Wan-Choi Wong as

Episodes 45

Episode 1

November 28, 198846m

In the nineteenth year of DAO GUAN, official LAM CHEK CHUI feels that opium is poisoning the country, and sets fire to 20,000 cartons of opium at Fu Man. Dishonest officials like KAY SIN and KAY YING collaborate with foreigners to smuggle opium, which leads to the decline of the country. Disgruntled by the restrictions on doing business in China, foreigners start the Opium War.

KAY YING insists on making peace; signs the Nanking Treaty with the British, and cedes Hong Kong to them. LAM is accused of being inefficient, and is banished to Yi Nai.

HUNG SUI CHUEN, of Guangdong origin, is from a farming family. He is eager to join the civil service. Although he fails many times, he still keeps on trying.

In order to pull together enough money for SUI CHUEN to take has civil examinations,

HUNG SUEN KIU is arranged to marry into a rich family.… ...

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Episode 2

November 29, 198845m

On the way to the court, SUI CHUEN is beaten up when he refuses to be extorted. A passerby, FUNG WAN SHAN pleads for him, but is beaten up as well. The two, however, are saved by the missionary, who preaches to them. Taught in Confucian and Meng Zhe traditions, the two are unmoved. The missionary leaves behind two copies of his books, but the two have no regard for it.

In the middle of the night, SUI CHUEN overhears TAI KONG and WAI CHING's plan to kill KAY YING. Fearing that he will spread the news, the Society keeps SUI CHUEN captive.

WAN SHAN finds that SUI CHUEN is missing, and while' inquiring, is trapped by WAI

CHING and kept together with SUI CHUEN. In a reception dinner for KAY YING, the

Society plans an assassination, but fails. TAI KONG is injured, but escapes successfully.

Pursued by soldiers, WAI CHING admits to her mother that she belongs to the Society.… ...

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Episode 3

November 30, 198844m

On the way, WAI CHING is captured by Ching offical CHIU ZONE NING. Despite being tortured, WAI CHING would not disclose the whereabouts of her accomplices.

WAI CHING's mother CHUI NGOR informs ZONE NING that WAI CHING is his daughter after their one-night affair. Surprised, ZONE NING plans to compensate them by helping them to settle down. Being anti-Ching, WAI CHING refuses to acknowledge ZONE NING as her father. CHUI NGOR therefore helps her to escape.

KAY YING orders ZONE NING to hand over WAI CHING. In order to protect his position, ZONE NING fabricates a lie that the assassin is killed when trying to escape, kills

CHUI NGOR and hands over her dead body. KAY YING believes him.

Worried about her mother, WAI CHING plans to visit her, but is stopped by SUI CHUEN.

WAI CHING reveals her troubles to SUI CHUEN.… ...

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Episode 4

December 1, 198845m

Back to the motel, WAI CHING discovers that her mother is killed. She is grievous, and decides to avenge on ZONE NING.

WAN SHAN and SUI CHUEN fail the examinations again. Nonetheless, SUI CHUEN decides to try again. At home, CHUEN's father is arranging SUEN KIU's marriage to CHAN KING CHO. SUEN KIU discovers that KING CHO 4 in love with an attendant, and arranges for them to elope.

Looked down upon by his family, SUI CHUEN is very upset, and becomes uncontrollable at the ancestor's shrine. At the same time, MASTER CHAN learns of the elopement, and thinks it is all a trick of the HUNG's. He demands the dowry back.

Feeling he has no decent place to go, SUI CHUEN plans to leave his hometown, but falls sick on the way. He meets WAN SHAN again, who takes him to the Society. Realizing the corruptness of the court, WAN SHAN decides to join the Society. SUI

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Episode 5

December 2, 198844m

After the signing of the Nanking Treaty, the opium ban is lifted. KAY PING openly tradesin opium, which arouses the opposition of the Society. Members decide to assassinate himand KAY SIN on their way south, but fail.

While on the sick bed, SUI CHUEN reads the Book, and falls into a coma for exhausting himself. In his dreams, hs is summoned by the Heavenly Father, and takes himself for the Son of God, with a mission to eradicate the evil. Thinking that he has over-stretched himself, WAN SHAN does not take it seriously.

On recovering, SUI CHUEN is persuaded to join the Society by TAI KONG to fight the

Ching. On the grounds that all races are equal, SUI CHUEN declhles.

CHEUNG CHIU suspects that WAN SHAN and SUI CHUEN are spying for the Ching, Disillusioned, WAN SHAN loses confidence in the Society, and leaves with SUI CHUEN.

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Episode 6

December 5, 198846m

SUI CHUEN turns into a religious fanatic, and plans to advocate his ideas. Since WAN

SHAN has different opinions, SUI CHUEN leaves him in order to preach on his own.

Pursued, WAN SHAN hides himself in a church, and is offered shelter by a priest. Moved, WAN SHAN decides to preach with SUI CHUEN. SUI CHUEN baptizes WAN SHAN.

Missing her mother and SUI CHUEN, WAI CHING feels miserable. TAI KONG advises her to channel her grief into doing something productive.

Trapped in a cave by Ching soldiers, members of the Society face food supply problems. Since many members are killed, they plan to move back to Taiwan in order to recuperate.

ZONE NING tracks them down and attacks them. TAI KONQ manages to break out of the sabotage, but WAI CHING is encircled, and faints. She is saved by two villagers.

When preaching, SUI CHUEN and WAN SHAN convert a temple into a church, and burn down the Buddas and offerings.… ...

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Episode 7

December 6, 198845m

WAI CHING finds out SUI CHUEN's whereabouts, and joins him. The latter is pleased.

In collaboration with the temple priest, CHUK SUN spreads superstitious ideas and plans to kill a sick girl. He embezzles the money villagers send in. SUI CHUEN saves the girl and eradicates superstitious ideas.

On seeing that SUI CHUEN claims to be the Son of God, the priest advises him to put more efforts into understanding the Bible. Disappointed, SUI CHUEN refuse.

On the birthday of a deity, CHUK SUN sends MON TAK YAN to rob the villagers on the excuse that they need to cast a gold statue. On the opening day, SUI CHUEN leads villagers to argue with CHUK SUN, and in the middle of great confusion topples the statue. They discover that the gold statue is actually made of mud, which reveals CHUK SUN's trick.

Having helped CHUK SUN, TAK YAN and son are forced to take the blame.… ...

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Episode 8

December 7, 198845m

Episode 8

CHUK SUN sets up a small fighting unit, led by SIU CHID KWAI, and plans to attack the Heavenly Father Society. CHUK SUN plans to punish an adulterer and an adulteress the traditional way. The two seek help from SUI CHUEN, who pleads for them. CHUK SUN refuses to listen, and orders CHIU KWAI to stop SUI CHUEN from interfering. WAN SHAN is injured, but SUEN KIU arrives in time to fight CHIU KWAI. She is defeated, but CHIU KWAI is taken by her good looks.

SUI CHUEN flees and takes refuge at a follower's. Feeling that his followers have increased and the need for establishing a society to fight the enemies, SUI CHUEN formally sets up the Heavenly Father Society.

CHIU KWAI is sent to capture SUI CHUEN, but bumps into SUEN KIU, who convinces shim to join the Society.… ...

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Episode 9

December 8, 198845m

CHIU KWAI discovers that CHUK SUN wants to eradicate his Society; and informs SUEN KIU, who mistakes him for betraying her. The misunderstanding is bleared subsequently when CHIU KWAI goes all out to defend her.

On learning that SUI CHUEN is besieged, SUI CHING saves then by setting up a trap to bury the Ching soldiers alive. CHIU KWAI returns to CHUK SUN's house as an undercover. Troubled by the misunderstanding, he gets drunk in the street, and is captured by TAK YAN. SUI CHING wants to kill CHIU KWAI, having taken him as a spy. SUEN KIU defends CHIU KWAI, but SUI CHING is still suspicious.

CHIU KWAI finds out that CHUK SUN is going to bait SUI CHUEN by executing his followers. He releases the captive, and kills CHUK SUN's son by accident.… ...

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Episode 10

December 9, 198845m

On learning that KAY YING is sending loads of opium to Quangdong, the Heaven and Earth Society sets fire to it. Infuriated, KAY YING sends ZONE NING to eradicate the Society.

Worried about TAI KONG, WAI CHING looks for him, and finally finds him. Having discovered that WAI CHING has turned to another religion, TAI KONG is furious, and forces her to go to Taiwan to continue fighting the Chings.

Realizing that WAI CHING is in love with SUI CHUEN, SUEN KLU arranges for their marriage. TAI KONG agrees reluctantly.

On their wedding night, official TANG organizes an attack, and as a result WAN SHAN is captured, and is tortured. WAN SHAN refuses to supply any intelligence. Saved by PANG CHOI, a mine worker, he gradually recovers. CHUK SUN plans -to kill WAN SHAN on the seventh day of his son's death; WAN SHAN sends PANG CHOI to seek help, and is finally saved by CHIU KWAI and others.

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Episode 11

December 12, 198845m

SUI CHING gradually develops a liking for SUEN KIU, who is only interested in CHIU KWAI. SUI CHING is jealous.

ZONE NING discovers that the Heaven and Earth Society and the Heavenly Father Society are accomplices, and decides to solicit TANG and CHUK SUN's support to eradicate them.

Harassed by Ching soldiers, SUI CHUEN decides to move to Guangxi with YAT KONG, and leaves TAK YAN and son to reorganize the followers in Guangdong.

SUI CHUEN takes refuge with WAI CHING's relative WAI CHEUNG FAI, who hides them in a warehouse.

On learning that ZONE NING puts out a reward for their arrest, CHEUNG FAI decides to turn them in, but his servant, by moving first, takes the reward, charges CHEUNG FAI as their accomplice, and turns him in to the officials.

Soldiers loot CHEUNG FAI's home when looking for the suspects, and force him to sell all his land and property.… ...

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Episode 12

December 13, 198845m

In order to escape from the officials, SUI CHUEN continues his way to Guangxi. Having no better alternative, CHEUNG FAI follows.

With a tight deadline for arresting SUI CHUEN, ZONE NING begin,; a series of execution to force SUI CHUEN to surface. SUI CHUEN is unmoved.

In order to please SUEN KIU, SUI CHING undertakes to assassinate ZONE NING alone, but is trapped instead. SUEN KIU and CHIU KWAI save him, but SUEN KIU falls over a cliff. Luckily, she is saved by the Heaven and Earth society.

SUI CHUEN plans a prison raid. Seeing how risky it is, WAI CHING decides to risk her life for SUEN KIU's freedom. ZONE NING ignores the father-daughter relationship, and plans to be commended by turning her in to the court. WAI CHING refuses to yield to torture.

ZONE NING announces that SUEN KIU and WAI CHING will be beheaded in Guangzhou.… ...

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Episode 13

December 14, 198844m

Despite the death of WAI CHING, SUI CHUEN keeps his feelings to himself, and urges his followers on.

In a dream, SUI CHUEN is hand-picked by the Heavenly Father to be the number one general, charged with eliminating evil forces. He therefore urges his followers to drive out the Manchu’s from China.

On his way to taking up a new post, ZONE NING is besieged and killed by SUI CHUEN and followers. On seeing that the Society has grown in strength and is marching on to

Guangxi, KAY PING sends Guangxi official CHENG CHO SUM to fight them. Unwilling to take up the responsibility, CHO SUM asks TSO CHUNG TONG to fake a report, saying that they have lost track the Society. Being an honest man, TSO tells the truth, which infuriates CHO SUM.

SUI CHUEN escapes to Kam Tin, and sets up base there to recruh followers.

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Episode 14

December 15, 198845m

SUI CHUEN meets SHEK TAK HOI, a gifted man with a wish to save the country, and invites him to join the Society. TAK HOI agrees. Being well versed in the art of SUEN

ZHE, TAK HOI asks SUI CHUEN to cast better weapons.

KAY PING forces CHO SUM to show results. Fearful of SUI CHUEN, CHO SUM sends his troops to attack Kam Tin, captures some old men and disguises them as SUI CHUEN's followers in order to appease the court. CHUNG TONG uncovers his trick, and is dismissed.

SUEN KIU meets SHUK KUEN, the daughter of LAI CHUNG, a weapon maker.… ...

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Episode 15

December 16, 198843m

TAK HOI saves LAI CHUNG and his daughter, which greatly moves LAI CHUNG. The latter agrees to join the Heaven and Earth Society.

CHO SUM orders KAI SUI to force the villagers to pay up. KAI SUI's men disguise as rebels, and set fire to CHO SUM's opium store. CHO SUM launches an attack on Kam Tin, but is killed by SUI CHUEN. SUI CHUEN discovers that it is all KAI SUI's trick. He captures KAI SUI, and lets the villagers take their money back.

KWOK CHUEN is pushed off a cliff during the fighting, and is seriously injured. SHUK

KUEN saves him, and helps him to escape.

Despite his concern for the country, DAO GUAN is sick and has to rely on dishonest, namely KAY SIN and YIK SHAN, who do nothing but aggravate the situation. Realizing that the rebellion in Guangxi is serious, DAO GUAN, replaces KAY YING with LAM CHEK CHUI.

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Episode 16

December 19, 198846m

On learning that LAM is taking over, SUI CHUEN actively strengthens army discipline, and collaborates with the Heaven and Earth Society. .

TAI KONG suggests making peace with CHEK CHUI. Everyone agrees except SUI CHING, who wants to demonstrate his power, and to become the leader of the Heavenly Father Society.

SUI CHING assassinates CHEK CHUI, who is seriously injured. TAK HOI and TAI KONG arrive in time to stop SUI CHING, and take CHEUK CHUI back with them. CHIU KWAI attends to CHEUK CHUI's wounds and tries to convince him into joining them. CHEK CHIU declines, and is imprisoned. TAI KONG sets him free in secret.

Disgruntled, SUI CHING pretends to be possessed by the Heavenly Father, and blames SUI CHUEN for setting CHEK CHUI free. The latter is convinced, but not SUEN KIU and TAK HOI. SUI CHING also forces TAI KONG to leave.

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Episode 17

December 20, 198845m

On the way to taking up the post, CHEK CHUI died. Filled with grief, Emperor DAO

GUAN falls sick.

Realizing that their father's sickness is due to his concern for national affairs, Prince YIK TAM and Prince YIK SIK recommend steps to settle internal strife first before turning to external threats, but fear the interference of YIK SHAN and KAY SIN.

At an invitational football match between the Hans and the Manchus, the Hans score first, which infuriates the Manchus to play rough. With the referee's ha lp, the Manchus win the match. YIK TAM intervenes and announces the Hans victorious. To appease the Manchus, YIK SIK announces that it is a draw. A rift between the brothers is fast becoming apparent.

YIK SHAN and KAY SIN try to appease YIK TAM in case the Emperor will pick the latter as the successor.… ...

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Episode 18

December 21, 198844m

Realizing that this is an opportunity, SUI CHING gives a sermon to win followers over, and plans to seize power from SUI CHUEN, The latter, encouraged by the Holy Father, is exuberant with confidence during the meeting, to the dismay of SUI CHING. SUI CHUEN gets married to SHUK KUEN, as the latter has taken good care of him.

Knowing that HONG WING has wiped out some of his followers, SUI CHUEN puts TAK HOI, WAN SHAN, and SUI CHING in charge of a battalion each, and sets down strict military codes for fighting the Manchus.

Unable to usurp SUI CHUEN's position, SUI CHING wants to entice CHID KWAI into his camp. The latter, however, remains loyal to SUI CHUEN, to the disappointment of SUI CHING.

TIN FONG and CHEUNG CHID break the military code by peeping at SO FUNG, and are severely punished. They decide to leave.

SUEN KIU decides to enlist women soldiers to strengthen her battalion, which turns out to be a great success.

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Episode 19

December 22, 198845m

TIN FONG and CHEUNG CHIU join HONG WING's camp, who uses them to attack Kam Tin village. However, HONG WING does not realize how strong his enemy is, and loses the battle.

SUI CHING ignores the advice of his peers by fighting HONG WING alone, and is exuberant when victorious.

Boosted by the victory, SUI CHUEN announces the establishment of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom which aims at the dethronement of the Manchus. He proclaims himself the

Heavenly King, while SUI CHING and CHIU KWAI become prominent generals.

Unable to stand the news, the Emperor dies, and gives the throne to YIK TAM, who changes the calendar to HAM FUNG.

On accession, HAM FUNG decides to use Hans to fight the uprising, but cannot find the right person. At the same time, TSANG KWOK FANG analyzes national affairs, which wins him the Emperor's admiration. The latter appoints KWOK FANG to fight the Taipings.

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Episode 20

December 23, 198843m

Realizing that SUI CHING is enlisting support for his camp, WAN SHAN advises SUI CHUEN to cut back his military power. SUI CHUEN declines, fearful that this will demoralize the army.

Knowing that the aim of the Taipings is to restore order in the court and the country,

KWOK CHUEN advises KWOK FANG to make SUI CHUEN surrender rather than exterminating him. KWOK FANG decides against it because of his allegiance to HAM FUNG.

The Taiping army launches a surprise attack on HONG WING when he is attacking Kam Tin village. HONG WING fails, and escapes.

Without consulting anyone; SUI CHING distributes grain to the .villagers, and enlists prisoners-of-war into his army in order to build his power and name.

TAK HOI advises SUI CHUEN to show off his authority during a sermon. SUI CHING is dissatisfied, and purposefully cuts grain supply.… ...

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Episode 21

December 26, 198843m

SUI CHING proposes to CHIU KWAI to combine their battalions together, which is turned down. SUI CHING attributes his failure to WAN SHAN, and plans to avenge when the opportunity arises.

SUI CHING asks CHIU KWAI to manage the warehouse, and distributes grain in the latter's name to create an illusion that CHIU KWAI has joined his camp. SUEN KIU is displeased, and gives CHIU KWAI a good scold.

WAN SHAN helps CHIU KWAI to clarify the misunderstanding, 'as a result SUEN KIU and CHIU KWAI become even closer. SUI CHUEN finally marries his sister off to CHIU KWAI.

Unable to win SUEN KIU, SUI CHING creates a scene on the wedding day, and humiliates SUI CHUEN.

KWOK FANG establishes a bureau to track down the Taiping followers. Those who do not heed his advice are beheaded. HONG WING sends his army to attack Wing On city; the Taipings defend the city vigorously, but have insufficient food supplies.… ...

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Episode 22

December 27, 198844m

On arrival, LAI CHUNG and daughter go inside the city walls to collect intelligence, but are uncovered and pursued by the enemy. Luckily, LEE SUI SHING saves them.

SUI SHING's father was summoned by the courts to manufacture. bullets and cannons. Having turned it down, Lee's father is put into prison without a formal charge, and died there. SUI SHING has therefore only hatred for the Ching, and agrees to join the Taiping after learning about LAI CHUNG's identity.

From SUI SHING, SUI CHUEN learns that the Ching soldiers lack military supplies, and stages a quick, successful attack. SUI SHING is decorated as a general by SUI CHUEN, but is enlisted by SUI CHING.

On learning that HONG WING's attempts fall through, HAM FLING asks KWOK FANG to assemble troops to fight the Taipings.… ...

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Episode 23

December 28, 198844m

CHUNG YUEN is decorated by HAM FUNG as a Guangxi official, and is responsible for wiping out the Taipings in collaboration with HONG WING. SUI CHUEN stays at Guilin, but sends WAN SHAN and TAK HOI north to solicit military assistance.

In order to get commendation prior to CHUNG YUEN's arrival; HONG WING stages an attack on the Taipings, but fails. Jealous of CHUNG YUEN and fearful that the latter will take over control of the army, HONG WING refuses to collaborate.

CHUEN YUEN convinces the two bandits YING and PANG to serve the court. They pretend to join the Taipings in order to get intelligence. SUI CHUEN welcomes them.

SUI CHUEN tests their sincerity by ordering an attack on the Chings. The two comply, but manage to pass on information to CHUNG YUEN about the Taipi.ngs. On their return, SUI CHUEN becomes more dependent on them.

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Episode 24

December 29, 198844m

SUI, CHINO sends his army to pursue the Chings, but is trapped by CHUNG YUEN, and loses the battle. YING and PANG also cause the Taipings substantial loss by setting fire to their grain.

SUI CHING is suspicious of YING and PANG, and sends CHEUNG FAI to test them. CHEUNG Fai finds out their true identities, but SUI CHING keeps the secret to himself, seeking an opportunity to make use of them.

KWOK CHUEN finds out that CHUNG YUEN has killed all the prisoners of war and intends to stage a massacre on entering Guilin. KWOK CHUEN is displeased.

WAN SHAN and LAI CHUNG meet KWOK CHUEN, who inform them of CHUNG YUEN's plan and advises them to flee as soon as possible. The two inform SUI CHUEN.

SUI CHING accuses KWOK CHUEN of tricking the Taipings to abandon the city, and recommends defending the city.… ...

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Episode 25

December 30, 198844m

CHUNG YUEN attacks WAN SHAN; outnumbered, WAN SHAN dies on the battleground. On learning WAN SHAN's death and the city's encirclement by CHUNG YUEN's troops, SUI CHUEN falls sick. SUEN KIU wants to fight, but is stopped by CHIU KWAI because she is pregnant.

Having taking care of his main opponent, SUI CHING shows his support for SUEN KIU, while at the same time looking for an opportunity to stage a take-over. He sends his men YAT KONG to enlist help to fight the Chings. In his dreams, SUI CHUEN learns that WAN SHAN is in heaven, and that he will join him when his earthly trials come to an end. Recovered, SUI CHUEN plans salvation. HAM FLING turns the army over to CHUNG YUEN from HONG WING, and asks KWOK 'FANG to send hii troops to help the latter.… ...

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Episode 26

January 2, 198943m

Blaming himself for the failure of the attack, CHIU KWAI Offers his position to SUI CHING, this pleases the latter. Having set back the Taipings several times, CHUNG YUEN is decorated by HAM FLING.

HAM FLING sends HONG WING to help, and with cannons, the two take over Chu Lam city. YAT KONG brings back TAK HOI on his mission. TAK HOI realizes that staying at Guilin means destruction for the Taipings, and recommends SUI CHUEN to move to Yick Yeung, and collaborate with TAK YAN and son there. When they are ready to leave, CHUNG YUEN arrives with his army. Amidst the fighting, SUEN KIU goes into labor, and CHIU KWAI is seriously wounded for defending her. .

LAI CHUNG volunteers to venture out of the city to find herbal medicine for CHIU KWAI, but is captured by Ching soldiers and sent to KWOK CHUEN. LAI CHUNG begs KWOK CHUEN to help the Taipings; KWOK CHUEN agrees, and pretends to be threatened by LAIC CHUNG.… ...

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Episode 27

January 3, 198944m

Grievous, SUEN KIU seeks to assassinate the enemy, but faints on top of a hill, which causes a miscarriage. In order to divert the attention of the enemy, TAK HOI asks SUI CHING and CHEUNG FAI to leave for Yick Yeung first, and SUEN KIU and SUI CHUEN to follow when she recovers.

On the way through Bak Shui town, TAK HOI meets HON PO PING, a singer in a restaurant, who is harassed by a womanizer. PO YING handles the womanizer with wit and skills, which wins TAK HOI's admiration.

Tracked down and pursued by KWOK FANG's follower CHUNG TONG, TAK HOI is saved by PO YING's uncle, who is subsequently killed by the Ching. TAK HOI takes care of PO PING by adopting her as his Goddaughter.

Pursued, TAK HOI and PO PING bump into CHAN YUK SHING, an orphan, who offers them shelter. TAK HOI declines.

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Episode 28

January 4, 198944m

On passing Hua Qiu town, SUI CHING and SUI SHING lodge at the Fu's, who are being extorted by bandits. SUI CHING defeats the bandits easily, and group them under the Taiping banner.

SIN CHEUNG, Fu's daughter, adores SUI CHING, but is advised by her father, who is good in reading faces, that SUI CHING will not have an easy death,' and that he is not a good match for her. SIN CHEUNG, however, disregards his advice.

Fu is kidnapped by the bandits for turning to outside help, but is saved by SUI GHING. SUI CHING becomes aware of SIN CHEUNG' feelings, and delays his departure in order for SIN CHEUNG to marry him.

SUI CHUEN and SUEN KIU spend all their money on the reads, and seek help from

MASTER SEE, who has very different political opinions, and they end up quarreling.

Feeling humiliated, SEE seeks help from local county officials, who pursue SUI CHUEN.… ...

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Episode 29

January 5, 198944m

Unable to withstand SUI CHING's charm, SIN CHEUNG finally falls for him, and agrees to marry him. SUI CHINE is happy to stay in the hill, and refuses to join SUI CHUEN.

Realizing the former's ambitions, SUI SHINE leaves the camp.

On the way to rejoining the Taipings, SUI SHINE discovers that YUK SHINE has torn down the warrant for the arrest of TAK HOI, and becomes suspicious of YUK SHINE. The two has a fight.

SUI SHINE finally meets with TAK HOI, but bumps into YUK 'SHINE again and the two has another fight.… ...

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Episode 30

January 6, 198944m

When SUI CHUEN and the others arrive at Yick Yeung to meet with the Taipings, they discover that HAM FLING has ordered the arrest of members of the Eighth Flags. Ching soldiers, however, loot along their ways, thus enabling the Taipings to recruit new followers.

SUI CHINE discovers that they lack food supplies. Some of his men start looting in Fa Kiu town, which greatly grieves SIN CHEUNG. SUI CHINE realizes the disadvantages of staying in the hills, and decides to rejoin SUI CHUEN.

Fearful that Ching soldiers will find out that his ancestors have worked for the Eighth Flags, MASTER CHEUNG orders LEE CHIU SHAO to destroy related documents. CHIU SHAO complies, but finds a map depicting the secret locations of foreign-made cannons.

The Ching soldiers arrive and kill the CHEUNGs. CHIU SHAO masquerades as a Ching soldier and escapes. He bumps into SUI CHINE, and joins his camp.

SUI CHINE follows the map, and finds the firearms.… ...

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Episode 31

January 9, 198944m

SUI CHING disobeys orders, and travels east to capture the city of Nanking. Worried that SUI CHING will lose, SUI CHUEN is forced to save him, but is nearly killed by an arrow. Finally, they defeat the Chings.

SUI CHUEN meets YAT KONG again, and they join forces to attack the city. Nanking falls, and becomes the capital of the Taipings. Seeing that KWOK FANG has not succeeded in exterminating the Taipings, YIK SHAN takes the opportunity to badmouth the former in front of HAM FLING. HAM FLING therefore orders KAY SIN and HONG WING to attack the Taipings. Fearful that he will lose the trust of HAM FLING, KWOK FANG orders his student LEE HUNG CHEUNG to meet with CHUNG YUEN and TSO CHUNG TONG to fight the Taipings.

When watching an opera, SUI CHUEN meets YIP LING, and is attracted by her beauty.… ...

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Episode 32

January 10, 198946m

The British and American convoys are after the selling of opium in the Taiping Kingdom. SUI CHUEN opposes it, which results in mutual antagonism.

In order to plant more supporters in the Kingdom, SUI CHINE suggests the convening of civil examinations for both men and women, but rigs the results so as to enable SIN CHEUNG to get the top marks.

PO YING is suspicious that someone has rigged the results, and complains to YUK SHINE. YUK SHINE interrogates SUI CHINE, which ends up infuriating him. YUK SHINE is imprisoned.

Fearful that YUK SHINE will be killed, PO YING asks SUI CHUEN for help. SUI CHUEN orders an investigation, but SUI CHINE destroys the evidence, and insists on the results. SUI CHUEN is furious.

YIP LINE and KWAI FOOK find themselves in the wake of an earthquake during an outing. YIP LINE protects KWAI FOOK, leaving him unhurt. SUI CHUEN and wife invite YIP LINE to stay with them.… ...

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Episode 33

January 11, 198945m

SHEK LAN refuses to make the sword for SUI CHING which he believes that only God can possess. SUI CHING is infuriated by the humiliation.

Disguised once again as God's embodiment, SUI CHING makes SUI CHUEN believe that SHEK LAN is a traitor and SUI CHUEN orders him to be executed. YUK SHING trusts SHEK LAN but is not able to convince SUI CHUEN.

Escaped from the Taipings with the help of YUK SHING and SUI SHING, SHEK LAN is pursued by Ching soldiers. Impressed by his integrity, KWOK FANG invites SHEK LAN to join his army. SHEK LAN is in despair but neither does he want to serve the Ching government, and he finally chooses suicide.

SUI CHUEN goes to the mountain alone for a period of meditation. YIP LING seeks the opportunity to get closer to SUI CHUEN but to no avail. She therefore contrives to create misunderstanding between SUI CHUEN and SHUK KUEN, and succeeds in kindling a likeness from SUI CHUEN.

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Episode 34

January 12, 198944m

KWOK FANG decides to send his army to fight against the Taipings KWOK CHUEN tries to persuade SHUK KUEN to leave and follow him as the Chings are approaching. SUI

CHUEN mistakenly thinks that the two have an affair and orders the imprisonment of

KWOK CHUEN. YIP LING releases KWOK CHUEN from the prison and makes SUI CHUEN to believe that it's SHUK KUEN's intrigue. SHUK KUEN is dismissed from the palace. YIP LING offers to take care of KWAI FOOK, and SUI CHUEN finally takes YIP LING as his wife.

After his escape, KWOK CHUEN dwells among the common people and finds that the

Taipings have been treating people badly. He decides to rush back and helps KWOK FANG to destroy SUI CHUEN.

KWOK FANG's soldiers are marching near Nanking on SUI CHUEN'S wedding day. SUI

CHING takes control and orders YAT KONG and SUI SHING to lead the army. Ching loses the war completely and CHUNG YUEN commits suicide.

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Episode 35

January 13, 198944m

KWOK FANG feels guilty about losing the war and decides to drown himself. KWOK

CHUEN is able to stop his suicide and convinces him to let his army rest for some time in Mo Cheung until they are ready to avenge. HUNG CHEUNG also trains his army and prepares to assist KWOK FANG in his comeback.

By pouring water over the city wall, KWOK FANG stops SUI SHING from blowing up the city walls, SUI SHING feels frustrated and PO YING tries to pacify him.

In order to win PO YING's heart, YUK SHING carries out a heroic mission by himself, He fails and returns wounded. He expresses his love for her but PO PING turns him down.

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Episode 36

January 16, 198944m

SUI CHUEN decides to publish a book to spread the truth of the Heavenly Father. Out of jealousy and in order to compete for popularity, SUI CHING also commissions a book. YIP LING learns of his intention and puts a stop to the printing. This is YIP LING's first step to get her involved in politics. However, YIP LING fails to earn herself the Queen's title inspite of her various intrigues and SHUK KUEN's dismissal from the palace.

Angry with YIP LING, SUI CHING pretends that he is sent b' YIP LING to kill SHUK KUEN and her father. He saves the father and daughter and at the same time sets fire to the place. He spreads rumor that YIP LING is responsible. As YIP LING has plans to kill them, she is overjoyed, thinking that her plan has been realized.

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Episode 37

January 17, 198943m

On seeing KWOK FANG's defeat in the war, the Ching court loses confidence in the Han people and dismisses KWOK FANG.

TAK HOI is surrounded by the Chings and is short of food supplies. He sends YUK SHING to ask SUI CHING to release provisions for his army but is rejected.

CHEUNG FAI requests a building for himself for all the things he has done for SUI SHING.

SUI SHING agrees though he becomes alert to CHEUNG FAI's ambition and greediness.

SUI CHUEN decides to name YIP LING the first lady on her birthday. SUI CHING arranges SHUK KUEN and her father to appear on that day and exposes YIP LING's schemes. However, YIP LING kills SHUK KUEN before she hat a chance to appear in the court.

YUK SHING seeks help from SUI CHUEN. YIP LING orders the release of provisions but is stopped by SUI CHING.… ...

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Episode 38

January 18, 198945m

Losing favor with SUI CHING, CHEUNG FAI tergiversates to YIP LING's camp. Resented, SUI CHING imprisons CHEUNG FAI who finally escapes.

The conflict between SUI CHING and YIP CHING is mounting. Each has his own power position and each uses every opportunity to attack the other. SUI CHING again pretends as the Heavenly Father and asks SUI CHUEN for more power. SUI CHUEN doesn't want his people to lose trust in the heavenly father and is unwilling to expose SUI CHING's intrigues.

YIP LING persuades SUI CHUEN to call up his generals and forces SUI CHING to surrender his authority. However, SUI CHING has already bribed the generals and keeps' SUI CHUEN and YIP LING under captivity.

CHEUNG FAI gets away to TAK HOI's camp and talks of SUI CHING's revolt. SUEN KIU and YUK SHING break away from the Chings and return to Nanking.… ...

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Episode 39

January 19, 198944m

SUI CHING ruins the celebration of the nationality day on which SUI CHUEN plans to spread the truth to his people. He humiliates SUI CHUEN in front of his people. Dessented, YUK SHING disguises as one of the common people and tries to kill SUI CHING. He fails and runs away with the help of SUEN KIU.

Suppressing her anger, SUEN KIU begs SUI CHING to send his army to help TAK HOI to break away from the Chings. SUI CHING declines and sends her to lead the army to the north instead.

SUI CHUEN designs a plan and asks SUEN KIU to pretend leading the army to the north while actually turning back to rescue TAK HOI. They then join forces and return to Nanking to tackle SUI CHING.

Fearful that his power will shrink with SUEN KIU's leaving; SUI CHUEN grants SUI CHING further decorations hoping that he'll be confused with all the power and wealth.… ...

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Episode 40

January 20, 198943m

SUI CHING also decorates his followers and orders a monument built to increase his credential and popularity.

HAM FLING falls sick as his government is under foreign attack as well as challenged by internal revolts. The queen seizes power when the British army charges into the capital. The palace is on fire and HAM FLING escapes. The Peking Treaty is signed and the Kowloon Peninsula comes under British colonial rule.

CHEUNG FAI follows SUEN KIU to Tin King and finds out that SO FLING is mulliated by SUI CHING. He is enraged and vows to avenge on SUI CHING.

SUI CHUEN pretends to invite YAT KONG to follow him. Y.AT KONG refuses but the setup succeeds to arouse SUI CHING's suspicion.

YAT KONG is not able to meet the deadline for the monument. SIN CHEUNG asks SUI CHING to give more time for YAT KONG. SUI CHING begins to suspect the two having an affair.… ...

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Episode 41

January 23, 198946m

Together with his followers, SUI CHUEN succeeds in killing SUT CHING. On hearing the news, SIN CHEUNG loses her mind and seeks to kill YIP LING. SUI CHUEN is able to stop the murder in time and puts SIN CHEUNG in jail. Intimidated and humiliated by YIP LING, SIN CHEUNG finally commits suicide in the prison.

CHEUNG FAT has been entrusted with more power. Afraid SUI CHING's followers will stage a comeback, he orders mass killing and begins to build up his own camp.

YIP LING conspires with CHIU SHAO and poisons SUI CHUEN with a kind of drug which saps his energy gradually. Due to his poor health, SUI CHUEN neglects his work and YIP LING is able to seize power.

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Episode 42

January 24, 198946m

On his death bed, HAM FUNG names the eldest brother TAI SHUN to succeed him. He also picks the incumbents for assisting the court. The queen takes over .after HAM FUNG is dead. She orders KWOK FANG to attack the Heavenly Kingdom immediately.

CHEUNG FAT conspires with YIP LING while SUI CHUEN is confined to his sick bed.

They manipulate their positions and rule the people harshly.

TAK HOT tries to let SUI CHUEN know about CHEUNG FAI's misdeed before it's too late but is stopped by YIP LING. YIP LING persuades SUI CHUEN to cut back TAK HOI's authority.

SUEN KIU tries to kill CHEUNG FAT on her own but fails. She follows TAK HOT and they flee to Szechuen.

YIP LING agrees to give CHEUNG FAT the highest army position, while secretly sending CHIU SHAG to murder CHEUNG FAT and his wife.

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Episode 43

January 25, 198946m

On learning from a lady attendant that SUEN KIU and TAK HOI have left, SUI CHUEN questions YIP LING, who makes up an excuse. YIP LING introduces changes to the commendation system, and encounters opposition from some officials. She subsequently removes them.

SUI-CHUEN gets suspicious of the fact that YIP LING has replaced some lady attendants, and stops taking the drug. He recovers his senses. His trip to the city makes him realize how YIP LING has made his people suffer; at the same time, he discovers that YIP LING is having an affair with CHIU SHAO.

Disgruntled with life in the Heavenly Kingdom, people march to the palace to petition. YIP LING tries to put the blame on SUI CHUEN, who, however, convinces them of his benevolence.

With the impending arrival of KWOK FANG, SUI SHINQ and YUK SHING ask SUI CHUEN for help. In order to kill them, YIP LING forges an order to attack. Realizing what she is up to, SUI CHUEN stops her.

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Episode 44

January 26, 198946m

Kept under the eyes of YIP LING, SUI CHUEN pretends to-be seriously ill, and sends for KWAI FOOK, who is instructed to send a secret message to SUI SHING for the toppling of YIP LING.

On learning that CHIU SHAO is killed by SUI SHING, YIP LING charges SUI SHING of treason. SUI CHUEN exposes her conspiracy, and kills her.

KWOK FANG sends Xiang and Hui soldiers to attack An Wag. The morale of the Taipings, however, is boosted by SUI CHUEN's comeback. KWCK FANG sends MIU PUI

LAM, a former Taiping, to collect information.

When attacking Chengdu, SUEN KIU and TAK HOI receive news that the capital needs help, and commence on a return trip. On the way, they get into a .quarrel with the Mius, and, are trapped there.

HUNG CHEUNG attacks SUEN KIU. A massive battlefront emerges; finally SUEN KIU and TAK HOI die on the battlefront.

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Episode 45

Season Finale
January 27, 198945m

Wounded, PO YING arrives at Nanking to report their defeats, and dies. Grievous, YUK SHING and SUI SHING decide to avenge her death.

On learning the death of many of his followers, SUI CHUEN becomes depressed. YUK

SHING and SUI SHING volunteer to fight, but are betrayed by PUI LAM, which causes a substantial loss of Taiping soldiers, as well as the death of YUK SHING.

SUI SHING recommends abandoning the city and going north of the river, but SUI CHUEN insists on defending the city. SUI SHING has to oblige.

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