Bad Girls (1999)
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Martin Milman as Inspector Simms
Episodes 2
Battle Lines
Neil was forced to make Sylvia wing governor when Karen turned down the post. Neil and Sylvia were horrified to see prison inspectors by the gate - they were even more horrified when the inspectors saw the disasterous loss of the canteen! Shaz organised a fight with Al in the gymn but at the last minute, Maxi took Al's place, determined to get her reputation back! Mark discovered that Buki's baby was still alive and had been adopted. Babs seemed to be getting very friendly with Henry, the new prison vicar. After losing spectacularly to Shaz, Maxi killed herself, with Al's help, by choking herself with tissue paper!...Sylvia, faced with another day of inspections, forced the Julies to help her move Maxi's body away from the inspectors so they wouldn't see it! Neil told Jim that he'd promote Mark to a higher position at another prison so that he was away from Karen...but only if he asked ""very nicely!""
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Sylvia's attempt to hide Maxi's corpse in the chapel is exposed when it rolls out of it's hiding place during a church service! Mark was offered a promotion at a prison in the North but didn't want to go because of Karen...until she told him that she didn't love him! Yvonne's estranged son, Ritchie, came to visit Yvonne but ended the day in Karen's newly empty bed! At Maxi's funeral, Tina was distraught when her father told her that he would never love her as much as Maxi! Tina later decided to transform herself into Julie O'Kane, with the 2 Julies' help. Sylvia was told that due to her horrendous mistakes, the wing governor post would be re-advertised. Babs told the vicar about the fight but was horrified when she learned that he had told Neil - because of this, Shaz was shipped out of Larkhall, never to be seen again...!
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