Kuo-chung sentences Niu to death (1986)
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Translations 6
English (en-US) |
Name |
Kuo-chung sentences Niu to death |
Overview |
Su-chung.,brings Bao to see Yi-wen for Bao is ill. Out of jealousy, a quarrel starts again. Niu also agrees to transport the armaments for Szu-chin. He deceives Kuo-chung that some armaments are sent for the court so that Kuo-chung will allow them to transport the armaments into the city. Hong knows the plan from Chang Lei and so tells it to Kuo-chung who then prepares a trap for. them. He catches Niu and sentences him to death. On the day of execution, Chang Lei saves Niu with his Taoist Magic. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
Name |
国中判阿牛斩首 |
Overview |
小宝染病,素中带他往看亦文,阿牛因而醋意大起,与素中再起争执。 张磊找阿牛商量偷运军火,阿牛为向素中示威,加以答允。阿牛往找国中,谓有一批军火赠与官府,欲藉此瞒天过海运军火入城,国中答允。 阿红从张磊处探出运军火计划,立即通知国中,国中布下天罗地网,且擒阿牛,并下令将他斩首。 素中求国中放过阿牛,国中不肯,春梅闻悉阿牛被处斩,大惊晕倒。 阿牛行刑当日,张磊施法术于法场救走阿牛。 |
Chinese (zh-HK) |
Name |
國中判阿牛斬首 |
Overview |
小寶染病,素中帶他往看亦文,阿牛因而醋意大起,與素中再起爭執。 張磊找阿牛商量偷運軍火,阿牛為向素中示威,加以答允。阿牛往找國中,謂有一批軍火贈與官府,欲藉此瞞天過海運軍火入城,國中答允。 阿紅從張磊處探出運軍火計劃,立即通知國中,國中佈下天羅地網,且擒阿牛,並下令將他斬首。 素中求國中放過阿牛,國中不肯,春梅聞悉阿牛被處斬,大驚暈倒。 阿牛行刑當日,張磊施法術於法場救走阿牛。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
國中判阿牛斬首 |
Overview |
小寶染病,素中帶他往看亦文,阿牛因而醋意大起,與素中再起爭執。 張磊找阿牛商量偷運軍火,阿牛為向素中示威,加以答允。阿牛往找國中,謂有一批軍火贈與官府,欲藉此瞞天過海運軍火入城,國中答允。 阿紅從張磊處探出運軍火計劃,立即通知國中,國中佈下天羅地網,且擒阿牛,並下令將他斬首。 素中求國中放過阿牛,國中不肯,春梅聞悉阿牛被處斬,大驚暈倒。 阿牛行刑當日,張磊施法術於法場救走阿牛。 |
French (fr-FR) |
Name |
Épisode 17 |
Overview |
Thai (th-TH) |
Name |
Episode 17 |
Overview |