Saison 2 (2023)
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Traductions 18
français (fr-FR) |
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Saison 2 |
Vue d'ensemble |
allemand (de-DE) |
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Staffel 2 |
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anglais (en-US) |
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Season 2 |
Vue d'ensemble |
The attempt to capture the mysterious perpetrator who possesses people ends tragically: Lu Guang is rushed to the hospital in a critical state, while Cheng Xiaoshi is arrested for the alleged crime. In light of recent events, the father of Liu Min unleashes his skilled, ruthless lawyer—Qian Jin—after Police Chief Li Xiao, who is spearheading the investigation related to the photo studio owned by Qiao Ling. It appears that no one is safe from the unpredictable and fatal attacks of the adversary who painstakingly hides their identity. As he tries to learn from his past mistakes, Cheng Xiaoshi must act swiftly and decisively to put an end to this devastating trail of death. |
castillan (es-ES) |
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Temporada 2 |
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castillan (es-MX) |
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Temporada 2 |
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chinois (zh-CN) |
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第 2 季 |
Vue d'ensemble |
为了找到一系列罪案的操纵者,程小时求助于肖力,找寻一切藏匿于暗中的蛛丝马迹。但是拥有未知超能力的凶手在阴影之中,也从没有停止过阴谋的脚步。神秘能力者如影随形,身边伙伴接连遇害,程小时屡次身陷险境。随着追查深入,一桩多年前的凶案浮出水面。真相似乎越来越近,然而凶手的身份却让人始料未及。最终的较量即将展开。 |
chinois (zh-TW) |
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第 2 季 |
Vue d'ensemble |
coréen (ko-KR) |
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시즌 2 |
Vue d'ensemble |
일련의 범죄 사건을 일으킨 진짜 범인을 찾기 위해 청샤오시는 단서를 찾아나간다. 하지만, 미지의 초능력을 가진 범인은 어둠에 숨어 음모를 멈추지 않고, 미지의 범인에 의해 주변 동료들과 청샤오시 본인도 위험에 처한다. 범인을 추적할 수록 알게되는 과거의 사건... 그러나 범인의 정체는 아직도 알 수 없는데... |
hébreu (he-IL) |
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עונה 2 |
Vue d'ensemble |
italien (it-IT) |
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Stagione 2 |
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japonais (ja-JP) |
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時光代理人 -LINK CLICK- Ⅱ |
Vue d'ensemble |
繁華街の一角に佇む「時光写真館」を経営するトキ(程小時)とヒカル(陸光)。 「撮影者の意識にリンクし、写真の世界に入ることができる能力」を持つトキと、「その写真の撮影後12時間の出来事を把握できる能力」を持つヒカルはコンビを組み、トキの幼馴染・リン(喬苓)を通じて舞い込む顧客からの依頼を解決していた。 事件に関わるなか、トキとヒカルは一連の出来事の裏に「未知の能力」を持つ人物がいることに気付く。 暗躍する能力者に翻弄されながらも、謎の人物から渡された1枚の写真を手掛かりに真相を探っていくトキたち。 そこには、数年前に起きたある事件が深く結びついていて――。 |
néerlandais (nl-NL) |
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Seizoen 2 |
Vue d'ensemble |
polonais (pl-PL) |
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Sezon 2 |
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portugais (pt-BR) |
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Temporada 2 |
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russe (ru-RU) |
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Сезон 2 |
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tchèque (cs-CZ) |
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2. sezóna |
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ukrainien (uk-UA) |
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Сезон 2 |
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vietnamien (vi-VN) |
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Season 2 |
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