Primary Facts

Name Edit

The primary stage name someone uses.

Many actors (and non-actors) use multiple stage names in their career. When a name change is linear, you should use the last name used by a living person. For example, Caitlyn Jenner, or Alexa PenaVega rather than Alexa Vega.

When a person uses many names simultaneously and alternatively, choosing a primary name is usually a judgment call based on a few factors:

  • Is there a name they are most often credited as?
  • Which name is used on their official website and social accounts?
  • Which name is used on their agent or union's website?
  • Which name are the other major websites are using?

For deceased folks, we usually use the name they are most often credited as. An exception can be made if they are best known by a different name.

Names do not need to be unique. Please refrain from using roman numbers e.g. John Doe (IV).

If the name in the URL does not match the name we currently use, please report the issue to the mods.

Transliteration of East Asian Names

The Eastern name order [family name] [given name] should be used when appropriate for transliterated Chinese and Korean names, as dictated by common practice, unless a country-specific exception (e.g. the Western name order is usually used when people of Chinese/Korean origin have Christian/English first names) or a case-by-case exception (i.e. the person is known to use a different order e.g. Ki Hong Lee) applies.

Chinese Example 1

王一博 → family name [王/Wang] Chinese given name [一博/Yibo] → Eastern order → Wang Yibo

Chinese Example 2

甄子丹 → family name [甄/Yen] English given name [Donnie] → Western order → Donnie Yen

The Western name order [given name][family name] is usually used for transliterated Japanese names. However, the Eastern name order is used for pre-Meiji historical figures (like in historical films).

Japanese Example 1

福田麻由子 → family name [福田/Fukuda] given name [麻由子/Mayuko] → Western order → Mayuko Fukuda

Hyphenated Korean names should be capitalized as one single name, without a capital letter after the hyphen e.g. Song Kang-ho.

Pinyin is typically used to Romanize Mandarin names from China. Each name is written without hyphens or spaces between characters (unless a case-by-case exception applies). For example, 范冰冰 → Fan Bingbing. Names with separate characters can be added as alternative names.

Biography Edit

Biographies should maintain a neutral point of view and not be promotional.

It's best to only stick to important facts and avoid any present and future time reference, including turn of phrase such as currently starring or will star.

No quotation marks around titles "Baby Driver" 'Baby Driver' or titles in all caps BABY DRIVER. Years in parenthesis Baby Driver (2017) are allowed but not preferred.

No links.

Countries and cities should be referred to by their names. Do not use here to refer to your own country, we have a vast userbase. ;)


Copy/paste from Wikipedia is allowed as long as a credit to the source is included and the text is properly edited (reference numbers [1] [2] [3] should be removed).

Unused middle names can be removed from the Wiki biographies, but info like birthdays, day of death, place of birth shouldn't be deleted from the biography (e.g. John Boyega (born 17 March 1992) is an English actor).

No copy/paste from IMDb or any other website protected by copyright laws.

Translated Name Edit

The translated name should be a valid transliteration of the person's stage name.

If the person's stage name in their native language is not easily readable in English or other languages, consider adding a translated name.

For example, 成龙 (zh-CN) is a valid translated name for Jackie Chan as he is credited as such in Chinese film and TV.

For feminine surnames transliterated into Slavic languages, we prefer not to use surname inflection (e.g. by adding "-ová" or "-a" after the masculine variant of the name). So, for example, the Japanese actress "原節子 (Setsuko Hara)" should not be transliterated as "Secuko Haraová" in Czech, but only as "Secuko Hara".

Known For Edit

The known for department field helps us build better "known for" credits.

For people who have an equal number of known for departments it can be hard to pick one department. This choice doesn't need to be over analyzed, its primary purpose is to build better credits. As long as we achieve that goal, the specific department doesn't matter so much.

Birthday Edit

We no longer support partial dates of birth or death.

When only the year is known (e.g. 1968), the date can be entered as 1968-01-01.

Place of Birth Edit

Preferred format is "City, State/Province/Prefecture/Territory, Country".

Example 1

Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa

Example 2

Liverpool, England, UK

Example 3

Paris, France

Example 4

New York City, New York, USA

The place of birth should reflect the names and political divisions used at the time of birth.

Example 5

Madras, Tamil Nadu, India [now Chennai]

Example 6

Breslau, Silesia, Prussia [now Wrocław, Lower Silesian, Poland]

If only the state or country of birth has officially changed since the person's birth, the current location should be included between square brackets after the place of birth: "City, State, Country [now New State, Country]", "City, State, Country [now New State, New Country]", or "City, State, Country [now New Country]".

The Place of Birth field is not yet translatable. Please use the English names.

Gender Edit

The gender someone identifies as rather than the gender they were assigned at birth (e.g. Jazz Jennings, Laura Jane Grace and Laverne Cox are female) or the gender they sometimes present as in front of the camera (e.g. actor Chris Lilley and the drag queen RuPaul are male).

Please file a content issue report when someone's gender field needs to be changed.

Homepage Edit

The homepage field should only be used for the person's official website.

Non-official websites such as fansites, databases, and social media websites are not allowed.

When a person does not have an official website, a link to their profile on their representation/management's website can be added. It can be helpful for data contributors to have a link to their (partial or full) CV.

The web address should start with http:// or https://

For international artists, please link to the English version of the website when possible.

For adult actors, no commercial links, which means any homepage with a members area.

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