Translations 6
English (en-US) |
Name |
Su-chung offers her service to Lao-chiu |
Overview |
Kuo-chung tells Wen's father that Su-chung is killed by the bandits. Although Wen's father knows that it is false, he accepts the explanation. Su-chung is allowed to stay in the stockade. But disturbances are caused for the bandits are attracted to her.. She then decides to leave the stockade. On the way, she hurts herself. And when Ying finds that Dao-lin has said that Su-chung is dead., they pity her and let her stay. Chang Tai wants to act as a go-between for, Su-chung and Chang Lei, but hefails. Knowing that there are some important goods of the court, they goes to rob it successfully. But then, they discover that they are the armaments. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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素中投靠老九 |
Overview |
国中为向文父交代,讹称素中已遭山贼灭口,文父虽洞悉真相,但亦不想将事件扩大,遂不了了之。 花旦英带素中返回山寨,众人一番争辩下,决定收留素中。由于众山贼垂涎素中美色,弄至秩序大乱,老九因而怪责素中,素中不甘无端受屈,决离开山寨。 牛、磊送素中下山,素中不慎跌伤,磊、牛救她回山寨,时花旦英等亦查出道林等已宣称素中已死,素中变得无处容身,唯有留在山寨。 张带夫妇欲撮合张磊及素中,安排一幕英雄救美,谁知弄假成真,张磊受伤。 老九闻悉官府有重要货物运送,遂领众贼往截劫,成功而回,才发现货物乃是军火。 |
Chinese (zh-HK) |
Name |
素中投靠老九 |
Overview |
國中為向文父交代,訛稱素中已遭山賊滅口,文父雖洞悉真相,但亦不想將事件擴大,遂不了了之。 花旦英帶素中返回山寨,眾人一番爭辯下,決定收留素中。由於眾山賊垂涎素中美色,弄至秩序大亂,老九因而怪責素中,素中不甘無端受屈,決離開山寨。 牛、磊送素中下山,素中不慎跌傷,磊、牛救她回山寨,時花旦英等亦查出道林等已宣稱素中已死,素中變得無處容身,唯有留在山寨。 張帶夫婦欲撮合張磊及素中,安排一幕英雄救美,誰知弄假成真,張磊受傷。 老九聞悉官府有重要貨物運送,遂領眾賊往截劫,成功而回,才發現貨物乃是軍火。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
素中投靠老九 |
Overview |
國中為向文父交代,訛稱素中已遭山賊滅口,文父雖洞悉真相,但亦不想將事件擴大,遂不了了之。 花旦英帶素中返回山寨,眾人一番爭辯下,決定收留素中。由於眾山賊垂涎素中美色,弄至秩序大亂,老九因而怪責素中,素中不甘無端受屈,決離開山寨。 牛、磊送素中下山,素中不慎跌傷,磊、牛救她回山寨,時花旦英等亦查出道林等已宣稱素中已死,素中變得無處容身,唯有留在山寨。 張帶夫婦欲撮合張磊及素中,安排一幕英雄救美,誰知弄假成真,張磊受傷。 老九聞悉官府有重要貨物運送,遂領眾賊往截劫,成功而回,才發現貨物乃是軍火。 |
French (fr-FR) |
Name |
Épisode 8 |
Overview |
Thai (th-TH) |
Name |
Episode 8 |
Overview |