Episode 10 (1994)
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Translations 4
English (en-US) |
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Episode 10 |
Overview |
YIM regains her consciousness but her mind is still confused. FUNG questions he~ and she tells FUNG that she was hurt by CHIN. FUNG and YEUNG go to arrest CHIN. However they cannot keep him in the police station as they have insufficient evidence. CHIN is made angry and goes to threaten YIM. Thus when YEUNG wants YIM to give more information, YIM dares not to tell him. YIM cannot tolerate the stress and wants to kill herself. Though FUNG stops he~, she goes crazy and FUNG is sad to see this. As HUNG has no way to hide, she has to confront CHIN. CHIN ants to impress he~ with his affection. He states that they are determined to be a couple by Tate but this does not touch HUNG. she prefers to be alone to marrying him. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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第 10 集 |
Overview |
烈艳昏醒后,精神因受双重刺激而未能平复,烈风追问她受害真相,指出世秦所为。 烈风联合克洋,欲逮捕世秦,控以严重伤害他人身体之罪,可惜苦无证据,让世秦保释。 世秦心生不忿,到医院恐吓烈艳。当克洋再向烈艳索取线索时,她犹有余悸,不敢将内情透露。 烈艳不堪再受刺激,欲自杀了断,幸然烈风及时制止,见烈艳已至精神错乱,痛心不已。 荆红避无可避,结果被迫与世秦相认。世秦欲以柔情蜜意打动荆红,表示二人才是命中注定天生一对,但荆红对他全无爱意,宁千年孤独,将世秦断然拒绝。 |
Chinese (zh-HK) |
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第 10 集 |
Overview |
烈艷昏醒後,精神因受雙重刺激而未能平復,烈風追問她受害真相,指出世秦所為。 烈風聯合克洋,欲逮捕世秦,控以嚴重傷害他人身體之罪,可惜苦無証據,讓世秦保釋。 世秦心生不忿,到醫院恐嚇烈艷。當克洋再向烈艷索取線索時,她猶有餘悸,不敢將內情透露。 烈艷不堪再受刺激,欲自殺了斷,幸然烈風及時制止,見烈艷已至精神錯亂,痛心不已。 荊紅避無可避,結果被迫與世秦相認。世秦欲以柔情蜜意打動荊紅,表示二人才是命中注定天生一對,但荊紅對他全無愛意,寧千年孤獨,將世秦斷然拒絕。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
第 10 集 |
Overview |
烈艷昏醒後,精神因受雙重刺激而未能平復,烈風追問她受害真相,指出世秦所為。 烈風聯合克洋,欲逮捕世秦,控以嚴重傷害他人身體之罪,可惜苦無証據,讓世秦保釋。 世秦心生不忿,到醫院恐嚇烈艷。當克洋再向烈艷索取線索時,她猶有餘悸,不敢將內情透露。 烈艷不堪再受刺激,欲自殺了斷,幸然烈風及時制止,見烈艷已至精神錯亂,痛心不已。 荊紅避無可避,結果被迫與世秦相認。世秦欲以柔情蜜意打動荊紅,表示二人才是命中注定天生一對,但荊紅對他全無愛意,寧千年孤獨,將世秦斷然拒絕。 |