Episodes 30


Episode 1

October 28, 199146m

In 1991, in the middle of a speech during a business luncheon, Cheung Chun is being shot and injured by Cheung Man San abruptly. In his way to the hospital, he is almost in a state of coma and recalls what has happened in the past.

In 1981, Cheung Chun was working for the Malaysia Branch of Wing Yip Bank. Although Cheung Chun and Man San often write to each other, his mother Ho Suet Mui insists not to disclose the rela?tionship between San and Cheung Sheung Tin. Concurrently, Suet Mui strongly dissents that Cheung Chun is working for Wing Yip. Therefore, the mother and son are constantly having conflict on this issue.

Both Cheung Man Kit and Man Shu Tang goes to Malaysia to inspect the business overthere. Man Kit then gets to know Cheung Chun and really appreciates the ability of Chun. Kit sends Chun to Shu Hong to open and run a new branch and Chun is very glad to accept the post with the support of Chan Fou Yan and Yip Moon Chi……

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Episode 2

October 29, 199146m

Cheung Chun used his intelligence to solve the crisis for the bank. Once again, Man Kit shows his appreciation on Chun by inviting Chun and Fou Yan to work in the Hong Kong headquarters. Chun and Yan accept the post gratefully.

Cheung Chun tells his mother that he is going to work for the Hong Kong's headquarters. Suet Mui strongly refuses to go to?gether with him and they ends up in a quarrel. Lastly, Mui is persuaded b~ Chun's sincerity and eventually agrees to return to Hong Kong.

Man San and Shui Song are operating a garment manufacturing factory. Man San is a man likes to show off but underlying is having an enormous amount of debts. Cheung Chun and his mother stays in San's house. They totally have no knowledge of San's financial difficulties which are totally covered up by-his luxu?rious life pattern.

Man Kit invites Chun to Sheung Tin's birthday party……

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Episode 3

October 30, 199146m

Man Kit allocates Cheung Chun and Fou Yat to follow Wing Tung to work in the credit department. Wing Tung reports to Wai Chun instantly.

Kai Tai purposely wants to fool Fou Yat and asks hint to watch Kin Yee closely. Kin Yee reports to Wai Chu who immediately sacks Chun and Yan. Man Kit tries to retain them but Chun does not want to get involved with the dispute and refuses to stay. Man Kit sincerely requests them to stay and they eventually agree. Due to this, Wai Chu and Man Kit have a big quarrel and are lastly mediated by Sheung Tin.

Man Kit instructed Kin Yee to assist Chun and Yan. Kin Yee is discontented about the arrangement and often argues with Fou Yat. In order to get rid of Cheung Chun, Wing Tung and the others are always sarcastic to him. Cheung Chun endures the manner quietly.

Suet Mui learns from Shui Song about Man San's financial situa?tion and therefore decides to earn her own living……

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Episode 4

October 31, 199146m

Wai Chu is so angry and wants to sue Suet Mui. Shu Tang tries hard to mediate and Wai Chu gives up this idea. Man San is sorry for the hardship of Suet Mui and discloses the story with Sheung Tin to Cheung Chun. After learning about the whole story, Chun determines to resign with Fou Yat. Man Kit understands the developmerrt and is not going to retain them. Kin Yee has bad feeling against Fou Yat and set up a plan to cheat him. Fou Yat is angry about this.

Man San's factory is insolvent. Originally, he intends to borrow from Man Kit but due to face-saving, he does not have the courage to ask Kit. Man Kits sees through his mind but needs to travel and hence asks Shu Tang to help him whenever is needed.

Man San is haunted by financial institutes for repayments. With no other alternatives, he turns to Shu Tang who lends him $400,000. Wai Chu is aggravated by this act and forces Shu Tang to get Man San to repay within one day……

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Episode 5

November 1, 199146m

Both Cheung Chun and Fou Yat find a job in Shun Kee Bank. In Order to repay his debt to Shu Tang, he has a part time Job in a film-processing shop. Shu Tang knows this and appreciates Chun's personality.

Chun, Shu Tang and the others join the stair case climbing race for the purpose of charity. Chun and Tang both are the winners of the men and women divisions respectively. However, Man Kit has a heart attack and has to stay in the hospital.

Chun visits Man Kit who takes the opportunity to request him to work for Wing Yip again, but is rejected.

Cheung Chun goes to Shu Tang's house to borrow reference books and coincidentally Wai Chu appears as well. Fortunately, Chun succeeds to hide away from Wai Chu by staying besides the window.

With a view to get Shu Tang to teach Kin Yee, Wai Chu forces Tang to move to live in Cheung's house. Shu Tang accepts it reluc?tantly……

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Episode 6

November 4, 199146m

Man Kit again tries to convince Cheung Chun to return to Wing Yip, but Chun refuses the request due to Suet Mui's rejection.

Meanwhile, Moon Chi visits Hong Kong and temporarily resides in Sam's Home. Shui Song is seriously appealed by Moon Chi's beauty.

Eventually, with the assistance of Shu Tang and the understanding of suet Mui, Chun returns to Wing Yip together with Fon Yai. Although Wing Tung and the others are still always sarcastic to him, Chun has determined not to retreat any backward.

Chun originally promises to bring Moon Chi to travel around Hong Kong for sightseeing but is suddenly occupied by an urgent meet?ing with Man Kit. The planned route is finally cancelled and replaced by a short stroll in the Peak. This makes Moon Chi greatly disappointed……

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Episode 7

November 5, 199146m

Before she escaped to Hong Kong, Moon Chi was almost raped by her step-father in Malaysia. This makes her insist to stay in Hong Kong and even work for a restaurant without any authorization. Cheung Chun and the others have no knowledge of this at all.

Man Kit suggested to get married with Shu Tang who scares about those rumours and therefore hesitate a lot. Finally, she promises Man Kit the marriage after he stresses that one should live for oneself.

Wai Chu is so astonished when she hears the news about their marriage.

Moon Chi faints from sickness when she is working. Chun discovers her secret and condemns her foolish behavior. Moon Chi reveals the underlying reason. Chun feels terribly sorry for her unfortune and thus find her a job in Wing Yip.

Man San's factory receives an order of a substantial size. He wants to grasp this opportunity in order to expand his business again……

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Episode 8

November 6, 199146m

In order to help Shu Tang, Yau Tsuen tenders his resignation which has often the attitude of Wai Chu towards Shu Tang. In addition, Tang genuineness also makes Wai Chu finally agree their marriage.

Man Hong recovers from his surgery and returns to Hong Kong to attend Kit's wedding party with the companion of Mee Ling. Cheung's family is full of pleasurable atmosphere. Man Kit and Shu Tang are holding a splendid wedding party. In the middle of the party, Man Kit suddenly has a heart attack and faints. A doctor immediately gives him some treatment. When Kit returns to conscious, he instantly makes up a will which is witnessed by a lawyer. Eventually, Man Kit dies on his way to hospital. A happy event becomes a sad one and everybody in the Cheung's family are feeling extremely gloomy. The death of Man Kit imposes no more stringent control-on Wing Yip who becomes less willing to work hard……

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Episode 9

November 7, 199145m

Man San leads Cheung Chun and the others to attend the funeral of Kit. They encourage Man Hong to inherit Man Kit's wish to manage and expand the business of Wing Yip. Wai Chu disgrees with this and leaves the funeral abruptly.

A sizable order from a Taiwanese customer is confirmed by Man San. The necessary machinery and equipment have also been purchased. However, Wai Chu disrupts the deal by various means and the Taiwanese customer eventually cancels the transact in giving Man San a huge loss.

The lawyer announces Man Kit's will 30% share of Wing Yip will be transferred to Shu Tang whilst the rest of the current and fixed assets will leave to Kin Yee and Sheung Tin to be its trustee. Sheung Tin invites Shu Tang to act as the Managing Director and is rejected. Wai Chu grasps this chance and suggests to appoint Man Hong for the post. Sheung Tin agrees with this……

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Episode 10

November 8, 199146m

Cheung Chun saves Man Hong and drives Hong home. Incidentally, Chun meets Sheung Tin and asks him for financial assistance. Man Hong speaks for Chun and Tin finally agrees to lend Man San money provided that the latter gives him sufficient security.

Cheung Chun pays his respect to Man Kit before Kit's tomb where he meets Sheung Tin. They discuss about the operation and development of Wing Yip. Although they do not share a same view on all aspects, Chun finds Tin's ability very respectable.

To seize the finance from Wing Yip, Man San even produces fraudulent document. Shui Song does not want Cheung Chun to get in?volved into it and consequently discloses this fraud. Man San is very embarrassed as well as angry about it. Chun does not want to see the failure of San and takes the risk to co-operate with San to commit the fraud……

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Episode 11

November 11, 199146m

Man San is arrested by the police charging in commercial fraud. In order not to get Cheung Chun involved in this, Man San claims that he commits it by himself only. On the other hand, Moon Chi feels regretful and shameful. He then decides to move out from Cheung's house. Shui Song bring her to hotel for short stay but she is mistakenly treated as prostitute. Lastly, Shu Tang lets Moon Chi to stay in her home for a short period.

Cheung Chun tenders his resignation to Shu Tang, but she requests him to leave after the listing matters of Wing Yip has been finished. But Shu Tang also plans to leave Wing Yip after going public.

Man San accidentally learns from a Taiwanese that his bankruptcy is caused by Wai Chu. Man San feels very angry and beats Wai Chu. He later is arrested by the police. Cheung chun asks Sheung Tin to handle the case fairly. But Sheung Tin is discontent for Wai Chu being beaten and refuses Chun's request……

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Episode 12

November 12, 199146m

Wai Chu asks Sheung Tin to dismiss Cheung Chun and Shu Tang ignores her. In order to give hard time to Chun and Tang, Kai Tai and Wing Tung tender their resignations together with other subordinates. But Chun, Tang, Fou Yau and Moon Chi work hard together and could eventually overcome it.

Man San is still bad-tempered while he is in jail and he therefore is oppressed by other prisoners. The Governments of United Kingdom and Hong Kong are discussing the problem of Hong Kong's future and have no result which leads to a dramatic fail in stock market. Cheung Chun and Shu Tang are seeking solutions but Tai and Tung have their conservative attitude against them.

Wing Yip is facing run of withdrawal. Therefore, Cheung Chun and Shu Tang propose to call the Shareholders Meeting for injection of capital. Sheung Tin agrees and asks Cheung Chun to chair the meeting.

Man San seriously hurts himself after escaping from the Prison……

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Episode 13

November 13, 199146m

Sheung is taken to the hospital without fatal injuries. Man Hong wants to go back to chair the Shareholders Meeting but is stopped by Wai Chu. Shu Tang reluctantly chairs the meeting because both Sheung Tin and Wing Hong are absent. However, Man San's condition is dangerous. Cheung Chun is in a hurry to the hospital but is trapped in a traffic jam.

Man San eventually agrees to take the operation at the last moment. Cheung Chun goes back to the meeting after knowing that Man San is willing to take the operation. Cheung Chun has come back while Shu Tang is frustrating because shareholders show no interests in injection of capital. Cheung chun then explains the pros and cons to the shareholders. At last, the proposal of capital injection is passed.

The operation is successful and Man San is then relieved from danger, but he sometimes suffers cramp. Man San looks he does not mind and will learn from the past……

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Episode 14

November 14, 199146m

Moon Chi has been promoted as the secretary of Shu Tang in 1987. She works hard and attends evening school. The business has been growing successfully under the management of Shu Tang and Cheung Chun. Wing San has a fancy towards Moon Chi but he dares not to say. Nevertheless, Moon Chi only loves Cheung Chun and is not aware of Wing San. Suet Mui understands Wing San's feeling and she encourages him to date Moon Chi.

Sheung Tin has decided to retire and hands over the whole business to Man Hong. Man Hong lacks of confidence and experience. But Cheung Chun and Shu Tang assist him all the time. Later, Man Hong’s temper is outburst because he feels that he is incompetent. Shu Tang then tries to motivate Man Hong and teaches him to swim. Wai Chu dislikes Shu Tang since she almost let Man Hong drown in an accident. Nevertheless, Man Hong begins to show his love towards Shu Tang……

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Episode 15

November 15, 199146m

In order to avoid Wing San's dating, Moon Chi moves to Shu Tang's home temporarily. However, Wing San still decides to court Moon Chi.

Wong Tung always bullshits in meetings and hence delays the progression. Moon Chi and Shu Tang decide to play some tricks on him. Man Hong wants to go to swimming with Cheung Chu. However, Wai Chu does not allow. Although Man Hong disregards Chu, Chun and Tang cancel the arrangement. Man Hong feels upset and then goes to swimming alone. Everybody is worrying about Man Hong because he still does not come back after going for swimming. Cheung Chun and Shu Tang go out to search him although it is raining heavily. They nearly get drown in big waves. They eventu?ally stay overnight on an island. Cheung Chun then takes this chance to persuade Shu Tang to forget the past. Shu Tang shows her consent to Cheung Chun. On the other hand, Man Hong goes to movies after swimming……

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Episode 16

November 18, 199146m

Man San has released from prison. He looks not so thoughtless and haughty on the surface. He has become more practical and humble. Suet Mui has eased herself when she witnesses this.

Shu Tang tries to avoid Cheung Chun. Chun feels very painful. He again persuades Tang to get rid of her own confinement. Tang requests Chun give her some time to consider.

Moon Chi has hurted her leg. Chun and Tang accompany Chi to see the doctor and meet Wing Tung and his wife by chance. They misunderstand that there is an illicit love between Chun and Tang. They brag about it in the office.

Huan Yin is angry when she has heard the rumour. She tells Chun the case. Chun ignores it as he got nothing to ashame of. However, Tang keeps away from Chun to avoid suspicion. Chun again frankly tells Tang his heartfelt feeling. Tang is eventually affected by Chun's passion and accepts Chun.

Wai Chu asks moon Chi about the relation between Chun and Tang……

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Episode 17

November 19, 199146m

Chun and Tang visit Sheung Tin. Wai Chu sends them away and insults them. Tang feels very intolerable.

Man San visits Tin and expresses that he would find a job related to banking. He demands Tin not to obstruct him. Tin promoses.

Tang, under the pressure from the public, dare not to goes out with Chun publicly. They could only go out to play in the isolated island during the holidays.

Man San goes to an interview for appointment in Wing Tip. Wai Chu deliberately puts him in difficulties. Sheung Tin sends all the people away and interviews san by himself. San requests Tin to treat the case fairly. Tin let San participate in the examination. San eventually are recruited according to her good performance in examination.

Moon Chi, under Tang's encouragement, waits Chun return home to express her love for Chun. However, she has sexual relation with Shui Song mistakenly……

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Episode 18

November 20, 199146m

Chun and Chi do have their own cares and concerns. They feel very embarassed when they are together. Shui Song blames himself a lot and thus his state of mind has become a bit abnormal. He shuts up himself in his room all day long.

Chun is determined to refuse Chi's love. He then arranges to meet Chi. Chi meets Shui Song who has injured himself by a fall in the street when she is on the way to meet Chun. Chi has delayed her appointment for the sake of Song.

San begins to work in Wing Yip. Wing Tung deliberately puts San in difficulties and even insults him. San tolerates.

Chun tells Sheung Tin what San has encountered. Though Tin agrees that what Wing Tung has done is incorrect, he does not stop him so as to make San learn more lessons. Tin also expresses that he agree Chun and Tang to love with each other. They suddenly feel very relief.

Wing Tung and the others satirizes the relation between Chun and Tang during the meeting……

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Episode 19

November 21, 199146m

There is no message from Chi. Chun worries for her safety. Later, Chi takes the initiative to inform Suet Mui and claims that she would temporarily live in a hotel.

Chun goes to the hotel to visit and comfort her. He even wants to remove her misunderstanding on Tang. However, Chi is determined not to forgive Tang.

Chi has to continue her work in Wing Yip so as to stay in Hong Kong. Chi manages her official duties as usual, but she also jeers at Tang. Tang feels very unhappy.

Wing Tung takes revenge on San by asking him to clean the toilet. Chun complained this to Tin. Tin rebukes Wai Chu and Wing Tung angrily.

San tells Chun his hearty words after drunk. He expresses his hatred against Tin. Chun feel very surprised. San heaps up some false words to conceal his thoughts. Chun believes him.

Shui Song is so self-rebuke that he has become quite abnormal. San suggests him to work in Shenchang for a period of time. Song agrees……

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Episode 20

November 22, 199146m

Chun requests Tin to investigate the case by himself. Chu wrongfully accuses Tang seduce Hong. Tin questions Hong the case. Hong heaps up some false explanation to hide his love for Tang. Tin knows well that Tang is wronged by Chu. Therefore, Tin scolds Chu who has stirred up the case. Tin even disallows Chu to enter the Wing Yip office.

Chi wanders around the bar and disco to exude her feeling of injustice. She is nearly insulted by a foreigner. Chun stops him in time. Chi is affected with Chun's sincerity and forgives him. However, she is still angry with Tang.

Tin promotes San to be the assistant manager so as to improves the situation in the loan department. When Chu heard the news, she intrudes into the office. San deliberately irritates Chu. He makes Chu to hurt him. San pretends to be treat with injustice and also let Tin know. Tin reproves Chu. Chu is very angry and threatens Tin to divorce. Tin does not affect at all……

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Episode 21

November 25, 199146m

Even though Wai Chu escapes from home and stays in the hotel temporarily, Sheung Tin would not agree to give way at all. Wing Tung and the others reckon that their position is deteriorating and thus determine to squeeze more fortune by abusing their power in Wing Yip.

From a conversation with Yau Tsuen, Moon Chi understands that Shu Tang is so busy that she fails to accompany Yau Tsuen who therefore feels very lonely. Moon Chi have re-allocates the appointment schedule of Shu Tang, making her available to keep Yau Tsuen accompanied. However, Shu Tang misunderstands her and has a quarrel with her again.

Afterwards, Shu Tang learns from Yau Tsuen that she has mistakenly blamed Moon Chi and therefore begs Moon Chi to forgive her. Eventually, Moon Chi is strongly moved by Shu Tang as the latter tries to save Moon Chi and nearly has a car accident……

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Episode 22

November 26, 199146m

It is Shu Tang's birthday. Cheung Chun specially arrange a celebration for her who is strongly moved and agreed to marry Cheung Chun. Except Man Hong and Moon Chi, everyone in the Cheung's family is so glad and is busy with the preparation for the wedding.

Over the years, the career life of Cheung Chun is so smooth and having no hindrance at all. This turns him into a ditatorial and would not accept the opinion of the others nor the underlying weakness of the stock market. With the persuasion of Man San, Cheung Chun utilises a huge sum of fund to invest in shares. Shu Tang tries to hinder him but is refused and they only end up in a quarrel.

The stock market drops slightly. Shu Tang takes the change to persuade Chun to abort the security investment and is ignored. Shu Tang is so discouraged and dissents from the character of Chun. She therefore decides to leave quietly but coincidently, the stock market, clashes tremendously……

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Episode 23

November 27, 199146m

Man Hong eventually takes the position as chairman though Cheung Chun strongly rejects. Chun shows his discontent and Moon Chi tries to console him and expresses that she fully supports him. Man Hong suddenly has a heart attack. After consultantion, the doctors says that Manong cannot be stimulated anymore otherwise his life will be in danger. Man San is aware of this and insults Man Hong while he is alone by himself. Man Hong then gets fainted. However, Man San does not notice that his conversation with Man Hong is dubbed by a recorder.

Man Hong is later taken into the hospital. The doctor says that an operation is needed but the success chance is low. Man Hong losses his confidence and expresses to Wai Chu that he loves Shu Tang. He also requests to see Shu Tang before the operation is undertaken, Shu Tang feels suprisely when she hears it but she stills encourages Man Hong. Hong then re-gain his confidence……

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Episode 24

November 28, 199146m

Shu tang suspects that Man San may be involved in the death of Sheung Tin and tells this to Cheung Chun. Chun does not believe this and scolds Shu Tang. Man San and Wai Chu are being hostile to each other. Man Hong dreads towards Man San. Wai Chu then decides to move out. Man San wants to invest with Cheung Chun' idea but is facing other senior staff's objection. Later, he fires all these senior staff although he has showed that he would accept their suggestion. Shu Tang knows it and feels angrily about San's power-seizing. She complains this to Cheung Chun but Chun is favour to Man San. They are in quarrel again. Shu Tang then suggest to go apart because she think that there is big distance between them. Cheun Chun accepts it sadly.

Man Hong tells Wai Chu that his heart attack is caused by Man San. Wai Chu then associates it with Sheung Tin's death and suspects the murderer is Man San……

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Episode 25

November 29, 199146m

Cheung Chun is deeply hurt and becomes very frustrated. Moon Chi tries to console him. Suet Mui is angry with Man San and goes to scold him. She also states that she is going to end the relationship with Man San. Shu Tang suspects Man San is involved in 'under the proceeds' with criminal gangs. She tells this to Man Hong and Hong feels very angrily. Shu Tang and Man Hong goes back to Wing Yip for further investigation. Man San reluntantly let them to stay there because he does not want it to be disclosed openly.

Cheung Chun losses a lot of money in the casino. He meets with Man San when he is leaving but Chun is later beaten by San. Shu Tang sees Chun's frustration and she tries to console him. However, Chun is not affected at all. Man San secretly uses the camera to record Man Hong's searching behaviour and discloses it openly. Man Hong is then humiliated and demoted by Man San……

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Episode 26

December 2, 199146m

Thinking that Cheung Chun may commit suicide has frightened Man San who therefore informs Moon chi. Moon Chi hears the news and then rushes to save Cheung Chun but is being injured in a traffic accident. At that particular moment, chun is trying to kill himself but is stopped by some workers around. Susequently, Chun discovers the severe injury of Moon Chi and sends her to hospital immediately.

Moon Chi' condition is terribly critical, making everyone very upset, in particular, Cheung Chun. He feels very regret about his previous behaviour. The passion of Moon Chi moves him deeply to such an extent that he decides to marry her right in the hospital with a wish to cheer her up. Shu Tang witnesses the scene which arouses her compassion but also makes her feeling lost. Wai Chu plays a visit to Suet Mui. This act has dissolved their hatred against each other throughout the past several decades……

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Episode 27

December 3, 199146m

The Police intends to sue Wai Chu for causing somebody grievous bodily harm. Wai Chu is really scared. Both Cheung Chun and Suet Mui beg Man San to cancel the case. Man San finally promises but requests Wai Chu to compensate the injuried staff with money. Wai Chu agrees to do so. Expectedly, this is simply a trick arranged by Man San and intended to deceive Wai Chu. This even makes Wai Chu be sued for interfering the execution of legal justice. Cheung Chun and the others gather the mentality of Man San and are greatly disappointed. Man Hong scolds San in the office but instead is being teased by San. Eventually, Wai chu is sent to imprisonment for 18 months.

Man San discovers that those evidences suggesting the minimal acts of Man San are kept in the safe. Hence, he tries to persuade Cheung Chun and Shu Tang to steal the information together. Both Chun and Ting disagree and ask him not to bear the risk……

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Episode 28

December 4, 199146m

Cheung Chun determines to contend for Wing Yip's controlling stake. Man San dares not to look down on Chun's determination and hence instructs his gang to spy upon Chun's movements. Chun requests Shu Tang to Japan for business together with him. Moon Chi wishes to accompany them but is rejected. Chun even keeps their itinerary secret. Chun reveals his real plan to Shu Tang when they arrive Japan and asks for her co-operation. Tang eventually agrees.

After their return to Hong Kong, they pretend to be in serious disagreement and Shu Tang resigns. This situation makes Moon Chi and the others very worry. Shu Tang intends to disclose the truth to Moon Chi but is stopped by Cheung Chun. Cheung Chun creates a false phenomenor leading Man San to believe that Chun obtains the financial support of a Japanese conglomerate. Chun declares to place a full offer to all Wing Yip's shareholders. Man San reacts to such a move by giving a counter offer……

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Episode 29

December 5, 199146m

Kin Yee and the others misunderstand Chun arid wrongly believe that Cheung Chun makes concession to his father. Shu Tang does not want Chur being misunderstood and begs him to disclose the truth. Chun refuses to do so. Cheung Chun goes to find Man San. They have a drink together and are deceiving each other. After Cheung Chun realizes a tremendous gair in the false takeover bid, he reveals the whole story to everyone who are so excited and plan to make a bid for Wing Yip shares again.

Chun learns that Man San has already utilised all the cash reserve and liquid assets in defending the takeover bid. Any further action against Man San would then simply defeat him completely. Chun therefore recommendeds San to leave Hong Kong avoiding police investigation. Sar is not willing to admit the failure and insists to fight. Accidentally, Moon Chi discovers the tape in which Chun expresses his passion towards Shu Tang before he commits suicide……

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Episode 30

Season Finale
December 6, 199149m

When Cheung Chun learns about the death of Wai Chu, he is very sad. Once again, he makes up his mind to continue the battle with Man San. Therefore, Chun reveals to the Shareholders about San's various disgraceful conducts as well as his involvement in dirty money laundry. Their uncertainties about San's misconducts are later on totally removed by the statement of major shareholder Mr. Tang. At the end, all the shareholders are convinced and vote against the resolution regarding the disposal of Wing Yip Building. Man San fails finally.

Cheung Chun takes over the ownership and management of Wing Yip once again. The police commences the investigation on Man San’s involvement in the dirty money laundry. Man San hates Cheung Chun very much and hits him very bad. Cheung Chun holds a celebration party during which Chun and Tang are the focus……

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