Translations 2
English (en-US) |
Title |
Songs from Maidichong |
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Overview |
A group of Miao minority Christians live in Maidichong, a small village in a remote mountain area in Yunnan Province. Christianity was brought to them by an English missionary called Samuel Pollard in 1903. Pollard created the Miao script for these villagers and translated the Bible into their language. For years, singing hymns and the gospels have brought joy to these Miao, and carried them though hard time, including the Cultural Revolution. At that time, they were forced to renounce their faith for Communism. Memories of this period remain strong among the villagers, but today, the holy songs once again reverberate through Maidichong, as the villagers’ belief in divine grace never truly disappeared. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
Title |
麦地冲的歌声 |
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Overview |
在云南省中部层层叠叠的群山中,回响着天籁般的歌声,那是一百年前来自遥远欧洲的基督教圣歌。本片沿着这些优美的歌声走进神秘的苗族。走进他们接受基督信仰的历史。100年前,英国传教士伯格里来到云南苗族中间,那时的苗族生活极其贫困,环境肮脏没有卫生习惯。然而,伯格里在那里创造了苗文,并把信仰、教育和医疗带给了苗族。使苗族的生活彻底改变。但是信仰的路并不顺利,1958年之后,政府开始压制基督教,有的苗族的牧师和传道人被捕入狱,在文革期间还用酷刑杀死了牧师王志明等传教人,但苗族信众依然用生命坚守信仰。但改革开放之后,他们的信仰环境也发生了变化。本片也展现了一个物质社会给他们带来的忧虑。 |