Episodes 24


Episode 1

February 16, 198746m

Since joining the Chin Yeh School, Zheng Cheng-gong and Chou Tung with a poor kung fu background are only taught the stance-taking exercise by their Uncle Priest Chiu Shan. Helpless, they have to content themselves with watching their classmates practising kung fu.

One day, when the two are ordered to transport goods, they discover their classmate killed by Blood Palm - a catastrophe their Chief Priest Chiu Yeh has well predicated.

18 years ago, a married couple, the Evils of Cold Mountain, pupils of the Chin Yeh School were expelled after being maimed one eye and one arm each, for atrocities done. The Two Evils having now mastered Poison skill are coming back to take vengeance on the Chin Yeh Temple, threatening Chiu Yeh to make him their Chief……

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Episode 2

February 17, 198747m

While wandering in Chin Yeh Temple and enjoying the landscape, Chung Yuan spots Ha Sha injured, and treats him. Considering him promising, Ha Sha specially imparts him the Manchu Thunder Palm. The Weis seeing this identify him as their longstanding rival and kill him instantly.

Fearing that after learning the Manchu kung fu, Chung Yuan may use it to kill the Hans, Tzu Lung forces him to take an oath against this, and Chung Yuan cannot help but submit.

Wu San-kuei leads the Ching troops to invade the frontier. Emperor Chung Tsing, lamenting the fall of the Capital, kills himself. Princess Chang Ping is also missing. Treacherous ministers Ma Shih-ying and others install King Fu Chu Yu-chung as Emperor in Nanking. Incompetent, King Fu rallies the support of Tzu Lung to station his 100,000 crack men in Nanking……

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Episode 3

February 18, 198746m

Fearing that PRINCESS CHANG PING will ascend the throne after returning to the capital, MA SHIH-YING decides to send men to assassinate her but is stopped by Tzu-lung. Tempted with gains by SHIH-YING, Tzu Lung persuades Chang Ping to yield the Royal seal to avoid further bloodshed. Though Chang Ping realizes Tzu-lung's betrayal, she is forced by circumstances to yield.

CHENG-GONG is dissatisfied with his father's hypocrisy, thus goes out to create trouble in his name. A group of rascals attacks him and he is saved by VANG SU-SHAN who passes by, leaving a good impression on him.

Since KING FU is installed as Emperor, JCING TANG pretends to be indifferent to the Court. In fact, he secretly gathers manpower, waiting for the chance to fight back and chases the Manchus away. Later he learns about Cheng-gong's righteousness and bravery, tests him and is reassured……

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Episode 4

February 19, 198748m

Cheng-gong is impressed by Su-Shan's righteousness and to help her, he gives a false report to Shih-ying on the loss of the gold. Though Shih-ying excuses Cheng-gong, he makes use of this to threaten Tzu-lung to continue working with him.

Su-shan's fighter, LI GUI, secretly steals some gold but is discovered and stopped by GREAT PALM. In a rage, Li Gui reports the robbery to SHIH -CHUNG in order to gain reward.

Shih-chung threatens to reveal the truth of the robbery and forces Cheng-gong to yield part of the money. Cheng-gong is puzzled and tries to delay the matter. Su-shan learns about it and beats Shih-chung to teach him a lesson. Tzu-lung comes to the scene, discovers that he once had had dispute with Su-shan's father, thus pardons her for her attack but demands her to leave Nanking forever.

Shih-ying learns that the Manchus are buying cannons from a Japanese Tien Chuan family……

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Episode 5

February 20, 198747m

Zuo-wei-men transports cannons to Manchu and on the way he comes across a brave fighter AO BAI. The two appreciate each other and learn from each other in a duel.

After learning Tzu-lung's whereabouts, Xiu-zi tries hard to meet him to pour out her heart. In fact, Tzu Lung has also been thinking of Xiu-zi, but that year, OLD LADY ZHENG forbade him to marry a Japanese woman, forced him to desert Xiu-zi and take away Cheng-gong, much .to his sorrow.

SHU-HSIEN discovers Tzu-lung re-uniting with Xiu-Zi and forces him to write a letter of divorce to Xiu-Zi. After reading it, Xiu-zi gets emotional and determines to re-unite with Cheng-gong at all costs.

Cheng-gong is pleased to re-unite with his mother and arranges her stay at his fiancee HSUEH-Vi's house. Fearing that she would involve his son, Xiu-zi, in sorrow, decides to leave secretly……

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Episode 6

February 23, 198747m

Cheng-gong finds that Shu-hsien and Shih-chung have been bullying her mother and he thus uses the kung-fu he learns from Zuo-wei-men to teach Shih-chung a lesson.

Shih-ying sends Shih-chung to inspect at the pass station. Shih-chung comes across YANG TIEN-SHENG being guarded along and annoys him. In a rage, Tien-sheng seizes Hsueh-yi and runs away but finding that she is not hostile, releases her.

Tien-sheng learns that Tzu-lung has forced Su-shan to leave the capital and his resentment towards him deepens when he recalls years ago being betrayed by Tzu-lung and thus sent to prison for nineteen years.

Tien-sheng captures Tzu-lung and‧ threatens him to reveal how he had framed him years ago. Tzu-lung makes up a story that he was forced to yield Tien-sheng to the Manchus in order to save the other brothers. Tien-sheng is tricked and easily excuses Tzu-lung……

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Episode 7

February 24, 198746m

CHUNG-YUAN rebukes Cheng-gong and Su-shan of indulging in love affair and neglecting the country. Su-shan realizes her responsibility and, in sorrow, parts with Cheng-gong.

Cheng-gong and Chung-yuan return to Chin Yeh Temple and learn that Double Swallows are chasing to kill Ao Bai. Cheng-gong later finds out that years ago Ao Bai had led the Manchus to invade the Ming Court resulting in massacre in the martial world, and the Double Swallows are the only ones who survives.

Cheng-gong and Chung-yuan come across Ao Bai and LORD TA KU-LUN and are frustrated to find that the two are seizing the Hans to act as living targets. Cheng-gong and Chung-yuan mingle into the Manchus' camps but are discovered and besieged. They are saved by Princess YUNG-NING and the three become friends……

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Episode 8

February 25, 198746m

Chung-yuan falls into Ao Bai's trap and is captured, Lord Ta Ku-lun orders to behead him. Cheng-gong and Yung-ning raid the execution ground and find that the Double Swallows come also to the scene and together they manage to save Chung-yuan.

Ao Bai pays tribute to his dead wife and to comply with the custom, he takes off his protective shield and puts aside his weapons. The Double Swallows take the chance to attack him. After a deadly fight, WEI LIEH is killed and Cheng-gong is held in captive.

When Ao Bai is about to kill Chung-yuan, SHANG KUAN YEN comes along and reveals that Chung-yuan is in fact Ao Bai's son. Chung-yuan is so shocked that he refuses to re-unite with Ao Bai.

Unable to take revenge, and overcome by the death of her husband, the desperate Shang Kuan Yen decides to kill herself hoping that Chung-yuan would forget the feud of the last generation and re-unite with the Ao family. Chung-yuan is caught in a dilemma……

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Episode 9

February 26, 198747m

Tien-sheng is worried about Su-shan who misses Cheng-gong very much after parted with him.

To tackle the Manchus' invasion, King ru appoints Tzu-lung as the chief marshal to lead the fight against the enemies. Tzu-lung lacks confidence but Xiu-zi advises him to send the Zheng army who then proves themselves promising. The generals and soldiers are thus convinced of Xiu-zi's competence.

Xiu-zi discovers Shih-chung keeping part of the provision for himself and failing to stop him, reports the matter to Tzu-lung. In a rage, Tzu-lung beats Shih-chung up which further deepens the misunderstanding between Xiu-zi and Shu-hsien.

To take revenge, Lord Ta Ku-lun sends man to Tzu-lung's camp to sieal the army seal but the man is caught and imprisoned. Shih-chung bribes the man to frame Xiu-zi of working with the Manchus. Fortunately, Su-shan finds out the truth and proves Xiu-zi innocent……

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Episode 10

February 27, 198747m

Great Palm misunderstands Tzu-lung to have killed Tien-sheng and together with Su-shan, raid the Zheng's house to kill him. Cheng-gong and Chung-yuan just happen to return home, the former endeavors to save his father. Su-shan lets Tzu-lung go for Cheng-gong's sake.

Shih-chung sends men to chase Su-shan and Great Palm. The two are injured and flee. Cheng-gong comes to the rescue and take the two to Doctor Tung for treatment.

Cheng-gong doubts the matter of Tien-sheng and Su-shan being attacked thus asks Tzu-lung for the truth. Tzu-lung knows well that Shih-chung is behind the scene but he is forced to hide the matter from Cheng-gong as old Lady Zheng and Shu-hsien threaten to kill themselves.

Since poisoned by Shu-hsien, Xiu-zi stays at the Tung's house for treatment. Still worrying about Tzu-lung fighting against the Manchus, Xiu-zi asks Cheng-gong to assist his father……

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Episode 11

March 2, 198747m

Lord Ta Ku-lun orders to devote full efforts to attack Nanking. King Tang and Tzu-lung stay in the capital, endeavoring to resi~t. On the other hand, Shih-chung sees that Ming Court is doomed thus decides to seize valuables in the palace and then retreats to Fuchow, but he is captured by the Manchus. The Ming army is outnumbered and is forced to retreat to Hsien Hsia Gate.

Ao Bai is eager to chase the Ming army in retreat but Lord Ta Ku-lun is confident to defeat the enemy and insists to firstly stay at Nanking to celebrate, much to his disappointment.

The Ming army takes advantage of the relief of Hsien Hsia Gate, re-organize themselves and then draw the Manchus to the trap. The Manchus are tricked and totally defeated by the Ming army at Hsien Hsia Gate. Ta Ku-lun is then forced to pass the authority to Ao Bai.

Old Lady Zheng forces Tzu-lung to send large force to save Shih-chung……

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Episode 12

March 3, 198747m

Ao Bai releases Shih-chung just to bribe him and Shu-hsien to be Manchu spies. However, the mother and son fail to win Tzu-lung's entrust. Shu-hsien then pretends to repent past mistakes and Tzu-lung finally reconciles with her.

King Tang succeeds King Fu and rewards the officers accordingly. Cheng-gong gets promoted and Tzu-lung thinks it is the right time that Cheng-gong marries Hsueh-yi. Cheng-gong rejects the marriage in name of re-establishing the Ming Court. Tzu-lung thus finds it hard to insist.

Xiu-zi realizes that Cheng-gong still has Su-shan in mind thus he rejects the marriage. She exhorts Cheng-gong who then feels guilty of neglecting Hs~eh-yi and agrees to marry her.

With the help of Shu-hsien, Ao Bai takes the chance to attack Hsien Hsia Gate on the day of Cheng-gong's marriage when the army relaxes defence. Cheng-gong realizes Ao's tactics and orders Chou Tung to pay extra attention……

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Episode 13

March 4, 198746m

Ao Bai sees that the Zhengs retreat to the hills and to prevent them from fighting back, he orders curfew so that the people cannot make contact with the Zhengs. Ao Bai adds further difficulties.to the Zhengs by cutting the supply of food.

Since separated with Tzu-lung and Cheng~gong, Xiu-zi and Hsueh-yi hide themselves in the city but unable to go out, they immediately face the problem of food supply.

Shih-chung perchance follows Chung-yuan and discovers Xiu-zi's whereabouts, he then informs the Manchus to capture her. Fortunately, Chung-yuan is alert and quickly borrows the Lord's pass from Princess Yung-ning. Xiu-zi thus manages to make her escape.

Shu-hsien reports the Princess' act to Ao Bai who then openly teases Lord Ta Ku-lun, much to his frustration.

Chung-yuan escorts Xiu-zi and Hsueh-yi in their escape. Losing contact with Tzu-lung and Cheng-gong, the three feel helpless……

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Episode 14

March 5, 198746m

Tzu-lung is overcome by the sorrow of Hsien Hsia Gate being taken over and decides to break into Zheng's House to kill Shu-hsien and die with her. Not wanting his father to sacrifice himself, Cheng-gong work with Su-shan to raid the Lord's House.

Cheng-gong and the group break into the Lord's House and immediately capture Shu-hsien. Eager to take revenge, Tzu-lung beats her up but is then besieged by the Manchus and captured. On the other hand, Cheng-gong and Su-shan flee and are chased by the Manchus. To protect Su-shan, Cheng-gong is shot, injured seriously, and falls off a precipice.

Ao Bai sees that though Tzu-lung is captured, the Manchu army is not yet assured, thus he asks Shu-hsien to draw Tzu-lung to write a letter of surrender so as to discourage the remaining Ming soldiers.

Learning that Cheng-gong has sacrificed his life and Tzu-lung yielded to the Manchus, Xiu-zi falls into deep sorrow……

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Episode 15

March 6, 198747m

Cheng-gong acquires the Telepathy Skill but lacking in strength, he fails to defeat Ao Bai. Chief Priest Chiu Yeh warns Cheng-gong not to be too eager for success and advises him to gather Tzu-lung's former men to jointly deal with Ao Bai.

Hsueh-yi is still devoted to Cheng-gong thus she rejects Chung-yuan's love for her, much to his disappointment.

The bandit, Silver Tiger, has wishful thinking on Hsueh-yi and one day he purposely draws Chung-yuan away in an attempt to rape Hsueh-yi. Fortunately, Chung-yuan returns in time to stop the act.

Since Hsien Hsia Gate is taken over, Su-shan roams beyond the city to avoid the Manchus. Several year later, Su-shan and her group sneak back to Mainland and find that the Manchus have extended their power to the south, such that the anti-Manchu groups find it difficult to organize themselves to chase the enemy away……

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Episode 16

March 9, 198747m

To lower the Manchus' morale, Chu Ko Wei robs all cannons that Ta Ku-lun transports, much to his frustration. Ta Ku-lun vows to wreck Ching Feng Stockade.

Chung-yuan brings Hsueh-yi and Xiu-zi to meet Cheng-gong who then finds him.elf torn between Hsueh-yi and Su-shan.

Hsueh-yi realizes that a Manchu captive has once done favor to her, thus she helps him escape but Su-shan discovers it and puts her to trial. Cheng-gong and Su-shan argue over the matter.

To end the love triangle relationship, Su-shan asks Cheng-gong to send Hsueh-yi away after she recovers but he rejects. Su-shan feels much disappointed and decides to leave the Stockade with Great Palm.

Feels indebted to Su-shan but not wanting to let Hsueh-yi down, Cheng-gong resolutely decides to marry Hsueh-yi. Chung-yuan feels discouraged and bids Cheng-gong good-bye.

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Episode 17

March 10, 198746m

Furious at the cannons being robbed, Lord Ta Ku-lun sends General CHO LEH to wreck Ching Feng Stockade but he is checked .by Cheng-gong who resists intrepidly.

Cho Leh then kills innocent people in attempt to force Cheng-gong return the cannons. Cheng-gong refuses to yield and goes alone to raid the Manchu camps. With Chung-yuan's help, Cheng-gong finally manages to kill Cho Leh.

As a Manchu, Chung-yuan is caught in dilemma when he helps the Hans fight against his own people. But not favoring the Manchus in invading the Hans, Chung-yuan decides to help Cheng-gong chase the Manchus away.

To show potentialities to the Ching Feng Stockade and the Manchus, Chung-yuan assures Cheng-gong that he will train a "valiant fighter" in eighty days. The Manchus consider this a threat to them……

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Episode 18

March 11, 198747m

Ta Ku-kun learns from Yung-ning that Chung-yuan is Ao Bai's son and reports the fact to KING SHUN CHIH, accusing Ao Bai of working with the Hans to kill the Manchus. Ao Bai denies but is then asked by King Shun Chih to kill Chung-yuan to prove his innocence.

Yung-ning and Nien-tzu risk their lives in running away to the Stockade to warn Chung-yuan of danger. Eager to re-establish the Ming Court, Chung-yuan refuses to hide himself. Yung-ning is held in captive by Yung-li.

Szu Ma Hsiao-feng has been jealous of Chung-yuan's bravery and after learning from Ao Ba's letter that Chung-yuan is in fact Ao's son, he accuses Chung-yuan of being a spy in attempting to eliminate all rebels. Hsiao-feng beats Chung-yuan up, much to his disappointment.

Though Cheng-gong endeavors to defend Chung-yuan, the latter feels too discouraged to stay at Ching Feng Stockade……

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Episode 19

March 12, 198747m

To return favor, Cheng-gong releases Yung-ning to join Chung-yuan. He is caught in dilemma when Chu Ko Wei rebukes him of giving rein to emotion.

Ta Ku-lun decides to capture Chung-yuan and makes use of him to force Ao Bai yield the control of the army. Ao Bai outwits Ta by attacking his Mansion in advance.

Ta Ku-lun asks King Shun Chih to force Ao Bai yield Chung-yuan for trial. To fulfil his promise to his wife, Ao Bai vows to protect Chung-yuan. King Shun Chih takes it that Ao Bai has made considerable achievements for the Manchus and just punishes him by demoting him as well as passing the control of the army to Ta Ku-lun.

Cheng-gong leads an army to invade the unguarded area at Hsien Hsia Gate but his army is outnumbered and thus loses the fight. Cheng-gong then sends a general, SHIH FEI, to pretend surrendering to the Manchus and pass the false message that he dies……

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Episode 20

March 13, 198747m

Chu Ko Wei passes a false message to a Manchu spy that Cheng-gong's body is being transported to Ching Feng Stockade. Ta Ku-lun is tricked and he sends Ao Bai to invade the Stockade. Cheng-gong besieges Ao Bai and finally defeats him.

Chung-yuan decides to help his father escape and though Cheng-gong realizes his plan, he is grateful for Chung-yuan's helpfulness and thus purposely lets Ao Bai go. Ta Ku-lun reveals Shih Fei to be a Han spy and beats him up for information but the latter refuses to yield. To free Shih Fei from further suffering, Chung-yuan kills him in one slash.

Ta Ku-lun decides to marry Yung-ning to the Minister's son but she rejects since she is secretly devoted to Chung-yuan. Chung-yuan is moved and promises to marry Yung-ning.

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Episode 21

March 16, 198746m

Chung-yuan's illness relapses and in unconsciousness, repeatedly mentions Hsueh-zi's name. Though feeling hurt, the understanding Vung-ning cancels the marriage with Chung-yuan.

Ao Bai and Ta Ku-lun guard at Nanking. Finding it hard to defeat them, Cheng-gong turns to take over Fuchow. On his way, Cheng-gong comes across a stockade and discovers that the leader is Great Palm who threatens him to yield money. Cheng-gong fails to reject him but finally Chu Ko Wei convinces Great Palm to work with them and together they manage to save Xiu-zi and Hsueh-zi.

Cheng-gong discovers that the leader's wife is Su-shan and tries to meet her, but Su-shan avoids him. One day, Su-shan is bit by a snake and Cheng-gong risks his life to help suck out the poisonous blood. Hsueh-yi perchance comes across the two and though feeling sad about it, still believe in his husband's love for her.

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Episode 22

March 17, 198746m

Cheng-gong is shocked by the news of Xiu-zi being killed by Ao Bai. Turning grievance into strength, Cheng-gong defeats the Manchus at Hsien Hsia Gate and afterwards, retreats to Fuchow to arrange further actions.

Yung-li orders to invade Nanking but Cheng-gong refuses to send the army, knowing that they will be outnumbered. Shih-chung takes the chance to accuse Cheng-gong of secretly working with Ao Bai and intending to establish status at Fuchow. Yung-li is tricked and forces Cheng-gong to take action within three months.

King Shun Chi h learns from past experience and thereafter become more cautious when dealing with Cheng-gong. He pretends to discharge Ao Bai and forces Chung-yuan to lead the battle against the Ming army.

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Episode 23

March 18, 198746m

Cheng-gong takes over Fuchow while the Manchus retreats to Nanking, making use of Tzu-lung to threaten Cheng-gong. Shih-chung finds that the Manchus are losing power and thus he flees quickly. He is caught by Chou Tung who then persuades him to fight against the Manchus to make up for his fault.

CHIN PA and Szu Ma Hsiao-feng have been jealous of Cheng-gong. They realize that Great Palm suspects Su-shan of re-uniting with Cheng-gong and take the chance to persuade him leave Yung-li and Cheng-gong, and also before Yung-li, falsely accuse Cheng-gong of gaining support from people out of ambitious intention. Yung-Ii is tricked.

Instigated by Great Palm, Yung-li disregards his army being outnumbered and orders Cheng-gong to leave Fuchow to take guard at Hsien Hsia Gate. Ao Bai considers Cheng-gong a threat to him and attempts to execute Tzu-lung to draw Cheng-gong to Nanking and then besiege him……

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Episode 24

Season Finale
March 19, 198746m

Chung-yuan is caught in dilemma as he has vowed that he would not kill the Hans with no reason. He secretly meets Cheng-gong and persuades him not to fight with the Manchus. Cheng-gong rejects and Chung-yuan leaves in disappointment.

Nien-tzu realizes Ao Bai's plot and hurries her way to inform Chung-yuan but on the way she is killed, in name of Cheng-gong, by Shih-chung. Chung-yuan thus misunderstands Cheng-gong and vows to antagonize him.

Chung-yuan is appointed the Chief Marshal and he draws Cheng-gong to settle at Pien An of Nanking in an attempt to besiege him.

When the Manchu and Ming armies are having a deadly fight, Great Palm and Shih-chung, not convinced to be commanded by Cheng-gong, suddenly yield to the enemy, much weakening the Hans force.

Though the situation is greatly unfavorable to the Ming army, Cheng-gong endeavors to resist to the end. Su-shan persuades him to flee to Taiwan, hoping one day to fight back……

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