Translations 3
English (en-US) |
Title |
The secret of Santorini |
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Overview |
Nearly 3,600 years ago, the eastern Mediterranean was shaken by the eruption of the Santorini volcano, north of Crete, which destroyed several port cities and covered the entire region in a thick layer of ash. This cataclysm, long considered the trigger for the collapse of Minoan civilization, still raises many questions, which a vast international deep-sea drilling project is attempting to answer. Prepared over a period of six years, Expedition 398 brought together a team of scientists from eight countries aboard a research vessel equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Its aim: to take samples from the Santorini caldera in order to establish the age, history and dangerousness of the volcano. |
French (fr-FR) |
Title |
Les Mystères de Santorin |
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Overview |
Comptant parmi les plus vastes missions océanographiques jamais menées, l’expédition 398 part à la découverte du volcan de Santorin, dont la gigantesque éruption a ébranlé l’est de la Méditerranée il y a près de trois mille six cents ans. Ce cataclysme, longtemps considéré comme l’élément déclencheur de l’effondrement de la civilisation minoenne, soulève encore bien des interrogations, auxquelles tente de répondre un vaste projet international de forage en eaux profondes. |
German (de-DE) |
Title |
Das Geheimnis von Santorini |
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Overview |
Eine internationale Expedition erforscht den Inselvulkan Santorini erstmals unter Wasser. Ihr Forschungsschiff zieht kilometerlange Bohrkerne aus der Caldera, um die explosive Geschichte des Vulkans zu enthüllen. Wie alt ist der Vulkan, welche historischen Auswirkungen hatte er auf den Mittelmeerraum, und wie ist das heutige Risiko des schlummernden Giganten einzuschätzen? |