Season 1 (2021)
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Translations 18
English (en-US) |
Name |
Season 1 |
Overview |
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, it holds an infinite amount of secrets. These are secrets that only Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang are able to find. In a small shop called "Time Photo Studio," the two friends provide a special service: using their extraordinary powers that let them enter photographs, they jump into pictures brought to them by clients in order to grant their wishes. Through the eyes of the photographer, they live through the events surrounding the picture and try to decipher how to solve their client's request. But every time they jump into a picture, they take a great risk. One wrong move and they could alter the future of the person who took the picture... and possibly countless other events too. So when the events they are forced to live through in these pictures start to become personal, it will take the utmost strength to push their feelings aside and focus on accomplishing the task they were paid to do. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
Name |
第 1 季 |
Overview |
在繁华都市的某个角落,有一家叫做“时光照相馆”的小店还在照常营业。虽然门庭冷落,但它背后其实由两个具有特殊能力的男人——程小时和陆光经营着。为了完成顾客的委托,陆光和程小时组队配合使用超能力进入照片,然而事情的发展却没能按他们所想的那样…… |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
第 1 季 |
Overview |
在繁華都市的某個角落,有一家叫做“時光照相館”的小店還在照常營業。雖然門庭冷落,但它背後其實由兩個具有特殊能力的男人——程小時和陸光經營著。為了完成顧客的委託,陸光和程小時組隊配合使用超能力進入照片,然而事情的發展卻沒能按他們所想的那樣…… |
Czech (cs-CZ) |
Name |
1. sezóna |
Overview |
Dutch; Flemish (nl-NL) |
Name |
Seizoen 1 |
Overview |
French (fr-FR) |
Name |
Saison 1 |
Overview |
German (de-DE) |
Name |
Staffel 1 |
Overview |
Hebrew (he-IL) |
Name |
עונה 1 |
Overview |
Italian (it-IT) |
Name |
Stagione 1 |
Overview |
Japanese (ja-JP) |
Name |
シーズン1 |
Overview |
繁華街の一角に佇む「時光写真館」。 そのさびれたドアの奥には、特殊な能力を持った2人の男がいた——。 写真館を経営するのはトキ(程小時)とヒカル(陸光)。 トキの幼馴染・リン(喬苓)を通じて顧客から舞い込む依頼を遂行すべく、 「撮影者の意識にリンクし、写真の世界に入ることができる能力」を持つトキと、 「その写真の撮影後12時間の出来事を把握できる能力」を持つヒカルはコンビを組み、 過去を引きずるクライアントからの依頼を解決していく。 『絶対に過去の改変をしてはならない』ルールのもと依頼を遂行していた二人だが、 正義感の強いトキはつい過去に干渉してしまい、 その行動はやがて少しずつ未来を変えていく——。 |
Korean (ko-KR) |
Name |
시즌 1 |
Overview |
번화가의 일각에 서 있는 시광 사진관. 그 쓸쓸한 문 안쪽에는 특수한 능력을 가진 두 남자가 있었다. |
Polish (pl-PL) |
Name |
Sezon 1 |
Overview |
Portuguese (pt-BR) |
Name |
Temporada 1 |
Overview |
Russian (ru-RU) |
Name |
Сезон 1 |
Overview |
Spanish; Castilian (es-ES) |
Name |
Temporada 1 |
Overview |
Spanish; Castilian (es-MX) |
Name |
Temporada 1 |
Overview |
Ukrainian (uk-UA) |
Name |
Сезон 1 |
Overview |
Vietnamese (vi-VN) |
Name |
Season 1 |
Overview |