A Walt Disney animated film series based on a real historic character, based on the known history and also the folklore and legend that surround the Native American woman Pocahontas, and features a fictionalized account of her encounter with Englishman John Smith and the settlers that arrived from the Virginia Company.
- Number of Movies: 2
- Revenue: $346,100,000
Featured Cast
Pocahontas (voice)
John Rolfe (voice)
John Smith (voice)
Powhatan / Kekata (singing voice) (uncredited), King James (voice)
Governor Ratcliffe (voice), Ratcliffe (voice)
Meeko (voice) (uncredited), Meeko (voice)
Grandmother Willow (voice)
Thomas (voice)
Pocahontas (singing voice) (uncredited), Pocahontas (singing voice)
Ben (voice)
Additional Voice Talents (voice)
Flit (voice), Flit (voice) (uncredited)
Mrs. Jenkins (voice)
Powhatan (voice)
Featured Crew
Pocahontas, daughter of a Native American tribe chief, falls in love with an English soldier as colonists invade 17th century Virginia.
When news of John Smith's death reaches America, Pocahontas is devastated. She sets off to London with John Rolfe, to meet with the King of England on a diplomatic mission: to create peace and respect between the two great lands. However, Governor Ratcliffe is still around; he wants to return to Jamestown and take over. He will stop at nothing to discredit the young princess.