Dick Conway — Writer

Episodes 70

Hooterville, You're All Heart

September 27, 196625m

Steve's plane is still sitting damaged where it crashed near the railroad tracks by the hotel. Henry Sharp, from the finance company, comes by because Steve has missed a payment. Steve has barely enough money to repair the plane let alone make his regular payments. Trying to get Sharp to give Steve some time fail. Steve decides to cut corners in repairing the plane. Kate, the girls and Uncle Joe try to help him raise some money, which ends up not being easy. Sunday at church, Reverend Jones enjoyed Steve's singing so much, he starts a contribution drive. They raise enough money to fix the plane and Steve decides to stay in the valley.

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The All-Night Party

October 11, 196625m

Since she is now in junior college, Bobbie Jo thinks she's all grown up. She decides to go to an all night party with her friends. Kate refuses to let her go to the all-nighter, despite Bobbie Jo telling her that all the other mothers are letting their daughters go. Kate learns that none of the mothers want their daughters to stay out all night. Kate says Bobbie Jo can stay out until 01:30 and the Cannonball will be ready to pick the girls up at that time. Bobbie Jo and all the other girls plan to stay out all night anyway. Bobbie Jo and the girls decide to go home, but Kate has a surprise waiting for her and the others on the Cannonball.

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Cannonball, Inc.

October 18, 196625m

Charley and Floyd derail the Cannonball going around Deadman's Curve. They believe the reason for the derailment was that Floyd had removed too many of the railroad ties to stoke the engine. Uncle Joe calls the C&FW Railroad, who agree to pay the necessary $300 insurance deductible for the repairs. Homer Bedloe shows up and finds out that a railroad employee's negligence caused the accident which in turns means the insurance company will not pay. Kate comes up with a plan where she gets some valley residents to put up the money and become stockholders of the train. But the Hooterville residents, taking over operation of the Cannonball, demand so many changes that the train's crew decides to quit. Kate finds a way for everyone to get their money back and to have Charlie and Floyd back at their jobs.

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The Almost Annual Charity Show

November 1, 196625m

It's almost time for the Almost Annual Charity Show, and everyone is looking forward to Steve and Billie Jo performing a duet together. Selma strong-arms Sam, the overseer of the show, into appointing her the show's committee chair, a job usually held by Kate. Selma wants a few changes to the performing roster, including Steve singing with Henrietta. A worse change is that Selma makes herself the headliner, she playing the part of a singing Cleopatra. When news spreads around the valley of Selma's starring role, ticket sales plummet. Kate sets up a money back guarantee scheme at least to get people to the auditorium. Selma gets a case of stage fright and the show goes on without her.

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The Runt Strikes Back

November 29, 196625m

There's a dance on Saturday. Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo will only accept a date from either Steve or Don, the new young doctor in the valley. Neither Steve or Don have asked anyone to the dance yet. Billie Jo believes she has the right of first choice being the oldest. Left out is Betty Jo, who feels she has the right to be included in the dating discussion. Not wanting to take it anymore, Betty Jo decides to strike out on her own by moving out and getting a job. Through a series of misunderstandings, Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo wind up going to the dance with Eb and Betty Jo shows up with Steve and Don. It's not long before the girls are paired off with the boys they should've been with all along.

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Is There a Doctor in the Valley?

December 13, 196625m

Young Doctor Craig announces that he's leaving the valley since there just isn't enough business for him and Doc Stuart. Kate thinks she's come up with a solution for him to stay. He should specialize in house calls for people who can't make it into the office. He enlists the help of Floyd and Charley, who wait for him as he makes his stops along the rail line. Homer Bedloe arrives to see what trouble he can stir up to shut down the Cannonball. Bedloe thinks he can use Doc Craig's new business as a reason to shut down the train, because it delays the schedule. Kate figures out what Bedloe is up to. But, she also figures out how to have the doctor treat his patients and still have the Cannonball arrive on time.

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The Rise and Fall of a Tycoon

January 3, 196725m

Homer Bedloe shows up unexpectedly. He's come to announce there will be a new general manager for the Cannonball, who will oversee the train's operations. That person is Uncle Joe. Uncle Joe begins to act like a tyrant in bossing around Charley and Floyd. Charley, Floyd and everyone in the valley are mad at Uncle Joe for his new operating rules. Charley and Floyd quit leaving Uncle Joe to operate the train on his own, which he doesn't know how do. That's exactly why Bedloe appointed Uncle Joe. Norman Curtis, President of the CF&W is arriving shortly to make an inspection. Kate gets Charley and Floyd to resume their jobs so that the train can look to be operating efficiently. They may have a problem in doing so after what Uncle Joe did to the train.

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His Highness the Dog

January 17, 196725m

A crew is filming a commercial at Lost Lake. The commercial stars Prince Hamlet of Kronenberg von Auschwile III, a rather large and imposing but valuable dog. Mr. Morton, the film crew director, needs Steve to fly him immediately to make a connection to a flight to New York. Hamlet can't risk the flight in Steve's plane, so he has to stay at the Shady Rest under the care of Uncle Joe. With all the special treatment Uncle Joe and the girls give Hamlet, Dog feels like the forgotten family member. So, Dog runs off. Uncle Joe makes Hamlet track Dog's scent, but Hamlet gets away. Everyone comes to realization who is really the valuable dog, when Dog finds Hamlet.

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Girls! Girls! Girls!

January 24, 196725m

Jealousy will permeate the Shady Rest Hotel. After he agrees to go to the turnabout dance with Bobbie Jo, Tommy Johnson has to back out due to another commitment. As Billie Jo and Steve recently had a fight and Billie Jo isn't speaking to him anymore, Bobbie Jo feels that Steve is fair game. Steve accepts Bobbie Jo's invitation. Tommy tells Bobbie Jo that he now can make it to the dance since the other commitment is no more. Since she already has a date with Steve, she now refuses Tommy. Feeling Tommy is now fair game, Betty Jo wants to ask him to the dance. Tommy says yes to Betty Jo's invitation. The problem with these pairings is that the girls are now jealous about each others boyfriends. Add to the mix Jerry Massett, a mechanic friend of Steve's from his air force days, who is visiting Hooterville. Jerry ends up asking a free Billie Jo to the dance, which makes Steve jealous. A storm helps the girls get together with their proper boyfriends.

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Temperance, Temperance

January 31, 196725m

Jeremiah Priddy, a temperance lecturer, is coming to the valley. Meanwhile, Betty Jo has a quiet little boy following her around, even back to the hotel. They learn his name is Clint and try to make sure he's OK until they find out who he belongs to. Eventually they find that his father is Mr. Priddy and that Clint has run away. It seems Mr. Priddy is less than a friendly or hospitable man. Mr. Priddy deals with his son much as he deals with anyone who drinks: unyielding. Kate has a change of heart about Mr. Priddy when she learns a little more about him. She uses this information to try and bring him and Clint closer together.

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A Star is Born

February 7, 196725m

The National Amateur Hour is screening for new talent, and are holding auditions through the valley's own radio Station K. The winning performer is to receive $200. Once Uncle Joe hears about the prize money, he thinks that Steve and Billie Jo should enter. Sydney Sparks, a talent agent who heard Steve and Billie Jo, wants to represent them if they win the contest. His plans are for them to go on the road as a nightclub act. The family has mixed emotions. They are happy for the potential new career, but sad to see Steve and Billie Jo possibly leave for good. Billie Jo wants to do it and sees no down side. Steve doesn't as he doesn't want to be continually on the road living out of a suitcase. Uncle Joe thinks he may have a way so that Steve and Billie Jo don't have to make the decision themselves.

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Hey, Look Me Over

February 28, 196725m

Steve has been spending a lot of time with Betty Jo. He's giving her flying lessons and she's his grease monkey in the airplane's repairs and maintenance. Billie Jo becomes jealous of her younger sister. Billie Jo tries to be more like Betty Jo and be a grease monkey for Steve. While Betty Jo tries to act more grown up in an effort to be seen in a more feminine light. Neither Billie Jo or Betty Jo achieve what they wanted. Betty Jo in particular feels let down as she wanted to feel like a threat to Billie Jo. After Steve's attempts to make it up to Betty Jo while letting her down easily fail, Betty Jo decides to take drastic measures to get what she wants.

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The Fishing Derby

March 14, 196725m

Business at the Shady Rest is worse than usual. Uncle Joe speaks to Sam about the Shady Rest and Drucker's Store jointly hosting a fishing derby on Lost Lake. Joe figures that they can advertise expensive prizes, such as a boat, outboard motor and fishing gear, and order the prizes on a 30-day layaway plan. Since Sam and Joe always catch the biggest fish on Lost Lake year after year, Joe figures one of the two of them will win the derby and they can return the prizes before the 30 days. In the meantime, the hotel will be filled up and Drucker's Store will be busy with new customers. Kate has no idea of the underlying scam when she agrees to the derby. The derby does bring in business to both the hotel and store. But it also brings in Rod Granger from the Riverside Chronicle, who seems able to out-fish Sam and Joe. Just when it looks as though Mr. Granger is going to win, Joe comes in with a bigger fish.

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Kate's Big Deal

March 21, 196725m

Without telling anyone in the valley the reason why, Kate takes a trip to the big city. When she returns she tells everyone that she decided to sell the hotel and she went to the city to finalize the terms of the deal with the buyer, Mr. Holloway, a chain hotelier. The money from the sale will provide any opportunity the girls want. The valley residents are sad to see Kate and the girls leave, but the girls are initially happy about the news. But the girls all come to the realization that they still like calling the Shady Rest home, especially after Steve announces that he's staying regardless. Kate comes to understand what life in Hooterville and at the Shady Rest really means to them all. But she feels that she made a verbal agreement with Mr. Holloway that she ethically cannot back out of. Uncle Joe tries to use a little emotional blackmail to convince Kate not to sign to final papers.

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Author! Author!

March 28, 196725m

Bobbie Jo is ecstatic that the poem she submitted to a magazine has been accepted for publication. Sam ends up devoting the entire front page of the World Guardian to Bobbie Jo. The notoriety changes Bobbie Jo. She also starts hanging out with Stanley Harper, a beatnik, pseudo-intellectual from the coffee house crowd. Kate learns from Steve that the coffee house she is hanging out in, in Springdale, isn't quite what Kate had first imagined. Kate goes to see if it is a place suitable for Bobbie Jo. Kate finds a way to show Bobbie Jo that being a beatnik does not always equate to true art and intellectualism.

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Steve's Ol' Buddy

April 4, 196725m

After Steve sends him several letters inviting him to Hooterville, his best friend Jeff Maxwell, an air force captain, finally decides to take Steve up on his offer. Steve told him about many of the great things in Hooterville like the fishing and the food. But Jeff is more interested in the Bradley sisters. After Jeff hits on Billie Jo, Steve tells him that Billie Jo is off limits since the two of them are going together. Jeff can't understand when after he hits on Bobbie Jo then Betty Jo, Steve tells him that both aren't his type. Steve gets Jeff a date with Henrietta Plout. The Bradley sisters decide to take matters into their own hands when it comes to Steve deciding with who they should or should not go out with.

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That Was the Night That Was

April 11, 196725m

Late one evening, Uncle Joe and Sam, following a lodge meeting, run across a mysterious fellow looking for lodging. He calls himself Dr. Isaac Newton and claims that he's a geophysicist. Because of his all-knowing behavior, and the mysterious occurrences that have happened that night, they start to believe he may be an alien from outer space. Floyd and Charley know that Dr. Newton is starting to make Kate nervous. Despite the secretive nature of their lodge, the men offer to hold their upcoming lodge meeting, where Uncle Joe is going through an important initiation process, at the hotel. They hope that this ensures that Kate and the girls feel safe from Dr. Newton. Goings-on during and after the initiation ceremony ultimately settle Kate's mind about Dr. Newton.

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The Eternal Rectangle

April 18, 196725m

An excited Billie Jo has a one week singing engagement in Omaha. The only problem is that it is one week away from Steve. So that he won't be lonely, Billie Jo asks her sisters to keep Steve company. Bobbie Jo and Betty Jo each ask him out on what they consider official dates. They each treat Steve like their own boyfriend, at the exclusion of their current beaus. Kate thinks she has the answer for a confused Steve, but that doesn't solve the problem about what she will tell Billie Jo when she comes back. When Billie Joe returns, she has some news for Kate that may solve the problem. Meanwhile, Uncle Joe is trying to install an electronic room service request system, much to Kate's chagrin.

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Kate's Cousin Mae

April 25, 196725m

Kate's southern belle of a cousin, Mae Belle Jennings, comes to Hooterville for an unexpected visit. Cousin Mae unintentionally causes problems between Floyd and Charley, who recently and happily celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary of working together. The problem is that both men want to court her. They both will do whatever they can do earn her favor, even if it means breaking up their professional partnership and their friendship. Seeing what is happening between Charley and Floyd, Kate thinks she has a plan to bring the two friends back together, but Kate's plan worsens the matter. After having a chat with Cousin Mae, Kate turns to Plan B. But that almost backfires as well.

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A House Divided

May 2, 196725m

Henry and Wilma Tuttle have decided to move into Hooterville Valley. With their arrival Hooterville is now eligible to have a representative on the County Board of Supervisors. Sam scoffs at Kate's suggestion for a good candidate for Supervisor because she picked a woman. This sets off a battle of the sexes for Hooterville's Board representative. The men decide to back Sam and the women decide to back Kate. With the valley equally divided based on gender, both sides feel the best way to win is gain the vote of those in the valley who have no previous allegiance, namely the Tuttles. The women try to convince Henry to vote for Kate, while the men try to convince Wilma to vote for Sam. Henry and Wilma decide to move away because of all the fighting.

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Go Away, Fat

Season Finale
May 9, 196725m

Kate's cousin Mae visits and tells everyone that with some backing from a wealthy banker, she plans on turning the Shady Rest into a health farm using a diet and exercise program called the "Mae Method Reducing Course". The only stipulation for the financing is that the banker's daughter, Agnes Bedford, has to lose fifteen pounds in two weeks using the method. However, Mae can't stay as she has to go back and deal with the banker, leaving Kate to work with Agnes. Uncle Joe is all for the idea until Kate tells him that he will be the male guinea pig of the Mae Method. Agnes, who loves her food, isn't the easiest person to convert to this new way of life. Kate, the girls and Uncle Joe's kindness towards Agnes doesn't help their cause. Mae returns with a new scheme for the hotel.

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One Dozen Roses

September 23, 196725m

Betty Jo has been receiving a large number of floral bouquets, all signed "From an Admirer". Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo believe that the sender is probably one of the many boys she met on her travels. However, Betty Jo's admirer eventually make himself known and it's Eb. He is neither who Betty Jo expected nor wanted and she has to try to let him down easy. Against Kate's wishes, Bobbie Jo suggests to Betty Jo that she get Steve to act as her boyfriend to scare away Eb. The only problem with that plan is that Steve actually has feelings for Betty Jo. Kate manages to convince Eb that things wouldn't work out with him and Betty Jo. Meanwhile, Uncle Joe is trying to set up a labor saving luggage pulley system between the Shady Rest stop and the hotel's front porch.

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While flying back from Springdale, Steve and Betty Jo are caught in an unexpected thunderstorm. Although there were some tense moments, Steve and Betty Jo make it down safely. The experience throws Steve and Betty Jo into each others' arms. Could it be that they are falling in love with each other. Betty Jo confides her feelings for Steve to her mother, who cautions her to take a wait and see approach. But Steve later confirms to Kate that he has feelings for Betty Jo as well. This could cause problems, especially with Billie Jo, who Steve has been going with for quite some time. Kate tells Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo, and surprisingly they are fine with it. Not wanting to hurt the family, Steve decides to leave. But fortunately something prevents him from doing so.

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Pop Goes the Question

October 7, 196725m

Uncle Joe tells Kate that he believes that Steve and Betty Jo will get married sooner rather than later. Steve implies to Kate that he does intend to marry Betty Jo. Kate doesn't know what to think as she still sees Betty Jo as her little girl. After a chat with Sam, Kate decides to give Steve her blessing to propose. Steve, who is pretty sure that Betty Jo will say yes, still has a small part of him that is afraid she'll say no. Steve may have to hurry because Uncle Joe learns what's going on and the news could soon be all over the valley. One thing or another keeps preventing Steve from asking the question. But just before the news breaks wide open, Steve asks Betty Jo and she says yes.

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A Cottage for Two

October 14, 196725m

Secluded in the woods, Betty Jo has found what she believes is the perfect house for herself and Steve for after their marriage. All Steve and Kate can see in the building is an old, dilapidated shack, and one that has no bathroom. As difficult as it is, Steve wants to be supportive of Betty Jo's dream. He makes an off the cuff comment about the up side of owning that house. That comment places a strain on Steve and Betty Jo's relationship and upcoming marriage. While Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo support their sister in the matter, Kate tries to talk some sense into Betty Jo. Kate then comes up with a way for Steve to let Betty Jo know how he feels about her.

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Mind If We Join Your Wedding

October 21, 196725m

Floyd is in love. He eventually confides in Kate about it, but doesn't mention who the girl is. Floyd tells Steve that he proposed and the girl accepted. He asks Steve for an unusual and huge favor. Floyd would like to have a double wedding and honeymoon. Uncle Joe, who once took a private investigator's course, believes he can uncover the identity of the mystery girl. But Kate knows a surefire way to find out and that's from Selma, the biggest gossip in town. Selma divulges that she is the mystery girl. When Selma tells Floyd that they will leave Hooterville and he will have to give up the Cannonball, Floyd calls the whole thing off.

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Meet the In-Laws

October 28, 196725m

Steve and Betty Jo's wedding is approaching fast. They are working hard trying to complete the renovations on their cottage by the time of the wedding. They get a letter from Steve's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Elliott, who have decided to stop by Hooterville on their way to a business meeting. Betty Jo is freaked out by the line in the letter: "We just want to meet your Betty Jo, have one of her delicious meals, and see your dream house." Steve stretched the truth about Betty Jo's cooking and the cottage when writing home to his parents. Kate is ordered bed-rest by Doc Stuart for what looks to be a 48-hour cold. Betty Jo is having a terrible time in the kitchen, until Mrs. Elliot helps out. The next day, they go to see the cottage. Sam and some other men from town surprise everyone by having finished the work on the cottage.

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Hawaii Calling

November 11, 196725m

Sam receives a cablegram for Kate from Betty Jo and Steve on the cruise ship as they're sailing to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Betty Jo and Steve will be telephoning at 4pm the following day from Hawaii. Kate and the family are excited about the news, with Kate and Sam doing whatever they can to make sure that the telephone call makes it through. As 4pm approaches, Kate, the girls and Uncle Joe are in their Sunday best in Sam's store waiting for the call. Unfortunately there are a few obstacles and the telephone call never comes through. Later that evening Kate calls the couple. Meanwhile, Betty Jo and Steve are getting used to the idea of being married.

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Kate's Birthday

November 18, 196725m

It's Kate's birthday. She is grateful for all the presents and the birthday good wishes, but she is hoping to receive something from Betty Jo and Steve who are still on their honeymoon in Hawaii. But the mail comes and goes with no gift from the honeymooners. Kate starts to believe the two have forgotten her birthday. Meanwhile, Betty Jo and Steve hope to fly home early and in time for Kate's birthday. Sam and Joe decide to go to the Pixley post office to see if anything for Kate is held up there. Because they tamper with the mail there, the two wind up in jail. Betty Jo misplaces Kate's present, and while looking for it, they miss their connecting flight. Thanks to an Air Force buddy, Betty Jo and Steve make it back in time.

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The Honeymoon is Over

November 25, 196725m

Steve and Betty Jo are back from their honeymoon and have settled into their cottage. Betty Jo and Steve are still in a honeymoon state of mind. Betty Jo wants to spend every moment of his free time with him. Billie Jo announces that she got a gig for the Bradley sisters to sing at a show on Saturday night. Betty Jo has to decide what to do, sing at the show or stay at home with Steve. Joe and Sam invite Steve to a boys' night out for Saturday. He really wants to go just to prove that he doesn't need Betty Jo's approval. Betty Jo has a plan that ensures she comes out on top.

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A Horse On You, Mr. Bedloe

December 2, 196725m

Kate receives a surprisingly sweet letter from Homer Bedloe saying he will be coming to the Shady Rest for a few days. Kate is suspicious. Upon his arrival, Bedloe is as sweet as his letter. He tells Kate that the reason for his visit is that a valuable race horse is being transported from Hooterville to Pixley on the Cannonball. He wants to be around to make sure all goes smoothly. Ray Rogers, the race horse owner, tells Kate that the horse is being transported to a county fair. But when Kate sees the broken down nag that they are calling a race horse, Kate knows that Bedloe and Rogers are working together. Kate figures out Bedloes and Rogers' scheme and also figures out a way to foil his plan.

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Kate's Day in Court

December 9, 196725m

Kate received a traffic ticket for jaywalking against a new traffic light in Pixley. She refuses to pay the $2 fine because the traffic light, which is supposed to be operating only peak hours, was in operation during a non-peak time when she crossed against the light. So she decides to take the case to court. Kate finds that most of the people in the valley believe she's in the wrong. Kate goes back to Pixley to try and find anyone who can verify that she was at the traffic light during an off peak time. Uncle Joe calls a surprise witness trying to help Kate, but it doesn't work out the way he hoped. Kate actually comes up with a way to prove her innocence

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Uncle Joe and the Master Plan

December 16, 196725m

Billie Jo and Uncle Joe have just arrived back from Omaha, where Billie Jo had a singing engagement. While there, Uncle Joe applied for the Shady Rest to be listed in the Master Plan hotel directory. Joe believes a guest named Gaylord Martindale s there to make a secret inspection for the directory. As such, Uncle Joe will do anything to please him, which is a tall order as he is perhaps the most demanding guest they have ever had. This service may be at the expense of their only other guest, the very accommodating Mrs. Pruit. In the end, Mrs. Pruit has a surprise for everyone.

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All Sales Final

December 30, 196725m

Betty Jo is writing checks faster than Steve is putting money into the account. They make a deal: Betty Jo will not spend any more money for a month. What Betty Jo didn't tell Steve is that she has already purchased an extremely long sofa for $100 from Agnew's Furniture Store. The problem is that the sofa doesn't fit in their tiny living room unless a wall gets knocked down, and the sofa was a no return sale. Kate talks profit hungry Mr. Agnew into taking the sofa back for $90. Steve would like to surprise Betty Jo with a piano and asks her if he could knock down a wall in the house. Thinking there will be room for the sofa, Betty Jo has Kate go and repurchase the sofa. Betty Jo finds out about the piano and once again Kate has to return the sofa for a loss. Steve finds out about the sofa and has Kate buy it again. Steve and Betty Jo decide to keep both items.

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The Power of the Press

January 6, 196825m

Bobbie Jo tells everyone that she and the man of her dreams, Jeff Powers, will be working on a newspaper together. The school professor is allowing students to put out an existing newspaper for a week as an assignment. Bobbie Jo is hoping Kate will ask Sam if she and Jeff can be the editors of the Hooterville World Guardian for the week. Sam is more than willing to hand over the reigns. Jeff has a hard hitting view of newspaper journalism and is not afraid to name names. Bobbie Jo may change her mind about the policy when one of the stories affects Uncle Joe negatively.

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Steve, the Apple Polisher

January 13, 196825m

J.P. Marshall, who recently bought much of the farm land in the valley, has checked into the hotel. Uncle Joe sees an opportunity to secure the crop dusting contract for his fields. Uncle Joe convinces Steve to do whatever Marshall wants to secure the contract. Steve agrees, as he doesn't think there will be any problems. Then he meets Marshall's daughter, Millicent, who has her sights set on Steve. Steve now also has to be nice to Millicent. Betty Jo doesn't like Millicent as the competition and leaves not-so-subtle reminders to Steve that he's married. Steve tells Mr. Marshall that he won't be an apple polisher even if it means losing the contract. Mr. Marshall tells Steve that is exactly the kind of man he wants and gives Steve the contract.

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The Barber Shop Quartet

January 20, 196825m

Uncle Joe's barbershop quartet have entered the Winter Festival competition. One member is singing a bunch of bad notes. They soon realize that the offending member is Joe. Joe decides to step aside if they can find somebody to replace him. They quickly find Grampa Jenson to fill Joe's place. This leads to the end of Joe's friendship with Sam. Selma, the head of the Winter Festival's judging committee, asks Joe to be on the panel of judges. Her request has an ulterior motive as Henrietta has entered the contest. Selma implies that she will give the Carson-Elliott Enterprises her crop dusting business if Joe votes for Henrietta. Something Sam does at the competition repairs his and Joe's friendship

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Higgins Come Home

January 27, 196825m

Everyone at the hotel is worried since Dog has been missing for most of the day. He actually ran off to Betty Jo and Steve's. When Betty Jo brings him back to the hotel, Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo are angry that Betty Jo didn't send him back sooner. Betty Jo doesn't like the notion that Dog doesn't equally belong to her. The sisters' feud doesn't stop Dog from going back to Betty Jo and Steve's. Things escalate when Steve sides with Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo, and Sam sides with Betty Jo. Steve thinks he has the answer when he gets Betty Jo a cute girl dog. But Dog winds up coming over to visit the new dog. The sisters continue feuding and Dog finds a way to get them to stop.

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Girl of Our Dreams

February 3, 196825m

Florabelle Campbell, the valley's beauty while Uncle Joe's was growing up, is coming to stay at the Hotel. News of her visit quickly spreads among her former suitors, including Uncle Joe, Sam and Ralph. They all believe that they can rekindle their romances with Florabelle. When Florabelle arrives, she doesn't remember either Joe or Sam. It takes Betty Jo to jog Florabelle's memory. They all then have a wonderful evening.

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Uncle Joe Runs the Hotel

February 10, 196825m

While Kate is away, Uncle Joe has been left to manage the hotel. Uncle Joe believes he needs to collect rent from their guests. Their only guest is 'Old Man' Bill Clayton, who Kate allowed to stay despite having no money. Uncle Joe decides to collect his rent or kick him out. Joe changes his mind, but Mr. Clayton sees the hotel bill in Joe's hand and decides to voluntarily leave. Thinking that he kicked Mr. Clayton out, the girls, Sam and Floyd treat Uncle Joe like a social outcast. Feeling bad, Uncle Joe decides to leave. Joe winds up staying in an old cabin with the very person he had leave the hotel. The girls and Steve find out where Uncle Joe's been hiding and get both him and Bill back.

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Billie Jo's First Record

February 17, 196825m

Billie Jo is thrilled that her first 45 has been produced. The record company has plans to market it heavily. Billie Jo is worried that she won't be exciting enough for press agent Ted Swift, or the record buying public. Swift is not impressed by life at the Shady Rest as a means to market Billie Jo. He decides to market Billie Jo as a glamorous and sophisticated pampered southern belle. Steve and Betty Jo hate the idea because that's not the real Billie Jo. Billie Jo eventually decides she doesn't like the idea either, even if it risks her recording career. Mr. Cameron, from the record company, stops by and says he wants to promote Billie Jo just as she is.

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Mae's Helping Hand

February 24, 196825m

Life at the Shady Rest is going well despite Kate's absence. The girls and Uncle Joe receive a letter from Cousin Mae who is planning on coming by to take charge. Cousin Mae's meddling quickly wreaks havoc for everyone. This includes the hotel's relationship with Drucker's Store, Steve and Betty Jo's remodeling plan for the cottage, Bobbie Jo's love life with Jeff and Billie Jo's singing career. Fortunately, sane and stable Aunt Helen arrives. As Helen too ends up a victim of Mae's meddling, she comes up with a plan to convince Mae that her time at the Shady Rest is at its end.

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Bad Day at Shady Rest

March 2, 196825m

Jeff Powers is looking for a big story in his final week working as a reporter for the Hooterville World Guardian. He misses what may be the biggest story to hit Hooterville when Sam and Joe are held up by an armed masked bandit at the store. Joe is certain that he could identify the bandit if he saw him again. What Uncle Joe and the rest of the family are unaware of is that newly checked-in hotel guest Mr. Lawson is the bandit. Joe bad mouths Pixley's Sheriff Crandall for not doing enough to stop the bandit. The bank in Pixley is next to be robbed. Sheriff Crandall decides to deputize Joe. Uncle Joe's newest labor saving device at the hotel, a rubber life raft and a hat pin may be just what he needs to catch the crook.

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Cannonball for Sale

March 9, 196825m

The Cannonball arrives at the Shady Rest with a "For Sale" sign and Homer Bedloe. The train will go to the highest bidder. One bid has already come in from a junk dealer who wants it for scrap. Bedloe also tells them that the sale is out of his hands because the C & FW Railroad has been sold to the H. Greene Company. The people of the valley decide to try and raise the money to outbid the junk dealer. They find out that bid is higher than what they can possibly raise. Uncle Joe and Sam decide to go to Chicago and meet with H. Greene. They discover that H. Greene is Henrietta Greene. Once Henrietta realizes how much the Cannonball means to the valley, she calls off the sale.

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My Pal Sam

March 16, 196825m

Sam has decided to remodel the general store. It will be closed for five days while he goes on vacation. Sam decides spend his time at the Shady Rest. Joe is excited to have all this time with his best friend. But what Joe doesn't account for is that Sam may have plans of his own. Sam ends up spending most of his time helping Helen around the hotel. When Sam finds out on day four why Joe has been in a bad mood, Sam tries to make it up to him all in one day, even if it kills both him and Joe.

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March 23, 196825m

Steve's is returning from a crop dusting convention and Betty Jo is celebrating with a large homecoming party. Everyone notices that Steve is not wearing his wedding ring. A suspicious Betty Jo later learns that Steve took it off to get it engraved, which Betty Jo had been wanting him to do for some time. They make a pact never to remove their wedding rings ever again. But when Betty Jo takes her ring off to show Bobbie Jo her engraving, she accidentally drops it down the kitchen sink drain. Betty Jo doesn't want Steve to find out. Uncle Joe tries to help, but that doesn't go well. Betty Jo then calls plumber Mr. Peck. But when she doesn't have the money to pay, Mr. Peck takes the ring until she can come up with the money. Uncle Joe comes up with a plan to get the ring back.

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Kate's Homecoming

Season Finale
March 30, 196825m

In this valentine to Kate Bradley the citizens of Hooterville pull out all the stops to welcome Kate home, including a parade with floats, songs and fireworks. But first, arguments begin about where her official welcoming celebration will take place and who will preside over such an event. Mayor Potts wants to preside over it at a downtown location. Sam wants to preside over it outside his store. Selma wants to preside over it in her garden. And Joe wants to preside over it at the Shady Rest. They all wait for Kate's three o'clock arrival in front of Sam's store. Then they read her message to Uncle Joe and realize that Joe didn't read the part that said she will be arriving in Pixley. Amid the chaotic festivities, Kate muses "There's no doubt about it, I'm home.

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The Singing Sweethearts

October 5, 196825m

Ted Swift, a booking agent, hears the Bradley Sisters singing on the radio. He wants to book them for the season opener of the Buddy Buster television program. After Sam shows him a photo of the girls, Ted signs a contract with Uncle Joe for the girls' appearance. What Uncle Joe forgets is that Betty Jo's pregnancy is not exactly television friendly. When Ted sees Betty Jo, he knows that he is in a bit of a bind with days until the show, and Uncle Joe can't renege on the contract as he has already spent the advance. At the performance, the girls use some creative moves to hide Betty Jo's condition, but things don't go as planned.

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Only a Husband

October 19, 196825m

Steve feels like he's playing second fiddle to his yet unborn child and that he is not needed. That feeling is fostered by Betty Jo focusing on issues around the baby instead of focusing on his needs. It doesn't help that others in the valley want to solely deal with Betty Jo in anything having to do with the baby. To get Steve out of feeling this way, Uncle Joe comes up with a plan for himself and Steve to "disappear". This is supposed to result in Betty Jo and the rest of the family being worried to death about where they are. But things don't go quite as planned.

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The Valley Has a Baby

October 26, 196825m

Betty Jo and Steve's baby is due anytime now. Steve thinks it's a good idea if they move back to the Shady Rest until the baby comes. Wendell has been on around the clock watch for the last week keeping the train engine stoked. But it's taking a toll on his body. Betty Jo is trying to hold off the baby's arrival as Billie Jo and Kate are out of town. When Betty Jo finally goes into labor, they can't wake Wendell up, so Betty Jo must work the Cannonball herself. Betty Jo has a baby girl and Billie Jo and Kate do make it back in time.

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Granny, the Baby Expert

November 2, 196825m

Betty Jo and the baby are coming home from the hospital. They'll be staying at the Shady Rest temporarily. Hearing that a doctor is coming from Beverly Hills, Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo are hoping that the doctor is a young, handsome, eligible bachelor. The doctor ends up being Granny, who is not what one would consider a traditional doctor. After losing her glasses, nearsighted Granny mistakes Dog for the baby. Granny prescribes a powerful homemade medicine to transform a dog-like baby into a baby-like baby. Steve gives the medicine to Dog. Granny gets her glasses back and when she is shown the baby, she believes she cured her.

Note: This episode concludes a crossover with The Beverly Hillbillies that began on "Granny Goes to Hooterville".

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November 9, 196825m

Gus Huffle, the owner of the Pixley Bijou movie theater, has decided to close due to lack of business. Sam says that a big part of the problem is that Richard Arlen and Charles 'Buddy' Rogers, who were supposed to come to the Bijou for the world premiere of their Academy Award-winning Wings (1927 film), decided instead to attend a premiere at the Roxy in New York City. Joe decides to write a nasty letter to Arlen and Rogers. After receiving the letter, Arlen and Rogers think that attending a world premiere of the movie at the Pixley Bijou - despite being forty years late - would be good publicity. When they arrive in Hooterville, the community pulls out all the stops, including a parade and musical performances.

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The Lady Doctor

November 16, 196825m

Doc Stuart surprises the people of the valley by announcing that he is going into semi-retirement. He will work part-time and is hiring a new associate. Doc Stuart is as surprised as anyone when Dr. Janet Craig arrives. Janet is as aware that it will be an uphill battle winning acceptance in this rural area. Indeed, those in the older generation are against a female doctor for several reasons. Joe comes up with a plan to get rid of Dr. Craig. But his plan isn't going to stop Janet from staying

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Joe continues his campaign to get Dr. Janet Craig to leave the valley. He concocts a plan with Sam and Wendell to give her the "old freeze". But Janet, who has every intention of staying, has ways of thawing the old freeze. Sam and Wendell quickly melt under Janet's charms. Joe, on the surface, is a slightly more difficult case. But Janet knows how to get to Joe and that way is through his stomach.

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The Strange Case of Joseph P. Carson

November 30, 196825m

Joe's campaign to get rid of Dr. Janet Craig continues when she opens her office just off the lobby of the Shady Rest. She and Doc Stuart are splitting up the patients in the valley based on location. This means that Joe will have to go to her if he gets sick. Uncle Joe fakes a strange illness, something that she can't diagnose, hoping no one will have any confidence in her. What Joe doesn't count on is that doctors talk to each other and Doc Stuart tells Janet that Joe is probably faking. But when Joe actually does gets sick, it's Dr. Craig to the rescue.

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Bye, Bye, Doctor

December 7, 196825m

Dennis Roberts, a friend of Janet's, arrives in the valley. Janet seems happy to see him, but is somewhat nervous about his visit. She knows he is there to ask her to marry him, and she is not sure how she'll answer him. If she says yes, it means she will be leaving the valley. No one wants to see Janet leave and they try to come up with a plan to make her stay. In the end, they decide to just tell her how they feel.

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First Night Out

December 14, 196825m

Steve wants to take Betty Jo out on the town, but Betty Jo doesn't want to leave the baby with sitters. Dr. Craig says that she, Uncle Joe and Bobbie Jo can look after Kathy Jo at the hotel. Betty Jo reluctantly agrees but all night all she can think of is Kathy Jo. Meanwhile back at the hotel, Bobbie Jo is the first to leave on a date she forgot about. Then Janet has to go on a medical emergency, leaving Uncle Joe alone to look after the baby. Trouble starts when a friendly poker game, Brisbane Snead, the editor of the Pixley newspaper, and the Pixley Sheriff are thrown into the mix. Janet finds a way to get Joe and the baby out of jail before Steve and Betty Jo get home.

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The Ballad of the Everyday Housewife

January 4, 196925m

Bobbie Jo is babysitting Kathy Jo while Betty Jo is out shopping. Bobbie Jo tells Steve that she believes he is ignoring Betty Jo. In an effort to make it up to her, Steve professes his love to Betty Jo. Betty Jo, who is busy with her chores, doesn't pay too much attention to Steve. When Betty Jo learns from Bobbie Jo why Steve said what he did, Betty Jo feels that she has to make it up to him. But now with Steve preoccupied, Betty Jo really does feel like she's being ignored when she tries to talk to him. In the end, both Steve and Betty Jo make a special effort to make up.

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The Christening

January 11, 196925m

Betty Jo has arranged with Reverend Barton to hold Kathy Jo's christening this Sunday. Janet reminds Betty Jo and Steve that it is customary to have godparents stand up during the christening. They have only a few days to decide on who Kathy Jo's godparents will be. They also know that whoever they don't choose will be hurt and offended. Uncle Joe, Sam, Bert Smedley, Wendell and even Doc Stuart all compete to be chosen godfather. Janet is honored that Betty Jo and Steve ask her to be godmother. Betty Jo asks Janet to decide who will be godfather. Janet then asks the Reverend's advice. He comes up with the only choice that makes sense.

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Billie Jo and the Big Big Star

January 18, 196925m

Billie Jo arrives back home from a gig in Omaha with her new boyfriend, comedian Rick Wayne. Rick doesn't make a very good first impression in Hooterville. Billie Jo thinks that a good way for the valley residents to get to know Rick better is for him to star in the Hooterville charity radio show. She wishes she could take back the invitation when she hears a part of Rick's routine for the show, which is a put-down of the valley and its residents. Billie Jo has to figure out how to get Rick to not do that routine. A little talk from Steve and everything turns out fine.

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Steve's New Job

January 25, 196925m

Steve receives a lucrative job offer from his old Air Force commanding officer to work in his new company. The job, however, is in New York. Steve has a hard time passing up the thought of the offer. Betty Jo tells Steve she'll go wherever he goes. But, without the other knowing, Steve and Betty Jo are both looking for an excuse not to go. Meanwhile, as Steve has no use for his plane in New York, Uncle Joe tries to find someone else to fly the plane. Something Uncle Joe does gives Steve the reason not to take the job.

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The Cannonball Bookmobile

February 1, 196925m

Janet's friend, Adelle Colby, arrives in the valley. Sam, Bert and Uncle Joe are each attracted to her. Adelle, a librarian, is in the valley to open up a new library. They have the books and the money, but now need a location. Janet suggests a mobile library in the form of the Cannonball. Sam, Bert and Uncle Joe do whatever they can to spend time aboard the mobile library to be with Adelle. This competition causes a rift between the three friends. But it's Wendell that has the upper hand in attracting Adelle's attention.

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A Man Called Cyrus Plout

February 8, 196925m

The valley folk are preparing for the annual Founder's Day celebrations. Janet's idea is to have a musical tribute from then to now. Billie Jo, Bobbie Jo and Betty Jo would be the featured performers. Selma, whose husband's great great uncle Cyrus Plout founded Hooterville, believes the girls' mini-skirt outfits are indecent. Uncle Joe actually agrees with her. Uncle Joe believes that since his lodge, the Royal Order of the Camels, is hosting this year's celebrations, he has final say. Janet thinks that the younger people should also have a say. Henrietta Plout unwittingly comes up with an issue that breaks the stalemate.

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Joe Saves the Post Office

February 15, 196925m

After Sam makes some renovations and introduces some streamlined processes to the post office, he learns from the government that they are planning on shutting down his postal substation. Uncle Joe springs into action to save the Hooterville post office from closure. The plan is to have all the valley residents mail themselves something, to show that there is a need and demand for that substation to stay open. Joe then tries to see his congressman in Washington DC with Janet and Bobbie Jo. While there Joe recites from memory the Gettysburg Address during a visit to the Lincoln Memorial, and they meet an off-camera President Richard Nixon where, as Joe later tells Sam, the president supposedly said "Joe, old buddy, call me Dick..." In the end, it turns out there was a mix-up and Hootervilles post office will stay open.

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I'm Allergic to Daddy

February 22, 196925m

Janet gives Kathy Jo a clean bill of health as the rash that she had has cleared. She figures Kathy Jo was allergic to something that isn't around anymore. But Kathy Jo's rash reappears when Steve returns from a week long business trip. Janet suggests Steve temporarily move out of the house to see if the rash clears while he's away. Then gossip spreads throughout the valley that Steve and Betty Jo have separated. Kathy Jo's rash clears up again. Steve is growing frustrated that he still can't go home. In the end, Janet figures out what is causing the rash and it isn't Steve.

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Uncle Joe Retires

March 1, 196925m

Uncle Joe announces his retirement. He learns that his big news has made him the laughing stock of the valley as everyone is saying he does nothing as it is. Feeling unappreciated, Uncle Joe decides to run away. When Janet finds out he's leaving, she tries to rally the residents of the valley to make Uncle Joe feel like he's wanted and needed. Joe sees through their plan and tries to get back at them. They then give Joe a retirement party. There he starts to feel needed and announces he won't retire.

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The Organ Fund

March 8, 196925m

Reverend Barton has hired Freddie Kirby, a professional fund-raiser, to raise money for their organ fund. The fund has $113 in it, and they need $2,000 for the new organ. The valley residents soon follow Freddie in whatever he suggests and they trust him with their money. But Freddie turns out to be a con artist. He plans to take off with the money while leaving the church with an inferior second hand organ worth $20. With everyone continually thanking Freddie for his noble work, will his conscience gets the better of him.

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The Great Race

March 15, 196925m

Hank Thackery is the owner of the Shady Rests rival hotel, the Pixley House. He plans to set up a jitney service between Pixley and Hooterville as an alternative to the Cannonball. He bets Joe that he can be faster from Pixley to Hooterville than the Cannonball. The loser to act as the bellboy at the other's hotel for a month. Part of Joe's problem in winning is getting Wendell into racing mentality. Hank also convinces the county commissioner that the Cannonball's fate should depend on the outcome of the race. The Cannonball wins with some unexpected help. Hal Smith appears as Jug Gunderson

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Tune in Next Year

March 22, 196925m

Janet returns from a business trip with some news. She has decided to work with the famous neurologist, Dr. Pope, which means that she will leave the valley for good. The news hits everyone pretty hard and they try to think of a way to make her stay. Hopefully Ted Thorsen, the forest ranger who has just injured his ankle, may provide a romantic reason for Janet to stay. Ted is definitely interested in Janet, but she is still going to leave. But Betty Jo and Steve come up with a reason for her to stay.

Note: This was meant to be the series finale. The episode ends with Betty Jo and Steve announcing that they're having another baby. At the last minute, CBS decided to renew the series for a seventh season because it would give the series five full seasons of color episodes for syndication. When the show returned for its seventh and final season, the storyline involving Betty Jo's pregnancy was dropped and never referred to again.

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By the Book

Season Finale
March 29, 196925m

Steve is going to submit a bit for a lucrative government contract. Meanwhile, Bobbie Jo tries to get Uncle Joe to start running as a form of exercise. Uncle Joe finds out that Steve is submitting the bid. Joe wonders why Steve didn't ask him for his advice on it. When Steve doesn't hear if he was awarded the contract or not, Joe rubs it into Steve that he should have talked to him first. Steve gets mad at Uncle Joe and dissolves their partnership. Steve finally hears that he was awarded the contract. He is willing to bury the hatchet, but Joe isn't. Steve hears from a government official named William R. Blake, an old Air Force nemesis of Steve's, that there's a problem with the contract. Blake finds an error in Steve's bid that would have cost him a lot of money.

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