Niu assassinates the viceroy (1986)
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Translations 6
English (en-US) |
Name |
Niu assassinates the viceroy |
Overview |
Niu is saved to a hut. Seeing that Niu is safe, Su-chung is too happy. The two can get the reconciliation. Since the officers burn the mountain, Lao-chiu asks the brothers to leave. Then Lao-chiu, Chang Tai and his wife, Ying and Niu join the revolutionaries. Szu-chin wants to bomb the house of the viceroy. But since it will endanger Yi-wen, Su-chung objects. She wants to inform Yi-wen but is prevented by Niu. Ying and the others pretend to be actors and go in the house of the viceroy. At last, Yi-wen and his father. are killed in the explosion. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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阿牛行刺提督 |
Overview |
国中向中母及春梅追问阿牛下落,全无结果,大为愤怒。 阿牛被张磊等救至荒郊小屋,素中见阿牛逃出生天,激动不已,真情流露,二人和好。 官兵放火烧山,老九被迫解散山寨,着众山贼离去,自己则与张带夫妇及花旦英前往找阿牛,众人一起加入革命党。 思进策动炸提督府行动,素中担心会危及亦文之性命,加以反对不果,但已勾起阿牛之妒忌。素中欲赶往通知亦文,阿牛警告她要以大事为重,素中进退两难。 花旦英等人假扮戏班,混入提督府,素中欲引走亦文,却为国中发现,时阿牛已引爆炸药,亦文与父同被炸死。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
阿牛行刺提督 |
Overview |
國中向中母及春梅追問阿牛下落,全無結果,大為憤怒。 阿牛被張磊等救至荒郊小屋,素中見阿牛逃出生天,激動不已,真情流露,二人和好。 官兵放火燒山,老九被迫解散山寨,著眾山賊離去,自己則與張帶夫婦及花旦英前往找阿牛,眾人一起加入革命黨。 思進策動炸提督府行動,素中擔心會危及亦文之性命,加以反對不果,但已勾起阿牛之妒忌。素中欲趕往通知亦文,阿牛警告她要以大事為重,素中進退兩難。 花旦英等人假扮戲班,混入提督府,素中欲引走亦文,卻為國中發現,時阿牛已引爆炸藥,亦文與父同被炸死。 |
Chinese (zh-HK) |
Name |
阿牛行刺提督 |
Overview |
國中向中母及春梅追問阿牛下落,全無結果,大為憤怒。 阿牛被張磊等救至荒郊小屋,素中見阿牛逃出生天,激動不已,真情流露,二人和好。 官兵放火燒山,老九被迫解散山寨,著眾山賊離去,自己則與張帶夫婦及花旦英前往找阿牛,眾人一起加入革命黨。 思進策動炸提督府行動,素中擔心會危及亦文之性命,加以反對不果,但已勾起阿牛之妒忌。素中欲趕往通知亦文,阿牛警告她要以大事為重,素中進退兩難。 花旦英等人假扮戲班,混入提督府,素中欲引走亦文,卻為國中發現,時阿牛已引爆炸藥,亦文與父同被炸死。 |
French (fr-FR) |
Name |
Épisode 18 |
Overview |
Thai (th-TH) |
Name |
Episode 18 |
Overview |