Divine Destiny (2023)
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Translations 10
English (en-US) |
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Divine Destiny |
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A piece of bluestone beside the Tianhe River in the fairy world. Because of hearing the nine books of the heavenly book chanted by immortals in the world, he was able to get rid of the stone body and cultivate into a fairy womb. The bluestone, which had just turned into a human form, accidentally walked away a sky demon, and was convicted into the turbid world, and the patrolling immortal was also removed from the immortal class. Before falling into reincarnation, the two met for a hundred generations. In a blink of an eye, it is the last life of a hundred reincarnation after a thousand years. The birth of Xianxian caused a dispute between righteous and evil people and demons. |
Burmese (my-MY) |
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ကြမ္မာကြိုးနီ နှောင်ရစ်သီ |
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Chinese (zh-CN) |
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尘缘 |
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孤儿纪若尘因误戴一块蕴藏仙力的青石,被误认成仙界传承人,最终被西玄派掌门紫微收作关门弟子。西玄山上,经过不懈努力,纪若尘迅速承担起重整修仙世界的重任。西玄派大考上,顾清因为那方青石对纪若尘渐生好感,两人很快坠入爱河。这让一直暗恋纪若尘的师妹张殷殷伤心欲绝,一怒之下她拜了天狐为师,欲学习天狐术来赢回爱情。得知九幽之主祸乱钟梧国后,纪若尘和张殷殷奉师命下山拯救苍生。半路上,纪若尘因搭救青衣被困罗然山,幸得顾清舍命相救方化险为夷,经此一役,青梅竹马最终败给了一见钟情。不久,青石主人洛风为报夺爱之仇,联手九幽之主加害纪若尘。纪若尘最终团结各派力量,大败洛风并封印了九幽之主。在造福一方百姓的同时,也为钟梧国换来了长久的和平。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
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尘缘 |
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本劇根據煙雨江南同名小說《塵緣》改編,講述了西玄派明艷張揚、率性灑脫的大師姐張殷殷(楊穎 飾),下山“拐”回了一心想要修仙的冒牌謫仙紀若塵(馬天宇 飾),欲帶他開啟修仙之路,後卻因對方搶走青雲榜頭名而破防,兩人開啟了相愛相懟、為愛化狐、虐戀情深,最終攜手拯救天下蒼生的故事。 |
Italian (it-IT) |
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Divine Destiny |
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Un pezzo di pietra blu accanto al fiume Tianhe nel mondo fatato. Avendo ascoltato i nove libri del libro celeste cantati dagli immortali nel mondo, riuscì a liberarsi del corpo di pietra e a coltivare in un grembo fatato. La pietra blu, che si era appena trasformata in una forma umana, si allontanò accidentalmente da un demone del cielo e fu condannata nel mondo torbido, e anche l'immortale di pattuglia fu rimosso dalla classe degli immortali. Prima di reincarnarsi, i due si incontrarono per cento generazioni. In un batter d'occhio, è l'ultima vita di cento reincarnazioni dopo mille anni. La nascita di Xianxian causò una disputa tra persone giuste, malvagie e demoni. |
Korean (ko-KR) |
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진연 : 속세의 인연 |
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승승장구하며 카리스마 넘치는 사저가 멋진 사제를 사랑하게 되면? 이들은 어떻게 가시덤불 길을 헤치고 창생을 구할까? |
Portuguese (pt-BR) |
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Destino Divino |
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Um pedaço de bluestone ao lado do rio Tianhe no mundo das fadas. Por ouvir os nove livros do livro celestial cantados por imortais no mundo, ele foi capaz de se livrar do corpo de pedra e se cultivar em um útero de fada. O bluestone, que acabara de se transformar em uma forma humana, acidentalmente afastou um demônio do céu e foi condenado ao mundo turvo, e o patrulhamento imortal também foi removido da classe imortal. Antes de cair na reencarnação, os dois se encontraram por cem gerações. Em um piscar de olhos, é a última vida de cem reencarnações após mil anos. O nascimento de Xianxian causou uma disputa entre pessoas justas e más e demônios. |
Russian (ru-RU) |
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Узы этого мира |
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Thai (th-TH) |
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พรหมลิขิตรักพันธนาการ |
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เรียนรู้ว่าพี่สาวผู้ดุร้ายฝ่าหมอกแห่งความทุกข์ยากได้อย่างไร เธอไล่ตามชายหนุ่มรูปงามได้อย่างไร ดูว่านกฮูกกลางคืนเอาชนะอุปสรรคและกลายเป็นผู้ชนะได้อย่างไร ซีรีส์ดัดแปลงจากนวนิยายเรื่องฝนหมอกแห่งเจียงหนาน |
Vietnamese (vi-VN) |
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Trần Duyên |
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Trần Duyên (Divine Destiny) kể về câu chuyện xoay quanh Kỷ Nhược Trần, là một tiểu tử bồi bàn của một khách sạn bí ẩn có cái tên Long Môn. Nhờ có tư chất thông minh, không hiểu vì cố ý hay vô tình mà hắn bị cả tu chân giới nhận nhầm là Trích Tiên (Tiên nhân xuống trần gian), là đối tượng mà cả tu chân giới thèm thuồng tranh đoạt. Chính nhờ cơ duyên này, hắn mơ hồ bước vào con đường đại đạo, từng bước vấn đỉnh thế giới tu chân kỳ ảo. |