を厭わないアドニスのやり方に納得できないドロカは、なんとしても負の連鎖を止めるべく、必死に言葉をかける。想いが平行線を辿る中、謎の集団が2人に迫りつつあった。 |
Korean (ko-KR) |
Name |
Stand by him. Stand by her. |
Overview |
달에서 지구까지 내려선 아도니스와 도로카. 복수를 위해서라면 자신을 포함해 어떤 것을 희생시키는 것도 마다하지 않는 아도니스의 방식을 납득할 수 없었던 도로카는, 어떻게든 증오의 연쇄작용을 멈추기 위해 필사적으로 그를 설득했다. 그렇게 둘의 마음이 평행선을 달리는 가운데 수수께끼의 집단이 두 사람에게 접근했는데. |
Norwegian (no-NO) |
Name |
Episode 7 |
Overview |
Polish (pl-PL) |
Name |
Odcinek 7 |
Overview |
Portuguese (pt-BR) |
Name |
Fique ao lado dele. Fique ao lado dela. |
Overview |
Adonis e Doroka voltam para a superfície. A bruxa não se conforma com os métodos do rapaz na sua busca por vingança e tenta desesperadamente fazê-lo mudar de ideia. |
Portuguese (pt-PT) |
Name |
Fique ao lado dele. Fique ao lado dela. |
Overview |
Adonis e Doroka voltam para a superfície. A bruxa não se conforma com os métodos do rapaz na sua busca por vingança e tenta desesperadamente fazê-lo mudar de ideia. |
Russian (ru-RU) |
Name |
Эпизод 7 |
Overview |
Spanish; Castilian (es-ES) |
Name |
Episodio 7 |
Overview |
Spanish; Castilian (es-MX) |
Name |
Episodio 7 |
Overview |
Swedish (sv-SE) |
Name |
Avsnitt 7 |
Overview |
Thai (th-TH) |
Name |
Episode 7 |
Overview |
Ukrainian (uk-UA) |
Name |
Серія 7 |
Overview |
Vietnamese (vi-VN) |
Name |
Episode 7 |
Overview |