Au Ngok as

Episodes 20

Episode 1

December 28, 199247m

DIK FAI receives information stating that some illegal immigrants will come to Hong Kong to convent robbery. Troops are sent to search for them but nothing is being found. His boss WONG scolds him.

LAU KING SING is transferred to clerical work as he hurt himself when he was trying to catch a thief. He wants to be the pioneer to fight against crime thus he hopes that he can recover soon.

As the crime rate climbs high, the government decides to have those doing clerical work to be on duty. SING is excited to hear the news. His mother SAU LAN opposes. They quarrel and SING does not listen to her.

CHEUNG SAI KIT goes to work as a solicitor. He is a green hand but he earns fame as he uses dirty tricks which make him winning a trial.

KIT thinks that he is handsome. When he meets his former girlfriend CHI KWAN, he bets with the others that he can kiss her. In return, he is slapped by KWAN who is angry……

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Episode 2

December 29, 199247m

FAI is a tough guy who does not listen to the others. His character makes him being isolated and he is .. seriously hurt in this case. WONG is not satisfied with his behaviour.

As the thieves have left same hints, SING is able to find ‧ where their refuge is. There they fight but SINS is alone. Luckily FAI arrives to help him. They can catch only one o-f the thieves.

SING is promoted to the CID team. Then he knows that he is qualified after medical check-up but MAN has hidden the certificate. He is angry.

SINS and FAI meet KWAN where they are carrying out investigation. They are badly impressed by her as she seems to be too proud of herself and looks down upon them.

KIT is attracted by KWAN's charm but KWAN has no feeling towards him.

MPN knows that she cannot change SINS's mind and she agrees to keep the secret -for him.

SING works with FAI but FAI is not happy with him as he knows that SING is WONG’s good friend.

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Episode 3

December 30, 199247m

SING and FAI often argue as they cannot accept the others' attitude and methods in handling cases.

KWAN is appreciated by her former teacher FOK LAI TAT and she is promoted

to be in charge of accusation, KWAN forgives KIT as he is hurt by some gangsters when he tries to save her from being entangled.

FAI catches a suspect TIT NAM. He wants to convince TIT NAM to be a witness but KWAN does not agree to dismiss him from being accused. They quarrel.

After questioning TIT NAM, FAI knows that "Sam May" is the place where smuggling of fire arms is conducted. SING suggests to act as a spy voluntarily.

MAN worries when she knows SING's new duty. SAU LAN knows that SING has been transferred. She is angry.

YIP SPM knows that FAI is having a close eye on his factory. He tricks FAI and FAI gets nothing.

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Episode 4

December 31, 199247m

SING is clever and thus he finds where the secret cell is in the factory. YIP SAM's subordinates are arrested but he manages to escape.

Although FAI wants to accuse SAM, he has no evidence. They are confused.

SAM tries to have solicitors to make defense for him. He recalls KIT who has become recently. KIT is convinced.

KIT knows that KWAN is in charge of the case and SING will be a witness. He convinces them that he takes the job not on a voluntary base.

KIT manages to shirk all the accusation as he knows KWAN and SING well. They are discontent as SAM is set free at last.

MAN forces SING to migrate overseas with her. SING wants to stay and he behaves bad in the interview and his application is turned down.

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Episode 5

January 1, 199347m

FAI and SING go to catch HEUNG TUNG. FAI Feels sick suddenly. SING protects him but their colleague BILL Is seriously hurt.

WONG questions SING and SING does not tell him about FAI's sickness. FAI is touched and they become good friends.

SING does not want his family to worry so much and he decides to quit. However he changes his mind as BILL is dead and he wants to take revenge. The others are disappointed.

KIT reveals his real character as he has won over KWAN's heart. KWAN is discontent.

To flatter MAN, SING promises to marry her. However he does not show up on the day of registration as he receives information about the gangsters. MAN is sad. .

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Episode 6

January 4, 199347m

SING and FAI go to arrest HEUNG TUNG. HEUNG TUNG attacks them with a hand grenade. SING is afraid that the others will be hurt. He holds it tight to avoiding explosion from happening.

SING becomes a hero due to his brave act. He is highly appreciated by senior officers. He tells the press that he manages to do so as he has spiritual support from BILL> MAN thinks that she has insignificant role in his heart and is depressed.

KIT wants KWAN to forgive him but his attempt is spoiled by his girlfriend NANCY. Luckily he convinces KWAN to accept him again.

SING is recommended by WJNG to be promoted. However he wants to migrate overseas with MAN. At last WCJ\JG persuades him to stay.

FAI and SAM always quarrel as both are attracted by CANDY who works in SAM' s karaoke.

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Episode 7

January 5, 199347m

FAI is attacked by SAM's people. CANDY does not want the situation to be worsened and requests FAI to tolerate.

SAU LAN at last accepts SING working as a policeman and is proud of him as he becomes famous. Moreover her husband tries to convince her too.

SING is promoted and all troubles are far away. He meets KWAN in an "Environmental Camp". KWAN's bad image in his mind is changed and they are mutually impressed.

KIT meets MAN LAI who thinks that she can control all men. Hatred grows in her heart as KIT refuses her.

MAN HO admires KIT's talent and invites KIT to work in his company. As MAN HO has to go overseas for business, MAN LAI tricks KIT.

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Episode 8

January 6, 199347m

DIK CHUN WAH is not aggressive. He just fulfils what he is required to do and waits for the day of retirement. One day, WAH is hurt as he wants to protect FAI. FAI sends him to hospital.

FAI is sad and angry. He wants to cure but it needs a huge sum of money.

In order to get MAN HO' s trust, KIT flatters MAN LAI.

As KIT has no time to accompany KWAN, SING is asked to take his role. KWAN and SING have more time to be with one another.

KWAN meets KIT and MAN LAI and sees their intimate relationship. She leaves in anger.

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Episode 9

January 7, 199347m

FAI has sufficient evidence to prove SAM guilty. He goes to arrest him. SAM offers a huge sum of money to bribe him. FA! is convinced as he needs the money to cure WAH.

SING discovers the deal between FAI and SAM. He persuades SING to arrest SAM and at last FAI does so.

WAH became a man without sense at last and FAIs shocked.

KIT tries to rebuild the love between he and KWAN but in vain.SING and KWAN falls in love as the gap KIT between them has left.

SAM employs KIT to make defense. KIT points out that FAI's health condition is questionable and at last SAM is released.

SING transfers FAI as he is sick. FAI is in despair.

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Episode 10

January 8, 199347m

It seems that MAN HO and SAM are not linked up but in fact SAM works for him. In order to consolidate his role, SAM chases after MAN LAI but she falls in love with KIT. He is angry.

SING is discontent with KIT who helps SAM and betrays FAI. They became enemies.

On the other hand, KIT is depressed as SING and KWAN become lovers. FAI is dismissed and he works in a security company as a guard.

KIT tries his best to disclose his feeling towards KWAN but. KWAN does not accept him. He is depressed.

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Episode 11

January 11, 199347m

SHU PUI is keen on playing music and comes to Hang Kong to publicize it. He becomes HO's good friend as HO sponsors him and his colleagues.

KIT joins the "Chang's" and his talent is appreciated by HJ. Meanwhile he can no longer tolerate MAN LAI who always domineers over him.

LAI is attracted by KIT's attitude and shows respect of him. YIP SAM tries to spoil their relationship but in vain. Instead it brings them together.

FAI is unemployed and works as a hawker. In the street he meets YIP SAM who entangles him. They fight.

KIT feels guilty as he succeeds in defending HO's company but in fact it has used dirty tricks.

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Episode 12

January 12, 199345m

After careful consideration, MAN decides to change her attitude so as to win aver SING's heart again. However it is too late as SING has fallen in love with KWAN. SING dares not to tell her the truth.

SPU LAN faints in the street and MAN does not know what to do. Luckily KWAN canes across them and she assists to send SAU LAN to hospital. As they do not know each other, they become friends.

KIT regrets helping HO. He teaches the opponent's family to fight for their rights. He intentionally makes false defense. HO has to make compensation for his fame though he is angry.

KWAN and MAN becomes good friends and MAN brings KWAN to SAU LAN's birthday -Feast. There she meets SING and understands everything. SING has to explain to her and at last. KWAN knows that SING no longer loves MAN……

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Episode 13

January 13, 199346m

HO is lurked by his enemies and FAI comes across and saves him. Later FAI tries to approach HO and wins over his trust when he knows HO's identity.

SING tries to counsel MAN who finally knows the relationship between SING and KWAN.

FAI goes to HO, asking him to lend him money for CHJN WAH. HO appreciates him and agrees.

KIT alerts that he loves KWAN and he wants to win over her heart again. KWPIN accepts his explanation and forgives him.

SING becomes a famous crime fighter and determines to get rid or crime. As he knows that some smugglers seduce children to bring drugs for them and some children die, he asks the public to provide information.

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Episode 14

January 14, 199347m

SING is hated by the smugglers. The criminals think that MAN is his girlfriend and rape her . SING reels guilty as MAN is involved.

MAN is hurt both physically and emotionally. To make compensation SING marries her. KWAN is sad on knowing the news.

CHUN WAH is cured after operation and FAI is happy.

KWAN and SING are confronted with an iron curtain as SING always accompanies MAN.

SING is upset and he decides to receive training again and rights against crime as a CID.

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Episode 15

January 15, 199346m

KWAN is entangled by a man who was accused by her in the past. KIT protects her and changes his war-king attitude. This gives chance to the love between them to germinate again.

SAM knows that HO trusts FAI rather than him. He wants to betray HO. Ha is aware and sends subordinates to keep a close eye on SAM.

It seems that HO is a good gentleman who contributes to charity but in fact he is the head or the triad society. He has SAM working for him to extend his fortune and power.

SPM wants to fight against HO but HO knows his plan in advance and sends FAI to kill him.

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Episode 16

January 18, 199346m

MAN HO wants KIT to marry MAN LAI. However MAN LAI refuses as she does not want to be bounded. MAN HO is angry and scolds her. Her self-prestige is hurt. She meets FAI and tells him her feeling. She finds that FAI is reliable.

MAN HO threatens MAN and she goes nuts as she cannot stand with it. SING feels guilty as he see it. He swears to find out the on e responsible for it.

‧KIT regrets having worked for MAN HO after he knows that he is a big criminal. However he dares not to work against him.

SING finds that SAM is related to MAN’s case. He goes to question him but he has disappeared and KIT has taken his place.

KIT suspects that 'SAM's case is not so simple. He asks MPN LAI who tells him that SAM has been get rif of KIT does not want the others to be alert and he investigate the case secretly without telling SING.

SING meets FAI and they are aware that the other one has a helpful role……

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Episode 17

January 19, 199346m

MAN HO’s subordinate ROBERT deceives KA MING to smuggle for him. KA MING is arrested. SING tries to convince him to act as a witness to accuse MAN HO. ‧

SING comes across and both are embarrassed. KWAN pays MAN a visit but MAN become crazy and scolds her having taken SING away. This is seen by a journalist appears as a headline on the newspaper.

SING investigates ROBERT but he has been killed by MAN HO. Before he dies, he tells that MAN HO is related to the case of SAM's death.

KIT does not want to be involved in crime and he decide to quit. Before her leaves he tells SING his future plan..

MAN HO makes use of SHU PUI by hiding some drugs in his musical instruments. It is discovered but SHU PUI known nothing. He is accused.

KWAN knows that MAN HO has made use of her father. She goes to question

him. However MAN HO shirks everything onto SHU PUI. She is angry. .

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Episode 18

January 20, 199346m

ASMAN HO is afraid that SING has gathered evidence to prove him guilty, he baits SING to the hospital. There an explosion occurs and many are killed or injured. SING is blamed.

SHU PUI is regarded as guilty and is sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment. SING is blamed. KWAN determines to fight against MAN H0 with SING.

SAM's body is discovered and in his finger nails, sane skin tissues are found. KWAN suspects that these belong to MANHO. She goes to get some samples from him but in vain.

K[T feels sad when he knows what has happened to SING. He helps them secretly to find the truth. ‧

S[f\JJ runs away from being supervised to investigate the case.

FAI is sent to kill SINGE but he re-fuses as Sil\E has saved him. He threaten MAN HO by attempting to kill himself. MAN HO appreciated his character and no longer forces him to do it.

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Episode 19

January 21, 199346m

MAN HO sends people to lurk SING. KA MING protects him and is downed. KIT is sad as he thinks that SING has been killed.

SING goes to search -for evidence and is discovered. MAN HO orders FAI to shoot him but FAI protects SING.

KWAN thinks that KIT is still working for MAN HO and scolds him. KIT wants to continue his investigation and thus he makes no defense.

KIT gets a floppy disk containing evidence of MAN HO's crime. He is chased after by MAD HO's people. He is shot but he has posted it to KWAN.

MAN LAI knows that KIT makes use of her to betray MAN HO. She is sad and talks with FAI. Love germinates between them.

KWAN wants to give the disk to SING but FAI wants to get it back.

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Episode 20

Season Finale
January 22, 199347m

SING arrives at the scene when FAI and KWAI are fighting.

KIT loses his conscience. KWPN goes to tell him that they have got the disk. However KIT gives no response.

MAN HO bribes LAI MUK to get the disk back. KWAN is disappointed to know this and MUK is killed afterwards.

KWAN accuses MAN H0 in the court but she has no strong evidence. At the very last moment, KIT wakes up and provides with they a copy of the disk. MAN HO is proved guilty.

FAI tries to save MAN HO and at last can MAN HO escape from being imprisoned ? What will be the result of the entanglement amongst SING,KIT and KWAN? Don't miss the final episode and you can find all the answers.

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