Episodes 104


By The Skin Of Our Teeth

January 2, 199022m

Hollis is gossiping in the locker room. Able is sent to a pub to deal with a man on valium. The man ends going to his mother-in-law's and trashes the place. Able sorts out a fight outside a pub and discovers the drunk he brought in had been robbed. Brownlow and Conway discuss starting wages before Brownlow goes to a board selecting candidates for a graduated entry scheme.

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Officers And Gentlemen

January 4, 199022m

D.C. Jim Carver and Ch. Insp. Conway face an embarrassing situation when a thief confesses to a crime that Jim has already cleared up... and Jim's having problems with the ladies too. Turnham talks to a pavement artist before he is called to a music shop and a shoplifter. He was told by Sgt. Peters to help Norika and Susanne at a pub but Frazer gives him a lecture about Woman's Lib and tells him not to go. A dog handler helps calm the situation. The landlord is not happy about W.P.Cs dealing with drunken disturbances and neither is Brownlow.

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Carry Your Bags Sir

January 9, 199022m

Charles tells Derek to organise a group of officers needed to escort a German police officer around London who is looking for stolen truck engines meanwhile Bob is not happy when Tony announces he is going to be on holiday when a case of his comes up at court a man complains after being burgled three times in a week.

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I Thought You'd Gone

January 11, 199022m

Inspector Frazer and Taffy Edwards are about to discover there is life after Sun Hill.

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January 16, 199022m

Hollis is organising a blood bank at the station and Peters is not happy because Viv is lying down. She is sent to assist at an armed robbery and hits a radio black spot so no one at the station knows her whereabouts. Ken finds one of the robbers who shows him where she is but he also hits the black spot. Carver and Ted have a problem with their car. Tony feels unwell after giving blood and finds out why Hollis won't donate. Previously he started rumours about why ranging from STD to bovine TB.

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A Day Lost

January 18, 199022m

Garfield and Norika investigate a report of a man hanging round a school's gate. A boy is missing so they start a full scale search. Inspector Monroe thinks A relief has gone soft. Carver is told off by Greig about 2nd visits. He finds the boy in a garage. Greig picks up the man hanging around the school.

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A Clean Division

January 23, 199022m

D.I. Burnside is delighted to be called out of a boring meeting at Stafford Row police station, especially as he thinks it's D.C. Carver with a lead on an important drugs case. Burnside is horrified to find, however, that Carver has been arrested for drink-driving by an over-zealous Stafford Row officer named P.C. Horden. Since Carver's police career is on the line, Burnside and Horden's more sympathetic colleagues manage to delay Carver's breath test for a while, and Carver eventually passes the breath test and is released.

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Roger And Out

January 25, 199022m

Roach thinks Tosh has something going on the side. Penny is going to report Tosh for 'breach of regulations' by allowing a lodger to stay. Everyone from Cryer to Hollis feel Penny has gone too far.

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January 30, 199022m

Viv and Sgt. Cryer are on night patrol. They stop a lady wheeling a suitcase looking for an address. They are asked to assist Tony and Dave at a house where a man is dropping the contents of his flat off the roof. They then attend a burglar alarm. The lady reappears followed by 3 youths. They take her to another address.

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Michael Runs The Family Now

February 1, 199022m

Burnside talks to his snout about the robbery of a video shop that was owned by the son of a dead villain who has taken over the family. An incident at a pub is thought of as being retribution of the robbery. Burnside's snout's wife is having an affair with the villain. A lady, who had been to self-defense classes run by Stamp, breaks a man's arm. Sgt. Cryer thinks she used excessive force but she tells Stamp she was being 'felt up'. Man has form for previous indecent assaults.

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Against The Odds

February 6, 199022m

Dashwood is walking through an old subway and is approached by a snout with info about a potential gang war on the plot. Burnside is off with a bad back and Greig is acting D.I. again. He takes Viv off earlies. Greig is not happy about the snout and makes Dashwood write everything down. Conway is pleased Burnside is off sick. He is in the custody suite checking on times prisoners have been held. Conway is also not happy about the info of the gang war.

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Blood Sucker

February 8, 199022m

Susanne and Ken investigate a domestic. The wife says she fell down stairs initially. Neighbour keeps interrupting. The wife owes money. The husband is suspected of slashing tyres. The wife's child benefit book was taken by the money lender. Munro talks to Cathy about regular updates of clear-up figures. Dave voices his opinion of battered women. The calculators he has been selling are wonky. Not only does he have to refund the buyers but the money he got initially he has to put into Brownlow's charity box. Brownlow asks about the money lender and states he would like to nick him as he is the money man behind a lot of crime. Ken and Susanne find the husband in the money lender's shop, having been hit by the putter Roach warned the money lender would be considered an offensive weapon.

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Workers In Uniform

February 13, 199022m

Able and Susanne moan about ruined weekend, so do Turnham and Hollis. A street festival that had been thought to have been cancelled is going ahead and the relief have to work. Hollis meets with Brownlow about the relief working at the street festival. Dave uses the area car to deliver some files to another station and causes some damage which he covers up. Turnham is blamed for the damage.

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Something To Hide

February 15, 199022m

Melvin is chasing a suspect and pulls his tracksuit top. The suspect had caused a disturbance after being caught fishing for something in a pond - a wrapped up gun shape but when the wrapping is removed it turns out to be a diamond necklace instead. Turnham talks to Norika on the way to a break-in although there are no signs of forced entry and the only thing missing is a ring. Tosh investigates and ties together both jewelry thefts. Turnham and Norika get involved in a fight in a pub.

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The Old Men's Run

February 20, 199022m

Cryer and Conway are training for the Divisional ¼ marathon. Cryer notices a man in a wheelchair being mugged by some youths and he pulls a muscle when he gives chase. Cryer is under pressure. Because Penny is sick, Cathy is acting sergeant and out on the beat. Quinnan and Stamp go to an accident. Two rival gangs are involved. Roach tries to take a witness statement from 2 Asians. Carver is interviewing one of the occupants of the car. Able tries to talk to an Asian neighbour of the injured man who dies in hospital.

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February 22, 199022m

Tony and Viv are investigating a break-in. Tosh talks to the old lady after the SOCO has been. Tosh thinks it is part of a string by a burglar who has just got bail. The old lady's solictor is a partner of the suspect's solictor. The suspect's house has a fire set by the only straight member of the family. Brownlow and Burnside argue over clear-up figures. Burnside thinks Stafford Row have fiddled with their figures. Melvin brings in a man who claims to have lost his memory so he plays him some Roy Orbison tapes to help him regain his memory.

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Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

February 27, 199022m

Burnside brings in a van of party goers involved with drugs. On the way up to tell Burnside he has to meet a snout, Tosh heard him trying Greig's clarinet. Tosh's snout is in hospital. His daughter has problems accepting what her father does and he dies of a stroke. Burnside also talks to a man who has lost 30 leather coats. Viv is going undercover in his factory. She is offered a dope cigarette and after the operation recuits the dealer as a snout. The boss's son is very interested in her. Roach and June interview a girl who had 'Class A' drugs in her pocession. Her father turns out to be a commander but she won't say who she is. Brownlow, who has known the family for a long time, is still going to charge the girl even if it means her father's career is ruined.

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Something Special

March 1, 199022m

Reg and Turnham chuck out the drunks. Sgt. Peters later discovers the cell keys missing and thinks one of the drunks may have them. Carver and Greig give Dashwood a hard time about buying a country cottage. A detective supt. comes and asks for 1 of Burnside's men for an operation that is going to last 6 months. Grieg thinks it is in Northern Ireland. Roach helps Norika bring in a street walker with a baby.

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March 6, 199022m

A group of asian youths cause a diversion which one raids the till when Peters tries to stop them. His father is important in the community. The boy wanted to show off to his mates. A Supt. from Area (community liason officer) visits Sunhill to try to nip any racial problems in the bud. Norika brings in a man who has hit his daughter. Norika has nearly calmed the girl down but the Supt. gets her back up again. After further talking by Norika it ends happily. June is having problems getting crime victims answering a survey about stress.

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Safe Place

March 8, 199022m

Roach is not getting far after a bank robbery. It appears to be an exact copy of a robbery that occurred eight years before. The same employee was involved in both robberies and has signed himself into a psychiatric hospital. Viv goes undercover. He appears to be a natural born victim.

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Burnside Knew My Father

March 13, 199022m

Papa Reeves, an old friend from D.I. Burnside's uniform days, plans to end the life of his terminally-ill wife. Burnside takes time out from interviewing a suspected armed robber to convince Reeves that if he does so, not only will he be charged with her murder, but Burnside could also be charged as an accessory. With the robber's solicitor demanding his immediate release, Burnside has an ace up his sleeve: a surveillance photo of the man committing the crime. Meanwhile, W.P.C. Ackland deals with a domestic dispute between a mother and son when the boy is found locked out of the flat wearing only his underpants.

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March 15, 199022m

Garfield and Quinnan go to a school that reports an intruder. The intruder has been patrolling the school. Quinnan seems out to wind Garfield up. Stamp and Viv investigate some dumped rubble (fly tipping). There was a souvenir hanging from the driver's window. Cryer goes to a Senior Citizens Centre to talk to them about unsolved crime.

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University Challenge

March 20, 199022m

A lady approaches Tony and tells him there are men in masks in the supermarket. He goes in to see and radios in about a robbery. He chases them through the supermarket and notices the make of the getaway car. Burnside and Carver chases them in a car. They corner them but one of the robbers comes back to help the one held by Burnside and after giving Burnside a beating they get away.

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Growing Pains

March 22, 199022m

PC George Garfield gets a collar, and spends hours interogatting him - without the use of a tape machine! - only to discover he is a juvenile and should not have been interviewed without an appropriate adult.

DC's Dashwood and Carver accompany DS Ted Roach to a factory where things have been going missing. They search for the thief in the warehouse, believing him to be from an air conditioning company. In the course of the search, Jim is attacked and left semi-concious beneath a pile of crates.

It takes Dashwood a while to find him - Jim insists he is ""alright"", but later collapses in the factory foyer. He's taken - unconcious - to hospital where he's diagnosed with mild concussion and has to stay in over night - which is fine with him as his nurse is very pretty and friendly!!

The case turns out to be one of industrial espionage, and Ted turns it over to the appropriate authorities. [Source: jimsgirl]

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One Of The Boys

March 27, 199022m

Viv is typing a report while Tosh and Carver are reading the paper. She seems to be considered office girl. Tosh asks her to pick up a prostitute for an alibi check who takes off when she sees Viv. Viv gives chase and tears her skirt. A car driver who gives her a lift thinks she is being a tease and makes her walk back to the station. After a lot of aggravation Viv brings the prostitute back to the station only to find CID doesn't need the alibi after all.

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Beggars and Choosers

March 29, 199022m

June and Tony walk through an underpass where the homeless sleep. There is a riot there later. The Surveyor's branch is visiting the station with their tape measures. Brownlow gives a speech about policing in the '90s.

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April 3, 199022m

Brownlow is off to the Forward Planning Meeting. Brownlow is worried Sunhill could not cope in 10-20 with reduced resources. Sunhill is going to be refurbished and enlarged. Conway is given the job of overseeing the day-to-day refurbishment. Turnham is guarding a hole in the road and being harassed by an old man while his friends back at Sunhill are being questioned by a man from MI11 because of his application for a transfer to Special Branch.

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Blue Eyed Boy

April 5, 199022m

Burnside moans about the result of a court case. Melvin comes in late and forgot he was due in court the day before. Melvin's honesty is being questioned after a burglary. He is not behaving as usual. He is going on holiday to Hong Kong with a barrister.

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Full House

April 10, 199022m

Penny complains to Munro about the alterations. They move to Barton Street temporarily. Brownlow is complaining about sharing a portacabin with Conway. The toilets are blocked. Burnside wants a child molester caught. Monro recognises the identikit as the man thrown out of the club by the bouncer. Monro wants a crime sheet of an assault that was not followed up by Quinnan. Quinnan knows the bouncer who did the assault. Dashwood and Tosh catch a wanted man and get a ticket.

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Big Fish, Little Fish

April 12, 199022m

Burnside is talking to a snout about a delivery going through couriers. Tosh temporarily breaks the chain. The contents of the bag are guns not drugs as Burnside thought.

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Information Received

April 17, 199022m

When D.S. Roach's case against Mickey Owen, a protection racketeer, is thrown out of court, Roach comes under pressure from the Flying Squad to convince Roxanne, a transvestite informant, to give evidence against Owen. Roach is reluctant, as Roxanne was badly beaten when he failed to protect her the last time she gave evidence. In spite of this, Roxanne finally agrees to testify, considering she has nothing left to lose.

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Close Co-operation

April 19, 199022m

Brownlow is not happy about the office arrangements at Barton Street. Burnside brings in a drug dealer who gets tripped up by Hollis. Penny finds him beaten in the cells and Barton Street doesn't want it to go higher than sergeants. The constable in custody lent the cell keys to another sgt. and the custody sgt. wants to keep it 'in house'.

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April 24, 199022m

Greig, Carver and Tosh arrest a man for burglary and drugs. Burnside recuits him as a snout and Operation Middleman is on. The operation to bust a crack house appears to be a stitch up for both Burnside and the suspects arrested. There is animosity between Burnside and the D.I. from the Drugs Squad.

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April 26, 199022m

Burnside is not happy about Wray talking to his snout. Wray interviews the suspect at Barton Street but he won't talk in the station. While in hospital he tells Burnside that the snout is being protected by a sgt. from Barton Street. Conway thinks the leak must be in CID. Frank thinks the snout stitched him up. Wray tells burnside he has been promoted and will be stationed at Sunhill.

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May 1, 199022m

Martella is called to a solictor's house where one of his clients has come to see if he will keep his promise to marry her. The client has made threats to kill the solictor's wife and later attempts to run her down in a car park. June and Tony investigate a barking dog. Just after Tony breaks the glass in the door, the neighbour tells them she has a key. Conway thinks there are backhanders between the contractors and the clerk of works. Brownlow tries to get Conway to take leave.

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Small Hours

May 3, 199022m

Norika and Dave call at a flat that has graffiti on the door. Dave doesn't believe reports of harassment. Norika and Dave return to the flat. Dave is knocked down the stairs and the flat is set on fire. June is on patrol with Reg. Reg stops a car driven dangerously. the passenger strips off and takes off with Reg chasing him. Carver takes Norika with him as he needs a W.P.C. to bring a lady in. Norika tells Jim she is not interested. Tony hits a few cars chasing some kids. He also nearly hits the streaker.

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May 8, 199022m

Tosh talks to Conway about his report and later talks to a lady about being attacked and he thinks the attacks may be linked. Burnside is complaining about no money for the obsevation. A couple comes in and complains and they go to the head of the queue (according to tosh). They tell tosh they were about to complain to the paper. Munroe talks to Cathy about moving back to the beat.

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Somebody's Husband

May 10, 199022m

Start of the observation. Burnside briefs the men. The Cleghorns think they are involved because of their breakin. Ted and Mike nearly catch the burglars responsible for the Cleghorns breakin but they can't find their shoes. June would have liked to be involved but gets sent to a house where the woman claims her husband has threatened to kill her. He is out but June discovers a radio scanner. He was turned down for the force. June follows him. June is attacked herself in the cemetry after helping another attack victim.

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Canley Fields

May 15, 199022m

A child is reported abducted. D.C. Lines interviews one witness and D.S. Roach the other. Three dog teams and TSG are joining in the search, although there is a possibility it is a hoax. After calling off the search, Roach says the witnesses should be charged with wasting police time, but there is a call reporting a child missing matching the witness's description.

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The Night Watch

May 17, 199022m

Garfield and Young are called to a party at a squat. They call back and get attacked by the party goers. The man who answered the door the first time, is found in a cupboard. Roach offers Martella a drink. He gets a report of an attack. Viv takes the victim to the rape investigation suite. Roach and Viv clash over whether it was consensual

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Trojan Horse

May 22, 199022m

P.C. Ken Melvin and P.C. Reg Hollis stop a young man for erratic driving, and a PNC check reveals the expensive car is stolen. Stamp and Quinnan arrive to transport the prisoner to Barton Street, and Melvin and Hollis volunteer to drive the car back to Sun Hill. As Melvin moves some of the building materials from the station renovations so he can park, the car explodes in a huge fireball. Hollis, Conway and Melvin are rushed to hospital - but Ken Melvin soon dies from his injuries. SO13 arrive at Barton Street to interview the car thief, who it turns out stole the car from an army major who was a likely terrorist target. Sgt. Cryer is outraged that the disaster could have been prevented as SO13 had the major under surveillance and could have stopped the car being stolen.

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May 24, 199022m

It's the day of P.C. Ken Melvin's funeral, but the men and women of Sun Hill still have a job to do. P.C. Stamp volunteers to do a reading at the church service. W.D.C. Martella is annoyed when D.I. Burnside keeps CID out on an obbo when the funeral service is about to start. Two old friends turn up at the church: P.C. Taffy Edwards, now in the Wales Police, and Yorkie Smith, now working for a security firm. The funeral goes off without a hitch, as Sun Hill pays its last respects to one of its officers.

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May 29, 199022m

Tosh and Dashwood call at a house, where there seems to a party in the backyard, about an incident 2 years ago. The husband is trying to celebrate his wedding anniversary. It turns out to be revenge by his ex-wife but because of the questions his new marriage may be over.

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A Fresh Start

May 31, 199022m

Brownlow is photographed outside the completed building. There are 8 rooms uncompleted. Garfield stops the Mayor attending the function. Penny inspects the cells. A man trying to report a murder is manhandled to the cells. The body is linked to the murder of the abducted boy in Canley Fields. Brownlow won't stop long enough for Conway to tell him about the murder.

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A Case To Answer

June 5, 199022m

Martella is in court. The case is the rape allegation. Marie wants to drop the case. Carver and Dashwood surprise Lines. Lines is asking about stolen scotch. Burnside offers Lines some overtime. Burnside and Roach help Dashwood and Carver catch the gang. D.C.I. Wray talks to Brownlow about how he is going to run CID.

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June 7, 199022m

Tony chases a suspect into a shopping precinct after a robbery. George stays with the victim. The foresnic evidence won't back up the positive id in the line up.

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Police Powers

June 12, 199022m

Bob arrests a soccer player at half time for GBH. Monroe wants to take the man to the station after the game. The two team chairmen are trying to keep the situation between the soccer federation. Garfield has been injured.

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Action Book

June 14, 199022m

Meadows is conducting the investigation of the murders of Jenny Price and Graham Butler. A car has been reported seen in the vicinity but the car had broken down. Paedophiles are being interviewed. Roach has been relieved of his role.

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June 19, 199022m

A D.I. from Sheffield has information involving a big operation to catch a gang of five villains nicking heavy plant machinery. The snout the D.I. was using turns out to be one of Sun Hill's informants, and Ch. Supt. Brownlow has words at the Super's meeting after the operation. D.I. Burnside is told to take a backseat to the CID operation. D.C. Dashwood raids an empty house, and D.C. Carver can't get into the house he goes to. Two uniformed officers accompanying D.S Roach are assaulted.

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June 21, 199022m

Roach and Lines are watching a man. Burnside needs an arrest to make up his figures. The man watched is shot by another man Burnside had talked to. Burnside is after a man into hard core porn, vice and bribery. He has a score to settle. Burnside talks to both Cathy and Roach about his marriage.

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Witch Hunt

June 26, 199022m

6 weeks after the murder of Jenny Price, nothing seems to have happened. Wray thinks Lines should have followed up questioning of a school teacher. Wray thinks the man will tell them something if they keep asking. Lines loses it. The suspect is guilty because he sent the boy home before he was killed.

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Close To Home

June 28, 199022m

Ackland is called to a hospital where a doctor is concerned about child abuse. Another child could have done it. Cryer is having problems with his son.

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Breaking Point

July 3, 199022m

A girl has been knocked off her bike. The girl is worried her father will be cross. The girl has bruises on her back and the mother is powerless to stop her husband hitting the girl. Burnside and Dashwood go to see a burglar who takes off after they find coffee makers in a cupboard. The burglar threatens to jump off a roof. Cryer climbs up the building to get behind the burglar but he couldn't let Burnside know.

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Jumping The Gun

July 5, 199022m

There has been a holdup. W.D.C. Martella goes to with the victim to the hospital. Her daughter who is a witness is in shock. D.C.Dashwood has his identity questioned while door knocking. The suspect's sister later takes back the alibi she gave him.

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What Kind of Man

July 10, 199022m

P.C. Quinnan investigates a burglary at a school. He thinks a man with a dog talking to the children might be talking to in connection with the Canley Fields murders. Sgt. Penny is after him to serve warrants. The suspect opens up to Sgt Penny who looks shell-shocked after the interview.

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Beat Crime

July 12, 199022m

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Unsocial Hours

July 17, 199022m

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July 19, 199022m

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July 24, 199022m

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Watch My Lips

July 26, 199022m

Jim Carver is assaulted while trying to question a suspect - James Doyle - who is later revealed to be deaf. He firmly believes in his intial instinct that Doyle is a villian, and believes that he shouldn't get any special treatment. In the end, however, he changes his mind - only to discover that James Doyle is not James Doyle - and that his initial instinct was right. [Source: jimsgirl]

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Feeling Brave

July 31, 199022m

DC Jim Carver and PC Tony Stamp come across a Post Office burglary in progress. They take off in pursuit - and Jim finds himself looking down the barrel of a shotgun. [Source: jimsgirl]

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Come Fly With Me

August 2, 199022m

June and Tony are called to a disturbance outside a travel agents who has gone bust. The landlord has a wounded hand from breaking in and June finds a man in the office. Tony has booked his holiday through the travel agents. Cathy and Stringer help an immigration official find an illegal immigrant. There is a diversion and she gets away. Reg asks if he can get time off so he can go on a cruise paid for by his lady friend.

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August 7, 199022m

Young, Garfield, Stamp and Loxton are playing cards. Young wins. The others decide to give Young a hard time as Garfield and Stamp are in CAD. It is Cryer's anniversary. He goes out with Young to an accident where a dog has been hit by a car. The flowers he brought his wife have been destroyed and due to a language problem June gets a wreath.

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August 9, 199022m

Lines and Carver catch some lads changing number plates on a car. An ex-special who gave the tip off caused one of the villains to break his nose. It turns out he has been collecting his dead wife's social. He gives them some more info about a possible burglary but it turns out to be a man visiting his married girlfriend.

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Ground Rules

August 14, 199022m

D.S. Roach and D.C. Dashwood investigate stolen electrical goods. D.I. Burnside talks to Dashwood about interviewing a suspect in the back of a police car. P.C. Quinnan notices a man acting suspiciously in the market. He has stolen a charity jar from a pub. Ch. Supt. Brownlow is meeting with Ch. Insp. Conway and Insp. Monroe and tells them that the station is due a visit from the Inspectorate.

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Once a Copper

August 16, 199022m

Burnside briefs the troops about a raid. The informant is scared and wants to back out, and when the raid takes place, there is nothing there. Burnside visits an ex-copper in prison and makes a deal that he no intention of keeping.

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August 21, 199022m

Garfield is in a shop when he notices a kid acting suspiciously. Burnside recognises the boy as being from a family of villains. The front room of their house is fire bombed. CID are watching a CCTV tape of an armed robbery. Roach recognises one of the robbers as a member of the Lovett family who ends up stabbed. Burnside thinks there is a feud brewing between the two families.

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My Favourite Things

August 23, 199022m

Monroe is unhappy about Quinnan. Garfield is helping Conway in the Property Office and a jemmy was missing. Quinnan used it to open a door of a house with a chip pan on the stove. This was the reason for the locker search. Hollis and Ackland are on standby for a demonstration. Monroe instigates a locker search and the relief are not happy.

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Win Some Lose Some

August 28, 199022m

Some dustbins have been stolen. Stringer thinks there is something in it but Quinnan thinks it is a wind up. The bins are being used in a band. Martella follows up an indecent assault. Burnside is asked about it by Brownlow who wants the club closed. Carver interviews a man who was assaulted at the club. The club owner wants Burnside to get CID off his back. The bouncer wants to take over the club but the owner keeps denying all knowledge.

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Up The Steps

August 30, 199022m

Peters Loxton and Young go to court. The defendant says the police were heavy handed. A witness to a fraud is thinking twice about going through with the I.D. parade.

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Where There's a Will

September 4, 199022m

A solicitor calls at the station to ask Cryer to call to learn something to his advantage. Loxton was investigating a burglary and caught the burglar when he returned the stolen goods. The burglar had been threaten in jail by a heavy befriended by the house owner.

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Near The Knuckle

September 6, 199022m

Datta and Stamp investigate a domestic. The husband says his wife hasn't been herself lately. His wife tries to blame herself and is embarrassed about it. A man lays a complaint of intimidation against a police officer.

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Body Language

September 11, 199022m

Stamp and Stringer chase a group of black youths. Stringer's got away but Stamp corners one in a building who maintains he was trying to get to the chippy. Brownlow opens the mobile crime prevention unit. There is a disturbance at a meeting because of Stamp's stop and search. The unit later gets stolen.

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When Did You Last See Your Father?

September 13, 199022m

Cathy and Reg investigate an RTA involving a coachload of school children. The driver had been to an all-night party before he started work. One of the children recognises his dad on a wanted poster. Dashwood investigates a sighting of a large animal possibly a dog who killed a cat. Dashwood talks to an animal fancier about his panther.

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September 18, 199022m

Cryer investigates a fight at a petrol station between football supporters that results in the death of the driver. Brownlow informs next of kin. Wray thinks it could be racial. Martella talks to a witness who wants protection for his mum and who turns out to be lying.

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Sufficient Evidence

September 20, 199022m

Monroe talks to Garfield and Hollis about their arrest rates. Quinnan and Datta are sent to investigate a loud party where a fight breaks out. Quinnan sets up a prisoner with drugs. Garfield backs him up. Quinnan is very aggressive when interviewing the suspect. One of the party goers complains about Quinnan. Even though two other people say it wasn't the man Quinnan claims dropped the dope he is sticking to his story.

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September 25, 199022m

A D.S. from the Drug squad is looking for the D.C.I. Cathy recognises him. He is interested in Cathy and follows her on her beat as she checks a domestic. He turns out to be her ex-husband who wants her back. The wife involved in the domestic had been beaten regularly before she stabbed her husband. Quinnan is mouthing off in the canteen and Cathy takes offense. Later Dave wants to patch things up with her. When Dave goes to the hospital he comes across Cathy being threatened by her ex who takes a swing at Dave.

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Something to Remember

September 27, 199022m

Brownlow is off to area for the commendation ceremony. Dave is getting one for the arrest of the man who murdered 2 children. His mother and girlfriend go to the presentation. Penny is losing it because of the commendation Dave got and Bob tells him some home truths. Cathy and Tony are called to a domestic at the parents of one of the murdered children.

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Off The Leash

October 2, 199022m

Dashwood and Lines investigates a robbery. The witness is not prepared to give a statement until the gang is caught. Brownlow says CID have to liase with Monroe. An old typist starts work as a W.P.C. Sgt. Peters is puppy walking her. She loses it when she is checking car rego's and is videotaped by Roach and Lines. It is Lines's birthday.

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Family Ties

October 4, 199022m

Burnside is in court giving evidence. Because of flooding at the prison, the prisoners are brought back to Sunhill. Burnside's prisoner is in emotional shock and is taken to a mental health unit. He gives Barry and George the slip after a visit to the toilet. Ackland investigates thefts of drugs at a health clinic. June tries to find out why the thief stole the drugs. They were for the thief's son.

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Old Friends

October 9, 199022m

Ted is at the hospital seeing the 82 year old victim of a mugging. Her son is an ex-copper. It turns out that the son snapped and hit his mum. The abuse has been going on for a while. A girl is trapped down a pipe and Dave is cross with the spectators who are hampering the rescue effort.

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Pride and Prejudice

October 11, 199022m

Garfield and Stamp see a burning car and a man putting it out. The man has HIV AIDS and George is worried about to process him so rings the Chief Medical Officer. The result is Conway being embarassed who shouts at Cryer who in turn shouts at George. Cathy and Barry call at a house that has graffiti about AIDS written all over the house.

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Housey Housey

October 16, 199022m

Quinnan, Marshall and Monroe are on hand while squatters are evicted. One of the squatters takes a swing at the bailiff with a sword because he couldn't cope staying at another bed and breakfast. Monroe thinks Conway is in the councilor's pocket.

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Connelly's Kids

October 18, 199022m

Greig and Carver arrest a man on suspicion of handling stolen property. The priest thinks the father is beating the son who is found at the church after kicking Viv. The children are being charged with shoplifting. Greig is more interested in the men who stole the stuff in the first place.

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One of Those Days

October 23, 199022m

Loxton and Ackland argue about height requirements. They are called to an RTA where a pregnant woman was involved in a hit-and run at a crossing. She later loses her baby. The driver comes in to report the accident after he has sobered up. Brownlow is back from a conference and wants to interview all the female officers in the station.

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October 25, 199022m

Stamp and Datta call at a house where they find 2 women fighting because the woman being attacked is having an affair with the other woman's husband. Lines and Carver chase a man who is suspected of armed robbery. He goes to see the wife of another villain who is on the game and hides 3 objects in her toilet cistern which turns out to be a shotgun.

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Blue Murder

October 30, 199022m

The police are out on the streets of Sun Hill enforcing a crackdown on prostitution. P.C. Stamp nicks an underage tom named Suzanne, and W.P.C. Ackland cautions a would-be punter who mistakes her for a prostitute. An armed robbery at a local building society soon takes precedence. A security guard has been shot and wounded, and Ch. Supt. Brownlow, pending the arrival of PT17, authorises AFOs (Authorised Firearms Officers) Sgt. Cryer and P.C. Stamp to attend. P.C. Quinnan and W.P.C. Marshall locate the fleeing suspects and pursue them into a building site, but they come under fire from the shotgun wielding bandit. Cryer and Stamp arrive, and Cryer shouts a warning, but is forced to shoot and kill the robber (Skene) when he points the shotgun at Quinnan. It it later discovered by the S.O.C.O. that the shotgun was empty. Cryer's colleagues, including the police investigating the shooting are sympathetic and supportive of him, but Cryer seems deeply affected by the fact that he has taken a

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Effective Persuaders

November 1, 199022m

DC's Carver and Martella, DS Grieg, WPC Ackland, PC Quinnan and DI Burnside go on an interview technique training course.

During role-play, Frank has to act as a knicker thief, while Jim takes his domestic problems out on Dave Quinnan - violently.

[Source: jimsgirl]

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A Sense of Duty

November 6, 199022m

A drunk in a restaurant is arrested by an off duty Roach. Penny is not happy that Roach doesn't come in with the drunk who knows the commissioner. Monroe thinks Roach was drinking. After a lot of chasing around after Roach to sign the custody papers and a public telling-off of Roach by Monroe, the drunk is released.

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November 8, 199022m

Sgt. Peters is taking roll call. Cathy is acting sergeant. Sgt. Peters is asked to investigate a smell causing a disturbance. The smell is caused by a body. Tony is walking along the river when a child is tipped in the river by youths who mugged her mother. Steve is walking past a yard and notices a truck hi-jacking. He is knocked over by the escaping vans.

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Plato For Policemen

November 13, 199022m

A building site night watchman complains about illegal dumping on the site. Loxton pulls out a video from a bag. Roach and Lines investigate the owner of a van. the van was from a burglary. Brownlow, Conway and Greig attend a principles of policing meeting at the police college. Greig got the highest marks. Meadows is also in attendance along with other policemen. Brownlow thinks it was all a waste of money. Ackland and Hollis investigate non-appearance of neighbours and find a lady cowering in her bedroom. She has been burgled and tied up and gagged.

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November 15, 199022m

Hollis and Ackland are at the hospital waiting to hear how the victim from the burglary is whether she was raped. She wants to discharge herself. Roach interviews the suspect in the dumping of rubbish case. The suspect thinks he is there about garden rubbish. Roach thinks he burgled the house.

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November 20, 199022m

Reg welcomes Bob back from leave after the shooting. Top brass want to treat him with 'kid gloves' and don't want him to tkae his firearms refresher course. A social worker tells Bob of an old lady who had her purse snatched with her keys. She feels someone should visit her. On the way Bob finds obstruction at a market. At the house Bob finds weapons all around the house in case the thieves ise her keys. The old lady comes to the station with blood on her knife.

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Know Your Enemy

November 22, 199022m

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November 27, 199022m

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Old Wounds

November 29, 199022m

Tony stops the driver of an American car. His dad had died in custody. While Jim is interviewing a suspect he has a heart attack. Brownlow wants to minimise the damage. While Roach is checking into the arrest a lorry is stolen. Norika talks to a shopkeeper about stolen fireworks and deals with an old lady who doesn't want to move.

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Just For A Moment

December 4, 199022m

DC Jim Carver brings a suspect into custody, but while he is busy trying to charm WPC Norika Datta, the suspect grabs a knife and takes her hostage... [Source: jimsgirl]

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Market Forces

December 6, 199022m

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One For The Road

December 11, 199022m

Penny gets pulled over after being at the pub. He thinks it is a wind-up. The officers are from Barton Street.

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Start With The Whistle

December 13, 199022m

After the court case Sgt. Penny resigns for health reasons.

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Out of The Blue

December 18, 199022m

June is late for work. Monroe notices her arrival. Her friendship with Wray is the subject of station gossip. June thinks Monroe grassed them up. She is not the only one. Greig talks to Wray about a case. Wray wants to talk to him about CID is working. Wray is being transferred sideways careerwise. Wray talks to Conway who tells him the new D.A.C. got him transferred. Smollett chats up Delia.

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Street Smart

December 20, 199022m

Monroe has horsemanure in his driveway. Tony and Reg plan to plant something in his car. The relief are working to rule. June tries to call off the campaign. Wray tries to talk to Greig about the fraud case. Tosh goes to buy a suit. The new DCI arrives at the station after nicking a man in the street. She talks to Frank and Ted. Ted is going on the next interviewing course. June looks into a possible baby snatch.

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Safe As Houses

December 26, 199022m

Carver and Dashwood look after a very important witness. An attempted break-in could mean a move. Lines and Martella take over and there is a break-in by armed gunmen which turns out to be a fit up as the man is killed before he gets into the car.

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Friends and Neighbours

Season Finale
December 27, 199022m

Steve and Phil are called to a disturbance. They find two men attacking a car. One of the men was from Birmingham. Roach thinks the men could be linked to exhaust boxes.

Burnside decides Carver has to move into the section house to avoid three misdemeanors. His room is across the hall from Hollis.

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