Discuss Star Trek

With a nod to rudely_murray over at the Kevin Bacon thread, let's play 6 degrees of TOS! The rules: You name an actor, and the next poster has to link that actor to one of the Big 3 (Shatner, Nimoy, or Kelley) in as few moves as possible. Ideally 6 or less, hence, 6 degrees.


Player 1 names Bruce Lee.

Player 2 responds:

  1. Bruce Lee starred in Enter the Dragon with John Saxon.
  2. John Saxon starred in an episode of The Six Million Dollar Man with Lee Majors.
  3. Lee Majors starred with William Shatner when he guest starred in an episode of The Six Million Dollar Man.

Player 2 then names another actor to link to one of the Big 3.

Feature films or TV shows only. Try not to select names which would be too easy, like linking Shatner to Patrick Stewart is no challenge!

Okay, here goes...

First try: Marlon Brando.

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@sunshine62 said:

Ciao wonder2wonder slight_smile

Glad to hear Cirdan will be part of the cast ... any news about Glorfindel? He too played a big role. Wasn't he returned so he could protect Elrond, who became the Lord of Imladris?

There is a lot of drama in Elrond's life. I read some great fan stories about his child and teen-hood but I'm unsure if it is all canon.

Malgor and Maedhros, searching for the Silmarils, cause the death of Elronds parents. The two kinslayers save the twins and in time they become close. When they are about 10 for their safety, Malgor sends the twins to live with Ereinion and Cirdan. His brother Elros, later decides to be human and goes to live on Numenor.

@sunshine62 Ciao. relaxed

Eärendil and Elwing did not die. Eärendil was on his ship during the attack in F.A. 538. His sons were captured when they were 6 years old, and Elwing had thrown herself in the sea to escape and seek help. She turned into a white bird and reunited with her husband. Together they sailed to Valinor and asked the Valar to help the Men and Elves in Middle-Earth to fight against Morgoth.

Malgor and Maedhros abandoned the captured twins in a cave to die, but Maglor changed his mind and they were kept alive, "and a mutual love grew between Maglor and the young twins afterwards" (kind of Stockholm syndrome and the captor getting feelings for the young children). The rest is fan fiction. Some say that almost 50 years later, after the War of Wrath ended in F.A. 587, they escaped or were released and returned to the Elves in the woods.

Later the King of the Valar, Manwë, gave Eärendil and Elwing, and their sons Elrond and Elros, all four of them Half-Elves, the gift to choose to which race they would be joined: Elves or Men. (If Spock was given the choice to become a full Vulcan or Human, what would he choose?)

next Michael Elsworth

  1. Michael Elsworth in "The Frighteners (1996)" with Dee Wallace.
  2. Dee Wallace in the episode "The Office: Garden Party (S8E04, 2011)" with James Spader.
  3. James Spader in "Boston Legal (2004-2008)" with William Shatner.

Next: Trish Van Devere

wonder2wonder said:

Eärendil and Elwing did not die. Eärendil was on his ship during the attack in F.A. 538. His sons were captured when they were 6 years old, and Elwing had thrown herself in the sea to escape and seek help. She turned into a white bird and reunited with her husband. Together they sailed to Valinor and asked the Valar to help the Men and Elves in Middle-Earth to fight against Morgoth

If she threw herself into the sea, sounds more like an attempted suicide..how come she turned into a bird? Why didn't their father Earendil search for them?

Malgor and Maedhros abandoned the captured twins in a cave to die, but Maglor changed his mind and they were kept alive, "and a mutual love grew between Maglor and the young twins afterwards" (kind of Stockholm syndrome and the captor getting feelings for the young children). The rest is fan fiction. Some say that almost 50 years later, after the War of Wrath ended in F.A. 587, they escaped or were released and returned to the Elves in the woods

I read in another fan story that Elrond for many years searched for Malgor, who disappeared...wouldn't that suggest that Elrond's feelings toward Malgor were genuine? Maedhros is the red-headed elf that lost a hand .. Fingon saved him, right? Isn't Fingon the father of Ereinion?

(If Spock was given the choice to become a full Vulcan or Human, what would he choose?)

He would have chosen to be Vulcan, he always believed logic was the best choice. Emotions are just disruptive.

I'm posting, knowing me I'll finish deleting something otherwise ..... onto Trish Van Devere now.

I'm back.

The Changeling 1980 with Trish Van Devere and John Colicos.

TOS with cast and guest star John Colicos as Kor in Errand Of Mercy.

Next: Sophia Nomvete

@sunshine62 said:

wonder2wonder said:

Eärendil and Elwing did not die. Eärendil was on his ship during the attack in F.A. 538. His sons were captured when they were 6 years old, and Elwing had thrown herself in the sea to escape and seek help. She turned into a white bird and reunited with her husband. Together they sailed to Valinor and asked the Valar to help the Men and Elves in Middle-Earth to fight against Morgoth.

If she threw herself into the sea, sounds more like an attempted suicide..how come she turned into a bird? Why didn't their father Earendil search for them?

I don't think that she was going to commit suicide. It's like when you see someone in a movie escaping by jumping off a cliff into the sea and swimming away.

In old English 'throwing or casting yourself into the sea' can mean the same as 'jumping into the sea'. I sometimes use the old wording to stay with the language in Tolkien's books. I'll rewrite this in more contemporary English.

When Malgor and Maedhros came to steal the Silmaril, Elwing escaped with it by jumping into the sea and swimming away in search for her husband's ship. She was under the protection of Vala Ulmo, who controlled the oceans of Arda, and he decided to help by transforming her into a great white bird. She flew for days until she found Eärendil. They chose to sail for Valinor in the hope that their plea for help would move the Valar to come to the aid of the Elves and Men in Middle-Earth, who were under attack by Morgoth.

Malgor and Maedhros abandoned the captured twins in a cave to die, but Maglor changed his mind and they were kept alive, "and a mutual love grew between Maglor and the young twins afterwards" (kind of Stockholm syndrome and the captor getting feelings for the young children). The rest is fan fiction. Some say that almost 50 years later, after the War of Wrath ended in F.A. 587, they escaped or were released and returned to the Elves in the woods

I read in another fan story that Elrond for many years searched for Malgor, who disappeared...wouldn't that suggest that Elrond's feelings toward Malgor were genuine?

That is fan fiction. In the original published books, there is nothing written about Elrond searching for Malgor.

In fan fiction, there is often a redemption arc for the 'evil' character. It is not known what happened after Malgor decided not to kill the twins. It is assumed that he took care of them or that he left them with a 'nanny', while he continued his battle against the other Elves and Men for the possession of the Silmarils. Why did he spare their lives? It is said that 'he took pity on them'. Why was there no pity for the other Elves and their children whom he slayed? Perhaps because at that moment he felt guilty for all his evil deeds, perhaps because he was holding them for ransom - the Silmarils - or the surrender of their parents.

Did Eärendil and Elwing search for their children? Nothing is written about that either. You could assume that they did. But there was a war raging all over Middle-Earth, and the twins could have been held captive anywhere.

With regard to 'Stockholm syndrome', it is an interesting topic to consider if the positive feelings the captive has toward the captor are real or not. Could a young child raised by the kidnapper feel love for the person who cared for it? Yes, it is possible. Would these feelings change when the child, grown up, discovers the truth? It depends and there is no easy answer. Too many variables from both sides to consider.

Maedhros is the red-headed elf that lost a hand .. Fingon saved him, right? Isn't Fingon the father of Ereinion?

Yes, Fingon saved Maedhros by cutting off his right hand which was chained with an unbreakable metal band to the cliffs he was hanging on.

In the published book The Silmarillion it is written that Fingon - of the House of Fingolfin - was the father of Gil-galad. But there is some dispute about that. J. R. R. Tolkien's son Christopher said that it was a mistake he made during editing, and the book was already published when he discovered it. His father J. R. R. Tolkien had originally written that Fingon had no sons and that Gil-galad was the son of Orodreth of the House of Finarfin. Although he corrected it later, there is still a division between the fans.

The correction confirming the original writings of J. R. R. Tolkien explains the line for succession of kings. From Finwë to his first son Fëanor. The latter was succeeded by his son Maedhros, but he forfeited the throne to Fingolfin, the second son of Finwë. From Fingolfin to his eldest son Fingon. After Fingon's death, his brother Turgon - Fingolfin's second son - became king.

If Gil-galad was Fingon's son, he would have become king immediately, as the rule for succession is from the king to his oldest son, and not from king to his brother. The latter could only happen if the king had no sons.

But those who want to keep with this 'error' in The Silmarillion, explain this inconsistency of succession, by saying that Gil-galad didn't become king then, because he was too young at the age of 18. As far as I know from history there is no age restriction to becoming king. For example, Alexander was 20 years old when he became king of Macedonia. There are kings mentioned who were younger, e.g. King Azariah was 16 years old. Assuming that Tolkien used British rules of succession from the past, you'll find examples like Edward The Martyr crowned king when aged just 12, and the eldest son of Edmund I, Eadwig, was about 16. To have an age restriction would mean that any brother of the king could take over if the son was too young. And afterwards the children of the new king would inherit the throne, and not the son.

Turgon didn't have any sons either, so after he died, and there were no other male successors in the House of Fingolfin, it was the turn of the House of Finarfin and the next in line there was Gil-galad.

By the way, in Tolkien's books succession among the Elves seems to be through the male line.

In any case, whoever Gil-galad's father is, he is the great-grandson or the great-great-grandson of Finwë, the First King of the Ñoldor in Eldamar.

(If Spock was given the choice to become a full Vulcan or Human, what would he choose?)

He would have chosen to be Vulcan, he always believed logic was the best choice. Emotions are just disruptive.

I think so too.

Next: Sophia Nomvete

  1. Sophia Nomvete in "Mafia Mamma (2023)" with Toni Collette.
  2. Toni Collette in "Knives Out (2019)" with Christopher Plummer.
  3. Christopher Plummer in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)".

Next: Mirjana Karanovic

Ciao wonder2wonder, slight_smile

First off, did you see that post from SparrowPro.. the link he/she provided was a virus.

I posted a warning below my last post., directly after the line next Sophia Nomvete

I see my warning and SparrowPro’s post have been removed. .. I imagine by someone working for this site.

It upset me, I thought we were safe here. I hope I do not have any issues . I immediately deleted the link he/she provided and the post from my phone.

I won’t be clicking on any new member that comes here to post , that’s for sure.


by wonder2wonder:

I sometimes use the old wording to stay with the language in Tolkien's books. I'll rewrite this in more contemporary English

I like it when you write in old English .. I understood what you were saying ,so she jumped in the sea hoping to reach shore somewhere and then seek her husband.

Good thing, she had the favour of the Valar who gave her a pair of wings.

With regard to 'Stockholm syndrome', it is an interesting topic to consider

The Stockholm syndrome would be more plausible if there was only one captive. Here they are two and twins at that.. I think they would have been a support/comfort to each other. So I’m more inclined to believe that any feelings, that did grow between them and their kidnappers, were genuine.

Being with them for some 40 years definitely didn’t negatively impact them psychologically.

Elrond was very intelligent and became a skillful warrior, a great healer. He was wise and became the King's herald. He was also warm, loving and kind.

But those who want to keep with this 'error' in The Silmarillion, explain this inconsistency of succession, by saying that Gil-galad didn't become king then, because he was too young at the age of 18. As far as I know from history there is no age restriction to becoming king. For example, Alexander was 20 years old when he became king of Macedonia. There are kings mentioned who were younger, e.g. King Azariah was 16 years old.

18 is young but even younger for an elf. They mature much later. Puberty ends for an elf at age 50 but they are considered fully grown/adults only at age 100.

If Gil-galad was Fingon's son, he would have become king immediately, as the rule for succession is from the king to his oldest son, and not from king to his brother. The latter could only happen if the king had no sons

Not necessarily. Hamlet was 30 when his father “died” yet his uncle became King

Hamlet was in favour, Gertrude his mother too for obvious reasons, ( she married Claudius only two months after ) and the nobles were in favour .

So if Ereinion was Fingon’s son, it’s possible that the nobles elected Turgon after his brother Fingon was killed, due to his immature age.

next : Mirjana Karanovic

Requiem for Mrs Jones 2017 with Mirjana Karanovic and Boris Isakovic

Last Christmas 2019 with Boris Isakovic and Emma Thompson

King Lear 2018 with Emma Thompson and Anthony Hopkins

The Father 2020 with Anthony Hopkins and Mark Gatiss

Sherlock 2010-2017 with Mark Gatiss and Benedict Cumberpatch

ST into the Darkness 2013 with Benedict Cumberpatch and Leonard Nimoy

next Tom Sturridge

@sunshine62 said:

If Gil-galad was Fingon's son, he would have become king immediately, as the rule for succession is from the king to his oldest son, and not from king to his brother. The latter could only happen if the king had no sons

Not necessarily. Hamlet was 30 when his father “died” yet his uncle became King

Hamlet was in favour, Gertrude his mother too for obvious reasons, ( she married Claudius only two months after ) and the nobles were in favour .

So if Ereinion was Fingon’s son, it’s possible that the nobles elected Turgon after his brother Fingon was killed, due to his immature age.

@sunshine62 Ciao. relaxed

Hamlet takes place in Denmark, in the late Middle Ages, specifically between the 14th and 15th centuries, when there was an 'Elective Monarchy'. In Tolkien's books, the Elves have a 'Hereditary Monarchy'.

next Tom Sturridge

  1. Tom Sturridge in the episode "The Hollow Crown: Richard III (S2E3, 2016)" with Benedict Cumberbatch.
  2. Benedict Cumberbatch in "Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)" with Leonard Nimoy.

Next: Theda Bara

Ciao wonder2wonder slight_smile

hope you are enjoying Summer.

This silent actress was born in 1885, which was 10 years earlier than Rudolph Valentino himself. Her surname Bara in Italian means coffin coffin astonished


Cleopatra 1917 with Theda Bara and Thurston Hall

Right leaf 1950 with Thurston Hall and Gary Cooper

Vera Cruz 1954 with Cooper and Burt Lancaster

The Gypsies Moths 1969 with Burt Lancaster and William Windom

Star Trek 1966 William Windom as Commodore Decker in The Doomsday Machine S2E6

Next : Gavi Singh Chera

PS. I read a while ago that he was going to play Sauron in the second season but today I read Charlie Vickers will be continuing to play the evil master.

In the trailer, the one with the long blonde hair doesn't look like Vickers though. face_with_raised_eyebrow

@sunshine62 Ciao. relaxed

notes Vivaldi - "L'estate" notes

Next : Gavi Singh Chera

  1. Gavi Singh Chera in the episode "Vera: Home (S08E3, 2018)" with Christopher Fairbank.
  2. Christopher Fairbank in "Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)" with Zoe Saldana.
  3. Zoe Saldana in "Star Trek (2009)" with Leonard Nimoy.

Next: Pino d'Angiò

Ciao wonder2wonder, (smiles) my emojis don't work????

I hope you are well and enjoying autumn, my all-time favourite season for its vivid colours and many tastes.

Ma Qual'idea was a huge hit here. It has a particular sound.

On several occasions, I failed to find a film in which Pino d'Angio' plays a role..he seems to be listed only as a composer. Help ?!?!

@sunshine62 said:

Ciao wonder2wonder, (smiles) my emojis don't work????

I hope you are well and enjoying autumn, my all-time favourite season for its vivid colours and many tastes.

@sunshine62 Ciao. relaxed

I agree. The autumn leaf colours are spectacular.

Ma Qual'idea was a huge hit here. It has a particular sound.

Yes. I rembered it in the good old disco era. notes man_dancing dancer notes

On several occasions, I failed to find a film in which Pino d'Angio' plays a role..he seems to be listed only as a composer. Help ?!?!


... TMDb: "Il camorrista (1986)"

... IMDb: "Il camorrista (1986)"

Thanks wonder2wonder !

Mystery resolved, I was looking at the page where he is listed 8 times as a composer but there is another page where it says actor.

Il camorrista 1986 with Pino d' Angio and Ben Gazzara. I used to have a crush on Ben

A Rage to Live 1965 with Ben Gazzara and Peter Graves

Mission Impossible with Peter Graves and William Shatner in Cocaine S7E6

Next: Sam Hazeldine

To get emotions I used to press the colon : and then start writing what I wanted and pics appeared..why doesn't it work now?

@sunshine62 said:

Next: Sam Hazeldine

  1. Sam Hazeldine in "The Last Duel (2021)" with Ben Affleck.

  2. Ben Affleck in "Smokin' Aces (2006)" with Chris Pine.

  3. Chris Pine in "Star Trek (2009)" with Leonard Nimoy.

Next: Dorothy Hyson

Ciao wonder2wonder smile

I hope you are doing well and nowhere near Florida. The aftermath was catastrophic.

I read many dogs were left behind, even one tied to a fence. Luckily, the poor soul was saved by rescuers. What were its owners thinking?

My pets are family, I would never leave them behind.

The whole world is in a mess, falling apart.

You Will Remember 1941 with Dorothy Hyson and Rossy McDowell

A Taste of Evil 1971 with Roddy McDowell and William Windom who was in The Doomsday Machine

Next : Scott Wilson

I just re-watched on YouTube "The Ninth Configuration" ...such a weird film but in a mesmerising way.

Not sure letting Keach's character go to that castle was a good idea. Even a sane person, would find it hard not to let those nut cases get under his skin.

Did they send his ex-comrade on purpose to the castle?

I think the shrink/ brother fucked up and is in good part responsible for the death of Kane.

@sunshine62 said:

Ciao wonder2wonder smile

I hope you are doing well and nowhere near Florida. The aftermath was catastrophic.

@sunshine62 Ciao. relaxed

In a one-two punch two hurricanes - Helene, category 4, 26 September 2024 and Milton, category 3, 9 October 2024 - have made landfall in Florida in the past three weeks.

I read many dogs were left behind, even one tied to a fence. Luckily, the poor soul was saved by rescuers. What were its owners thinking?

My pets are family, I would never leave them behind.

The whole world is in a mess, falling apart.

Not only dogs, also other pets like cats. Yes, pets are family. slight_smile

I just re-watched on YouTube "The Ninth Configuration" ...such a weird film but in a mesmerising way.

Not sure letting Keach's character go to that castle was a good idea. Even a sane person, would find it hard not to let those nut cases get under his skin.

Did they send his ex-comrade on purpose to the castle?

I think the shrink/ brother fucked up and is in good part responsible for the death of Kane.

The mental states of Kane and Cutshaw, their relationship and dialogue is a bit complex to discuss here. If you like to, you can do this with an OP at the board here.

Next : Scott Wilson

  1. Scott Wilson in "Monster (2003)" with Charlize Theron.

  2. Charlize Theron in "2 Days in the Valley (1996)" with James Spader.

  3. James Spader in "Boston Legal (2004-2008)" with William Shatner.

Next: Mona Washbourne

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