Japan's Fantastic Fruit (2021)
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Translations 3
English (en-US) |
Name |
Japan's Fantastic Fruit |
Overview |
Fruit in Japan has evolved in the country's unique climate, shaping into perfect gems that are now recognized worldwide. Some are even referred to by their Japanese names, such as kaki and yuzu. Japanese peaches and pears are known for their impactful juiciness. In this special installment of Trails to Oishii Tokyo, revisit the hard work and ingenuity that goes into cultivating the fruits that have come to be prized the world over. |
German (de-DE) |
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Episode 9 |
Overview |
Japanese (ja-JP) |
Name |
和のフルーツ |
Overview |
深い酸味と爽やかな香り「柚子」▽柑橘類の中でも抜群の甘さを誇る「みかん」▽柿渋や柿の葉など果実以外の部分も古から生活に利用されてきた「柿」。和名で通用するほど“日本的”なフルーツを紹介。 |