The Bicycle (1982)
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Translations 3
English (en-US) |
Title |
The Bicycle |
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Overview |
Susanne is a young single mother who lives a somewhat "carefree" lifestyle. After quitting her job, she finds herself in trouble financially and attempts a minor insurance fraud to make ends meet. Despite its rare view of everyday socialism from a woman's perspective, East German officials were critical of this frank portrayal of a less-than-ideal socialist citizen and turned down all invitations for the film to be screened abroad. |
German (de-DE) |
Title |
Das Fahrrad |
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Overview |
Susanne ist alleinerziehend. Weil ihre Arbeit in der Fabrik ihr nicht gefällt, kündigt sie und hat bald mit Geldsorgen zu kämpfen. Auf Anraten ihrer Freundin meldet sie ihr Fahrrad als gestohlen und kassiert die Versicherungssumme. Das Ganze fliegt auf. Sie lernt Thomas kennen, der ihr Arbeit in seinem Betrieb vermittelt und ihr mit dem Betrug helfen will. Doch Susanne will selbstbestimmt bleiben und hinterfragt die Beziehung. |
Korean (ko-KR) |
Title |
자전거 |
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Overview |
싱글 마더인 수잔네는 공장에서 단순 노동자로 일하며 딸 제니를 키우고 있다. 삶의 무게에 지친 그녀는 공장도 그만두고 더 나은 일자리를 찾아 나선다. 그러나 딸의 병원비조차 내기 힘들어지자 친구의 조언으로 보험료를 받기 위해 자전거를 잃어버린 척한다. 우연히 만난 토마스와의 관계도 진척되지만 결국 허위로 보험금을 받았음이 알려지게 되고 수잔네는 곤경에 처하게 된다. |