Translations 5
English (en-US) |
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Remembrance of Things Past |
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A story of young men and women born in the 80's and 90's who meet in Beijing. Through their struggles in the metropolis, they hold on to their dreams and experience various tests in life, career, and love. Smart and motivated, Qiao Xichen (Zhou Yutong) has gone all the way from a small town to complete her studies n Beijing and work diligently in the corporate world. Life was good. However, the sudden death of Hu Jingjing comes as a shock. Qiao Xichen grieves the loss of a dear friend together with her bestie Xu Yan and Hu Jingjing's older cousin Ji Nanjia as they continue on with their lives carrying Hu Jingjing in their hearts. At work, Jian Yifan (Bai Yufan) is the new man put in a leadership position to announce a mass layoff. At this time, an unexpected situation arises in a project that Qiao Xichen is responsible for. Given her own efforts and the help off her colleagues, Qiao Xichen manages to smooth over the difficulties and also gets into a relationship with Jian Yifan. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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我在他乡挺好的 |
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从小聪明上进的乔夕辰一路从小镇考到北京上学、工作。她工作勤恳踏实,日常精打细算,生活得有滋有味。好友胡晶晶突然离世,打破了她平静的生活。乔夕辰与一起长大的闺蜜许言、胡晶晶的表姐纪南嘉共同面对胡晶晶的离去,带着对她的怀念继续生活。乔夕辰公司空降领导简亦繁,并宣布裁员,同时她负责的项目突发状况,在自己的努力和同事们的帮助下,她顺利渡过难关,并与简亦繁走在了一起。原上司回归,乔夕辰被调离核心岗位,她不急不躁,做好本职工作,还找到新的事业方向。纪南嘉的公司因市场需求变化产生运营危机,她从生活中挖掘新商机,走向事业新高峰,同时收获真挚爱情。许言为了本地男友留在北京,却因消费观念差异与男友分手,她最终醒悟,摒弃对浮华的追逐,寻找真正的人生价值。三人都明白了乐观拼搏、勤恳踏实的意义,走向了新生活。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
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我在他乡挺好的 |
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從小聰明上進的喬夕辰(周雨彤飾)一路從小鎮考到北京上學、工作。她工作勤懇踏實,日常精打細算,生活得有滋有味。好友胡晶晶突然離世,打破了她平靜的生活。喬夕辰與一起長大的閨蜜許言(孫千飾)、胡晶晶的表姐紀南嘉(任素汐飾)共同面對胡晶晶的離去,帶着對她的懷念繼續生活。喬夕辰公司空降領導簡亦繁(白宇帆飾)並宣佈裁員,同時她負責的項目突發狀況,在自己的努力和同事們的幫助下,她順利渡過難關,並與簡亦繁走在了一起。原上司迴歸,喬夕辰被調離核心崗位,她不急不躁,做好本職工作,還找到新的事業方向。紀南嘉的公司因市場需求變化產生運營危機,她從生活中挖掘新商機,走向事業新高峯,同時收穫真摯愛情。許言為了本地男友留在北京,卻因消費觀念差異與男友分手,她最終醒悟,摒棄對浮華的追逐,尋找真正的人生價值。三人都明白了樂觀拼搏、勤懇踏實的意義,走向了新生活。 |
Korean (ko-KR) |
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아재타향정호적 |
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Portuguese (pt-BR) |
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Remembrance of Things Past |
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Overview |
Uma história de rapazes e moças nascidos nos anos 80 e 90 que se conheceram em Pequim. Por meio de suas lutas na metrópole, eles se apegam a seus sonhos e passam por várias provas na vida, na carreira e no amor. Inteligente e motivada, Qiao Xichen (Zhou Yutong) saiu de uma pequena cidade para concluir seus estudos em Pequim e trabalhar diligentemente no mundo corporativo. A vida era boa. No entanto, a morte repentina de Hu Jingjing foi um choque. Qiao Xichen lamenta a perda de um querido amigo junto com seu melhor amigo Xu Yan e o primo mais velho de Hu Jingjing, Ji Nanjia, enquanto eles continuam com suas vidas carregando Hu Jingjing em seus corações. No trabalho, Jian Yifan (Bai Yufan) é o novo homem colocado em uma posição de liderança para anunciar uma dispensa em massa. Neste momento, uma situação inesperada surge em um projeto pelo qual Qiao Xichen é responsável. |