A fantasy film series inspired by the German fairy tale "Snow White" compiled by the Brothers Grimm and also based on "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen. It follows the retelling of the tale of Snow White, Queen Ravenna & Eric, The Huntsman. The Ice Queen, Freya and Eric's love, Sara are introduced in the prequel/sequel.
- Number of Movies: 2
- Revenue: $561,589,338
Featured Cast
Featured Crew
After the Evil Queen marries the King, she performs a violent coup in which the King is murdered and his daughter, Snow White, is taken captive. Almost a decade later, a grown Snow White is still in the clutches of the Queen. In order to obtain immortality, The Evil Queen needs the heart of Snow White. After Snow escapes the castle, the Queen sends the Huntsman to find her in the Dark Forest.
As two evil sisters prepare to conquer the land, two renegades—Eric the Huntsman, who aided Snow White in defeating Ravenna in Snowwhite and the Huntsman, and his forbidden lover, Sara—set out to stop them.