Episodes 20


Episode 1

August 18, 200345m

WU MAN SHUI, PEG is podgy and ugly. When she was younger, she met a boy who said to her: “A good heart is all that it takes to make you beautiful.” She found it very encouraging and still bears his words in mind. After graduation from university, PEG is offered a job by the Sky High Public Relations Ltd. In the street, PEG meets KWOR SIU CIT, LEONARDO who falls down in a faint. Immediately she gives him artificial respiration and saves his life. PEG’s supervisor AMANDA announces that Sky High has been taken over by Fok Enterprises and that a man called LEONARDO is assigned to take charge of the day-to-day management of the company. LEONARDO feels ashamed to have been saved by PEG by means of artificial respiration, and thus tries every possible way to drive her out of the company. Meanwhile, PEG discovers that her boyfriend WONG KWOK HO has an affair with YEUNG HOI MAI who is her friend and colleague……

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Episode 2

August 19, 200346m

The angel appears in the shape of a dog and stays at PEG’s home so that he can keep a close eye on her. PEG has successfully convinced Mr. FOK WING HANG, the Director of Fok Enterprises, to re-employ her. The gorgeous PEG returns to Sky High and all members of staff there are astonished to see her back. They believe she has a very close relationship with Mr. FOK and no longer look down upon her. Thinking that she has achieved a special status, even HO asks to get back with her. LEONARDO’s brother SIU LUNG works as a stunt man. He is a rough fellow and has a little misunderstanding with PEG’s sister SHEUNG. LEONARDO’s sister SIU KEI works at the TV station as a producer. She makes up a story and spreads slanderous rumors about the restaurant owned by YAN and CHING. The three of them have therefore become enemies. LEONARDO and his family move to the flat next to PEG’s. The two families that are on bad terms bicker constantly……

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Episode 3

August 20, 200346m

The angel urges PEG, who is in a bad mood, to accomplish her mission as soon as possible. The two of them immediately get into a terrible quarrel. PEG is so depressed and she feels ashamed of her background too. YAN and CHING explain that SHEUNG is actually the one who was adopted, and PEG soon feels a sense of relief. PEG is constantly thinking about how to get MAI and LEONARDO together. To accomplish her mission, she even considers murdering MAI’s fiance. But every time she attempts to commit evil deeds, she becomes ugly again. PEG and LEONARDO bicker a lot in the office and WILSON just tries to keep aloof from the conflict. PEG offers to assist in the liaison with Cheuk Enterprises which is a very prestigious client. During the meeting, PEG is utterly opposed to LEONARDO’s suggestions, which irks him beyond measure. LEONARDO can no longer put up with her and dismisses her in a rage……

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Episode 4

August 21, 200346m

The WUs and the KWORs are reconciled after the dinner, but PEG and LEONARDO still stay on bad terms with each other. TRAMY thinks highly of PEG and is confident in her ability. PEG takes her good relationship with TRAMY as a shield and can therefore make use of LEONARDO as much as possible – she asks LEONARDO to drive her and the angel to the film studio to look for clues. PEG and the angel have found FUNG but FUNG, who does not seem very friendly, drives them off. WILSON asks PEG out for a date, which gives her a great thrill. PEG asks the angel if WILSON is in love with her, but the angel warns her not to judge by appearances. LEONARDO happens to discover that WILSON spends most of his time on computer games and pays no attention to the business of the company. He means to speak ill of WILSON in front of HANG. LEONARDO and his colleagues are all busy arranging an event for the elderly……

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Episode 5

August 22, 200346m

CHING decides to give YAN a second chance because she does not want her family to break up. SHEUNG’s biological mother cannot afford the treatment, so PEG gives her some money. PEG really has a tough time with her family problems, and LEONARDO is happy to see her suffer. In fact, it is just part of his plot to take revenge on the WUs. LEONARDO’s grandfather SHUE YUNG and PEG’s grandfather TSU KAU were friends. Many years ago they bought a lottery ticket and won a prize. YUNG was so happy and excited that he had a heart attack and died, while KAU disappeared without a trace. HOI believes that KAU had gobbled up all the money won after YUNG died, and he swears to seek revenge on KAU’s descendants. AMANDA tells LEONARDO that she gets pregnant and she insists that he is the father of the baby. PEG discovers that TRAMY’s identity card number matches the one shown by the angel, and decides to get her and LEONARDO together……

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Episode 6

August 25, 200346m

SHEUNG is shocked yet sad to discover the truth of her background. PEG is surprised to find that the angel is poisoned. LEONARDO, who wants to please TRAMY, tries to dig up more information about her dream girl from PEG. PEG later mistakenly discloses that TRAMY has been in love with TUNG. TRAMY’s love story has been covered in local papers, and TUNG urges TRAMY to make a choice between love and family. It seems that the harder WILSON tries, the worse his performance becomes. He is therefore very depressed, and PEG, as a friend of his, gives him a few words of consolation. The angel comes round from the coma and tells PEG about the plot by the KWORs. LUNG explains the cause of the bitter feud between YUNG and KAU. PEG and her family are extremely angry with LEONARDO. They tell him off for being too cruel and nasty……

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Episode 7

August 26, 200346m

YUNG remembers he died of heart attack just after he had kept the lottery ticket in a secret place. In fact HOI has misunderstood KAU and he should not have taken revenge on the WUs. YUNG finds the lottery ticket and returns it to HOI. HOI knows that it is all his fault and he apologizes to the WUs straight away. LEONARDO, on the other hand, still sees the WUs as his greatest foes. LUNG is attracted to SHEUNG and begins to woo her. The pair soon fall in love. LEONARDO asks for PEG’s help in wooing TRAMY and he promises to help her capture WILSON’s heart. WILSON is not confident in his own ability. To show her unfailing support, PEG offers to work overtime with WILSON. WILSON, however, leaves the office suddenly without telling her why, which surprises PEG for a moment. TRAMY plans to reform Cheuk Enterprises, which is strongly opposed by her mother LEE HUNG PING……

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Episode 8

August 27, 200346m

TRAMY points out that LEONARDO is too wicked and cunning. She trusts him no more and forbids him to take part in the promotion project for Cheuk Enterprises. HOI blames himself for causing so much trouble and needs the whole family to make a formal apology to TRAMY. The next day, both KEI and HOI fall ill but LEONARDO still compels them to visit TRAMY. KEI and HOI are so sick that they fall down in a faint as soon as they see TRAMY. LEONARDO thinks SHEK is an obstacle to approaching TRAMY. To him, failing to win her heart means failing to take advantage of her. He is therefore very angry with SHEK and gives him a terrible dressing-down. Meanwhile, TRAMY passes by and overhears everything. YAN has won the first award in a cooking competition and plans to open a second restaurant. YAN later invites HOI to invest in his new restaurant. Now that HOI is reconciled with YAN, YUNG can put all his worries aside……

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Episode 9

August 28, 200346m

TRAMY believes that Cheuk Enterprises needs a beautiful model that can help promote its products. WILSON recommends MICHELLE to TRAMY but LEONARDO does not mention that he knows this girl. LEONARDO is very jealous of PEG who has built up a close relationship with TRAMY, and for this reason, he has been very rude to her. WILSON needs to report to HANG on the progress of a fireworks display. He fails to convey his idea and PEG gives him a hand, which impresses HANG very much. LEONARDO is very jealous. PEG meets MICHELLE at HOI’s home, and she comes to know that LEONARDO has been trying to conceal MICHELLE’s whereabouts. PEG brings MICHELLE back to Sky High. All the staff there see through LEONARDO’s plot and come to understand what kind of man he has been. HANG is not happy with LEONARDO at all. LEONARDO knows that he has no place in Sky High and decides to secretly set up a company of his own……

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Episode 10

August 29, 200346m

LEONARDO is arrested and he hates PEG more than ever. YEE plays the violin in front of WILSON trying to express her love for him, but is rejected. PEG is late for the fireworks display, leaving WILSON in a muddle. Knowing that WILSON is very worried about the event, MICHELLE takes him out of the place to get a break. On the seashore, under the starry sky, WILSON and MICHELLE start kissing. Meanwhile, PEG arrives and has seen everything. She is so heartbroken that she goes to confide in YUNG. Thinking that she will die very soon, PEG says it is time to break up with WILSON. YUNG is sad to see his grandson become a wicked villain, but PEG promises YUNG that she will try her best to change LEONARDO and will teach him right from wrong. WILSON dismisses PEG in the name of HANG. PEG thinks WILSON is totally useless and is very disappointed in him. PEG, who is in a bad mood, almost gets injured in a car accident……

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Episode 11

September 1, 200346m

A deep sense of guilt sweeps over HOI when he re-reads the composition that LEONARDO wrote when he was a little boy. He blames himself for having led his son astray. LEONARDO is on trial in a court. He reminds his family to speak well of him. HOI, however, does not follow his instructions. All those who have been bullied and humiliated by LEONARDO appear in court and testify against him. LEONARDO is subsequently sentenced to Community Service Order. HOI refuses to help LEONARDO set up a company of his own. Thinking that HOI no longer supports him, LEONARDO gets furious and leaves home in a rage. LEONARDO is shocked yet angry to discover that his assistant YAT SUN has betrayed him. PEG gives LEONARDO a few words of consolation but out of the blue, he slaps her hard across the face. Except for YAN himself, nobody knows how to make his most famous dish ‘Double Chickens’, which upsets him a bit……

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Episode 12

September 2, 200346m

LEONARDO is required to carry out unpaid work at a care home for the elderly, where he meets a wicked old man PAUL. LEONARDO and PAUL, who feel like old friends at their first encounter, share ideas about how to humiliate others. Believing that the so-called big project is just a trap set by AMANDA, LEONARDO rejects the offer. SUN takes over the project and mocks LEONARDO mercilessly. LEONARDO, who is going through a difficult time in his career, is put under tremendous stress and suffers serious hair loss. He goes to see different doctors hoping to get some useful advice to cope with the problem. HOI shows care and concern for LEONARDO but LEONARDO believes that HOI is just mocking him. YUNG asks PEG to help encourage LEONARDO. LEONARDO has misunderstood PEG and is going to give her a punch. YUNG tries to protect PEG and is hit by LEONARDO. He falls unconscious and soon dies, which leaves PEG heartbroken……

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Episode 13

September 3, 200346m

LEONARDO has spent all his money on trying to cope with his hair loss problem, but there does not seem to be any improvement at all. LEONARDO feels ashamed of himself and tries to avoid everyone he knows. Finally he has become homeless and has to sleep in the street. HOI blames himself for making LEONARDO suffer, and breaks down in tears before his son. LEONARDO feels the warmth of his father’s love and is deeply touched. PEG, who has done all that she can to encourage LEONARDO, persuades him to return to Sky High. Having found that WILSON is hopelessly trapped in a ‘love square’ with MICHELLE, YEE and PEG, LEONARDO suddenly gets an idea in his head. LEONARDO has a date with YEE, PEG, MICHELLE and WILSON on Valentine’s Day, during which he urges WILSON to choose among the three girls, thus placing WILSON in a very embarrassing situation. In fact it is all planned by LEONARDO. LEONARDO is longing to see PEG suffer……

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Episode 14

September 4, 200346m

WILSON explains to HANG that he is not going to marry YEE, which has thrown YEE into despair. HANG has gone bankrupt. HANG and WILSON have lost almost everything and now Sky High is the only asset held. With a desire to recover what is lost, WILSON vows to do his best to make the business succeed. Unfortunately HANG has some misunderstanding with TRAMY and her brother HO YIN, which means Sky High can no longer maintain a good relationship with Cheuk Enterprises. WILSON asks LEONARDO to be his mentor and invites him back to Sky High to take over the company. LEONARDO, nonetheless, turns him down. LEONARDO explains that he would never accede to WILSON’s request unless WILSON could accomplish the two impossibly difficult tasks set – to stand upside down and to stuff his fist inside his mouth. YAN decides to set up a second restaurant and HOI suggests renting the shop where YUNG’s restaurant was once located……

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Episode 15

September 5, 200346m

Bad luck seems to run with LEONARDO. Poor LEONARDO is not aware that everything is in fact planned by YEE. YEE asks LEONARDO to collaborate with her and he seems quite interested in the idea. HOI is glad to see that LEONARDO has changed substantially. YAN plans to produce canned chicken, and the KWORs and the WUs agree to work together on the project. LEONARDO asks PEG to come back to Sky High and she promises. LEONARDO gives WILSON some suggestions on how to handle the relationship with Cheuk Enterprises. WILSON has performed exceptionally well and TRAMY is so impressed by his wits. But as she finds out that WILSON is just following LEONARDO’s instructions, she gets so angry and refuses to work with him. LEONARDO tells TRAMY that her brother YIN is addicted to drugs. TRAMY does not believe his words and gives him a good telling-off……

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Episode 16

September 8, 200346m

LEONARDO is framed for assault. SUN and YEE point out that LEONARDO is just a wicked rascal that is not trustworthy. Although having been beaten up by the people around, LEONARDO is brave enough to admit that he was a wretch and to express his regret for what he did. Everybody there, including Mr. TING, is very much impressed by his courage. HANG believes that money does not mean the whole world and he vows not to let his staff get insulted any more. PEG and LEONARDO happen to meet the kidnap victim again. The kidnap victim is actually the son of the Director of Ding Fung, and with his help, LEONARDO has finally won the contract. A foreign film director is so impressed by MICHELLE’s talents and offers her a film contract. MICHELLE is leaving Hong Kong and making her way to stardom. PEG knows that MICHELLE still loves WILSON. YIN loses control of himself after taking drugs, and PEG and LEONARDO immediately send him to the hospital……

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Episode 17

September 9, 200346m

PEG and LEONARDO hurry to the swimming pool to save YEE. PEG slips over and falls into the water, and LEONARDO immediately jumps into the pool to rescue her. YEE shows regret for what she has done and sincerely apologizes to PEG and LEONARDO. LEONARDO publicly apologizes to PEG, making others believe that they have a very close relationship. LEONARDO has dinner with PEG, during which he has not expressed his love for her. PEG is therefore very disappointed. YEE has a sore on her neck and she asks LEONARDO to recommend a doctor. LEONARDO and YEE appear to be very close, which makes PEG suspect that they have an affair. This has obviously upset PEG. Among the stuff collected by LEONARDO, PEG finds a charitable lottery ticket that she purchased when she was a little girl. She is shocked to see that the number printed on the lottery ticket is exactly the same as that shown by the angel……

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Episode 18

September 10, 200345m

YUNG’s spirit has returned to see PEG. He explains that he has broken the rules by trying to keep PEG pretty and will surely be punished for that. According to YUNG, PEG will die very soon while his ghost will be killed and gone with the wind. PEG thinks it is not fair to her and sends a complaint to heaven. God points out that TRAMY and LEONARDO are meant to be together but he still gives her a chance to stay alive and pretty on condition that she marries LEONARDO within the next seven days. LEONARDO goes on a date with PEG, during which he happens to meet TRAMY. TRAMY has been suffering stress caused by her work and her love problems. She appears very distressed so LEONARDO tries to give her a few words of consolation. A strong earthquake has rocked the Province of Xinjiang and TRAMY is worried about TUNG’s safety. Knowing that she will die very soon, PEG finally plucks up the courage and expresses her love for LEONARDO……

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Episode 19

September 11, 200346m

LEONARDO has left without a trace. PEG is so worried about LEONARDO and searches around for him. PEG has finally found LEONARDO but his mental state is not very good. PEG makes a great effort to calm him down, and with the help of the magic match, she finally reveals the truth to him. LEONARDO can hardly believe what PEG has told him, such as how she met YUNG and how she has uncannily become beautiful. PEG should not have revealed all those secrets and has got punished for it – she has become ugly again. LEONARDO and PEG, who are in the marriage registration office waiting to file a Notice of Marriage, are suddenly told that TRAMY has tried to kill herself. LEONARDO suggests TRAMY should look on the bright side of life, and TRAMY, after a nice talk with him, calms down a bit……

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Episode 20

Season Finale
September 12, 200346m

PEG is so seriously injured that she falls into a coma. LEONARDO feels so guilty towards PEG and keeps praying for her. WILSON goes to visit PEG. He is suddenly possessed by PEG’s spirit while standing by her bed. PEG gets into WILSON’s body and goes to comfort LEONARDO. TRAMY is heartbroken to know that TUNG is dead. LEONARDO does his best to console her and she seems to get better. TUNG suddenly turns up, which shocks TRAMY beyond belief. AMANDA asks LEONARDO to take charge of a fund-raising project for the needy of Yunnan and he promises. PEG, who has possessed WILSON’s body, keeps encouraging LEONARDO. LEONARDO notices WILSON talks like PEG and he finds it very strange. LEONARDO plays basketball with WILSON but to his surprise, WILSON seems to have no clue at all about basketball. LEONARDO finally finds out that the WILSON standing next to him is actually PEG. He expresses how he misses her and leaps into her arms……

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