The Domicile (2017)
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Translations 3
English (en-US) |
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The Domicile |
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Overview |
Russel Brody, a one-time successful playwright, works diligently on a follow-up play that could land him back in the spotlight he so early craves. With a baby on the way, however, and a strained marriage, stress and frustration take center stage. When his wife accidentally stumbles down the stairs and dies from her injuries, Brody's mental state goes from bad to one of utter despair. In a bid to help his friend regain his sanity, Brody's co-writer David Stanley suggests he revisits Lucy, his former mistress. The ghost of Brody's dead wife awakens to the sordid details of his unfaithfulness, enraging her supernatural spirit to haunt him in every horrifying way imaginable. |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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紅極一時的作家羅素,終究面臨了文思枯竭的窘況,妻子精神異常的妹妹更讓他頭痛不已,而身懷六甲的妻子卻在這時失足跌落樓梯,帶著尚未出世的孩子香消玉殞;重重打擊之下,羅素的人生一片黑暗。他的多年老友大衛於是建議他去找曾經的出軌對象露西,希望重燃羅素對生命與創作的熱情──亡妻的魂魄卻因為得知這不堪的真相遺留人間,纏上了曾經深情相待的丈夫,甚至附身在露西身上,只為讓他付出代價…羅素能夠擺脫亡妻的陰魂不 |
German (de-DE) |
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Der erfolgreiche Schriftsteller Russel Brody (Steve Richard Harris) arbeitet an einem neuen Stück um an alte Erfolge anzuknüpfen. Als Brodys Frau (Katherine Flannery) und werdende Mutter die Treppe herunterstürzt und an ihren Verletzungen stirbt, verschlechtert sich sein Geisteszustand. Um Ablenkung zu bekommen, sucht er Kontakt zu seiner ehemaligen Affäre Lucy (Sara Malakul Lane). Doch dann erwacht der Geist von Brodys toter Frau, mit dem Ziel ihn für seine Untreue heimzusuchen. |