Shirome (2010)
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Translations 4
English (en-US) |
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Shirome |
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In his latest film, Shirome, Stardust Promotion's relatively new pop idol unit Momoiro Clover star as a group of girls who enter an old abandoned school hoping to have their wishes granted by a spirit called Shirome. The girls initially had no clue they were being filmed for a movie at all. Instead, they were told that they were being filmed for an upcoming television show exploring haunted locations. The result is a faux documentary style in the same vein as "The Blair Witch Project" and "Paranormal Activity". |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
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白目怪谈 |
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在都市传说中,“白目”引起许多的恐慌。据说只要诚心诚意向他许愿,就一定能够梦想成真。但是诚意不足或者以玩笑心态看待白目的话,便会被对方拉入地狱。这一天,某灵异节目摄制组找到正冉冉升起的偶像组合“桃色幸运草”,邀请她们参加寻访白目的节目。高城灵似、百田夏菜子、有安杏果、玉井诗织、佐佐木彩夏和早见明里这六个可爱女孩子被亲身经历的一连串恐怖体验吓坏了,可是有十分期待能如愿出席2010年的红白歌会,于是点头应允参加了这次的企划。 跟随摄制组的脚步,女孩们来到了传说有白目出没的废墟,她们的幸运能否继续下去? |
Japanese (ja-JP) |
Title |
シロメ |
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ももいろクローバーが映画初出演・初主演を果たしたフェイク・ドキュメンタリー・ホラー映画。謎の化け物シロメが棲むという都市伝説を持つ廃墟に、テレビ番組収録で訪れた女性アイドルユニット。彼女ら6人に次々と超常現象が襲い掛かる。 |
Russian (ru-RU) |
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Белые глаза |
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Overview |
Псевдодокументальный хоррор о призраке, исполняющем желания, который тянет людей в ад, если сочтет их желания плохими. |