Translations 2
English (en-US) |
Name |
The Legend of Zheng Cheng Gong |
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Overview |
In 1624, the Dutch invaded and occupied Taiwan, oppressing the natives, villagers and traders by attacking, conquering and taxing them. This invasion of China ’ s territory alarmed the Ming Emperor on the Mainland. He called for a contest to find a brave military leader to fight the invaders. One young contestant, Zheng Chenggong, stood out from the rest and was made General. With the help of the Princess, he won over both lieutenants of the notorious pirate Tyrant Bear, and instigated them to turn against their master. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
Name |
郑成功 |
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Overview |
该作品以郑成功收复台湾 的历史背景为创造基础,描述了少年 郑成功不同寻常的成长经历,以丰富 的动画联想,细腻的画风笔触,描绘 了民族英雄郑成功少年时期的光辉人 物形象。 明朝时期,荷兰殖民者入侵台 湾,抢劫商船,搜刮民脂民膏,无恶 不作。为了肃清海盗,赶走荷兰殖民 者,唐王决定举行比武大会,选拔将 领赶走荷兰殖民者。初出茅庐的郑成 功一路过关斩将,被唐王委以重任。 郑成功以德服人,机智地收服了大海 盗的两个得力手下,里应外合,一举 歼灭了横行海上多年的大海盗;又重拾 父亲旧部,与荷兰殖民者展开大战, 最后收复台湾。 |