Translations 5
English (en-US) |
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Helloween: United Alive in Madrid |
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The shows celebrated the greatest hits from three decades and offered a breakneck trip through time and the entire HELLOWEEN repertoire – including songs, the band hadn’t played live for a very long time, or even never before. The recordings took place during the band's Pumpkins United World Tour (2017–2018), with former members Michael Kiske and Kai Hansen joining Helloween's line-up. The main concert was recorded on 9 December 2017 in Madrid, Spain and the bonus tracks in Chile, Brazil, Czech Republic and Germany. Extra material includes a band interview, as well as LED content and animations shown during the shows. |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
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Helloween: 萬聖節樂團 / 團結重生 United Alive in Madrid |
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德國旋律/力量金屬樂團 Helloween (萬聖節樂團),在成軍超過35年的歲月當中,早已是歐陸樂壇的指標性人物,【Keeper Of The Seven Keys】之二部曲更是重金屬樂迷心目中的聖經級史詩鉅作。然而,隨著時光的流逝、眾多新生代樂團的激烈競爭之下,樂團也逐漸淡出舞台幕前,許多現在年輕的樂迷們,想必已不認識這個曾經叱吒一時的傳奇樂團。 為了不辜負樂迷的萬眾期待,Helloween重新集結歷年以來樂團的核心成員,包括三位王牌主唱Andi Deris、Michael Kiske、Kai Hansen、主吉他手Michael Weikath、貝斯手Markus Grosskopf、吉他手Sascha Gerstner、鼓手Daniel Löble等人,展開一共69場次的""大團結""世界巡迴。見證這一次光榮時刻的樂迷,包括了巴西聖保羅的八千名觀眾、西班牙馬德里體育館的一萬四千名觀眾、瓦肯露天音樂祭 (Wacken Open Air) 全場的七萬五千名觀眾,以及歐美等地的忠實樂迷義氣相挺。這一場【United Alive】現場作品,就是收錄Helloween樂團於西班牙馬德里的專場演出,重新回味 ""Dr. Stein""、""Are You Metal?""、""Eagle Fly Free""、""I Want Out"" 等超過三小時的經典曲目,絕對是讓老學校樂迷們痛哭流涕的熱血之作。 |
French (fr-FR) |
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En annonçant une tournée de reformation près de trente ans après le départ de Kai Hansen et plus de vingt ans après celui de Michal Kiske, Helloween a rendu tangible le fantasme de nombreux fans du groupe venus au nombre de 75.000 pour ce show mémorable. |
Korean (ko-KR) |
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Spanish; Castilian (es-ES) |
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1. Halloween 2. Dr. Stein 3. Estoy vivo 4. Si pudiera volar 5. ¿Eres de metal? 6. Subida y caída 7. Esperando el Trueno 8. Caballero perfecto 9. Kai Medley 10. Por siempre y uno 11. Un cuento que no estuvo bien 12. Puedo 103. Pumpkins United 14. Drumkins United 15. Livin 'Ain No Crimen / Poco tiempo 16. Por qué 17. Único sobreviviente 18. Poder 19. Cuántas lágrimas 20. Invitación / Águila vuela gratis 21. Guardián de las siete llaves 22. Mos-Kai-To 23. Mundo futuro 24. I Want Out Los shows se celebraron los grandes éxitos de tres décadas y ofrecieron un viaje vertiginoso a través del tiempo y todo el repertorio de HELLOWEEN, incluidas canciones, la banda no había tocado en vivo durante mucho tiempo, o incluso nunca antes. |