Episode 8 (1997)
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Translations 5
English (en-US) |
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Episode 8 |
Overview |
YIN tried to persuade the evil spirit of BO, who resided on VICTOR's body. VICTOR had gone completely wild. LEI took the chance to fight back and caught VICTOR with the others. The doctor said that VICTOR was mentally ill. On KIN's birthday, DIP showed up. She and GUEN tried to tease each other. KIN was very angry and left with YIN and talked. YIN saw an advertisement. SEE searched for WAI who were both killed in a car accident twenty years ago. YIN put another advertisement out and tried to make arrange a meeting with SEE. YEE went to Hong Kong Park, but YIN and LEI was in the Queen's Restaurant. They drove away but YEE suddenly ran out, she was hit and lost her consciousness. NAM tried to date MAN, but JING was telling things to MAN very uncomplimentary towards NAM. MAN believe in JING and stayed away from NAM. NAM was very angry with JING. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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轮回(二) |
Overview |
Joe来港欲带儿回去,儿不肯,利带儿回家,儿觉得浩就是伟,浩莫名其妙,儿伤心难过,浩不忍,对儿好言相向,昌见二人亲昵,心感不是滋味。锋又失恋,利同情关心,锋送花予利,利以为是贤所送,感失望。浩、儿四出游玩,与Joe发生争执,浩驾车与儿离去,汽车失灵,二人撞车昏倒。浩清醒后当自己是伟,与儿恍如隔世。 |
Chinese (zh-HK) |
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輪迴(二) |
Overview |
Joe來港欲帶兒回去,兒不肯,利帶兒回家,兒覺得浩就是偉,浩莫名其妙,兒傷心難過,浩不忍,對兒好言相向,昌見二人親暱,心感不是滋味。鋒又失戀,利同情關心,鋒送花予利,利以為是賢所送,感失望。浩、兒四出遊玩,與Joe發生爭執,浩駕車與兒離去,汽車失靈,二人撞車昏倒。浩清醒後當自己是偉,與兒恍如隔世。 |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
輪迴(二) |
Overview |
Joe來港欲帶兒回去,兒不肯,利帶兒回家,兒覺得浩就是偉,浩莫名其妙,兒傷心難過,浩不忍,對兒好言相向,昌見二人親暱,心感不是滋味。鋒又失戀,利同情關心,鋒送花予利,利以為是賢所送,感失望。浩、兒四出遊玩,與Joe發生爭執,浩駕車與兒離去,汽車失靈,二人撞車昏倒。浩清醒後當自己是偉,與兒恍如隔世。 |
Chinese (zh-SG) |
Name |
第 8 集 |
Overview |