Episodes 15


Episode 1

October 5, 199246m

Ko Fung perf0rrns the Peking opera the last time in the playground. There have only few audiences. Lung Sam is the only one who appreciates his performance. Fung feels that Sam is the only who knows him well.

Tin Shan film production company commences an artistes training program. Lung Sam, Ko Fung, Tong James and Wu Mei Ching go to register one after the other. All of them are accepted except Cheung Ming Chu who cannot speak fluent Cantonese.

Chu and her Mum, Yuk Hing, come from Shanghai to Hong Kong. They plans to seek help from their relatives but in vain. They then have to live in a coarse flat temporarily. Moreover, Hing's saving are swindled by the fellow countryman, Ah Kwai. Therefore, the livelihood of Hing and Chu are more distressful.

Fung is the most diligent and studious one in the training class. Sam is so self-confident with his intelligent that he always shirks in training……

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Episode 2

October 6, 199246m

Sezto Kim allots the students to practice in a film production workshop as the temporary artists. James is full of confidence. However, he has "NG" for several times when it takes formally. He is then teased by the people.

Fung is assigned to perform with Sham Mon Tip. He admires her a lot. After shoting, Tip discovers tliat she has lost her expensive diamond ring. The staff suspect that it is done by the student. Sam is very dissatisfied. However, Chow Keung is very frightened. Tip is so shrewd that she devises to make Keung hand over the ring. Sam and the others admire her shrewdness Tip even

Decides to donate the ring for c ha rLt y purposes. She then could gain a good reputation.

Mei Ching observes that James has the intention to court Chu. Ching then joins with Sam to play tricks on James.

James knows that Tip and Lip Ka Bo are intimate friends from his Mum, Ah Ngan. He gossips this in the dormitory. Fung is very disappointed……

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Episode 3

October 7, 199246m

Sam is so naught that he has offended Kiang Tin. Fortunately, Sezto Kim asks Tin a favour for Sam. Sam could then stay in the training class.

The graduation Ceremony is coming very soon, Chu practices the dancing so hard that she turns her ankle. Chu thinks that she must be expelled, therefore, she leaves voluntarily. Sezto Kim teaches her a lesson.

Sam, Fung and Chu could sign the company contract of appointment for five years. James is not selected for appointment. He appeals to Sezto Kim and could then sign the contract of appointment for two years.

Fung and Sam tries their best to perform. Tip appreciates Sam's vigorous and valorous talent. Once, Fung is hurted by Fian Ge unintentionally. Sam rebukes Ge. Ge then hates Sam a lot.

Chu and some other girls are arranged to have dinner with some rich businessmen. Chu feels that she is treated with injustice. She dare to be angry, but not dare to show it in speech……

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Episode 4

October 8, 199246m

Sam worries for Fung when the former has known that the latter has to fight with a tiger in a movie. Sam even advises Fung to give up. However, Fung is determined to try for the sake of becoming famous.

Tip and Wan Hai are very outstanding during the new film production ceremony. Fung is neglected as he is only a new artiste. -Fung is more determined to climb the ladder in the movie world.

Tip discovers that the relation between Ka Bo and Mei Ching is very intimate. She then shows to the reporter that she and Bo are in good close intentionally. She aims to exaggerate her relationship with Bo so as to strike Ching.

The tiger is died on the way to Hong Kong. The director is then forced to amend the script and the proportion of Wan Hai in the

play has also increased. Fung feels very distasteful.

Bo discloses to the public that he has close contact with Ching. Tip is very angry. She deliberately approaches Fung for revenge……

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Episode 5

October 9, 199246m

Kiang Tin meets Fung in person: Tin praises and encourages Fung. Fung is then full of confidence in his future. Unexpectedly, Fian Ge and Tip are assigned to be the chief actors for the new movie "Sik Ting Shan plays three tricks on Fian Li Fa". Fung is very disappointed.

Tip and Ge contend ‧for being the focus and therefore confused the operational procedure. This gave Director Cheung a headache. The problems eventually solved by Kiang Tin who come before them to change their working attitude.

The relationship between Tip and Ge has further deteriorated. They tease each other. Tip even mocks at Ge who has been aban?doned by his wife, Ge is so angry that he ceases to shoot. Tin is dissatisfied with Ge_ and he decides to replace Ge with a new artiste.

Fung, Sam and James all got the -chance for a trial performance. All of them expect a lot. Fung, who has the experience to per?form on the stage with Tip, is full of confidence……

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Episode 6

October 12, 199246m

The performance for "Sik Ting Shan plays three tricks on Fian Li Fa" is extremely good. Sam immediately becomes the new idol. Kiang Tin immediately signs an eight-years contract with Sam and also provides him lodging. Sam is very happy.

? Chu is assigned to be the second protagonist in a new film. She is very excited. Mei Ching burns with wrath. Ching then seduces Bo. Bo promises Ching that he would assign her to be the protagonist in the new film. When Sam has known-that, he rebukes Mei Ching. Ching then teases Sam that he is intent to court Chu Sam.denies. Chu hears this and is very disappointed.

Sam and Tip again cooperates in another new film. Therefore, they have kept close contact with each other. Chu misunderstands that they are in love with each other. Chu then avoids to meet Sam. She even resorts James to hide her love for Sam. However, it makes James misunderstand that Chu is intent t6 ~ourt him……

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Episode 7

October 13, 199246m

Sam recommends James and the latter could then perform in the new movie with Sam and Tip. James is very excited. On another aspect, Fung is being sent to take the shooting at Kuala Lumpur. He has to follow the instruction though he feels very dissatisfied.

Tip always excuses to get close to Sam when they are shooting. Sam is considerate and attentive. Tip likes him more and more.

Once, Tip is injured when shooting. Sam saves her bravely. Tip loves Sam more. However, Sam regards Tip as his elder sister only.

Tip creates a chance to express her love on Sam. Sam avoids it on the plea. Later, Tip discovers that Sam and Chu are in love with each other, hatred arises on Chu.

Tip recommends Chu to be the second chief actor in a new film so as to draw near to Chu. Chu doesn't know Tip's real intention and feels grateful for Tip.

When Tip has witnessed that Sam and Chu is very intimate, she is very jealous and angry……

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Episode 8

October 14, 199246m

Tip claims that she would cease to shoot the new movie, She wants to threaten Sam. Unexpectedly, Sam is determined not to surrender. Tip is more angry.

Tip drowns care in wine. She also loses control after drunk. She informs Sam to come to see her immediately, otherwise, she will suicide. Sam then hurries to see Tip. However, Mei Ching has heard the news. She informs the reporters so as to disgrace Tip.

Tip frankly tells Sam that she does love him. Sam expresses that he loves Chu only. Tip is so angry that she cuts her vein. Sam immediately takes her to the hospital. Fortunately, her condi?tion is quite good. However, the case has been reported by the reporter and Tip’s reputation has greatly disgraced. Tip’s relation with the reporter has deteriorated. Kiang Tin then decides to send Tip to shoot the movie with Fung in Malaysia so as to avoid the disputes temporarily……

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Episode 9

October 15, 199246m

Sam has become very famous in the movie world. He shoots for several movies a day. He is welcomed and appreciated by the public. Fung and Tip hates him even more.

Ah Ho arranges Ah Bill to see Sam and Chu secretly. However, the neighbors discovers that Ah Bill is a leper and beats him. Sam helps him to escape.

Sam discovers that Ah Ho has met Bill secretly. He thinks that there is some subtle relation between them. He then asks Bill to cure his disease beforehand. Ho discloses to Sam that Bill is his blood and flesh father. - Sam is surprised and happy" - He decides to treat him well.

Ka Bo deducts the training students' salary and squeeze the money for himself. Sezto Kim discovers and puts forward himself to ask for what the students should have, However, he is beaten and dismissed by Ka Bo.

Sam complains before Tin. Tin handles the case in a perfunctory manner. Sam is very angry……

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Episode 10

October 16, 199246m

Sam procures money for the famine-strike people after the wind calamity~ Meanwhile, Bill is very ill and Sam has to perform. He has no other alternative and asks Fung to take care Bill. Fung thus knows Sam's personal history.

Fung feels that he is suppressed by Sam in every aspect. He is very angry and grieved. He drowns care in wine. He fights with other people after drinking. The case is reported in the newspaper grandly. Tin wants to punish Fung. Sam asks Tin a favour for Fung. However, Fung does not appreciate Sam's help and hates him even more.

Fung discloses to Tip that Sam's father is a leper. Tip thinks of a crafty device. She asks Fung to arrange Bill to present during the movie award presentation ceremony. She aims to strike Sam's reputation, Fung sets the plot. Sam recognizes Bill in public. He even expresses that he is willing to give up his career for Bill's sake……

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Episode 11

October 19, 199246m

Tip has suffered a great strike and her state of mind is very confused, she shuts herself up in her room. Fung consoles her. Tip forces Fung promising her to plot against Sam together.

Bo is attracted by Chu's beauty and courts her. He even wants to insult her. Sam discovers and beats Bo. Sam asks Chu to marry him so as to avoid troubles. Chu promises.

Fung is instructed by Tip to change a prop dagger with a real dagger. Sam's face is seriously injured when he is performing, He is then defaced. Chu consoles him. Sam expresses that he does not take it too serious on the surface. In fact, he is very sad and pain in heart.

Kiang Tin sees that Sam has lost his value. He immediately orders him to move out from the dormitory and pay back the debt. Sam, encourages by his friends, is determined to face the reality and works as a stuntman for a subsistence.

Tip persuades Sam to live overseas with her. Sam refuses her resolutely……

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Episode 12

October 20, 199246m

Yuk Hing persuades Chu give Sam more time to adapt the reality. Chu agrees. Once, Chu is hurted when she is shooting. Sam hears it and goes to visit Chu immediately. They express the real feeling to each other and eventually reconcile.

Chu proposes to Kiang Tin that she would like to cancel the contract so as to marry Sam. Tin deliberately puts Chu into difficulty and ask her to compensate him two hundre4 thousand. Chu has no other way out. Sam is determined to marry Chu.

Tip aims to separate Sam and Chu. She cooperates with Bo and sets a plot to rape Chu. Chu loses her virginity. She feels grief and pain. When Sam has known that, he beats Bo. Bo wants to charge Sam. Chu has no alternative and declasse that Bo has raped her. Bo is then being charged~

Tin‧ corrupts Sam and Chu with money. Sam refuses. He is determined to restrain Bo by law. Tip thinks a device to help Bo.

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Episode 13

October 21, 199246m

Tip teaches Bo to buy over Mei Ching, Ching then provides false information to prove Bo who has not presented in the criminal spot. The police believe Bo and cancel his charge. Sam hears it and rebukes Tip. Tip-is happy for the revenge.

On one hand, Chu has been incessantly questioned by the police. On the other hand, she has also been chased by the reporters. She is nearly broken down under the great pressure. Later, the police even suspect Sam and arrest him. They inquire Chu. Chu is eventually confused her mind under the pressure.

Yuk Hing sees that her daughter has suffered so much, she feels grief and pain, she then finds Bo for revenge. However, she is died accidentally in confusion. Sam feels extremely sad and paln.

Tin and his son goes to Ring's sacred rites. Sam and James send the two away, James claims that he has got the evidence to charge Bo. Tin immediately sends his subordinates to investi?gate……

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Episode 14

October 22, 199246m

Bo has mistakenly beat James to death. He then orders Fung to throw his corpse down from the cliff pretending that James had carelessly been fallen down after drunk, Though Fung feels very sorry, he has no other alternative and follows Bo's instruction.

Fung goes to Sam's house to search for the photo but in vain. Meanwhile, Sam has returned, Fung heaps up false excuse to conceal the truth.

Tin buys over the witness to provide false attestation. Those attestation has put Sam at disadvantage. Sam is then being charged of raping Chu. Sam feels very angry.

Sezto Kim has received the photo James had sent him before his death. He immediately gives it to Sam. Sam then suspects that Bo and Fung are involved in Jame's death. He is determined to investigate.

Sam questions Fung. Fung denies. Sam expressed that he has got the photo. Fung tells Bo at once. Bo is very nervous, Tip suggests to kidnap Chu so as to force Sam hand over them the photo

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Episode 15

Season Finale
October 23, 199246m

Bo engages a killer to kill Sam. Tip knows and is reluctant to see Sam died. She then informs Fung. Fung is in a dilemma of saving Sam or not.

When Fung meets Sam, Fung sees that Sam has not forgot their brother relation all along and feels very touched. Meanwhile, the killer has arrived. Fung is hurted by a rifle for saving Sam. Sam suppresses the killer and snatches the rifle. He then goes to find Bo for revenge. -

Sam burst in the old shooting spot. He aims at Bo. Bo kidnaps Chu and escapes. Sam devises Tin to kill Bo mistakenly.

Sam knows that Tip is the one who instigate everything. He then goes to Tip's house for revenge. Tip wants to die with Sam. Sam sees through her plot and let Tip die after swallowing the poison se prepared for herself.- Six years later, Fung has become an odd-job man in the shooting spot. Chu has not yet recovered and is still a dunce. Sam works as a stuntman to earn a living……

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